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PaulaC said: first "prince charming", now Zorro???? :))
what are they trying to do to my poor heart?

no, really... this style suits him perfectly.... the gentelman that he is :wub:


My ladies,

Please allow me to bring back here another style - The Romeo style!


Actor So Jisub in Dressed to kill CF

My special Romeo





Shakespeare created the masterpiece Romeo and Juliet at the end of 16th century (1597). Since then, this love story has never stop inspiring people in many ways. Romeo's image (also with his beloved Juliet) stills so popular in our modern world. Love always brings wonder after all!

Loyal to this concept, in 2008, Dressed To Kill, an Italian fashion brand, had brought to Korea their romantic air of Verona. The modern Romeo and Juliet love story, once again attracted huge attention. The beautiful actress Lee Ji Ah was chosen as Juliet, and Romeo, or Mister Born to Love, was actor So Jisub who was discharged from his Military Service only a few months before.

People believe that anything related to actor So Jisub  would bring along a special effect of thrilling. Indeed, fans almost cried in happiness "In my heart, he's already been the best Romeo ever..."

Should we start to go back to check on our special Romeo?

Spring 2008, Dressed to Kill launched their collection of jeans and casual wears.


How the story started


Juliet seemed waiting forever for her dream man Romeo to appear.




Who was this cool man standing in the shade?



Interested, people who followed the CF were eager for more "Hey, please send Romeo to Juliet!"




The professional Dressed to Kill (D2K) CF making team would reply mysterious: "The appearance of Romeo shouldn't be too simple, right?"

They made it so special indeed.



My dear friends, I repost here the article, special made by D2K on their website back then. 


Chapter 1 - First Meeting



To put it simply I’m not interested in this thing called love. Everyone has done it once but I still feel different from my friends who cry and laugh because of love. This stupid love that my friends do (didn’t really get the next part but it most probably means she doesn't like it). Crying and laughing over something so small, how dumb...

But I am curious. If it really is love that makes people so dumb. Because even my smartest friends become dumb when they fall in love. What is it that makes people so laughable? Once again after class me and my friends are at the Berona cafe to talk about my friends love stories. Please let todays stories past fast... There is no conclusion and the more I listen to them the more I get uncomfortable. But what can I do. As a friend I must understand them.

The cafe is very quiet and cool. You can see that the owner puts a lot of effort into decorating the cafe with European antiques. That is why I like it here. One reason to come here is to listen to my friends but the bigger reason is because I like it here. So even though the mean me would reject listening to my friend stories I come along with them.

Me and my friends grab a seat and order our usual caramel makiyato and then I listen to my friend D talk about her fight with her boyfriend. I do slightly get annoyed that I have to listen to her story while drinking the coffee I like and being at the cafe i like. But I learned to not allow these feelings to show for my friends.

When I was young I was very selfish so I got into trouble often. Late I learned that I must understand and feel pity for my friends at the right time. When I came back home after fighting with my friends my mom would (something about repeating something like a radio)??. Even though she doesn’t do that anymore I still sometimes hear her voice in my head. Maybe it is because she is in my heart.

I am just shortly replying to my friend’s story and looking curiously around the cafe. The cafe with its intricately designed antiques make me feel as if I’m in a place in Europe. Once in a while I would reply to my friend with ohoh and continue to look around the cafe.

My eyes keep going towards a man sitting next to my table. He isn’t moving at all and it seems a bit weird. I am curious about what he is doing next to a roudy table so I continue to look at him.


I slowly look at him and see his eyes that make him seem as if he has a temper. I think that he probably made his parents disappointed often. Weirdly even though I am listening to my friend’s story I keep thinking about him


I am concentrating on my friend’s story but then she accused me of not listening to her story. I wanted to say "D! I feel weird." but because I don't know my feelings I kept my mouth shut. Then my friend received a phone call from her boyfriend. Suddenly her expression changed and it seemed as if she had gotten back together with her boyfriend. Just 5 minutes ago she was complaining about him. Now she is smiling and acting cute. I looked away only to meet eyes with the man sitting on the next table.

his eyes were cold and cruel. Why is he like that~ It not like me looking at him will hurt his face so why is he looking at me with such a mean look. "Aigo, I wasn't looking at you because of your looks. I just turned around and met eyes with you. Does that make you so mad?" I wanted to say that but weirdly I didn't have the courage. Most certainly with my attitude I would have said so.

Maybe it was because of luck or my looks but no guy has ever looked at me like that. Even someone that I bumped into would give me a warm expression. What is that guy! I'm not sure if I’m bothered or if my confidence has been lowered but I have some feelings arousing.

