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So Ji Sub 소지섭 - Best Korean Actor & Rapper -


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Guest WenweiC

@mathi‌ Have the same wish as you. Even though I can find lots of photo or video from internet. Still hope keeping the official DVD as a precious memory. Please make my dream come true. :\">

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This Korean Doctor Ranked The 10 Most Beautiful Korean Actors According To The Golden Ratio


On a Korean show, a Cosmetologist doctor named Oh Myungjoon went through 10 different idols and ranked them according to their face structure. He based their rankings off “the ratio that humans consider most beautiful and comfortable (naturally), 1:1.618 Golden Ratio”

Check out the list titled, “10 Most Naturally Beautiful Korean Male Actor Faces Ranked By A Korean Doctor”

(skipped unrelated.....)


4th Place: So Jisub
Comment: The actor So Jisub just has a slightly longer cheekbone in midst of the ratio

source : koreaboo

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I thought the concept of So Ji-Sub's tour was "Let's Have Fun" as previously stated by a Soompi article dated May 28, 2014.
"...The title of the fan meeting will be "Let's Have Fun," which is from, "Let's have fun and love life," this also happens to be So Ji-Sub's life motto."- http://www.soompi.com/2014/05/28/so-ji-sub-will-transform-into-a-rapper/

You can clearly see and read the tour's theme by checking the photos below:Photo: Are you here at So Ji  Sub's fan meet? Ready to have fun with this reserved Oppa? #sojisub #苏志燮
cr:UWeekly.sgPhoto: There's only 1 more day left to meeting the charismatic #SoJiSub!  Prepare yourselves for an exciting time during the 'So Ji Sub-Let's Have Fun in Singapore 2014'!  If you haven't bought your tickets, hurry grab them!  ONE is proud to be the Official TV Partner for this event.  For more info, log on to http://www.onetvasia.com/promotions/so-ji-sub-fanmeeting  蘇志燮(so ji sub )So Ji-subSo Ji Sub (소지섭)
cr:One Tv Asia
On July 13, 51kingdom asked fans to submit a video for the Q&A segment of the FM in HK (see original post on page 1003 translated by dandelion606).image
51k had to work with whatever questions fans submitted to the company.
You ASSUMED they picked questions that emphasized his "sexy" image.
>As you may recall, So Ji-Sub's first tour interview was with  TVBS Weekly, a Taiwanese magazine (original post on page 1004 translated by dandelion606).He talked about his album, how he felt about acting, how he viewed his fans and supporters, etc., but not about his image.
"If an actor does not have fans, s/he simply cannot act. If people don’t like me, I won’t have the room to act. Then So Ji Sub will disappear, the actor called So Ji Sub will disappear too. Thus, for me, fans are the ones I cannot lose."-SJS (TVBS Weekly)
>According to the author, 51k asked to screen the interview outline and all questions were pre-approved for the Shanghai TV exclusive (original post on page 1030 translated by So Kingdom).
He discussed his single, "18 Years, how he gets feedback from his fans and the reason why brothers are like his family.
“The title of a star is given by others. I always consider myself an actor”,... “Of course, as a public figure, I need to watch my words and deeds."-SJS (Shanghai TV)

If 51k wanted to highlight his "sexy image" as you claimed,  it would make sense to include a question or two about it so he can openly discuss the topic but once again not a word about his image. 
>Another example was an email interview with MeRadio.sg written by Priscilla Wu titled "I am shelter-oppa in real life" (original post on page 1023).The word "sexy" and "image" were never part of the dialogue between the writer and SJS.
"I merely wanted to write about the experiences and worries I have had as an actor. I haven’t changed much over the years; I only wanted to continue to progress as an actor. Hence, this is the summary of my life as an actor for the past 18 years."

I posted a few articles about So Ji-Sub's tour from several media outlets (print & online).The "catchy" headlines were written by the media not 51k.*Let us all be mindful that if we are going to speak/write about SJS, make sure we have the facts, not an idea, hearsay, opinion, or an assumption. SJS Fighting!

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Guest SharonL

Hi everyone. Just like to share my thoughts on SJS's 1st Asia tour.  Most Qs & As were quite similar in all the FMs. It shows that it had been pre-approved earlier. The one question that did contain the word 'sexy' was when they asked if he would do a sexy movie like SSH. We all know the answer to that.

Now back to the SG press conference. The MC- DJ Ken asked SJS if he considers himself handsome. Before SJS could answer, someone in the crowd had shouted out something inaudible. Our sweet & polite JiSub-nim tried to listen to what the girl was trying to say.  When he returned to answer , DJ Ken added the word 'sexy'. So when posed with a question like that he simply replied sexy as opposed to handsome. He is a humble man. He has never thought himself to be handsome. To his standards, he considers SSH to be the good looking one. That's when the word got stuck! Because DJ Ken kept repeating the word during the press conference & again at the FM. Well, the media being the media had to report about it because they love news that sells. That's why the news about it appeared on 3 of the Singapore media sites(with slight difference in headlines but same contend).

The word was so overused during the FM that JiSub-nim looked embarrassed. If only they could pick a more respectful MC(for example in Taipei, where the MC asked the fans if they are tired at the 2nd FM. Reminded them that JiSub-nim only had 2 hour break before starting the second FM), there would be less confusion about what he was trying to share with his fans. 

The whole skit about marriage, courtesy of his good friend JJH was a smart move to get people off his back . He knows he is not getting any younger & questions about marriage keeps popping up. By telling everyone that he is already married to his fans, allows fans to go home dreaming & buys him some alone time......

If the order of the day was to create a sexy image for him, they would have to fire the stylist. I have never seen him wear so much buttoned-up floral or patterned shirts! There was no need to create that image when he is just naturally sexy! But underneath all that, is a very sensitive & shy person. He blushes when asked embarrassing questions! Now that was not acting! 

This is only from my observation from the FMs & past interviews.


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SJS during the filming of q0!10519239_496709007132641_255512887175528
cr:via So Ji Sub Indonesian Fans
SJS posing with FM organizers in Singapore10552509_1491118597795924_25671108259809
cr:via Sonick Thailand Fanclub

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Thanks for the SJS kiss collection!You reminded me how awesome his kisses were on MISA. Especially when he kissed her in the alley. His single tear was so heart wrenching.When he gets teary I too get all teary!

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Guest sara62

As you dear friends know we did a project for Jisub-nim's new album "18 years" release. It was divided into two parts. Part one was done and safely delivered to 51k office and dear donors were informed about it. Part two was sending a flower basket along with a framed photo to one of Jisub-nim's official events. The flower basket and the framed photo will be sent to Seoul FM tomorrow August 30 and by this our fan project for Jisub-nim's "18 years" album release will be complete. We need to thank you guys for your kind donations and love which made this project possible. We will be back to you with the birthday project very soon. 

Here are the photos of what will be sent.
Project team (@olang,@sara62)Thank you all guys.

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[DONORS] @atatat93 @avideh @chakita babe @desertbanshee @felmomo @mina111 @oliv2sojisubforever @paradicez @sanik @sara62 @sarvin @SharonL @silent reader @sirius51  J.Hsu, KYW, O.Kusnandar and Y.Crocker
Thank you all so much for your ongoing love and support for SJS. Without the generosity of people like you, this project would not have been possible. 
Sojisubfanatics FC's photo.
cr:as tagged

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Guest desertbanshee

Thank you flower project team leaders @olang and @sara62 for combining your hard work, dedication, and great taste into the creation of such a beautiful gift ~

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