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So Ji Sub 소지섭 - Best Korean Actor & Rapper -


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Wow more links! Thanks for sharing Dahee Fanel! Yes I enjoyed the clips! :D Looking forward to more links. :D

Thursday - Thanks for that "dinner" news. Phew, I thought for a sec there he had dinner with a woman. Nothing wrong with that of course. :lol:

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Guest Thursday

Thank you, Thunderbolt! Our Jisub had a wonderful celebration today!


I know many of us became a fan of So Ji Sub after watching MiSa... That's what happened to me... I'm sure you know that a MiSa Director's Cut DVD set was released in July...

Thunderbolt has a copy and on July 16, 2005 she shared the following thoughts about the set at Hotelier 2002.

Here it is...

Would like to share some thoughts about the MiSa Director's Cut DVD set.

Haha, "Cut" is so appropriate. First, Eloise accidentally cut through the hard plastic casing and warned us to be careful when opening our own sets. So careful was I not to cut through the plastic, I never expected the reverse would happen: the plastic cut me! Well, what's a little blood compared to the blood, sweat and tears that Jisub put into MiSa?

The box of DVDs itself is beautiful, just beautiful. I was literally caressing the box! And once you start watching what's inside the set, you realize that much love and care went into preparing this Director's Cut.

I watched about 2 hours of the Special Features last night and I do not think I covered even 1/2 of them. In 2 hours I managed only the following:

Jisub's interview

- it was the first thing I watched of course! What a treat to see Jisub so close - his face filled the whole screen! To hear his thoughtful responses, to see his expressions... the way he paused speechless for about 10 seconds after talking about the ramen scene, the way he laughed so apologetically after describing how he beat Galchi for real... my heart was filled with joy and wonder just looking at him. And I kept thinking: This was Jisub just one day before his enlistment. That night he would have his hair shorn off. The next day he would go into the army.

- There are interviews with the other cast members which I have yet to watch.

Making clip

- this one was at least 45 minutes long! Many, many scenes were shown and interspersed among them were commentaries by the PD, writer and cast including Jisub, Im Soo-jung, etc. It's very interesting to see how filming was done, for example, the scene where MH almost drove his car over the cliff.


- most of them I think we have seen before. Because MiSa is such a sad drama, there aren't many funny NGs for Moo-hyuk's scenes. Still, this was a treat - 15 minutes of NGs.

Best Scenes

- there are 19 best scenes and I managed to watch just 2 last night. Each scene is quite long. Imagine the highlights of MiSa all in one place, carefully chosen by the PD. Speaking of the PD, he strikes me as being such a mild person. Really, he doesn't look like a PD at all! I have such admiration for him now and I wish I can understand what he's saying!

Best Acting

- there are 5 scenes, each one pretty long, and I watched all of them. I won't reveal what those scenes are so as not to spoil the surprise of those yet to receive their sets. I just want to say my tears kept flowing when I watched. Even this moment as I'm typing, my eyes are teary just remembering those scenes.

Location shots

- there are 5-7 location shots and I watched only the first one last night. It's the street scene where Moo-hyuk runs to hug Eun-chae and they stand still in the midst of traffic. Wow, this is such a big and busy street. The PD and ISJ discuss this scene and then they go to the highway underpass/tunnel - the one where MH and EC spent the night after drinking soju. Again, I wish I know what they were saying, especially ISJ who seemed so full of thoughts about that scene.

Music video

- I think I have seen this one before but it seems to have a few added scenes. Most of the scenes in this Snowflower MV are from the first episode. It's a beautiful MV and of course that song never fails to stir up so many emotions in me.

Photo Gallery

- I saw only some of Jisub's pics and by then it was time to sleep. There are many more pics in this gallery.


