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Kwon Sang Woo 권상우


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Guest TY_KSW

seeing your captures of Sangwoo filming, i started to miss him deadly! :blush: :sweatingbullets:

tsk tsk.. when will the new inf come out...

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in this case, there will be a severe competition b/t JDG a heavy smoker vs KSW a non-smoker!! :lol:

hope there can be a movie starring JDG n KHS !!! :w00t::w00t::w00t: ...... n Sangwoo wud attend their premiere! B)

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Sangwoo: I m so lonely... :tears:

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Hi TY - you're not alone - feel the same way, too. I miss our man already. That's why, I'm getting excited for his upcoming photos soon from Biltmore & BangBang CFs. It's been a long while since no news about him. I do feel bad for him that he isn’t really being active much now ...he's supposed to be busy filming this time if only that project has not been cancelled. I'm just so anxious for these 2-CFs he's going to shoot. Sometimes, wondering if he's in Korea this time - he may be in other place vacationing, huh? We just saw him playing golf, right - The war drama he's going to do next year, I think we still didn't hear confirmation from him yet? I have high hopes for this project. I'm just so sad remembering what happened of the previous work. ^_^:o

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Guest TY_KSW

hope there can be a movie starring JDG n KHS !!! :w00t::w00t::w00t: ...... n Sangwoo wud attend their premiere! B)

There was! in 1999! that time was a nitemare... Thanks God, he hides away fr her since! :lol:

Hi TY - you're not alone - feel the same way, too. I miss our man already. That's why, I'm getting excited for his upcoming photos soon from Biltmore & BangBang CFs. It's been a long while since no news about him. I do feel bad for him that he isn't really being active much now ...he's supposed to be busy filming this time if only that project has not been cancelled. I'm just so anxious for these 2-CFs he's going to shoot. Sometimes, wondering if he's in Korea this time - he may be in other place vacationing, huh? We just saw him playing golf, right - The war drama he's going to do next year, I think we still didn't hear confirmation from him yet? I have high hopes for this project. I'm just so sad remembering what happened of the previous work. ^_^:o

Will, lets forget the bad mood on Daemul caused by those stupid SBS.. dun let them annoy us ...

I think SW will have another project before entering the war drama of MBC... He may advise us soon... He know how much we are longing for him.. and he never disappoint us! :rolleyes:

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AZURA!! that You again, You kill me with those pics of Chul Jeong. Those pair of sharp eyes make me die easily.

Welcome to die.. but how missing him I am now.

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[단독] 권상우-손태영, 결혼 전제 열애 중

[스포츠서울] 2008년 07월 17일(목) 오전 10:58


또 한쌍의 연예계 선남선녀 커플이 탄생했다.

한류스타 권상우(32)와 미스코리아 출신 탤런트 손태영(28)이 결혼을 전제로 진지한 만남을 갖고 있다. 두 사람은 올해 초 동료 연예인들과 함께 한 저녁 자리에 우연히 합석하게 되면서 자연스럽게 친분을 맺었고. 연인 사이로 발전했다.

둘다 결혼 적령기인데다 권상우는 올 초 개봉한 영화 ‘숙명’ 홍보차 가진 인터뷰에서 “나를 사랑하고 믿음을 주는 여자를 만나고 싶다. 만나서 느낌이 강하게 오고 타이밍도 맞다면 결혼을 할 수도 있다”며 “서른 다섯살 이전에 결혼을 하고 싶다. 빨리 하고 싶다”는 뜻을 내비쳤던 터라 두 사람의 연내 결혼여부도 관심을 모으고 있다.

두 사람을 잘 아는 연예계 관계자는 17일 “권상우와 손태영이 올 초부터 조심스럽게 만남을 가져왔다”면서 “이미 양가에서도 둘의 만남을 정식으로 허락한 상태다. 아직 한참 활동을 하고 있기 때문에 주변 측근들 만이 열애 사실을 알고있다”고 밝혔다.

사실 권상우와 손태영의 만남은 올 봄부터 연예계 관계자들 사이에서 공공연한 비밀이 돼왔다. 다만 두 사람의 나이가 아직 한창 활동할 시기고. 실제로 각자 영화와 드라마에 출연하는 등 작품 활동에 여념이 없었던 터라 곁에서 지켜보는 사람들조차 조심스러워했다.

권상우를 잘 아는 한 측근은 “두 사람 사이에 믿음이 강하다”면서 “권상우씨 어머니 역시 손태영의 어른을 공경하는 사려깊은 마음씨에 일찌감치 교제를 허락했을 정도로 둘의 관계를 인정하고 있다”고 전했다. 권상우는 특히 지난 달 자신의 팬 카페에 근황을 전하면서 “저는 행복합니다. 33살이라는 지금 이순간이… 행복합니다”라며 요즘의 행복한 심경을 우회적으로 드러내기도 했다. 두 사람은 주위의 시선을 피해 주로 손태영의 집에서 데이트를 즐겨온 것으로 알려졌다.

손태영 역시 요즘 행복한 나날을 보내고 있다. 손태영의 한 측근 역시 “두 사람이 오랜 기간 연애를 해오지 않았지만. 올 초부터 만남을 가지면서 미래를 진지하게 생각할 정도로 서로에 대해 애틋한 감정을 갖고있다”면서 “권상우의 믿음직스럽고 자상함에 많은 의지를 하고 있다”고 전했다.