My friend D hanged up her phone call and started to talk about how great her boyfriend is. Until when do I have to listen to this? Once again I think about other things rather than listening to my friend. I think about the report I have to do and the clothes and shoes I want to buy then the man from the next table came into my thought. The more I think about it the more pissed I get. What did I do so badly! I said quietly from my mouth and turned to look at the man.
Ah Ra!
He left? He’s nowhere to be seen around the cafe.

If this was gonna happen I should have gotten mad at him

Then my eyes looked toward the door.


What could it be this feeling I've been having?
Why does that man’s image keep coming up in my thoughts?


(Translated by kkirmn @ lee ji ah soompi thread)

My friends, when you read "To be continued", you might think there will come chapter two where we get to know what happens next or at least get some explaining why Mr Romeo was kind of weird, why looking at the door made Juliet feel love... Well, that next part from D2K will never come, at least none was translated to English that we know.

However, would you please just take it easy and keep reading? I guess we'll have some happy ending later.



The unmasked Romeo




Mister Romeo was described as a young man who owned intense gazes.




Having mysterious eyes and full-time looking sexy - that's our dear Mr Romeo




When he lounged himself on a bed...




or lazily having a drink in a bathtub... What's a scene!!!

Man, are you for real?





What happened in Berona cafe


My name is Romeo.



To me, love is something…old. My parents are … classic people who love Shakespeare. They gave me this nickname, well, since I was wearing nappy. Because all of my buddies call me Romeo sometimes I wonder do they really forget my real name?

I remember when I was taught Shakespeare at school, I came home bugging my parents “Mom, Dad, are you two fans of this Romeo and Juliet love story? Come on, it's too cheesy.”

My classmates teased me “Hey Romeo, where’re your sweetheart Juliet?”

I grin at them “Big time to find her, buddies, big time…”


I did find my sweetheart in my grade 10. Her name was not Juliet of course. How a teenage boy experiences his first love with all hesitant, nervous, jealous, waiting... I felt the same. We even shared the first kiss under a lamp post – How classic!

However, liked many young couples my age, this “love” was not strong enough to last more than 2 years… Since then, love is not my priority anymore. I study, work, have fun and love life instead.

My fellows joked: “Our Romeo’s waiting for his Juliet only”…


My parents own this Classic European style café, Berona. They are leaving for the second honeymoon to celebrate the 30th Wedding Anniversary while their only son not even has a girl to date with at the moment. “Please take good care of our café for us honey.” My Mom pinched me on the cheek: “Oh, my Romeo’s such a handsome man. Who knows, your Juliet will come to drink coffee in any day…” She laughed and left with Dad before I had enough time to protest…

I’ve taken 7 days off work just to look after this café business.

Now, here I am, bored out of my wit, sitting at one of the tables in Berona. The girl sitting next to my table drone on and on about her love troubles while her friend’s only reply is “uh… huh” now and then. Ladies, I’m really not in the mood for these girl talks.

I throw them a quick side glance… now I’m the one in trouble. The girl who talks non-stop of her boyfriend has brown short hair and the quiet girl has a small pretty face, wearing this classic wavy hair likes a beautiful torrent flowing down her slim back. How come just in a quick glance I get that much of information? It’s the sensitive men’s radar of course…

I sit motionless, concentrate on hearing their girl- talk now. How ridiculous! I’ve just wanted to hear the quiet girl’s voice. Is her voice as beautiful as her look? I have a passion with human’s voice. When I hear them speak, I can guess giant things about their characters. My Mom even teases me that I should try this fortune-telling business to impress people, for crying out loud. Anyway, right now I must look very silly trying to catch each word from this pretty girl, a part from her “oh oh”. Please say something, lady!

Fortunately her friend blames her for not listening. She replies friendly that she totally understands all of the issues here. I feel as if there is an electric current going through my ears to my body. My heart jumps while something extremely excited rouses on my nerves. This soft sweet voice definitely comes from a beautiful mind. Please talk more my dear girl, I’m all ears to hear. But she’s once again, back to her deep thought. I frown in frustration at them only to meet the pretty girl’s eyes…

If there is anyone who has ever experienced a “Coup de foudre” while glaring at a stranger, it is me. I instantly fall in love with her. Yesterday if someone told me their love at first sight story I would have just laughed. However, right here, right now, the universe seems stand still but this girl in front of my eyes. She is the second half I’m looking for to make each other the whole happy soul. She blushes in uncomfortable, and in surprise maybe, at my unpleasant gaze, unaware that she totally owns me from this moment.

I rouse from my seat, feel like a dreamer. There is a huge fresh bouquet in the entrance. I pull out a red rose stem. The beautiful red rose for my love one!


My heart’s leaping for joy when I turn and see her looking around the Berona. Looking for me, I’m sure! Because when our eyes meet again, the shy smile she gives me is the most breathtaking beautiful smile I’ve ever seen.

I don’t know her name, her family or where she lives but I’m certain: Till the end of time, my love for her is always as fresh as the rose in my hand.

