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Kwon Sang Woo 권상우


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Guest viry yin

Hi Viry, nice to see you back! you will be in Kimchi land next week? wow.. hope you can see him (not her :lol: )

Hi dear TY, you'r right...I hope so too :sweatingbullets:

Echan thanks for translating :)

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Guest kierelun

KOREAN TV star Ryu Si Won, who was here for the F1 race, met hundreds of fans on Monday.

But it was on a visit to the Bishan Home for the Intellectually Disabled that he was mobbed.

Not by the residents there, but by the nursing aides from the Philippines.

Some even managed to kiss him, leaving him looking stunned.

At the home, the humble star went around shaking hands, signing autographs and hugging some of the residents, who seemed happy to see him.

But far more excited were the nursing aides, some of whom went wild.

More than 10 of them rushed onto the stage to take a group photo with Si Won, and while getting ready, one of them dabbed the perspiration on his face with a red T-shirt.

Then, the unimaginable happened.

One nursing aide leaned forward and kissed Si Won's left cheek, triggering a copycat reaction among the others.

The emcee had to jump in front of Si Won to stop more of the women from sneaking up on him.

It turned out that it was the first time that Si Won, 36, had ever got mob-kissed by fans.

Actor loves the thrill of car racing

And he counted four pecks on his cheek, no less!

With a laugh, he said: 'No fan has ever dared to come kiss me on my cheeks. Usually it's just hugs or handshakes.'

He was not worried or offended though, because 'I can understand how a fan feels about me'.

And he is used to more dangerous situations - like crashing a race car.

The actor-singer, who is also a professional racer, crashed his car in a race last month.

When asked about it, his immediate response was: 'It was not my mistake... I had trouble with the car.'

The accelerator pedal had suddenly got stuck and he had to crash into a guard rail to stop the car.

He woke up with 'some pain' in his neck the next day, but is okay now.

So, which is worse: To crash or to lose?

Passionate about cars

'Crashing is the worst situation, because you can't even try to win or do your best,' he told The New Paper through an interpreter.

'Even if you don't win, at least you gave it your best shot.'

The boyish star of popular dramas like Beautiful Days and Wedding was in town last weekend to do a special feature on the inaugural Singapore Grand Prix for a Korean cable channel.

When asked about the crashes on Sunday, he commented that two of them were 'driver's mistakes' and one was a 'mechanic's fault'.

'I saw it all from the paddock club, the VIP area with the best view,' he said matter-of-factly.

He enjoyed the three-day event and kept raving about the 'wonderful lighting' that was specially installed for the first F1 night race in the world.

'I really really wanted to join the race and be on the tracks myself, but I had to suppress the urge because only F1 drivers are allowed to race,' he said with a reluctant smile.

'But I'll be joining a race in Korea two weeks later, and I'll think of the Singapore F1 and do a good job.'

He had to miss a wedding to be here for the race.

His actor pal Kwon Sang Woo was married to actress Son Tae Young in Seoul on Sunday.

Si Won said he received Sang Woo's invitation first, and then he accepted the F1 job without realising that the dates would clash.

'My excuse is that I'm going to Singapore for work and not just to enjoy the F1 race, so I believe Sang Woo understands my situation. Anyway, I already sent him a red packet and flowers too.'

One may think Si Won places racing above friendship, but he insisted both are equally important to him.

'It's just that everything for F1 was already arranged when I realised the clash of dates, so I had no choice but to come to Singapore.'Not that he was complaining, though.

Si Won's passion for racing goes as far back as kindergarten, when he fell in love with cars and started drawing pictures of them.

Safe and slow

But it never occurred to him to be a racer until 1997, when he was asked to join a race as part of a variety show.

The descendent of a famous prime minister during the Chosun dynasty hopes to juggle racing with his showbiz career, which is mostly based in Japan these days.

What he loves most about racing is not the speed or the thrill of competing, though.

'There are so many things I like about racing, but the biggest appeal is that each race is a struggle with myself. I have to fight myself in order to win.'

Away from the race circuit, Si Won professes to be a safe and slow driver.

