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Kwon Sang Woo 권상우


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Unable to sleep last night, crazy thoughts had a free-for-all in my very, very disturbed head. As I was bracing myself for the worst, a totally insane thought popped in my brain: What if my poor heart cannot survive from its brokenness? Inspired by the movie "Serendipity", I started to write my own obituary. It reads: "Mrs Han died this Saturday from complications of losing her Sangwoo oppa and her heavenly dream." :lol::lol::lol:

moi dear -_- ..... actually u ain't supposed to have d hots for Sangwoo since u are MRS Han !! :w00t: ...... one thing dear, moi am just dying to know who in d world is ur MR Han?? :phew:

Its good for Sangwoo to consider a prenup as per ur earlier post :lol: ..... only problem is that moi am not sure whether such a document will hold up in d K-divorce courts! There is no auto acceptance of such a docu's legal validity here in Singapore. :rolleyes:

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Guest winwetty

all this while i've been a silent reader in these thread...

i just like to read all the posting here...but this sudden news is making me to starting to writing whatever comes in my mind..

at the moment i'm slowly trying to overcome my heartbroken...and now i'm trying to think positively i want our sangwoo to be happy and i also just hope that she will be really2 real good to our sangwoo and love him as much as we love sangwoo...

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Guest mrs han

moi dear -_- ..... actually u ain't supposed to have d hots for Sangwoo since u are MRS Han !! :w00t: ...... one thing dear, moi am just dying to know who in d world is ur MR Han?? :phew:

Its good for Sangwoo to consider a prenup as per ur earlier post :lol: ..... only problem is that moi am not sure whether such a document will hold up in d K-divorce courts! There is no auto acceptance of such a docu's legal validity here in Singapore. :rolleyes:

Hahaha, be nice to this cavewoman and she might just tell you who Mr Han is! ;);)(I'll PM you one of these days, dear.)

I'm completely clueless about Korean law, dear, but I really really hope that your ex-hubby :P will be wise enough to consider a pre-nup! -_-

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Hahaha, be nice to this cavewoman and she might just tell you who Mr Han is! ;);)(I'll PM you one of these days, dear.)

I'm completely clueless about Korean law, dear, but I really really hope that your ex-hubby :P will be wise enough to consider a pre-nup! -_-

moi dear -_- ..... not so much ex-hubby as future hubby! :w00t: ..... after their divorce of cos -_- ...... moi am now watching d My Husband's Woman dvd yet again! B) ..... that Kim Hee Ae is sure a riot! :w00t:

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Guest mrs han

moi dear -_- ..... not so much ex-hubby as future hubby! :w00t: ..... after their divorce of cos -_- ...... moi am now watching d My Husband's Woman dvd yet again! B) ..... that Kim Hee Ae is sure a riot! :w00t:

I'm wondering how long you will wait, dear... :phew::phew::P

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I'm wodering how long you will wait, dear... :phew::phew::P

dun be such a worry wart dear :phew: ..... moi could start an affair with Sangwoo immediately! :w00t: ..... then tie d knot after they split B) ..... which may not be too long actually given her history of break-ups --- like its almost habitual for her! <_<

why else do u think moi had been enamored by My Husband's Woman recently :phew: .... d divorce there was quite quickie!!! 36_11_6.gif

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Guest mrs han

dun be such a worry wart dear :phew: ..... moi could start an affair with Sangwoo immediately! :w00t: ..... then tie d knot after they split B) ..... which may not be too long actually given her history of break-ups --- like its almost habitual for her! <_<


Sweet and demure but very wicked newbie... :w00t::w00t:

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Guest hotelier29

Page could not be displayed. Any other link? Will appreciate your help.

it works fine for me. try it again

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Guest kierelun

Page could not be displayed. Any other link? Will appreciate your help.

I’ll admit, I wasn’t really planning to cover Kwon Sang-woo’s wedding news, but it’s everywhere right now so I’ll highlight the key points:

Kwon Sang-woo held a press conference on July 18 in Seoul’s Plaza Hotel to confirm the rumors that have been swirling since people got wind of his romance with fellow actress Sohn Tae-young yesterday.

