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Kim Dong Wan 김동완 - the singer


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omo our wannie cares so much about everyone im proud of wannie for doing this <3

[08.05.25][news] Kim Dongwan donates 20 million won to quake victims Singer Kim Dongwan has donated 20 million won to the victims of the recent Sichuan earthquake.

Recently busy with promotional activities for his 2nd album, Kim Dongwan made a donation of 20 million won through KBS' Love Request to the unfortunate victims of the earthquake. After appearing on the show on May 17, he made the donation in his own name without informing his management company.

When Kim Dongwan was previously busy with Shinhwa promotions a few years ago, he also made personal donations in 2003 through Love request to victims of the Daegu subway fire, 12 million won to the children's cancer foundation, 10 million won to flood victims and in 2006, he donated 15 million won to the victims of the North Korea flood.


Kim Dongwan says, "After understanding the magnitude of the Sichuan quake from the media, I had to do something. Not as an artiste, but as a human being, even if it's just a small part, I still hope to be able to help the quake victims in some way."

Kim Dongwan's title track from his 2nd album has been making waves on all music charts, and he is receiving recognition for his vocal abilities through all his live performances.


Chi trans: yujin@bestshinhwa

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@shinhwabiz__________________

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Guest aindy

[08.05.25] [News] Kim Dongwan apologizes to Ga-In of Brown Eyed Girls and Eric



Shinhwa member Kim Dongwan has apologized to fellow member Eric and Brown Eyed Girls' Ga-In.

On the 24 May episode of Star Golden Bell, Kim Dongwan said that "Eric thinks that Ga-In looks like Ryu Seung Bum". After that Kim Dongwan clarified through his management company that "it's a story that he came up with just for fun".

After that Kim Dongwan apologized to Ga-In and fans of Brown Eyed Girls, and hoped that Eric, whose new drama will be aired soon, will not be affected in any way.

The story in question became one of the top search results on 24 and 25 May on various web portals and sites, and also caused unhappiness among fans of Brown Eyed Girls.

Source: sports seoul

Chi trans: lostall@情投E赫

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@shinhwabiz

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Guest miss lakwon

Dongwan Oppa is such a great person inside out.

He's donated so much of his own money to charity for years now.

KDW, I love you not only as a singer but as a man of great dignity and kindness.


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Guest kassuma

I <3 the Dongwan love going on in the K-celeb photo section. Thank you miss_lakwon for bringing it to attention of non-KDW fans too.

Along with marveling at his generosity, I couldn't help but to think - "Wannie has made and saved up a lot of money over the years!" He's done a lot of stuff, yes (Shinhwa, acting, MC-ing, radio DJ-ing, CFs, etc), but Korean entertainers compared to American stars don't make a lot of money. But he's donated all this money over the years and he said on Sang Sang Plus that he's made enough to get married comfortably (very, very important to Korean culture - as you can tell if you watch any K-drama). AND he apparently has a Porsche (were those pictures ever posted in this thread? I saw them on shinhwa.biz). He's obviously a smart businessman!

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Guest angel2nyt

I <3 the Dongwan love going on in the K-celeb photo section. Thank you miss_lakwon for bringing it to attention of non-KDW fans too.

Along with marveling at his generosity, I couldn't help but to think - "Wannie has made and saved up a lot of money over the years!" He's done a lot of stuff, yes (Shinhwa, acting, MC-ing, radio DJ-ing, CFs, etc), but Korean entertainers compared to American stars don't make a lot of money. But he's donated all this money over the years and he said on Sang Sang Plus that he's made enough to get married comfortably (very, very important to Korean culture - as you can tell if you watch any K-drama). AND he apparently has a Porsche (were those pictures ever posted in this thread? I saw them on shinhwa.biz). He's obviously a smart businessman!

a posche??

i thought his car was a mercedes benz, so maybe he has two cars

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Guest miss lakwon

a posche??

i thought his car was a mercedes benz, so maybe he has two cars

Goodness, I must be a bad fan.

I didn't even know he had his own car.

I always thought his manager drove him around.

Gotta find out more info on this! Yikes~

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Guest choong jae

so he has a posche wow.....! could he possibly be the 2nd richest guy in shinhwa right now (after eric)? LOL j/k

his 2nd album is really nice! congrats to him for successfully releasing it b4 he enlists into the army. gonna miss him so much! the witty wan :)

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Guest Bresis

Oooh!! I am excited to hear news about his solo concert!

Thanks for the heads up, worldtraveler58. :)

I've been hoping that he'll have one before he goes to army.

Gotta save up now and fly to Seoul.

Anyone planning to go if the concert is confirmed?