'I drive fast only on the race tracks,' he said.

'The more you get involved in car racing, the more you tend to drive safely on the normal roads.'

Before leaving on Monday night, Si Won also met 200 of his fans at K Union at Cineleisure.

So, how far does he let fans go with him?

He said he draws the line at being kissed on the lips or butt-grabbed by fans who pretend to put their hands around his waist while posing for photos.

'I won't be that happy, and I'd feel very embarrassed when fans, especially the older women, grab my butt,' he lamented.

'But I won't push them away because then they'd feel bad, so I just let them be.'

One wonders though, is it worse to be butt-grabbed or to crash his car?

The Newpaper, Singapore, 1 Oct 2008

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Guest TY_KSW

he received KSW's invitation before getting the car race treat?

no doubt, he loves car racing than friendship! <_<

i m touching and appreciating the way KSW's senior colleagues handled. LBH and JWS are busy in Canada for Filming festival, they have reason not to attend but they still took time to come to bless their junior colleague. JDG is very busy with his first Hollywood debut, dubbing and post-producing but still come to cheer the wed couple! Husband and wife Kim Seung Woo and Kim Nam joo whose right hand got severe injury still stepped out from hospital to attend the wed ... and many others...

Thats what we call professional and truly indeed friends! :rolleyes:

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he received KSW's invitation before getting the car race treat?

no doubt, he loves car racing than friendship! <_<

i m touching and appreciating the way KSW's senior colleagues handled. LBH and JWS are busy in Canada for Filming festival, they have reason not to attend but they still took time to come to bless their junior colleague. JDG is very busy with his first Hollywood debut, dubbing and post-producing but still come to cheer the wed couple! Husband and wife Kim Seung Woo and Kim Nam joo whose right hand got severe injury still stepped out from hospital to attend the wed ... and many others...

Thats what we call professional and truly indeed friends! :rolleyes:

Hi TY - I agree with you here - ahhh........ there are 2-kinds of friends : one in word & the other one in deed - Well, KSW will realized now who his real friends are. :)

The wedding was just over last Sunday but I missed seeing his new photos again. I'm starting to miss our man again. I hope it's already November so he could start filming the movie. Just can't get enough of him. Whewww..... so quiet here in our thread..........so deafening.......... <_<:wacko:

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Guest ghina05

Hi TY - I agree with you here - ahhh........ there are 2-kinds of friends : one in word & the other one in deed - Well, KSW will realized now who his real friends are. :)

The wedding was just over last Sunday but I missed seeing his new photos again. I'm starting to miss our man again. I hope it's already November so he could start filming the movie. Just can't get enough of him. Whewww..... so quiet here in our thread..........so deafening.......... <_<:wacko:

Quiet, willinette? How about will you convince dear TY (she's going back to Shiseido) and other Sangwooers to continue patronizing FaceShop even if the venerable BYJ will be its main endorser? Personally, I will take a peek but I will not go running over to the nearest TFS store. I have tried its products. Some work for me and others don't. So, I will be cautious.

Ooops, Azura just posted some KSW pixs. You're still here! Not as active as before, are we? We were missing you. Thanks for the Fate pixs.

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Quiet, willinette? How about will you convince dear TY (she's going back to Shiseido) and other Sangwooers to continue patronizing FaceShop even if the venerable BYJ will be its main endorser? Personally, I will take a peek but I will not go running over to the nearest TFS store. I have tried its products. Some work for me and others don't. So, I will be cautious.

Ooops, Azura just posted some KSW pixs. You're still here! Not as active as before, are we? We were missing you. Thanks for the Fate pixs.