Approximately 300 reporters were in attendance, with some Japanese female fans as well.

Sohn Tae-young was not present.

…because the media are harassing her.

The wedding date is set for September 28. The ceremony will take place at Shilla Hotel; the honeymoon is yet undecided.

After acting in the drama I Am Sam and having a cameo on Iljimae, Sohn Tae-young had been the host for cable channel DongA TV’s beauty and fashion program Sohn Tae-young’s Life Magazine, which she is now quitting.

She cites the sudden media flurry as her reason for the sudden departure; the heightened scrutiny would make it impossible for her to carry on her program as normal. The episode she recorded on July 17 was her last.

She’s also suspended her drama and CF casting activities.

That has caused people to wonder, will Sohn Tae-young retire completely?

Kwon Sang-woo says she’ll keep working.

The two lovebirds met when they were introduced through Kim Sung-soo, Kwon’s co-star in the recent drama Bad Love. He first met her when eating dinner with Kim Sung-soo.

The proposal wasn’t fancy. He’d bought a ring, gotten nervous, and even cried, after which she hugged him.

He’s never been to her place (”all celebrities tend to be extra careful before things are definite”).

They did travel to Australia together, with “close friends.”

He’d originally intended to reveal his wedding plans to his fans first, at this upcoming birthday-cum-fanmeeting on August 5. But the news broke early and pre-empted that intention. (Aside: Could you imagine the possible disaster that could have been? Look at the media craze now — imagine if the news broke at a fan meeting attended by all his adoring female fans. Hilarrrrious.)

He says Sohn treats his mother extremely well, one of the reasons he fell for her.

He also wants to be a father.

But it’s “absolutely not” because she’s pregnant! Her mother refuted claims that the speed of the announcement suggested a shotgun wedding.

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Guest TY_KSW

I'll admit, I wasn't really planning to cover Kwon Sang-woo's wedding news, but it's everywhere right now so I'll highlight the key points:

Kwon Sang-woo held a press conference on July 18 in Seoul's Plaza Hotel to confirm the rumors that have been swirling since people got wind of his romance with fellow actress Sohn Tae-young yesterday.

Approximately 300 reporters were in attendance, with some Japanese female fans as well.

Sohn Tae-young was not present.

because the media are harassing her.

media are harassing her? :rolleyes:

wasn't that what she and her agent are expecting ? Media never focus on her like that before, her name's never been mentioned in first cover page before....

She must happen with him last nite, i think! To reap the fruits of her effort!! tsk tsk!

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media are harassing her? :rolleyes:

wasn't that what she and her agent are expecting ? Media never focus on her like that before, her name's never been mentioned in first cover page before....

She must happen with him last nite, i think! To reap the fruits of her effort!! tsk tsk!

LOLOLOL* roll eyes over & over!!

hahaa...she had become a sensation overnight ..so she didn't turn up at the press con because media harassing her ?

geez,i really don't know .....what to say

but i feel as a couple,they shd step out together & brave this together,face the media,public,fans to drop the BOMBSHELL ...why only sw was making this announcement himself ? this is what love is about?

it's been a day since i had been shocked out of my pants ..

& i'm still shocked

the feeling is not one with ease

i wanted to feel happy for him

but i can't help feeling otherwise .......


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Guest TY_KSW

LOLOLOL* roll eyes over & over!!

hahaa...she had become a sensation overnight ..so she didn't turn up at the press con because media harassing her ?

geez,i really don't know .....what to say


if you did nothing wrongly you dun have to be hidden like that! must face it like a brave heart ! hahahha!

actually, she didnt...by blaming on media's harrasing! such a pro! :tongue2:


You have just broken my heart into pieces, but what can I do? You must be really in love to marry a woman you have been having a relationship for just a couple of months. Part of me wants to scream and curse all the forces in the universe, but my heart, though broken, is magnanimous enough to wish you and your future wife well.