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Guest jangneri

Yeah, he has a red porsche (though I'm sure his old one was a Mercedez... also was his motorcycle)

here's a pic:


I think he bought it after the Ferrari Launch Party back in 2005~


If I'm not mistaken, that's the same model. :D You know the boys, they love fast vehicles. hahahaha~

And, the concert isn't confirmed yet. I think we'd know by June~

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Guest 80slitenite

Wooo Wannie! Hot car. Hot man. Take me for a ride. hahahahha

[08.05.26][news] Dongwan: I'll go on We Got Married if my partner is Hwang Bo

Singer Kim Dongwan has said that he would only appear on the hit MBC variety show We Got Married if Hwang Bo were to be his partner.

Kim Dongwan was a guest on MBC FM's 2 o'clock Date with Park Myung Soo, and when asked "Do you want to be on We Got Married?", he replied "I didn't think about it because I hated the idea of having my private life exposed. But I changed my mind after seeing Hwang Bo and Kim Hyun Joong. If there's anyone who can bring out Hwang Bo's dual personality, that person can only be me."

He laughed and continued, "Hwang Bo is a natural and unpretentious person, but she has her feminine side too. Kim Hyun Joong is still young, he can't really bring out that side of her. But if it's me, I can bring out both her personalities perfectly."

Kim Dongwan is now busy promoting his 2nd solo album The Secret, and he has just donated 20 million won through KBS's Love Request to the victims of the recent Sichuan earthquake.

Source: MBN (mk.co.kr)

Chi trans: 韩小国 @ BESTSHINHWA

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@shinhwabiz

omg i can't get rid of this smile on my face after reading this! and all this time i thought it would be junjin. puahahhah! i love it! oh please let hyung joon have too many activities so he can leave and dongwan can come!!! sorry hyun joong. i like you, but i love dongwan. hahahahah

I hope a clip comes out of Wannie with Park Myung Soo. I just love those two!

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^ woaaahh. wannie haha u are so dorky xD saranghaeyoo. haha that'd be awesome is wannie gets to be on WJGM. i'd love sundays even more than i have ever had haha.

wannie and the car ^^ bright red, *goes to search the car to see the full look* i wish there are orange cars o__o that be awesome i'd totally buy one when i get old enough hahaha! i can see the shinhwa memebrs each driving an orange car :D

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Lots of goodies for my fellow DW-lovers - or worldtraveler's "goodness, I freakin edited this like 5000 times" post XD

Interesting tidbits from his recent radio appearances

I know most of you don't understand Korean, but I highly recommend downloading these clips (shinhwachangjo.net has them for download). There are parts where he says stuff/sings in English that are so great and/or funny. And you can hear his big, hearty laugh all throughout, which will no doubt put a smile on your face. And he just has a nice voice to listen to. *okay, enough gushing* :P

KBS Cool FM Gayo Radioshow


~ They started out listening to some songs from DW's album:

1) "Honey"

- the DJ asked if DW calls his girlfriend nicknames like "baby" - he said he can't, but Hyesung and Eric are really good at it - he just calls her by her real name (my kind of guy - I'll smack my boyfriend if he ever calls me "baby" or "honey" or whatnot *gags*)

- She also asked what kind of rapper Eric is and DW likened him to a scene in "8 Mile" where Eminem writes lyrics on the bus - Eric is always writing lyrics and DW thinks he is best at that.

- During Shinhwa's 3rd jib promotions, he once asked a girl (a model) out in front of everyone in a public place - b/c camera phones weren't invented then, he said that people didn't get pics of it.

- DW asked the DJ (who's married) if he should get married to a person he wants to see everyday or someone he only sees occasionally - the DJ concluded that the question means DW has 2 prospects, which he vehemently denied - but he's been told that you shouldn't marry someone you always want to see. The DJ said that you should get married when you get tired of "playing" (that is, dating a lot) and there's no need to marry so young - DW said he's tired to the point of exhaustion of playing (aww, I hope a beautiful, wonderful person appears in his life soon - or I guess, after he finishes military service)

2) "Psy Kiss"

- The longest kiss he's ever had was with his first girlfriend - 1 1/2 hours. Heh, before all your eyes start bugging out, it wasn't 1 1/2 hours straight, but the cumulative time while they were watching a movie. And this part I nearly died laughing - he said that his girlfriend had braces (I think) and b/c of all the kissing, her lips started bleeding. DW thought he had done something wrong and was like "I'm sorry! Let's not kiss ever again!" Bahhahahaha.

- The most memorable kiss: Inside a ferris wheel compartment (*sigh* so romantic)

3) "You Don't Know Me"

- Because the song is in English, the DJ suggested they have a convo in English. More than anything, you should download the clip just for this little part, it's SO FUNNY! (It's around 11:30) - the BEST part:

DJ - Where are you from?

DW - I'm from the house. *laughs* My house.

XD He's undeniably our witty guy, no?

~ He calls the genre of "Bimil" "adult electronica" - an electronica song that even adults will like to sing for karaoke.