The audio and visual quality just took my breath away. The sound is so clear it's like we can even hear the characters breathing! For example, in the ramen scene, we can hear the soft strangled sobs from within that Moo-hyuk's trying to suppress before his tears overcome him. I had goosebumps watching and hearing that scene. I was covering my mouth so hard trying not to sob like him. In the scene where MH shouts outside his oma's house that he is her son, we can see the spit flying out of his mouth. The visual quality is so sharp and crisp, the colors so bright and vivid.

MiSa is really all about Moo-hyuk... and Moo-hyuk is Jisub. Watching him in the Special Features, I was mesmerized afresh by his awesome acting. When he's in a particular scene, I couldn't focus on anything else except his eyes. After he was dumped by Ji-young in Australia, his eyes looked so spaced-out and dead. It was like all life had drained from him, all hope crushed, all desires gone. His eyes conveyed such emptiness it was painful to watch. And in subsequent scenes when he was angry (for example at EC's dad), his eyes were like daggers. When he was happy, his eyes twinkled with joy and amusement.

I can't express enough how special this set is to me. I see it as Jisub's gift to us all - his best piece of work and the culmination of years of hard work. There is still so much for me to discover in the Special Features and afterwards there is still MiSa to watch. Sixteen episodes of Jisub as Cha Moo-hyuk. I can't wait.

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Guest Dahee Fanel

Boola, July 4:

Saturn posted some magazine pix in SJS thread Soompi. They are big and very droolsome!!!

One she added herself:


uploaded by forgetsky in lovejisub.com

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Guest Dahee Fanel

Thunderbolt posted these on July 5:

Jisub modelling the shirts designed by his coordinator with the Chinese character "So" on them:



Credit: Saturn

CLWR mv by follin:


Here's Jisub in CLWR:


And here's one where he's looking down (not CLWR):


My First MV gifs:



Credit: Youngsosa

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Guest thunderbolt

Thank you for the link Thunderbolt! :D


Please support our JSA forum. Jisub has seen our video and I believe he visits our site to read what we post. Join us!!


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Guest Dahee Fanel

RmC and a few other soompiers had a Jisub get-together in July. Here's RmC's account of it (on July 5):

ive already posted in soompi about our SJS Get Together but i will make a slightly different one here... so here's JSA 013 reporting, giving a full account of "WHAT HAPPENED IN MANILA"

please note that i have never ever did this kind of thing in my life! this is the very first time that i met up with other people sharing the same interests as me. so imagine RmC all sweaty and nervous entering Starbucks cafe..

Liez and another soompier (cyan4jy) were there first (thank God!) and i managed to find them bcoz of the laptop and Jisub Album and dvd laid out in the table.. i cant believe im doing this... can i just turn back and go home? but then i remember, i was the one who wanted THIS in the first place. so i took one long deep breath, smiled and said "Hi" they responded with warm smiles and then we started talking.. and we talked non-stop for 7 hours!

heres a portion of what i wrote in soompi:

the others already gave you an account of what happened during our get together... i'd like to add just a few more... aside from Gifts Album and DVD Showcase (which we didnt get to watch by the way ) cyan4jy pulled out her collection of SJS 2R-sized fotos which we all went crazy for! she bought them on line (there were at least a hundered of them) and she was gracious enough to give each of us one pic! (others like me got 2 hehehe!)

liezle had a scrapbook (filled with not only SJS but other k-hunks as well) poor iameeh couldnt contain and restrain herself... if you notice both liez and iameeh are the ones with multiple oppas in their siggies.. AND... she brings out this Jisub photo (ladies, this one's of Jisub in a side view pose, framed, with Liezle's name on it!) given by a chinggu from HK was it Liez? or Malaysia? we all were envious of that!

i showed them the SJS goodies that i received from a dear chinggu--- a Jisub mousepad, several cardholders with his pics on them, a MISA sticker, little cellphone thingies that you can use as pendants or bracelet charms, and and 2 magazines with articles and poster of Jisub..

so guys, you can just imagine how FULL our table was! we took turns in inspecting and admiring each item, hands trembling, with huge grins on our faces... trying so hard to stiffle our shrieks and gasps.. managing a few giggles here and there.. with a LOT of "ohh he is just soooo handsome and gorgeous!" exclamations (in our own language).. whenever one of us will gush on how droolsome Jisub was, everybody would answer her in chorus with Saturn unni's "Didnt i tell you???"

