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Kwon Sang Woo 권상우


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Guest hotelier29

WHAT??? so it is true?? i am so so...sad to hear that!!

he has very quick relationship with her!! it might be she is pregnant already?

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Kwon Sang-woo: "I will get married Son Tae Young on September 28, 2008"

aish! our man confirmed!

wonder whether it will be a church or K-traditional wedding :phew: ....... she will have to mind her Ps n Qs with Sangwoo's mama thereafter! :w00t:

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Guest patchwork

well................. i wouldn't be surprised.... but then its LOVE.....

WHAT??? so it is true?? i am so so...sad to hear that!!

he has very quick relationship with her!! it might be she is pregnant already?

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Guest TY_KSW

권상우, "손태영 영원히 사랑한다…눈물로 프로포즈"

[마이데일리] 2008년 07월 18일(금) 오후 09:20


[마이데일리 = 장서윤 기자] 배우 권상우(32)가 동료 연기자 손태영(28)과 열애설에 이어 결혼설이 불거진 데 대해 입을 열었다.

18일 오후 9시 서울 중구 프라자 호텔 4층에서 진행된 공식 입장표명 기자회견에서 권상우는 "급하게 인터뷰 자리를 마련했는데 많이 와주셔서 감사하다. 좀더 빨리 속시원히 이야기 해드려야 하는데 하루라도 지체된 점 죄송하다"라며 말문을 열었다.

권상우는 "기사에 나온 대로 손태영 씨는 내가 사랑하는 사람이 맞고 9월 28일 결혼할 예정"이라고 전했다.

또, "원래 8월 초 생일에 맞춰 팬들에게 제일 먼저 소식을 전하고 싶었다. 그 후 이런 자리를 마련하려 했는데 기사가 나기 하루 전 기사가 난다는 얘기를 듣게 되서 팬들에게 죄송하다"고 덧붙였다.

주로 차 안에서 데이트를 하며 편지나 전화로 안부를 나눴다는 두 사람은 손태영에 대해서는 "가족들에게도 너무 잘하고 우리집에 웃음꽃이 피게 만드는 사람"이라며 "영원히 사랑하고 싶다"고 전했다.

프러포즈에 대해서는 "생애 처음으로 했는데 울면서 했다"며 쑥스러운 미소를 지었다.

마지막으로 "진짜 어른이 된 것 같다"며 기자회견을 마무리했다.

올해 초부터 불거진 두 사람의 열애설은 17일 한 언론사의 보도를 통해 공개됐으며 18일에는 직접적인 결혼 날짜까지 거론되며 결혼설로까지 번졌다. 이에 권상우와 손태영 측은 18일 낮까지 아무런 입장 표명 없이 묵묵부답으로 일관하다 오후경 긴급 기자회견을 공지했다.

이에 앞서 권상우는 지난 3월 말 영화 `숙명` 개봉을 앞둔 인터뷰에서 "마음 속에 결혼하고 싶은 사람이 있다"며 간접적으로 사귀고 있는 사람이 있음을 암시했었다. 그러나 당시에는 `만나고 있는 사람이 있느냐`는 질문에는 즉답을 피하며 `있어도 없고 없어도 있지 않겠느냐`고 재치있게 응수한 바 있다.

한편, 이날 기자회견에는 300여 명의 취재진이 몰려 두 사람의 열애설에 대한 뜨거운 관심을 보였다.

[배우 손태영과의 열애설에 대한 입장을 전한 권상우. 사진=권태완 기자photo@mydaily.co.kr]

(장서윤 기자 ciel@mydaily.co.kr)

기사 제보 및 보도자료 press@mydaily.co.kr

모바일 마이데일리 3693 + NATE/magicⓝ/ez-i

- NO1.뉴미디어 실시간 뉴스 마이데일리(www.mydaily.co.kr) 저작권자 ⓒ 마이데일리. 무단전재&재배포 금지 -

장서윤 ciel@mydaily.co.kr(기자)

Brief translation:

At 9:00 p.m. in Seoul Plaza Hotel on the 18th floor the press conference held.

Kwon Sangwoo announced: "I would like to inform that we will marry in September 28."

He added, "At first, I would like to announce this news in the birthday event on August 5 but since the news is coming out and created the big public topic I now arranged to confirm and say apology to the fans for this sudden news."

Omitted (heartpain to translate) :tears:

"I cried the very first time when i proposed her" Kwon Sang Woo smiled and replied the interview

He said: "Finally, I think we are matured and real grown-up, it is the right time to make decision."

omitted (unneccesary inf) :phew:

Meanwhile, about 300 reporters at a press conference to get the information on the hot couple.

Mydaily - 2008년 07월 18일(금) 오후 09:20

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Guest charlesriver

WOW! So fast, so soon! Sorry for his fans but wish him and his pride-to-be all the happiness.

From KSW tieba, baidu.com:

권상우,'태영이 사랑합니다'

权相佑 泰英啊,我爱你

KSW declared his love for STY at the press conference tonight.


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Guest TY_KSW

Everyone can foresee that there will be many uncountable articles and news regarding this press conference flooding in, but surely they are same content.