~ He joked that he was sad that Tiffany did the narration for "Bimil" instead of Taeyeon. He really likes Taeyeon b/c she sings well and is funny on variety programs - he says she acts and laughs like an "ajumma" (older lady). (Taeyeon actually, during one of her DJ stints for Chin Chin radio when Lee Ji Hoon was on, revealed that DW and her are close and he treats her really well like an oppa. Lucky girl!)

~ They then had this corner where they went through a series of Shinhwa's title songs:

- First impressions of members: DW thought the members who came from America (HS, Eric, Andy) were especially cool (HS with his hair that required a whole can of mousse, Eric and Andy with their "double cuts" - I have no idea what that is); he also talked about how Eric and Minwoo fought over Eric's boxers that he bought from America lol (MW mentioned this on Happy Together before)

- regarding Andy and Solbi - even DW doesn't know what's up with the two of them, but he thinks they like each other when watching WGM. Usually when asked about if they're going out with so-and-so, members usually vehemently deny it while fooling around, but Andy, very calmly and gentle-like goes "no, we're not going out" - DW once got a text message from Andy that went "no, no, no" when he asked about it lol

- the decision to leave SM was a "hyung effort" - in other words, the 79-ers led the way (I'm doing a bad job of translating this, but the way DW said it was very cool)

~ The reason why DW hasn't acted since "Person I Love" is b/c he wants to come back in a more adult, deeper role after he's finished his 20's (and his military service) - he thinks he still comes across really young in his acting and wants to break that in his next role.

~ The Shinhwa members all watched Titanic together - He and Hyesung were the ones who cried A LOT during it (awww) - DW said that it's the most he's ever cried

~ When DW has to cry during for a scene, he says he doesn't do anything to trigger the tears except just immerse himself in the role and situation (shows what a gifted actor he is)

~ He's had 6 girlfriends in his lifetime and he's always admitted to someone if he's interested in them (he basically has the philosophy of she or I may die tomorrow, so why not?)

MBC FM4U Park Myung Soo






~ Regarding "We Got Married" - His management brought up the idea of maybe doing it, but it sounded like they didn't really give it much thought or it was in passing. To be honest, I highly doubt he'd do it even if he got officially invited - while he's open about a lot of other things, he's very private about his personal life (there was a question later on in the program from a fan about why he hasn't had any scandals - he admitted that he has gone out with other celebs, but he's kept it very much on the down-low, secretly dating in the car and when going to the movies, arriving separately and then leaving only when the cleaning people came in)

~ The five songs that DW can't do without in his life:

1) Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit"

- he sings a little bit of it (must listen!)

- In high school, he was the lead vocal of a copy-band of Nirvana called "Impact" - he smoked a lot of cigarettes b/c he wanted his voice to be husky

2) Kim Min Jong's "Under the Sky" - he also sings a little bit of this

3) DW's "Good Person" from his 2nd jib He must really, really love this song. When asked to pick a song to play from his album during the previous radio appearance, he picked this one too

- The meaning of this song is that no matter how much the person he loves makes him sad or wears him out, she'll still be a good person to him.

4) I didn't catch the artist's name, but I think the song translates to "Sad Ties"

5) Bon Jovi's "Always"

- DW really wants to go to a Bon Jovi concert - I'll go with you Oppa! I <3 Bon Jovi.

* From his choices, you can tell how much DW loves band/rock music and how it has influenced his album*

~ How DW became a part of Shinhwa - I think a lot of fans know about this and I knew about this from the "Good Morning" talkshow they did after Shinhwa won the Daesang in 2004, but there might be some who don't know, so I'm sharing it b/c it's an interesting story - One day, he went to go meet his girlfriend at school while carrying a teddy bear that was bigger than him. By fate, H.O.T.'s manager saw him and thought, "this kid is pretty special" and called him over. DW thought the guy was joking when he said he was H.O.T.'s manager and didn't think much about it. But when B.O.B. (the group that DW was going to be a part of with MC Mong and Heo In Chan) looked like it wasn't going to happen, DW gave him a call, then met with Lee Soo Man, and well, the rest is history. :)

Upcoming Variety Show appearances

Thank you to yoenin!

5/29 - Economy Vitamin

6/2 - Global Talkshow

6/15 - Happy Sunday (it's the first episode of a new corner - I'm not sure of its real name and this is how yoenin has it on their schedule)

Wanted Kim Jae Suk's "Breakup Call" Feat. KIM DONG WAN (Digital Single) - Preview

Credit to 웬디 @ Name (the Name girls are amazing! They're so quick in getting every little about DW and sharing it asap)

Go to kimdongwan.name --> once you enter the site, click the middle text that is closest to the picture of DW with the laptop in the header --> click the link titled "이별전화 ㅠㅠ"

Kim Jae Suk is a member of the group "Wanted" (who are great, by the way) and he did some background vocals on DW's two albums, as well as vocal directing. Their voices fit really nicely together, so I'm so excited for this digital single. Definitely a must-listen - the preview seriously gave me goosebumps. DW sounds absolutely amazing. I'm beginning to sound repetitive, but seriously, I become more and more impressed with DW with every successive project he comes out with.