Thanks our great Shakespeare for the everlasting love story “Romeo and Juliet”!

Mom, you should be a fortune-teller, not me. Thanks to Berona cafe, I’ve found my Juliet.







Romeo and his Juliet had found each other. Definitely they spent their sweet time together. D2K released the next series of photo which were welcomed warmly from fans




Actor So Jisub in his "100 questions & answers" article, 2004 (Translated by saturn), he shared that one of his most favorite movies is Romeo and Juliet (1968 version). He wouldn't know only 4 years later he became Romeo, the hot one. Yeah, I mean he was really really hot in this series:

I admired LJA so much, a professional model! Otherwise how come she could stay cool in this "condition"?






Thank you D2K for your wonderful creation of Modern Romeo and Juliet!

Since spring 2008, Dressed to Kill is known as one of the most romantic CFs our Star has done.

Northern Italia had the classic Romeo of Verona.

South Korea had the Ganzi Romeo. Who would make the most desirable Romeo?

I guess you'll have your answer after checking the spoiler my dear friends.

Wish you well! Wish you happy!

SJS's fans fighting!  


Romeo and Juliet, 2008 version










(Photos and clip credit to owners)

Edited by mathi
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Thank you @Willenette... It seems a trouble in my operating system. I used to post my images at image hosting then I paste the url code, but it didn't work anymore... I checked with another devices, still can't work too. Well...now I'm waiting my friend's help. :D

@mathi love your Romeo Juliet story. Before you wrote, I didn't know the photoshoot's concept. All I knew was only how perfect Ji-Sub there... And of course how big my jealousy to that girl. :D

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So.... Yesterday our Master went to Shanghai and still no more explanations about it? Does he really wants to expand his Kingdom with Seijin Group? Does Tae Gong Sil know about it? :D Seems that my fantasy is going too far. Speak the truth, that was in my mind after reading Ji-Sub went to Shanghai.... =))


from @CT51K twitter 

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Photos from 19/04/2015, Hongquiao Airport in Shanghai



He is there for CF shooting and the word is that he will stay for four days. Fans speculate that he might appear at today's Shanghai Auto Show for Volkswagen, but nothing is confirmed, we'll just have to wait and see.
Some photos leaked today from CF studio shooting, but staff who posted it on weibo soon after deleted it, so it's better not to post them and wait for the official info and pics. If you are very curious I'm sure you can find them somewhere on instagram or twitter.

And some not so good photos taken by fans at the hotel.



You can tel it's him if you look at the socks.:)


And a short video http://t.cn/RAWI9s4


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Thanks so much dears @innerchild and @sojisubaddicted for the fantastic updates!

Volkswagen CF 2015 coming soon?


Teehee  ^_^



I love Sonick with cars!

Actyon CF a.k.a U-turn series 2008



(Cd as tagged via blog.brokore.com)



Edited by mathi
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@mathi you're really funny, I can't stop laughing see the cat pic, that is exactly what happened to me after saw his sexy back. =)) @innerchild thanks for the update. Jisub nim looks so handsome....how lucky people there. Btw who is the big person walk besides?(The one with Indian tomahawk's haircut) I found very funny vid from DC 팝콘이 먹기 싫은 소지섭 ㅋㅋ: http://youtu.be/iJPR3tOf40A It's funny but also make me just a bit angry with the creator... How dare he treats our Moo Hyuk like that :D

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My ladies, being his stylists sure have some certain privileges, right?

Is it too much for me even just dream to touch his hair?  [-O<



The Charming Romeo at Dressed to Kill Signing Event July.05.2008. There were two nice ladies kept fanning him in the summer heat.

Fanning job could be very appealing sometimes ...  L-)

(photos and clip credit to owners)

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Here are some pics from Shanghai yesterday, April, 22,2015 from @51K_CT twitter, credit as labelled
Breakfast at hotelIMG_20150423_033542.jpg
Breakfast at hotelIMG_20150423_032915.jpg
Entered the mall to continued the shootingIMG_20150423_032908.jpg
These are from SOJISUBAR to SJS, they handed these to thr crew

and this is from DC...Marmot's car

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Small scene of the day:

When he pretended to act brutal to the girl who was spying on him in Phantom drama:

1) He came home and found a strange girl there: calmly sat down, untied his necktie


2) When she said she was his girlfriend: Still calm, drinking a beer, thought of what to do next



3) When she said triumphant that he was probably the fake Kim Woo Hyun because the real one would know straight away that she was his girlfriend or not: He tested her by trying to kiss her


She didn't have the gut to pretend anymore - He's safe!


I think she was the only one character in all of his movies, dramas who can resist his very charming character.

His side profile was so perfect!!!

(Cd as tagged via popcornfor2)

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