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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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Guest anne0129

hahahahah..i thought about dahae too when i saw the FO pic...but the smile looks a bit different from dahae...hmmm

I've been stalking the MBC DC site and yeah people are looking forward to Heading. Of course the big issue is casting.

Someone suggested Kwon Sang Woo...but that idea was met with a bunch of NOOOOOOO! lol

A couple people suggested Cha Tae Hyun..which was agreed on by a couple other people.

But yeah nothing concrete so far....

OOOOHHHHHH!!!!!! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: I LOVE HIM!!!! If Heading is a comedy, I think CTY would be perfect. I mean I think KRW is a funny and endearing actor and I think CTY is the same. Love him in his last film Speed Scandal. I hope he accepts it. These 2 (CTY and LDH) would be hilarious. :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

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Guest imogene_af


I cannot for the life of me see CTY as a soccer player but it would be HILARIOUS though and I think he can draw ratings. But I am shallow, I want LDH to makeout with someone and CTY is not the most makeouty guy. hahahaha here I am selling LDH again. :lol: I am desperate to get real giddy again and it's been TOO LONG since Robbers, k?!

csfan no, no, she's not confirmed but articles said her and LSY are the ones who are casted, because they heard some talks with TPTB that they were casted but nothing from either artists/parties confirming NOR denying it (usually, it would have been denied by the company right there and then). They are still in talks, the article stated that MBC is scrambling to get a male lead... stat. I still am petitioning the same guys. :lol:

I am guessing they reached a verbal agreement with the two, but things maybe unclear due to the fact that they don't have a male lead.

anyway, Elle HEADING was listed as a sports drama/rom-com. so it isn't a pure drama or anything, it will probably like any other sports drama which has a pretty much lighter theme.

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WOAH! Again I am too late too put in my reactions with the latest developments in LDH's life! Bwahaha... you'd have to excuse me but, it was Harry Potter week and I was too engrossed in reading the books again... I have this crazy compulsion to reread the entire series before I see the movie... So you can say I was a bit "preoccupied" Too bad though that the movie kinda stank... Piece of advice don't watch it in 3D it's not worth it!... Anyway enuf of that... I see you guys have been pretty busy around here... LDH is thisclose to announcing her return to TV? Gosh! I'm so excited but I'm trying to contain it because I'm afraid it might get jinxed...

anyway here's a round up of the things I missed...

RE: cyworld pics...

those pics with her dog are just tooo awwwwww-dorable! I have a mini cooperzu too... But, they're not as well kept as Cherry(her dog's name right?)! LOL! In fact mine just got all her hair trimmed off because she have been a walking fur ball for quite some time now... I'm soooo glad that her sad mood phase is over... maybe it's because she finally has decided to resume her work again!

RE: Wedding Pics

I kinda think that she's far less awkward in this photoshoot than all of her previous photoshoots I've seen her do? Actually I also think her My Weddings pics were pretty... Maybe there's something about wedding gowns that magically transform this awkward corky goof to a very elegant lady...

I like her best in here



Remember Hye Rin? She's finally found her man! And it isn't Dong Wook-ahh nor is it Dong Chul! bwahaha anyway don't you agree that she's re-channeling Hye Rin with this look?


Was the guy too excited for the honeymoon night that he accidentally ripped off the underarm section of this dress? tsktsk...


Anyway is it just me? I thought the themes were soooo unnecessary... it makes the whole thing seem corny?haha

RE: Heading

IT SUCKS that KRW bailed on LDH just when the PDs are hoping to have them both on board this project! BOOOO!!! I'm sooooo bummed out that it was that close to having a KRW-LDH pair up!!!

Anyway... moving on... I've taken the liberty of playing around the list that imogene has provided us (a few pages back) regarding the potential male leads...

let's list the actors with no project right now...

- Boss Bi ( :lol: ) 4

- Won Bin 2

- Kang Ji Hwan 1

- Lee Min Ho 3

- Lee Dong Gun 6

- Lee Jun Ki 5

- Yoo Gun

- Park Hae Jin

- Kim Kang Woo

- Park Ki- Woong

- Hyun Bin* 1

Come on, men! Bend it like Beckham!

* Him I added because Hyun Bin should be a staple to any LDH-related list, ok? haha

there... ranked according to my preference... haha! maybe we should submit these names to the PDs? I mean they need all the help they can get! bwahaha...