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Guest 80slitenite

Thank you sooooooo much worldtraveler58!!!!!!!!!! So many goodies!!! \(^_^)/

Seriously thank you for explaining the interview on PMS's show. I love PMS! I'm downloading the interview now. I think what I'm downloading is the listening part. Did they film DW on PMS's show?

The kiss thing with his girlfriend with braces XDDD

I'm jealous of Taeyeon too. haha

I love PMS's English. He's whole gag on Xman was "Would you like something to drink" lmao. I am definetly looking forward to this segment of the show.

I think Wannie should do an all rock album. Not like hardcore, but Bon Jovish. lol. I'm sure it would make him really happy even though it might not appeal to the majority. I like all the songs he mentioned so I know he would make an awesome album.

I can't wait to see him on all those shows. Too bad no subs, but watching him makes me smile anyways.

The song is good!!! I enjoyed his voice very much. I can't wait to hear the whole thing. Thank you to the Name girls as well! ^_^

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Guest angel2nyt

Wanted Kim Jae Suk's "Breakup Call" Feat. KIM DONG WAN (Digital Single) - Preview

Credit to 웬디 @ Name (the Name girls are amazing! They're so quick in getting every little about DW and sharing it asap)

Kim Jae Suk is a member of the group "Wanted" (who are great, by the way) and he did some background vocals on DW's two albums, as well as vocal directing. Their voices fit really nicely together, so I'm so excited for this digital single. Definitely a must-listen - the preview seriously gave me goosebumps. DW sounds absolutely amazing. I'm beginning to sound repetitive, but seriously, I become more and more impressed with DW with every successive project he comes out with.

thank you so much for all the news.. but kindly edit this part..

direct file sharing is not allowed in the korean music forums, but you can post it in his other thread in the korean dramas forum..

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^Oops, thanks for letting me know. Maybe you should take it out from the quoted part too.

Did they film DW on PMS's show?

Nope, just audio. He does have a viewing radio appearance coming up...this Thursday I think?

I think Wannie should do an all rock album. Not like hardcore, but Bon Jovish. lol. I'm sure it would make him really happy even though it might not appeal to the majority. I like all the songs he mentioned so I know he would make an awesome album.

I think so too. Some of his solo stages during Shinhwa concerts have been rock-type songs and he obviously has a love for it. Maybe he'll make one after enlistment. And like you said, not hardcore, but like soft rock or pop rock.

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Guest 80slitenite

Ah I got mixed up. I thought DW spoke English with PMS. lol. I'm listening to that radio interview now.^^

Its already out!

Kim Jae Seok - MV 이별전화 (feat. Kim Dongwan 김동완)


beautiful song. too bad the mv didn't have dongwan. its a slideshow. I loved the ending with the harmonization.

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Guest jangneri

Wow, Dongwan's featured in Kim Jae Seok's song! I'm thinking this is Dongwan's first collab with another male artist in a song? I'm petty sure he hasn't collaborated with anyone except for music programs. I'm really happy and the song is very beautiful too. though a bit sad.

thanks worldtraveler for the telling us those interesting bits in the interview (since I can't understand Korean)~ I had a feeling We Just Married was offered to Dongwan and I'm quite surprised to find that my suspicion was true... :D and yeah, Dongwan valued his personal life so much that I'm sure he wouldn't want to be on the show.

I love Good Person~ So I'm really happy it's one of Dongwan's favorite too!

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Guest theLEGEND

worldtraveler58: Thank you so much for sharing some of the interesting stuffs from the radio interview. Really appreciate it~ :)

As much as I'd LOVE Dongwan to be on We Got Married show, I don't think he's gonna do it though. We know that he really treasures privacy and I bet he doesn't like his personal life to be exposed. I hope he's gonna tell us his decision about his solo concert *prays hard that he's gonna do it* :P

I quoted this picture from Lee Hyori's Thread and it's about a new variety show that's gonna replace MVAD. Dongwan's on it so I'm just gonna share it here.

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Guest 80slitenite

Thank you for the pic aRt&musiC<3!!! I can't wait!

Thank you again worldtraveler58! I really enjoyed Wannie on PMS's radio show. I know there are ppl out there who can't access clubboxes so I put Wannie's interview on youtube. Everyone's gotta hear him sing Smells like teen spirit. hehe. His laugh is fantastic! so contagious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9uAiRsXH_4

I'm dling the other where Wannie speaks English. hahhaha

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