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What Did You Dream Of Today?

Guest iSayOink

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Guest mochi.

There's this dream that I keep thinking about. I had it 2 days ago and now I'm so confused by it.

So basically it was all of this weird stuff. The weirder thing is the setting was in like, Super Mario World o_0 except everything was like, real, not a cartoon. And that kinda freaked me out. And like everyone I knew was there. Then all of this other weird stuff which I don't really wanna talk about. Then.. it got even weirder. I was walking into this huuuuuge ranch house and this guy comes up from behind me. All of a sudden he hugs me and puts his face close to mine. He kept whispering in my ear, "Don't go.. I like you.." I was like O_O. But for some reason, his "hug" felt so warm, even if it was a dream. That's the thing that kept freaking me out because I don't know how a "hug" from a dream could make me feel so warm and happy inside.

And the other thing that freaked me out was that the guy in my dream was someone that I would've never expected to do that. It was my friend.

But yeah, I've had much weirder dreams. And those "weirder" dreams were scarier too. Like having your house being paraded by huge gigantic spiders and dinosaurs. I didn't care about the dinosaurs since they were pretty calm in my dream. But I'm deadly afraid of spiders T____T

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Guest Kdrama_luvr

In my dream, I saw Barney. 0_0 For some weird reason he was riding on a cow and flying over the moon. Then I saw all these people from my old school who I barely talked to.

In another dream, I had to go against this girl I know in real life in a sports game. And the day after, at pe class, I had to go against her in this running/tag thing. Maybe I can see the future. :D

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Guest sentuhmentalfo0l

there was a black and white iguana in my room

and then i kinda shoved it off the wall and it fell behind my roommates bed

so i scrambled over and pulled it into the hallway

i walked a bit, let go of the tail, and then ran back into my room

so random.

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Guest ludanmei

well it wasn`t today but i had a dream where my dog grew udders and i was milking him... err.. her. ._.

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Guest lulunotlemon*

I had a dream about DBSK performing and I was in the front row seat ^^... OMGSH AND THEN MY FREAKIN' ALARM CLOCK WOKE ME UP!!!!!!!!

And I had this other dream, it was really freaky, cause I dreamed about my dad having a heart disease or something, and he died...

when I woke up I was crying ;_; omgshh it scared me sooo much.........

I had this dream like 3 times already..... I can't rly remember it now but it's about me running away from something.. and then I went to a school.. and tried to shut down all the computers there........?? o__o;; lmao

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Something like Reaper. O__O' but the soul kept escaping.. and killed me and my partner. And it happened exactly the same.. 2 more times.

And.. something that involved.. the evil monkey from family guy? something mutated would be in a crib.. and then the monkey would kill the wife because she was cheating? and one time.. the baby stopped the evil monkey and "changed" into something else. ><'

My close guy friend ignored me. :( He placed a backpack in front of me and continued to converse with his friend.

I.. have.. strange dreams. @___@' in small snippets too..

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Guest latiana2003

i actually had a dream about Young Bae.. can't remeber what happened or what it was about. but yeah.. i know it was a nice dream though.

better than the one i had the day before... damn spiders on me!!

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Guest nicolexr

I dreamt of my old crush. I've dreamt about him for two straight nights already. I can't believe I used to be so CRAZY and emotional with that guy, I was so stupid and young. Haha. Anyway, after 1 year I finally saw him again last week, maybe that's why I started dreaming of him.

Anyway, I dreamt of him. And I remember my sister. And I remember this place with water, like a lake or a beach. And I remember a game, like there was a PS3. I also remember our loft. And this annoying guy I hate was also in my dream. I also remember my crush's smile. We were talking to each other. Mmm... I also remember we were walking on sand, like a crowded beach except not so crowded, and we were trying to look for something. Hmm.


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I had a dream about Donghae.

I think it was because I was reading fan accounts yesterday,

so I dreamt that I was buying gifts for him and then giving it to him in person, LOL.

I didn't end up giving it to him though cos he kept going somewhere else ..

and then I dreamt about going to a friend's house eating cake ;_;

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Guest dew_jung

I always remember my dream but I don't tell anyone. It's hard to tell it because my dream always is wonderful.

Except my dream is frighten . I wil tell my parents and friends because I'm scare.

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i dreamt that some guy (that i know) liked me for AGES & he broke up with his gf cuz he liked me heaps O_O my friend had told me that o_o

and then his ex was trying to hunt me down omfg o_o

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Guest japanesedolli

I dreamt that I was at the supermarket...

and then I randomly walked upto this hot looking dude and hugged him... not so gently. >__>


Uhm, yeahhh, that was it :sweatingbullets:

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