지난해 이서진-김정은이 연예계 톱스타 커플로 연내 혹은 내년 결혼에 관심이 모아지고 있는 가운데. 두 사람의 결혼 여부 역시 연예계의 핫 이슈로 떠오를 전망이다.

남혜연기자 whice1@

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are they couple?

because if they are, i am happy for KSW and Son Tae Young.

it seems they just started their love affair and it was found out recently.

they are even in the news of celebrity couples the public is waiting to be married.

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권상우-손태영 올 초부터 열애 중

[뉴스엔] 2008년 07월 17일(목) 오후 12:11


[뉴스엔 이재환 기자]

한류스타 권상우(32)와 미스코리아 출신 탤런트 손태영(28)이 아름다운 사랑을 키워가고 있다.

두 사람은 현재 양가의 허락을 받고 결혼을 전제로 진지한 만남을 갖고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.

연예계 한 관계자는 "두 사람이 올 초 동료 연예인들과 함께 한 모임에서 우연히 만난 뒤 자연스럽게 친분을 쌓아가며 연인 사이로 발전했다. 주변에서는 이미 두 사람의 사이가 공공연한 비밀이 됐다"고 전했다.

손태영과 권상우의 열애 소식과 함께 두 사람이 결혼을 전제로 만나고 있다는 이야기 들린다. 한 연예 관계자는 "두 사람이 양가를 오가며 결혼을 전제로 만남을 갖고 있다"고 귀띔했다.

두 사람이 사랑의 결실을 맺게 될 지 귀추가 주목된다.

이재환 star@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

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Guest TY_KSW

Brief translation from Shulien article:

Korean pop star Kwon Sang-woo (32) and Canada-born actress and former Miss Korea Son Tae Young (28) in Love.

An official entertainment officer said that "two people met early this year by chance and became lovers naturally. Their friendship has been builing up and developing around in secret this year." he said.

Another official entertainment officer: "on the premise that there will be a marriage after two family meeting." he hinted.

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Guest betchay

Brief translation from Shulien article:

Korean pop star Kwon Sang-woo (32) and Canada-born actress and former Miss Korea Son Tae Young (28) in Love.

An official entertainment officer said that "two people met early this year by chance and became lovers naturally. Their friendship has been builing up and developing around in secret this year." he said.

Another official entertainment officer: "on the premise that there will be a marriage after two family meeting." he hinted.

Thanks Shulien, TY for the news & translation.

I can't blame Sangwoo, i think Son Tae Young is very pretty. :D

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Brief translation from Shulien article:

Korean pop star Kwon Sang-woo (32) and Canada-born actress and former Miss Korea Son Tae Young (28) in Love.

An official entertainment officer said that "two people met early this year by chance and became lovers naturally. Their friendship has been builing up and developing around in secret this year." he said.

Another official entertainment officer: "on the premise that there will be a marriage after two family meeting." he hinted.

thanks for translating.

the news about them just came out in my KJE search result.

since i sort of like the actress since i watched Freeze, i am happy for both of them if marriage is very much imminent.

i hope KJE and LSJ will get married first and that KSW and STY will take their time of dating as STY just broke up with her BF while doing I AM SAM.

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Brief translation from Shulien article:

Korean pop star Kwon Sang-woo (32) and Canada-born actress and former Miss Korea Son Tae Young (28) in Love.

An official entertainment officer said that "two people met early this year by chance and became lovers naturally. Their friendship has been builing up and developing around in secret this year." he said.

Another official entertainment officer: "on the premise that there will be a marriage after two family meeting." he hinted.

Thank you TY for those translation ...

Let's me say Congrat. in advance .

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Guest betchay

thanks for translating.

the news about them just came out in my KJE search result.

since i sort of like the actress since i watched Freeze, i am happy for both of them if marriage is very much imminent.

i hope KJE and LSJ will get married first and that KSW and STY will take their time of dating as STY just broke up with her BF while doing I AM SAM.

I saw her 1st in "Marrying a Millionaire" & she's really pretty.

I do agree.. they must enjoy their dating & getting-to-know each other thingy

before jumping to a very serious relationship like marriage. :phew:

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Guest TY_KSW

The news on Kwon Sang Woo and Son Tae Young is spreading all over media now.I found the news updating every minutes in all websites!

Some latest inf, they are planning to marry in the next year March ! :rolleyes:

TY_KSW i'm happy for KSW and STY... its that confirmed?

Hi Chinah!

Both family has met ! they are approving!

Should we call it is confirmation? :D

thanks for translating.

the news about them just came out in my KJE search result.

since i sort of like the actress since i watched Freeze, i am happy for both of them if marriage is very much imminent.

i hope KJE and LSJ will get married first and that KSW and STY will take their time of dating as STY just broke up with her BF while doing I AM SAM.


you are right, they must need time of dating before going into the marriage! :)

However, at some cases, still there be a speed! Wonder whether Sangwoo-STY will marry before your heaven couple Lee Seo Jin-Kim Jung Eun do?? :lol:

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