Of course, Hyun Bin is automatically my first choice although he kinda need to beef up a bit for the role... although his latest project is still airing... Oh alright, fine he's just a quasi-candidate! Salimpusa kung baga!

Anyway... I would love KJH to work with LDH... I know he's busy with his telecinema proj and all but he's got to make time for our DH... I love KJH... He surely can pull off that charm that Heading really needs... I've never really seen him in a Kdrama... I don't watch sageuk therego no Hong Gil Dong... I don't watch daily dramas therego no Geum Soon... I try to keep away from things that comes a bit too close to incest therego no 90days... Fine... I've seen Fireworks (where he played soccer in some scenes), but I wouldn't want to count that in because it doesn't justify the greatness, that is KJH! haha... Capital Scandal I'm still thinking about it... But, I've seen him in Rough Cut and he was soooo good...

Then, Won Bin... there's nothing like a good couple name to win me over! bwahaha and surely Won-Hae sounds like a winner... Again, I've got to say that my knowledge of his filmography is very limited but the thing I know is that as far as I can remember he was the only good thing that kept me to hang on to Autumn in my heart... *runs away from SSH and SHK's fans*

You know me! I'm crazy for noona loveplots! Thus, LMH is my third choice... 1. because I think he's a very goooood actor 2. because he can draw the audience... for shur! 3. because he needs a decent following on BOF (which is not all that great really) 4. because he's hot...

Then we have Boss Bi... It would be awesome if he do this one but let's face it he's soooo darn busy with his world tour, Ninja Assassin close to premiering and other Rain stuff... He's also eyeing a particular script for his comeback drama one that isnt this one if I'm not mistaken...

Then, the reunions... I'd love for a LJK-LDH team up... I can totally see LJK as a soccer player... but, LJK is kinda tied with another project so I'm not crossing my fingers on this one... LDG he's fine but I dont know... I can't picture him in this one

then off to the other guys in the list... KKW is a great actor and he's hot but again I can't see him doing this role... It's kind of a stretch to imagine him going from DoWoo to this soccer player... Same is true for PKW and YG... also, for some reason YG don't appeal to me... I thought he was kind of a bleh in Bad Couple which is my only experience of him so I can't say much...

LOL Park Hae Jin... I swear I'd love for them to work together again but I don't think so in this project... I'm not making fun of PHJ but remember the interview when LDH said she teases PHJ as a Miss(I'm not sure if I'm remembering this correctly) or something of that sort... Pardon me but I can't imagine PHJ running around the soccer field... I'm afraid that his lungs will give up on him... haha... now if they were to switch roles (DH-soccer player PHJ-sports agent) that I can imagine... haha

CTY hahaha... imogene is dead right... he's not really the most makeouty guy out there... and I say No Makeout? No Deal!!

By the way... why isn't SJS in the list? anyway if he is.... he'd be in my top 5... Also, I've read in DB that SSH is looking for another kdrama... what do you think? SSH-LDH part2?


anyway on Lee Sang Yoon, he was last seen in "I Love You, Don't Cry" (wherein people said he gave a very good performance), he's very handsome when he acts, pictures don't do him justice much at all.

He will play the lawyer who will also fall in love with the female sports agent and the player's rival in love.

I think he looks okay in that photo... he kind of resemble Lee Seo Jin...

RE: competition

OH MY... That's hell of a competition... I'm scared for LDH... she really needs a successful return but up against these monsters they definitely need someone good, hot and charismatic Lead Actor who can greatly help draw in the audience! I really hope that MBC would not be so quick to throw in the white flag and just treat HEADING as some sort of a filler drama.... something unimportant project that they can air while the juggernauts from competing stations are airing... because if it is, I wouldn't want LDH to be a part of this...

RE: youngins vs. the ahjummas

LOL the kids are bullying the the ahjummas... LOL! don't tease the elderly kids... bwahahaha... for the record sayroo and elle... I'm with you guys! I'm not yet in the ahjumma age! haha

anyway Advance Happy Birthday Amber!!! I'm all for having an imogene-special thread celebration!!! Let's have a round of soju on the 25th then shall we?

hmmmmm so there.... this is a pretty long post... mianhe! I hope I didn't leave out any thread discussion which I was too late to comment on...

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Guest imogene_af


first off... I looooooooove it when you ramble.

Second, you is a perv, hon. I cannot believe you made the excited honeymoon comment. :o

Third... on to the men...

you are soooo mean to PHJ. I cannot believe you don't wanna hire him because he runs like a girl. HAHAHAHA. Yeah, you are right, LDH was the one who started Miss Park and HJH followed after. They think he's very delicate like a girl. LOL.

