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So Ji Sub 소지섭 - Best Korean Actor & Rapper -


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The fanmeeting has ended.

The FM basically have three parts- talking session, performance and lastly high five!!

My first thought when he first enter the stage was WOW he is super cool, tall, chic, gd looking n sexxxyyyyyy!!!

The FM started with a skit by his gd friend Jeong Jun ha titled ' Why SJS can't get married'. It was super funny! I laughed throughout the skit!! The contents were as stated by @sara62‌. SJS did mentioned that JJH was not feeling well during filming and he is very thankful to JJH.

I really love the talking session!! It was so entertaining. The mc was super funny and love to joke around SJS and I can see that SJS is very comfortable and he laughed a lot too. The talks get a little rated, even SJS mentioned it hiself that the FM is as if for people above 21. E.g. like he asked the fans 1. What will you do when you are watching erotic scene with your boyfriend? 2. What do you do first during shower( i forgt the the exact qn). And i love the part about the superhero qn of the mc to SJS. SJS said superman is good but his underwear is outside the pants, so not good. Spiderman is gd but the shirt is too tight. Ironman is good but he is nt gd with gadgets.. As usual, there's one special fan received the customized ring. And she got hugged!!! How i wish my seat number was called instead :(:(

Next part is the performance. He started with a poem, then a monologue where he mentioned about his life as an actor for the past 18 yrs, his dream to own a hotel but it will continue to be his dream, difference between a star and an actor etc.. Basically the content is the same as other FM.

It was followed by performance of his songs. This part is the climax of the FM! Everyone got so hyped up and stand up, dance along!! (Some went to the front) It was freaking awesome!!!! But one thing i don't really fancy that some of the fans took the opportunity to record and take photo.( P.s. I love the security in here cause they are really efficient and approach asap to those who tried to take photo.)

NEXT IS THE HIGHFIVE WITH SO JI SUB!!!! instead of high five, he actually grabbed each of the fans hand. That was a great fan service! OMG!! His hand is so so soft! Softer than mine! And is so slender! I was stunned for a moment after that. My friends and i even took a picture of our hands! I feel like not washing hands forever. #OTTOKE!!

That's basically sum up every thing! His has an excellent fan service! The fan meeting was ridiculously awesome! A great way to spend my friday.

Thank you So Ji Sub. Please come to Singapore again. Saranghae

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Guest SharonL

IMPRESSIVE!! I just got back & @sara62 & @olang already had FULL details. Talk about connections. Also thanks to @gc05 for the additional info.

The MC is really cheeky & he kept teasing SJS, making naughty comments. SJS worries that the FM is going to be rated R. MC kept saying that SJS is greedy because whenever he has to pick a choice, our clever man gives the best answers. For example, he was asked if given a choice between being a rapper & an actor, he chose both & asked why not. Naughty MC added sexy too.

For once I understood every word that he read. Hearing his voice & reading the translation, brought tears to my eyes.

For the high touch, MC said only a guick high five. No hugging, no kissing. SJS started by using his left hand to high five fans. Then his left hand got tired & switched to right hand. Then it became a medley of double high fives, fist bumps & handshakes.

Yes, I was momentarily in coma.That's why I'm forever grateful to @sara62‌, @olang & @gc05 for recaps. Can't get over that this will be my last FM this year.

Wishing SJS all the best for the final FMs in Seoul. Hope he gets the rest that he deserves & recover from his back problem before returning to small screen.

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Guest SharonL

@atatat93‌ , so glad you were there too. Btw, remember the lucky girl who got the ring. She got to hug him twice! She may not get out of those clothes for a very long time!

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Guest SharonL

@atatat93‌ , it was good old fashion handshake. Worried I might hurt him with fist bump. Made a mistake of washing my hands when I got back to the hotel. Had reminded myself earlier to bring gloves........... ~X(

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Guest sara62

Time flies. Don't believe it's already August 22 and Jisub-nim's first Asia tour is finished. (The I-part). To look back, even if we didn't have the blessing to attend any of them, we enjoyed them as much as those who were there. We could see him active, smiling, comfortable and showing his beautiful true self to his fans. We could see the beauty and honesty of this precious bond between him and the fans. Fans from all over the world got together, forgot about the language, about the nationality, about the differences and got united to welcome his presence. So we witnessed amazing scenes of love, loyalty and honesty. We could see how fans' love for him can make their hearts as one to be presented to him as a small gift of gratefulness. And this just proves how wonderful this man is. To be able to flutter the hearts, make them breathless and teach us to give up the differences when it comes to love. He is truly and definitely deserved to be loved. We will always be there for you. Waiting for your next project and your second Asia tour next year. Thank you Jisub-nim.So_Ji_Sub_20140819_STAR_Kwp_P07_HJo5_M.j

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Until now.....I was still so excited  :x  :x  :x  ....I really cannot believe I've attended Fans Meeting in Sg...My first Korean artist fans meeting   :DSee SJS trueself...so near....especially hi-5 session....his face actually very small, skin very smooth
Thanks for everyone who have done the recap... We have a crazy, fun, shouting, screaming night
As for the lucky girl who get the ring...the sweetest thing is SJS purposely come near the staircase to hold her hand to come to stage, 2 hugs, put the ring on her finger, hold her hand again to staircase for her to back to her seat..whever SJS come near, we screamed....hahaha.....   :))


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oh my oh my!!! went to sjs's fm yesterday and its so so so awesome! after liking him for more than 10 years, its really amazing to meet him in person. per yesterday was really good and was just like a mini concert *he should just hold one here* the lucky gal who got the ring, she reacted only after a few call out. we  thought that there will be a re-draw but too bad >.< she must be in shocked that she was being called! Congrats her, got the ring and hugged him not once but twice!

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