Hi ghina - you're all over the world here, huh - i just saw you awhile ago at the other thread & now saw you again here. Hahaha - BTW, azura is always here for KSW - it's you that's MIA for a little while - She always supports SangWoo through the end. :blush: :lol:

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SBS broadcasted Kwon Sang Woo wedding

View or download: sw-081001.wmv

Credit to kwonsazoom

Hi TY - thanks for sharing this link. This network has been all supportive to him ever since. D/L the video right now - although have seen so many videos about his wedding but I'm still excited for this one. He looks great during his wedding. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest ghina05

Hi ghina - you're all over the world here, huh - i just saw you awhile ago at the other thread & now saw you again here. Hahaha - BTW, azura is always here for KSW - it's you that's MIA for a little while - She always supports SangWoo through the end. :blush: :lol:

Ouch, willenette. Yup, we seem to have common taste for some "things". ;) Have to go MIA for some months not just on this thread but on the other threads as well to attend to some family matters across the Pacific . :D Of course, we all know that Azura is ever supportive of KSW. She tops the loyalty chart for KSW. :D

Thanks TY for the VOD. Thumbs up. Will download later.

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Guest TY_KSW

Hi TY - thanks for sharing this link. This network has been all supportive to him ever since. D/L the video right now - although have seen so many videos about his wedding but I'm still excited for this one. He looks great during his wedding. :sweatingbullets:

Will, watching that clip i found many stars attended but their photos werent shown. Might be they went late.. did you see Park Ki Woong who starred in My Tutor Friend - part 2? hahha! when i see his name (in Korean) shown up during his interviewing i surprised... could not know Sangwoo and him are friends! ahhahh! I also saw his co-lady Lee Hee Jung who played the role Soo-Ji in "ARe we Dating" :lol: His inviting list is surprising! :D

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Ouch, willenette. Yup, we seem to have common taste for some "things". ;) Have to go MIA for some months not just on this thread but on the other threads as well to attend to some family matters across the Pacific . :D Of course, we all know that Azura is ever supportive of KSW. She tops the loyalty chart for KSW. :D

Thanks TY for the VOD. Thumbs up. Will download later.

haha..i'm still around just that not as frequent as before...

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Will, watching that clip i found many stars attended but their photos werent shown. Might be they went late.. did you see Park Ki Woong who starred in My Tutor Friend - part 2? hahha! when i see his name (in Korean) shown up during his interviewing i surprised... could not know Sangwoo and him are friends! ahhahh! I also saw his co-lady Lee Hee Jung who played the role Soo-Ji in "ARe we Dating" :lol: His inviting list is surprising! :D

TY, right you are - many stars who attended that we didn't see their photos at all. KSW is a very good person, a very good friend. All stars who were invited are really close to his heart. So happy that these stars were able to show him & reciprocate his friendship. There are those I saw on video, which I'm not really familiar with, only recognize their faces because they've been with our man in a movie & drama. :lol::)

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Innolife VOD on KSW wedding.

It is still hot after 5 days :rolleyes::sweatingbullets:

Download or view: Wedding P 6. Innolife_2.wmv

TY, thanks for this link again. Please keep the videos coming - really appreciate it. I hope there will be an eng subs for all these soon so we would know what was he saying in the video. The bride seems to be laughing from the questions asked to them. KSW was so accommodating to answer those questions from medias. :)

Wondering what is KSW doing at the moment? :blush: :)

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Guest TY_KSW

Wondering what is KSW doing at the moment? :blush: :)

he was at home either missing his wife who is abroad for CF shooting or counting the red-packaged :lol::lol:

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he was at home either missing his wife who is abroad for CF shooting or counting the red-packaged :lol::lol:

TY, i didn't know that her filming is outside Korea. She left KSW right after the wedding, huh? So, our man is just alone at the moment - newly-married and already alone. :blush: <_<

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Guest TY_KSW

TY, i didn't know that her filming is outside Korea. She left KSW right after the wedding, huh? So, our man is just alone at the moment - newly-married and already alone. :blush: <_<

she left Korea for BKK on Oct 30 for a CF shooting that signed before...

Of course our groom is in home now! I doubt Azura took a short trip there with him while the bride is far far away! muahahhah! :lol::lol:

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she left Korea for BKK on Oct 30 for a CF shooting that signed before...

Of course our groom is in home now! I doubt Azura took a short trip there with him while the bride is far far away! muahahhah! :lol::lol:

TY, no wonder azura is missing today...........has no time to go online......... hahaha - :lol:

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