I agree with your sentiments about the men, like you, I love me some KJH and you do know he plays some good soccer, right? Plus, it would be of GREAT honor for LDH to work with him.

I also agree with your take on why Lee Min Ho would be a good choice too for the sole reason that he needs to prove himself too as a solo actor outside of the BoF phenomenon. He has not decided on a script from what I know. He is also real good friends with KRW.

Now, it's weird but I actually think Lee Jun Ki would be one very convincing soccer player for some reason. Especially since he beefed up in recent years.

But too bad he may have "Unseen Warfare". Recently lines began to blur for that one. Due to some studio conflict, he signed on with UW with a different management, but he still has obligations with his current management. So it's all a contest on who can get more of him. Delaying and delaying UW.

So I don't know where that will be headed, but if UW does not work out for now... he is a very, very good candidate for "Heading" plus, their chemistry is already tested. Their fans like each other, so it will be easier.

With all that said, I agree, if this is going to be treated as a filler drama, I'd rather she not take it.

but thanks for the greeting. I AM NOT AN AHJUMMA,k?!!!

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Guest o-cha

hahahaha...poor CTH...being dubbed as 'not the most makeouty guy' hahahahah..but yeah I think the same way too. CTH however is very endearing and loveable and with his Speedy Scandal success he can definitely bring ratings.

Jun Ki? As much as he is a good actor....he's so not my style...I like to see Da Hae with manly man...hehehe..and Junki is just a tad too feminine.

Anyway LSY is confirmed as second lead so at the very least we already have 1 other person cast in the drama.

If Heading gets delayed til next year (boo! let's nope not)......how about Gong Yoo? He's supposed to get out of MS this December me thinks.

hagrid: elderly kids? hahahah..I like that term!

What's Da Hae's dog's name? Isn't it Aeng-Doo?

This is from her cy:

앵두야 앵두야 누나랑 사진찍자~

우리 앵두 샤릉샤릉 뽀뽀~~손!! 아착해 아이뽀~~

이제 자자!! 코야~~~~~~~

Aeng Doo-ya Aeng Doo-ya take pictures with noona~

My Aeng Doo kiss~~shake!! Good boy~~

Now jaja!!

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Guest imogene_af


I suggested Gong Yoo a few pages back, I'm so dooooown for GY.

I dunno man, I saw some cyworld picture of Jun Ki all beefed up and I didn't recognize him. I won't mind if they get paired again but it's kind of a spring to the moon at the moment, because he has another drama set for him. That is if they can finalize it.

I kinda want someone boyish because for someone to be a dreamer, they have to have some child-like qualities to them. Now, I'm going hmmm... maybe Kim Kang Woo wouldn't be so fit for the role.

Is LSY confirmed? Because it's still the same article that was listed before naming both LDH and him as the other leads. Just sort of blurting them out. But I feel nothing came from the actors at all. Yet, the only thing that gave me a streak of some hope is they didn't deny it.

O-cha- LOL whut is she talking about? When was that posted? I thought her dogs were Strawberry and Cherry.

ohlawd, did MBC say HEADING is a sports melofriggindrama?! :lol: So much for me saying "light".

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Guest o-cha

oooh the Aeng Du stuff is posted right under the pic of her with her dog...

So she has a new dog now? boy dog? hahahaha

lemme check her cyworld again on the date: July 10 right under the pic of her and the dog

wahahaha Amber..for real? Melodrama?? I though I read something on DC MBC about melo but I though it was just someone smoking crack...hahaha. Do you have the link for this? Want me to check?

From what I remember about the person on DC MBC...he/she said something like the foorball/soccer player will lose his memory or smth like that...but I though that was just some dude/gal talking nonsense...

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Guest imogene_af


she may have gotten a new doggie then. all her friggin dogs look the same.

Oh it was a quote in one of KRW's article... it said mixing sports and melodrama. *looks for it again but why is naver not working for me, if you search for LDH's name, you'll see it*

But they didn't give anything specific just sports and melodrama. :lol: Which can be broad.

Now, that memory loss stuff WTHHH... BETTER NOT BE HAPPENING, if this is some Winter Sonata jambalaya with birth switches while we all bounce a friggin ball on our heads... Imma fly to Korea and throw my dying laptop towards the MBC tower.

and watch the soccer player AND the lawyer be brothers.