Since we couldnt watch the DVD(due to tech problems) we opted for the SJS clips that were saved in the laptop. We laughed at the NGs, oogled over the CFs and we couldnt get enough of the Fotoalbum making clips (that were not included in the dvd). The GUSH meeting lasted for about 7 hours! we just couldnt stop talking about our Jisub and how special he is to us!

in a nutshell, we all survived that Jisub experience, werent thrown or kicked out of Starbucks, got a few curious stares from the other customers, and went home with a lot of Jisub and a lot of love in our hearts... i hope the people left in there didnt slip and break their backs on the pool of drools we left behind...

i am so glad i came.. when i am old and wrinkly (and most probably still a certified JSA), i will look back on this unforgettable experience with a mischievous grin on my face... hmmm... something to tell my grandkids someday..

p.s. i have brought home with me the DVD Showcase that cyan4jy has generously lent me.. and i cant wait to watch it later! i am drooling already... and i have received good news from a chinggu that about me getting copies of GLASS SHOES, though its the dubbed version (that was shown on tv here in our country.. im so excited about it nevertheless. 40 episodes of Chul Wong... woohoo! (i am still waiting for the 4-HOUR special edition subs by the way... )

i really really wanted to post our group picture here.. but i have yet to get Liez's and the others' approval... instead, i will post my pic (since dear Boola started this, i felt that i too needed to share with you another side of me (the physical side) since you guys are all like SISTERS to me here... i have never felt so warm and close to a bunch of awesome ladies. so.. here is JSA 013...smiling proud with her preciousES in her hands...

On the same day, Thunder posted:

More WDN caps...


Credit: Youngsosa

As did Boola:


uploaded by Jin Zhen Gu in lovejisub.com

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Please support our JSA forum. Jisub has seen our video and I believe he visits our site to read what we post. Join us!!


hi thunderbolt... i did join but it seems that my account has not been activated yet... would you kindly help me..thanks in advance :P:P


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Guest Thursday

hi thunderbolt... i did join but it seems that my account has not been activated yet... would you kindly help me..thanks in advance :P:P


Cholo, please read your PM...


On July 16, 2005, Boola posted these pictures at Hotelier 2002

Jisub at MAPO on July 15, 205.


credit to dcinside and uploaded by KyesangJisub in lovejisub.com

Is that a dog? So big... (What a lucky dog...)


credit to Yongsosang, uploaded by jiajialiu in lovejisub.com

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Guest Priscilla

Hi Sophie! Is my time up yet? I think it is, but I don't want to skip you too much... cuz then the 'chronology' would get lost. I'll just post a few irrelevant ones, and wait for you, OK? ;)

THUNDERBOLT POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on August 25th, 2005

Here's one of the pics from my Photobucket Album:

Happy Jisub...


(credit: cafe.daum.net/sojs; uploaded by despondent thunder)

RMC POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on August 25th, 2005

for Thunder and to the new additions to our JSA Family... cutie pie Chulsoo



BOOLA POSTED @www.hotelier2002 on August 25th, 2005

pics to cheer for all newbies!!!

[MAGAZINE]Korea Entertainment Journal #20


credit to cafe.daum.net/sojs, posted by 小昕 in sojisub.com.cn

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Guest Priscilla

Princess wrote:

All JSAs: i know a few of you live in Korea, so i'm going to ask for a little tiny help. Saturn posted the postal address to SJS's management company, but it's like, written straight across in 2 lines. i'm not sure if they're in the right order. actually i don't even know how a Korean postal address is formatted. so could someone please help me with putting the address together? like how would it look exactly on a mail?

