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X_____________________[tr] D O M O - Power!


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cc's.♥ ED's L'ETE MAGASIN.


its been SO LONG! :blink: im almost done with my finals. & i couldn't WAIT to TR. (:

im gonna fail, so there's no point in studying anymore. ^_^ ohohoho

please read the rules.


01}please USE + CREDIT [pepe.RO]

02}HQ [bIG] IMAGES ONLY! [no ulzzangs; ONLY ASIANS]

03}stocks preferred + colorful images

04}no GASOO's! [ex:dbsg.suju.bb.bsk]

05}put 'domo-power!' somewhere in your post

06}reply after receiving

07}please be patient + polite

08}MAX. 6 characters. + the mood should be happy go lucky~

09}i have the right to reject. =)


most recent: 01 02


[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][b]title[/b]}



[b]unwanted colors[/b]}

[b]mood[/b]} preferable happy





--only taking 5 for now. [may take more later]





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  • Replies 43
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Guest xxdogluv

title} Fahrenheit

subtitle} Hottest boy band in Taiwan

author} Michelle

unwanted colors} brown dirty colors lol

mood} happy and sweet :D


names} Arron Yan: http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h99/mich...es/arronyan.jpg







Jiro Wang: http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h99/mich...ctures/jiro.png




Wu Zun: http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h99/mich...Pictures/wz.png




Calvin Chen: http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h99/mich...Pictures/cc.png




Group (add this if possible): http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h99/mich...Pictures/ff.jpg





etc}= '; can you somehow make the person 'arron yan' more um... emphasized? like make it obvious that hes like a main character sorta thing... thx :D

domo-power! =p THANK U!:D

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Guest shar-izzle

ed's taking requests. whooo, i bet you a lot of people are going to come here. why? because ed's stuff is amazing. i mean, look at those cc's. shoots; far beyond my skills. you're still in school, love. for how long? i just got done with school and summer started for me yesterday; its quite boring. i'm still trying to plan out stuff. anyways, i'm just rambling and spamming your thread XD good luck with this and i'll be stalking it.

- shar

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Guest habibi

Dude, you always come up with amazing CC styles. :blush:

You should rub some of that talent on the less fortunate (me)

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Guest shar-izzle

SWEET. just in time for the graphic contest. did you enter? i'm not sure and if not.. you BETTER! your work is too amazing to not be in that contest; i'd rather get pwned by somebody i knew than some stranger. besides, your work is amazing.

whoo! once summer starts for you; more soompi time i hope/assume. then me and ed get the chance to get to know each more! XD muahahahaha; what grade are you in by the way?

>.<' i feel like i'm spamming T-T forgive me.

- shar

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Guest photodaisy

those are loovveelly examples.

i love the vibrancy and the floral brushes in the back.

very pretty.

*0*;; you have so many new styles. they're so admirable. keeee!

ooh, very, very, very my domo-kun attack. ahhh!

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Guest twist&fall-

eeks. i hearts domokun :3 <3

*bites* .. wakkaa. i can't wait to see the results.

ed pwns. (: have you been punching people lately?

T_T your power went up to domo-dangerous. *feels

afraid of ed from nowonwards*

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Guest pour dieu

ugh... your stuff's wayy too pretty to put up <_<

keke JAYKAYJAYKAY!! i gots nothing to stress you over with so i'll stalk this

bumpitybumpbumpbump? *flies around*

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Guest absolutelyboredx

title} Silence

subtitle} (Optional) (1)Can one day possibly compare to fifteen years?

(2)... your silence is deafening

author} an original fanfic by absolutelyboredx

unwanted colors} neons, purples

mood} happy or sad

pictures} names} Han Ga In;The Girl Next Door: 01 02 03 04

Lee Jun Ki;socialite kingka: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07


Kim Won Bin;knight in shinning armor: 01 02 03

Song Hye Gyo; dangerously beautiful queenka: 01 02 03 04 05


Lee Hyo Ri;sexy queen: 01 02 03

etc} your second example is gorgeous :x


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Guest `soliloquy

ed is backkkkkkkkkk~! woohoo, i'm stalking this thread like your previous tr thread to gawk at the results X) such a stalker this ayu, but I guess I can't help looking at pretty things ie. your artwork. you know it already, how much i adore your stuff! stalk stalk stalk!

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xxdogluv here ya go ^^; hope its ok~ (:


---->only 3? thats no fun. =______= fine, fine. it shall do for one day. pueheheh ;x

Shar <no, i didn't enter the tournament. im too lazy & a noob. :D heheh; i KNOW shar entered; <3

MIMI; you should rub off some of your skills to me~ -.- Mimi has wayyy more talent than me. i can't do anything besides cc's. o_o Mimi can make anything + everything~ (:

N-DA DID YOU ABANDON YOUR THREAD? TT____TT E-PO is still waiting. =) hhehhehe

& nope, E-PO did no go punching people -0- only N-DA would do that. ^_^ lols

Ayu! ayu's stalking mode is sccccccaaaaryyyy :lol: i just loveeee looking at your siggie.

want to make Ed one too? im in dire situation of another siggie. -,- muhahhah (:

--thanks everyone for replying~ (: makes me feel happy that im TR again.

XDD im almost done with teh rest actually. been up all morning from 3. ;x

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Guest `soliloquy

edddddddddd<3 the cc queen is back. omg farenheit, I've heard of them, but only seen wu zun in action in hana kimi. They're pretty, those boys. and boy oh boy, ed your style is so diverse! They're non-repetitive, and they keep improving o_o you pro pser you. >.< give me some of your talent, and I'll give you some.. POCKY!~

Ooh, what's wrong with your siggy? I love it! Pocky <33 if you wouldn't mind fugly banners, I could make you one with the same style as mine! Do you like blue? Heh, because the cuties in my siggy are loco roco's, they're these characters from the locoroco game on PSP. I play it alot and I do tons of screencaps while I'm playing the game so I end up with tons of fodder x) I made a few earlier ones with one of the other characters and he's YELLOW/ORANGE:

gifties for a bestie on soompi:


I do have some more screenshots of blue/red locoroco so I could SO MAKE YOU ONE if you want! Let me know edddddddddd~

<3 ayu.

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my friend plays locoroco. O_O

--that orange thingy looks SCRUMPTIOUS.

i want to eat some oranges now -hops to the fridge-


Ed wants a blue one too! :D

hope its ok Ayu~

AYU IS THE BEST! ^_^ heheheh (: why are they so KAWAII~?

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