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Guest o-cha

Better yet.....the sports agent and the soccer player turns out to be half siblings.....they found out about this AFTER they fall in love....hahahahahha

Gosh yeaah hopefully none of those amnesia crap...

Rumour of Han Ga In joiining Heading....but quickly rebutted by HGI's company. Will search more on Heading..lemme see if I can find that post about the whole amnesia thing...

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Guest imogene_af


:lol: Half brother, half sister. And then she has leukemia.

this was the very first rumor on Heading:

* 맨땅에헤딩(?) – 이다해李多海(9월방영예정)

제작진 - 박성수

내용 - ‘돌+아이’ 같은 축구선수가 경기에서 의외의 활약을 한다는내용

구단주의 딸이자 에이전시 대표와 원래 여자친구의 삼각멜로를 이어갈 예정


sees the word MELODRAMA again. ohnoz.

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Guest imogene_af


AHA! Another girl involved?

no, now we talking about quadrangle.

Club owner's daughter, sports agent, lawyer and soccer player.

What is a club owner's daughter? Like a club owner like a night club? Soccer club? lol.

Uhm... the idol star is scaring me. Like, really scary. Maybe this is not a good deal. :lol: Noooo idol stars, please.

Did Han Ga In back out for being potentially part of the cast because KRW is no longer in it?

I notice it's SPORTSDONGA who keeps releasing all these so-called cast info... do they know a casting director or something? Because they keep jumping from one cast member to the next, only to be denied later on.

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Imogene -

"Now, that memory loss stuff WTHHH... BETTER NOT BE HAPPENING, if this is some Winter Sonata jambalaya with birth switches while we all bounce a friggin ball on our heads... Imma fly to Korea and throw my dying laptop towards the MBC tower."

lmao.gif While you are engaging in your act of violence, can I do some sight seeing?

I am making myself a cosmo, I think you need one too! :lol:


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Guest imogene_af


I'm not joyful well I'm naturally hyper around this thread, anyway. :lol: I'm just wondering and laughing my richard simmons off that it's a... melodrama... in a sports realm. And these rumors are just confusing me... now an idol star? they getting a boyband member now?

Nope, her side never confirmed this supposed casting. It looks like no one even confirmed, watch it be MBC just plotting all these things. :lol: I don't think LSY even confirmed anything either. HGI came out of the left field, but that was quickly denied by her management within minutes after the rumor was posted.

If this is going to be an idol drama, though. I hope LDH passes.

sunocox - you got something harder?

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Guest ripgal

It seems like I've been missing out all the fun these days! :lol:

I'm also starting to doubt whether Heading is heading anywhere.

Why was Da Hae's name mentioned in the first place then?

Is sports donga a relatively new media portal or something? Trying to hit up the ratings or something..

Cast an idol as the soccer player?

Who? Huh? Can't think of anyone! :crazy:

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Guest sayroo

Omo. Heading's news is soo weird.

Why won't MBC or the agency confirm anything?

Is it really Han Ga In or Lee Da Hae, I both am a fan of the two.

But, I would like to see Lee Da Hae more, but if the two were to act together then that's great~

Lucky for LSY fans since I think the dude is kinda confirmed with the news that he isn't being replaced..

MBC, make this miracle happen, eh?

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Guest imogene_af


it just mentioned that HGI was a candidate among many actresses, but her company said they declined/rejected it, she won't be coming back until later this year. She's still in the process of reviewing other scripts but starring in Heading, she will not.

I dunno... it's sounding iffy.

LSY was only mentioned once with LDH. Nothing was stated after that. These were with different Donga writers, though.

For now, I'm assuming nothing is confirmed.

LOLLLLLLL now YUNHO from DBSK is apparently DENYING he is getting the lead in HEADING. Because there were rumors he is being eyed as the lead.


Now Yunho is a good looking kid and all... but that's a big shoe to fill from KRW. But he cleared it up that he isn't starring in Heading.

If this is really going to be some sort of football idol drama, LDH needs to stay away from it. I feel like the production is just drumming publicity at this point.

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Guest sayroo


So, donga is our enemy? haha. :lol:

Confusion! Argh. I won't be surprised if more names would be brought up for the casting of the drama since this has started already.

And, whaaat? Yunho? LOL! Noo! If ever that's confirmed, Dahae needs to get out, she needs "sunbae" cast not that she will be the "sunbae" in acting.

If she will star with people with poor acting her acting might become more worse. :lol:

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