THUNDERBOLT posted @www.hotelier2002 on August 26th, 2005

Hi Princess

We don't have any JSA from Korea. We have two JSAs who were born in Korea but are now living in N. America (Pris in NYC and Dahee in Canada).

I think this is how you write the address of Jisub's management agency (someone correct me if I'm wrong):

Kang Nam gu Non Hyun don

10-31 Cheung gu building 5F So Ji Sub

Zip code: 135-010

Seoul Korea

Princess wrote:

boola: yayyy i'm glad you feel the same about Kyu-In! i really was hoping SJS is similar to the character, because he was impossible not to love. so i'm glad SJS is somewhat a lot like that in real life too. although i also love the things that SJS is different from Kyu-In...i.e. his AWESOME taste in clothing, lol. does that make him a "flower" type like Eloise says? btw what do you guys mean when you say an actor is "mr.flower" type? if it means that the actor has no skills but only good looks than the title most definitely does NOT apply to SJS. he is, first and foremost, a wonderful actor. he just also happens to be a very very very good looking wonderful actor. lol ^.^

BOOLA posted @www.hotelier2002 on August 26th, 2005

hehehe princess, my definition to Mr. Flower is a man whose face you can use the word "beautiful" to describe. Like someone from a comic book who is too pretty to be true...Do you think Jisub is in this category? Thinking about that dirty-looked MH in the first episode, Oh my!

THUNDERBOLT posted @www.hotelier2002 on August 26th, 2005

JSA 002 perking up at the sight of this guy...

I wonder when these were taken... but he looks so yummy with that long hair!






(credit: blutoto; uploaded by thunder)

SOPHIA posted @www.hotelier2002 on August 26th, 2005

I have this video...if you're interested

I remember maybe it was a jumble sale after our Ji Sub had donated blood.

ohhh! Now I've found the video...


PRISCILLA posted @www.hotelier2002 on August 29th, 2005

Sophia is right, this is from a 'jumble' sale as she called it. But this is actually one of my favorite behind the scene Clips. I was even thinking of doing a translation if someone was willing to time this...

More than a 'Bazzar sale' this was an event promoting the donation of 'blood' for the testing for bone marrow donors. There were actually 2 News Clips talking about this, so I don't know which ones the pictures are from. But both news explained that one TV-actor has a son in need of bone marrow donors. SJS went to the event, getting his blood tested and when he was interviewed, he mentioned that he didn't really know the actor(the father) but he's seen him before, and he felt sorry for him so wanted to help as much as he can. And he was asking everyone else to do this too! Not only for this boy, but for so many others who are looking for a match!

There was a Bazaar Sale going on too, in order to help the family of the boy. So Ji Sub brought clothes he wore in the dramas to sell. I think this was not too long after TYOL, so many of his clothes were from the Fashion Designer Kang In Chul! I saw people were getting excited buying those clothes... but can you imagine NOW?! They would have sold at a much higher bid!

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Guest Dahee Fanel

Thunderbolt posted on July 5:


(credit: cafe.daum.net/sojs; uploaded by thunder)

Video clip by a HK fan, Athena. Download from link below or from Saturn's Clubbox:


Very recent pic of Jisub at Mapo. Look at how he's lugging all the gifts his fans gave him even though the other guy offered to help carry them...


(credit: posted by fishbone in Soompi; uploaded by thunder)

Innis posted on July 6:



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Guest Thursday

Thunderbolt posted the following at Hotelier 2002 on July 17, 2005. It is an interview with So Ji Sub in Japan, translated by Flower pig:

Korean TV & Cinema: First Exclusive Interview with So Ji Sub in Japan (translation in progress)

So Ji Sub has been in Japan shooting a music video and a photo book.