Like my shell-shocked friends here, I have some reasons to doubt and ask questions about your upcoming marriage. I hope that you have known each other well and that you are marrying for the right reasons. Because marriage needs more than love - I hope you will keep that in mind. And as a word of advice from a still concerned fan: Draw up a prenuptial agreement. I do not want to sound pessimistic, but you might be in cloud nine now, but who knows where you will be in a few years time? Try to learn from Paul McCartney's recent experience.

Do not worry about us, we will get over this - a few bottles of soju will be enough. After the shock comes denial, then acceptance, and after that, healing. And, ironic as it may sound, I want to say "Thank You" because I can sleep better tonight, now that I am finally able to come to terms with the truth. My anxious heart can finally start beating normally again, and I can go back to solving my sudoku puzzles without the unnecessary distraction.

Congratulations, dear, for making this brave decision. My only hope is that it is a right one.

Broken-hearted but sincere,

Mrs Han

**Clap clap clap** Mrs Han :lol:

You are talent! you wrote what in our mind n heart!

totally perfect and suitable to mind him about Paul McCartney! Yo, his and our actor now are quite same on HOW THE AFFAIS STARTED !! hope the ending is not same :lol:

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Guest kierelun

media are harassing her? :rolleyes:

wasn't that what she and her agent are expecting ? Media never focus on her like that before, her name's never been mentioned in first cover page before....

She must happen with him last nite, i think! To reap the fruits of her effort!! tsk tsk!

This is the 1st sign of the BEGINNING of the worst to come!! Who and which sane person in the whole wide world would behave so childishly. If she is deeply sincere and in love to marry KSW for love, she should be damn proud to hold hands with him up the stage or in front of press conference, reporters etc. and announce their marriage together happily. 1st off, KSW doesnt seem at all happy from his facial expressions. What a damn excuse to say media is harrassing her, it just proves that she is definitely hiding the truth from the public and if the reporters interrogate her further about the quickie marriage and whether because of pregnancy, she is going to blow to bits. Why - unplanned pregnancy pushing her to marriage! This will gravely cause her deep depression that she is marrying out of wedlock and also she maybe not ready yet since her career has not reached it's peak. I'll be damned what's going to happen next if the pregnancy comes true, therefore dont be too optimistic that this will be a happy marriage. At most KSW will get custody of the child if they divorced. I am prepared to lay my bets & I feel sorry for KSW for the hasty marriage, knowing SYT and getting married within less than a year is a marriage of convenience rather than genuine love.

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Guest TY_KSW

He's also avoiding the question when asked 'Is she with a child?'..

He should be thrilled (IF..she's really with his child..) and announced the due date too..

babe, he knew, the wedding announcement is hard enough for his worldwide fans and netizen!

if he disclosed the behind true, there would be no more egg in the market the day after!!


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Guest TY_KSW

I am prepared to lay my bets & I feel sorry for KSW for the hasty marriage, knowing SYT and getting married within less than a year is a marriage of convenience rather than genuine love.

:lol: you are sincerely sharped and bright to tell the true unlike someone tried to be smart but so sucks! :tongue2:

dun be such a worry wart dear :phew: ..... moi could start an affair with Sangwoo immediately! :w00t: ..... then tie d knot after they split B) ..... which may not be too long actually given her history of break-ups --- like its almost habitual for her! <_<

why else do u think moi had been enamored by My Husband's Woman recently :phew: .... d divorce there was quite quickie!!! 36_11_6.gif

hahha, good ! just do it as soon as possible!

and when you both split, just call me, i will back you up!!


so far that STY has been keeping a low profile ..... wonder why <_<

now she is not ! let see, her name is the most searching now in whole internet /daum :phew:

she got what she is planing! Congrats!

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Guest TY_KSW

to all other fans also waiting his new drama / movie right? so we just pray for it!! that he will make a new one for us!

no dear! we are waiting for another case like last week Brangelina in France hospital! :lol:

We can afford for his needs of Pampers as his coming Birthday present!


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