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&_____________________________{the Past + Present.


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styles from the past.
:rolleyes: this is not ED.

this is Don Taco. :blink:

-runs around wildy-

yep; Ed got a namechange overnight. =)

just wanted to post my LAST THREAD before officially saying byebye for a few weeks. ^_^

these are my PAST styles from the last 8 months or so.

you can SO see that i like to change them alot. (:


i know theyre ugly.



















AYUCC3A1.png <latest one. =)

thats it for now.

if you wanna see my POSTER collection.

:ph34r: it might take like 3 posts.

i have so many different blends + whatever. :wacko:

for now, i'll miss everyone at soompi.

but i'm OBVIOUSLY gonna stop by sometime.

gonna go study some more now. (:

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Can't believe I'm the first one!

So, you seriously improved like crazy! I loved the character charts. Didn't know that you had made them. Wow...very impressed with your artwork. I want to see what will come next.


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Honestly, I'm not going to kid:


The improvement is just sooo sooo obvious.

My fav?

.. hm

prob the "Snow White" one

..or "Pig Fetish"

Your poster for "Cinderella Boy" Is amazing!! Beautiful poster, simple and clean.

lmao I don't know korean!!

How in the world was I supposed to know "Pepero" is Pocky?? :ph34r:

*steals ed's "peperos" and hides them*



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^hahahah (: its ok~

XD im trying to go incognito for now.

--maybe i'll take requests in 3 weeks. [thats when my finals all end]

^_^ i wasn't expecting many people to reply to this thread.

thats why i changed my username. O_O sneaky aren't i?~

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Guest shar-izzle

ed's style is ONE OF A KIND. <33 (: gah.. going to miss you around the forums TT_TT

- shar

btw. do you still credit you as theHIPPO. or as pepe.RO? o-o'

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you know...im not gonna say anything..

you tupid love!!!!!!!! haha

gosh! why are you sooo good!

we need to battle some day! hehehe no seriously1

and you say im goood...HA!!!!!! bulllllllpoop



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Guest captainEDEN.

Aye to you Don Taco. O_O *SALUTES*

AH! ED IS THE SMEX... SAVVY??? =P i turned into a pirate overnight... arrr...

muaha.h Ed man, i havent seen you in ages!!! (i havent been on much)

and when i come back you've changed into a totally different....screename!

ahaha.. eden is totally diggin it. love the past.... totally indulging the present.

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^aarrrgh. (: [potc3 was THE bomb]

Ed missed Eden too~~~ :tears:

christteukkie im scared of battling against a PRO! O_O

no way~ maybe in an aeon. XD `k?

call me then ~

im soo doomed. i can't seem to get off soompi. XD

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Guest chibi_ryou


Haha, I was like.. who the heck is pepe.RO? .. Wait, that sounds familiar.. O_O!

Ahh, it's all of your CC styles!!! My gosh, they are HOTNESS. <3333

I really tried numbering which styles were my favs, but I gave up after I scrolled down more & more...... because the farther down I got, the more I realized that I like every single one. =_=;;

I see my CC though!!! [i started writing my story, but I haven't had the time yet... ><;;]

Anyway, they are all beautiful.. I can definitely see the improvement ;]


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you improved a lot... i like all of those... if only i improved as much as you do... :vicx:

keep up the good work.. my favourite will be the 'Cinderella Boy' poster.. it is so nice... :stares at it as long as i can:

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Guest talksound

Gonna miss seeing your works around. Love all the styles. I love seeing how it always changes. (:

All lovely stuff.

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^thanks for everyone who commented me.

(: im studying + typing at the same time. [multitasking!]

--i gotta say though, my favorite cc to make was Cinderella Boy + Pig Fetish + Beautiful Children.

they were probably my best styles [including Uomini Del Dio]

heh. 1st time i've seen ALL my styles of cc's.

im still trying to improve though.

^_^ i just realized that my cc's are really different. O_O

im so tired from even THINKING about what i have to study for this week. ;x

5 finals + other regents. >0< gahhh.


im gettting a new phone though~~ XD finally! i've had this one krapppy phone from TMobile for like 2 years now. -,-

my NEW phone is a SLIDY [omgsh] PHONE. XD i love slidies. i never get old with them. :3

its a new tmobile slidy phone~ its BLUE & its called the RIZR V3. (:

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ED ^^ you changed your username!!

hahahh you said that a few days ago too ^-^

i was always a huge fan of your CC ^^ always so prettiful

*whacks with a fish* balalala ED IS GONNA BE GONE?!?! NOOOOOOOO

*cries a waterfall* no come backk!

hehehe can't wait fro your poster thread ^^ gonna be uber prettiful!

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WOW, *in awe*. I had fun looking at all those art. You have many styles. And they're all so beautiful and creative. Your first one is so different from the others. I miss your old style though. I especially like the "Cinderella Boy" one style. And btw, I like your username, what does it mean though?

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^it means POCKY in Korean~ XD


now that i look back on them.

im trying to find another style.

--i hope nobody steals any of them. <_< i'll hunt you + shoot you DOWN!


hehe. -twitches-

for now. i'll be back by june 13. that meants i'll be taking requests during then with my newnewnew style of posters + cc's. XD k?

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