This interview came at the end of his 18-day schedule of official engagements in Japan. The day before, he had a meeting with fans where he was apparently delighted by the fervent welcome from about 1,000 fans and enjoyed himself enormously, even getting a bit carried away. When I approached him saying “I’m sorry to disturb you, but may I interview you?” his eyes widened, as if saying “What are you talking about!” and he replied “It’s all right” in Japanese, readying himself for this interview. Keeping with the reputation of being a man of few words, his responses were scant, but still I could see the silent fighter in him.

What were you thinking when you won the ‘Best Actor’ award at the KBS Drama Awards?

My mother, rather than career-related things. Feelings of gratitude towards my mother which I’ve been harboring in my mind flashed through me like strobes. I’m pretty sure she cried witnessing the moment on TV, and I was equally happy.

How did you land your roles in It Happened in Bali and I’m Sorry, I Love You? And what prompted you to accept those roles?

The scriptwriter who wrote It Happened in Bali also wrote my previous TV drama Ten Thousand Years’ Love. He told me that he began to form images of In Wook in his head while watching me in it, and wrote It Happened in Bali based on them. Therefore, he said “Only you can play him right.” I was flattered and immediately accepted the offer. As to I’m Sorry, I Love You, the storyline was superb. If it had been offered to somebody else first, I’m sure he would have said he would do it.

You have been blessed with a lot of good works. How has this come about?

Certainly luck played a part in it. But, I always rely on my first impression of reading a script. Work I decided to take in because I loved their scenarios luckily turned out to be hits.

Which one is easier to play? The type that lets his emotions out like the ones you played in Glass Slippers and Ten Thousand Year’s Love or the type that keeps his emotions in check, like the ones you played in It Happened in Bali or I’m Sorry, I Love You?

(Sighing lightly) there is no easy role for me to play. But if I have to choose one, it’s the latter. When you have lines, you can fill and deliver them with emotions, but when you don’t, it is quite tough to find a way to convey your feelings without saying anything.

Flower pig says:

To be continued… This is taking longer than I expected, and I have to pack up my luggage for tomorrow’s flight…I’m going back to Vancouver to spend my vacation with my family, haha~~ I will try to finish my translation by next week at the latest. Good night..

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Guest Dahee Fanel

I posted this translation on July 6:

[[Written by So Ji Sub]] Star Story 6 - Final Installment

Acting Is A Charming Occupation

September 8th, 2000. 14:55.

My sunbae* Song Seung Hun, who's like a real older brother to me.

If (Park) Yong Ha is a friend, then (Song) Seung Hun hyung** is like a real older brother. I met him when I was in 12th grade, when I made my debut as a fashion model. At the time, they picked two people to be models, and he and I were the ones to be chosen.

During my debut, I just about lived at his house. At the time, I lived in Incheon, but because I was getting busier with my model activities, there were many days when I couldn't go home. Thus I naturally went under the care of Seung Hun hyung at his house. Even these days, I sometimes go to sleep at his house, and whenever I do, his mother will ask me in a worried voice, "Have you eaten?"

Hyung's family are all very good to me. Their faces never even once showed that they didn't like me, and they've treated me warmly, as though I was their child. I, too, when I went to hyung's older sister's wedding, and to his nephew's anniversary banquet, acted like a member of the family.

Seung Hun hyung gives me a lot of advice. Although we debuted together, because he had a lot more activities, he has a lot of experiences. Thus, he tells me the right advice for the right situation.

Hyung is very pig-headed. When he wants to do something, he'll do it, no matter how much his surrounding people try to stop him. And if he doesn't want to do something, he'll never do it, even if he dies. A while ago, (Im) Chang Jung hyung, who's really good friends with (Seung Hun) hyung, asked him to shoot this music video, but he didn't do it. He didn't like its contents. As for me, I'm the opposite - I sold my motorbike because my family didn't like it.

September 9th, 2000. 13:21.

I want to hear "You're good at acting", like Hollywood's Edward Norton.

