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lee bo young wrote a msg at DC gallery,she talked about her new drama and her thanks to her fans who aways remember her birthday.
제 목^^
글쓴이 이보영 조회 3115 댓글 270
2014-01-10 22:42:36

방금전까지 보내준 선물들 잘 풀어봤어요~ 사진인증은 사무실에서 해줬으니까 나에게 인증을 강요하지는 말고^^
완전 고맙다고.. 편지는 천천히 잘 읽어볼거구 레시피 북은 완전 빵터져서 읽었네...왜 내가 요리를 잘한다는 말을 믿지
않는거지??? 첫장에 펼쳐진 배추된장국은 엊그제 맛있게 끓여먹었구, 닭볶음탕, 콩나물밥, 마파두부덮밥 다 해먹었는데 뒤에
있는 양식(?)들은 아직 해본적 없으니 조만간 보고 따라서 잘 해먹을게요^^
36살인거 스티커 여기저기 빵빵하게 잘 붙여줘서 것도 고맙구.. ㅎㅎ 매번 내나이 잊고 사는데 매번 인식시켜주는 너희들...
반칠십보다는 어감이 난듯해서 다행이다 위안을 삼고 있어.. ㅋㅋ
자꾸 내가 일하는데 너희들 잔고가 바닥나는거 같아서 미안한 마음이 드니까.. 마음으로 응원해줘도 되니까.. 힘들어하지마시길..ㅜㅜ
이번 드라마에 대해서 걱정많은 것 잘 읽었구.. 내가 또 걱정과 기대를 주고 있구나 생각되니까 미안도 하고 부담도 되고 그러네요..
내용을 궁금해하는 것 같지만 계속 궁금해하라고 안가르쳐줄거구 ^^ 잘 진행되고 있으니까 진행이 더디다고 불안해 하지 않아도 되구..
그냥 연기해보고 싶은 탐나는 신들이 너무 많아서 이 드라마를 택했으니까, 계속 지금처럼 많이 응원해주길~
물론 채찍질해도 되는데 살살 해주길 바라구 올해도 건강하고 행복하고 나도 행복하고 열심히 살테니까 다들 함께 웃을일 많은 2014년 되길^^
글구 다시 한번 2014년 내 생일 젤 먼저 챙겨줘서 고마워요!!! 

chinese trans from baidu LBY,
[至于相片认证呢 因为是在办公室把东西给我的 所以不要强迫人家认证哦^^][关于这次我要演的电视剧 发现大家都很担心 我也是担心和期待参半 所以也感到对不起和不安 剧本里自己想要表达的演技的部分太多了 所以就接了]对内容感到好奇的部分 好吧那段我实在不知道她要表达什么 但说会顺利进行的不要担心
因为韩饭把生日礼物和祝福信纸之类的寄了过去欧尼看了 所以写了留言 还说2014年也要一起幸福之类的 最后感谢大家记得她生日 说自己都不记得年龄还总是被提醒

cr: Lee bo young with Love 

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Guest stevie8


생일 축하합니다 Happy Birthday to the most awesome actress of 2013, LBY.  May your star continue to shine brightly in the years to come!

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In her birthday note to her dc fans, Lee Bo Young mentioned that she understood fans apprehension of her new drama, and that she too was both worried and looking forward to the new drama. Mentioned that she took up the drama because there are so many areas that she wanted to express in the drama through her acting. Think the translator just give a gist translation of part of the text not the full text in Chinese from baidu.

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内容翻译大致是:(翻译感谢新浪微博:吸吸兮兮喵和Mr_Lu J)
[至于相片认证呢 因为是在办公室把东西给我的 所以不要强迫人家认证哦^^][关于这次我要演的电视剧 发现大家都很担心 我也是担心和期待参半 所以也感到对不起和不安 剧本里自己想要表达的演技的部分太多了 所以就接了]对内容感到好奇的部分 好吧那段我实在不知道她要表达什么 但说会顺利进行的不要担心
因为韩饭把生日礼物和祝福信纸之类的寄了过去欧尼看了 所以写了留言 还说2014年也要一起幸福之类的 最后感谢大家记得她生日 说自己都不记得年龄还总是被提醒Translation"Because the photo album was sent to the office, so don't force them to certify acceptance of it. Regarding the new drama I am undertaking, I realise that many of you are worried. I too am worried and looking forward at the same time. There's plenty of things that I like to express through my acting in the drama, that's why I took up the project. The parts with which I am curious about" (the translator was not able to express what LBY had written at this point), but the translator mentioned that LBY mentioned not to worry as she would accomplish it.She had finished reading the heavy recipe book that her dc fans sent her. "why don't you believe that I can cook? I have cooked chinese cabbage soup, chicken, beansprouts with rice and Mapo Dofu etc in the last few days. Waah! I have forgotten how old am I, and others kept reminding me. Aiyoh, I have read the scripts numerous times and understand why the worries and feel burdened" (translator: because her fans sent the gifts to the office, therefore she left a message for them. Wishing happiness to all in 2014, thanking her fans for remembering her birthday. Said she has forgotten about her age but has been constantly reminded.NB: article taken from Baidu, but thanks to Weibo吸吸兮兮喵和Mr_Lu J 
Sorry Lee Bo Young, know that you don't like to be reminded, but Happy Birthday and may all your wishes come true. Wish your new drama would still take the lead to be the drama with the highest ratings for 2014, raking in lots of awards again. (hahahahha... please note, I have taken the number out.... thought they should have taken the number out from the cake as well hehehehehe)

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Her agency said Healing camp will be the first talk show after her marriage. After a very successful year, people are very exciting to hear all her stories, especially her 6-year-relationship with Ji Sung

I'm exciting too, can't wait to know what story she will talk about her husband and their sweet newlywed life, the MCs please ask as many questions about Ji Sung as possible lol

And there's rumor that Jo Seung Woo will be the lead male of God's gift. Please make it happen, 2 Daesang winners in 1 drama, it's like Boom DAEBAK :))

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