Since i m brave enough to have it brief translation, i m sure all are enlightened!


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Guest EnDlEsS88

wow .. it is confirmed and he is gonna marry her .... T T ....

well what can we say but Congratulations KSW .... with very sad hearts T_T

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Ladies, to KSW fans and non,

Everyone can foresee that there will be many uncountable articles and news regarding this press conference flooding in, but surely they are same content.

Since i m brave enough to have it brief translation, i m sure all are enlightened!

No need to post the broken-hearted news anymore, except there is any change from him :tongue2:

trust it understood! Plz respect our feeling for a while.. at least! :sweatingbullets:

cheer up dear! :D ...... at least our thread is now on fire with this news! :w00t: ...... besides, Sangwoo's oredi over 30, frankly its high time he gets hitched! B)

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Guest Zombie

Congrats to KSW & STY.

KSW , besides preparing to be a husband, maybe a father as well....otherwise, why the rush.... :P

Hope both will continue to treasure and love eachother even after marriage. :D

Cheer up KSW diehard fans, at least yr man is so blissfully happy and blessed now with his love.

That was a responsible act of him to give a press conf.

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i know many are broken-hearted but your KSW is happy.

and i am glad they are getting married not because she is pregnant.

as he said, they will start a family 2 years after they got married.

n within that 2-year period, Sangwoo should either do a period drama :phew: .......... or else play d role of d contemporary philandering hubby! 36_11_6.gif

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Guest betchay

I should be happy for him but i'm not!

I don't have anything against his lady coz i think she's really pretty & nice.

What i hate most is how KSW delivered this sudden news to his fans! <_<

All i can say.. the picture above doesn't looks like he is happy right now.

He looks pathetic & funny! :wacko:

Maybe i'll give my congratulation later on!

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I should be happy for him but i'm not!

I don't have anything against his lady coz i think she's really pretty & nice.

What i hate most is how KSW delivered this sudden news to his fans! <_<

All i can say.. the picture above doesn't looks like he is happy right now.

He looks pathetic & funny! :wacko:

Maybe i'll give my congratulation later on!

although i noticed that too, maybe he was just anxious because he kept it secret to his fans and then stunned them by announcing/confirming that he will marry his lady love.

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Guest sunny_namanya

hii all, 1st time post here ^0^

with all the news he is getting married, i was shocked. but i think we should support n congrate for the couple anyway^^

if he is happy, we are happy also as his fans ^0^

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Guest TY_KSW

I should be happy for him but i'm not!

I don't have anything against his lady coz i think she's really pretty & nice.

What i hate most is how KSW delivered this sudden news to his fans! <_<

All i can say.. the picture above doesn't looks like he is happy right now.

He looks pathetic & funny! :wacko:

Maybe i'll give my congratulation later on!

like he have no choice but to announce!!!

cheer up dear! :D ...... at least our thread is now on fire with this news! :w00t: ...... besides, Sangwoo's oredi over 30, frankly its high time he gets hitched! B)

its time to get hooked!!! :tongue2:

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Guest Azura

i know many are broken-hearted but your KSW is happy.

and i am glad they are getting married not because she is pregnant.

as he said, they will start a family 2 years after they got married.

that's a blessing in disguise IF they are getting married not bcos she's pregnant.

i'm well prepared of what he's gonna say but still i feel very down.

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Guest camella

I should be happy for him but i'm not!

I don't have anything against his lady coz i think she's really pretty & nice.

What i hate most is how KSW delivered this sudden news to his fans! <_<

All i can say.. the picture above doesn't looks like he is happy right now.

He looks pathetic & funny! :wacko:

Maybe i'll give my congratulation later on!

My first impression seeing his picture while announcing his planned marriage was, like yours, Betchay, he did not look very happy.

Months from now we will know why this sudden decision. I guess we expected a lot from Sangwoo on how to treat us his fans, because we loved him very much, and supported him through thick and thin. Maybe he needs our understanding now, more than ever. We would have wanted him to have waited, shared his developing relationship with us, instead of being so secretive then dropping the news like a bomb. Sangwoo, knowing him and how much his fans meant to him, perhaps did not want things to happen this way himself. Like you Betchay, I do not question his choice of a mate. It is just that in this manner, it is so sad that he had to apologize to his fans while announcing a most important and happy event in his life.

I have said my wishes for happiness to him. I mean it with all my heart,

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Guest Azura

I should be happy for him but i'm not!

I don't have anything against his lady coz i think she's really pretty & nice.

What i hate most is how KSW delivered this sudden news to his fans! <_<

All i can say.. the picture above doesn't looks like he is happy right now.

He looks pathetic & funny! :wacko:

Maybe i'll give my congratulation later on!

Sangwoo should have done a better job on this.

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although i noticed that too, maybe he was just anxious because he kept it secret to his fans and then stunned them by announcing/confirming that he will marry his lady love.

his manager or agency may have decided earlier to keep things under wraps :unsure: ..... maybe for fear it might affect his popularity :rolleyes: ...... after all how many of d top K-stars today are married? :phew:

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