I never thought that I would become an entertainer. Although I began my modelling activities at a time when I disliked swimming, I never imagined that I would become an MC, or act. But I somehow found myself doing these things. And now, with every passing day, my selfishness concerning acting is growing.

At first, when I was asked to be an MC, I had to run away. It wasn't because I don't talk much, but because I was terrified about how a guy like me, who couldn't talk well, could possibly be an MC. But when I climbed the stage and grabbed the mike, I was able to do fairly well. The fact that I was an MC for a show program like MBC TV <Live Music Camp> is a really considerable event. These days, because it would obstruct my acting, I'm declining requests to be an MC.

I really want to act well. These days, I hear people say "Your acting's gotten better", and that's growing into more and more of a wonderful thing to hear. I'm now doing the SBS TV <Love Story> "Miss Hip Hop and Mr. Rock" and <Good Good>, and little by little I'm realizing how charming acting is.

In high school, after watching the movie <The Lovers on the Bridge>, I had an experience of being really absorbed in it. It was an experience of, although it was time to go exercise, I couldn't leave in the middle of it, and watched it while being really absorbed. My dream is to give someone my own creation that gives them that kind of strong impression. I will endeavour to become a good actor like Hollywood's Edward Norton.

Thank to you all the readers who've read my stories up to now.

*sunbae - literally meaning "senior" or "older colleague". It's typically used in the workplace, at school, or in sports, and is a term of respect for older people, or people with more experience than you in a certain place.

**hyung - the male version of "oppa". Used by men for real older brothers, or for unrelated older, young men.

Translated by Dahee Fanel

Saturn posted in reply:

"The lovers on the bridge" or "Les Amants du Pont-Neuf"


What Jisub mentioned in his article is French movie released at 1991.



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Guest luckycarrienew

Dahee Fanel^^waving~


Cholo, please read your PM...


On July 16, 2005, Boola posted these pictures at Hotelier 2002

Jisub at MAPO on July 15, 205.


credit to dcinside and uploaded by KyesangJisub in lovejisub.com

Is that a dog? So big... (What a lucky dog...)


credit to Yongsosang, uploaded by jiajialiu in lovejisub.com

I wanna have that doggie^^

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2005/Nov/06 birthday party in Seoul

Highlight #1 (filmed by Youngsosa)


Pictures by fan


Blowing the candle on the birthday rice cake : we all fans ate this rice cake after party. It was yummy.




Select number, then it was a game or queation.

comic dancing, calling to fan : he made phone calls to the audience then she took picture with Jisub.


Some intervie regarding KISS

Q: your first kiss?

A: at 1st grade of highschool.

Q: Was it light? just lip touch? or was it deep? (mischivous MC)

A: It was light at first time. (Jisub smiled, audience shouted and some must faint)

Q: your latest kiss?

A: I don't remember. (audience boooo)

Q: How quickly can you kiss your girlfriend from first meeting.

Some people do it at their first day.

A: I don't do like that but I think I can, if I fell in her at first sight.

Q: If you have girlfriend now, what do you want to do most?

A: skinship of course. I love the feeling of touching skin.

My best thing of today was, he did the famous dialog to fan.

He did it as if he is acting in drama, paid full attention, he really did his best,

just like he were Moohyuk, Inwook, Incheol...

I envy those girls who were his partner temporarily.

Inwook : "Do you know I like you? so I hope you're not hurt."

If he did it to me, I must die.

Present #1 from Youngsosa : Handycam : We hope he takes video and posts to Youngsosa.



Present #2 : 3 golden coins. Each coin has his name in Chinese characters.


Present #3 : photo album about what happened durin past 1 year since last birthday.


After pause time, we asked him to take off some clothes, he immediately took off his vest and necktie.


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Dear Saturn unni,

Thank you so very much for all pics and clips. Jisub's extreamly handsome.

I really wish I could be there.

See you next year on his next Birthday Party.

Thank you again for everything.

Goy :)

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