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Guest Van4Viv_GoSoo4DaHae

Hi Van! of course it's not a crime for giving someone a gift. But there are some people that

says that this giving cyworld skin thing isn't possible...because blah...blah...blah.. <_<:lol:

hahaha..didn't imagine him too doing those hot scene aside from HK... :sweatingbullets:

that's why I haven't watched S-diary. :ph34r: Don't want to think of it everytime. :lol:

Yooko thank you very much for translating the news. Welcome!!! :)

Welcome! phreaque WE ALL LOVE YOO!!! hope to hear from you again. :) Enjoy!

hi kayelee actually I was kinda shocked when I saw the Sdiary scenes on Youtube, i swear i won't watch it again..it freaks me out :ph34r:

Faye, you gave me a laugh here! LOL

Of course anything's possible when it comes to your loved one.

even gazing at each other so close and holding hands while announcing the Top Excellence. :wub:



what did YEH used by the way, since she's not smoking? boinks! :lol:

^^ so cute to see how the CP couple stared at each other and hold hands during the awards night. I read that YEH baked a cake for YOO :blush: she's really nice

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last eight minutes to go to pm me your entry to the best couple fanart contest!

8:02 pm- submission is over! winner will be announced later and all entries will be posted...

i would like to thank all those participants in the spirit of fun and love for Yoo and EH! good luck to all of you!

tang tang tang tang!!!! :rolleyes:

my faye, LF and myself just ended our meeting to determine the winner for this contest. I'm proud and happy to announce that the winner is .....





Congratulations to the winner and thanks to those who participated. I believe all of you will get something for your participation.. :) I'll now leave it to faye to post the fan art.. ;)

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these are the entries in the just concluded best couple fanart contest of which the winner has been announced by my angel. i'd like to thank these seven gorgeous YooGals for their participation!








CONGRATULATIONS JINKZZ for a job well done! You will get either a backpack or a tote bag with the couple GYYEH as the image of course; one dvd each of YOO and EH and CP dvd as well. You also get to choose what image or pic you want in your bag or backpack- just pm it to me and your choice of dvd's. For the rest of you who participated; please pm me your shirt sizes for you are getting each a shirt with GYYEH printed infront.

Once again thank you all and i just hope more will participate in our coming contests here in the house. I almost forgot- my thanks to my angel and LF for helping me out. I really appreciate it!

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ohh.. mistake.. soompi didn't ate my post.. it was hidden somewhere and just reappeared!! :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :blink: geeshh.. hmm.. seems like I have to find something to replace this post huh?!

Ahhh.. my upload finishes just in time. :)

30-Dec-2007 MBC Drama Awards Part 2 (without subs HQ - 1 GB) Please use HJSplit to join the files together.

001 - http://sharebee.com/f3e463c1

002 - http://sharebee.com/096de1c2

003 - http://sharebee.com/7ba547db

004 - http://sharebee.com/94de2ad2

005- http://sharebee.com/5e3c7f60

006 - http://sharebee.com/98c9b36c

007 - http://sharebee.com/d5bd0b15

008 - http://sharebee.com/721807db

009 - http://sharebee.com/34a8a131

010 - http://sharebee.com/c4ed2b61

011 - http://sharebee.com/90684ed4

012 - http://sharebee.com/3ed9761a

*** Credit: godlove3494 CB ***

good afternoon angelie, do u still remember from what page and date this file was uploaded?

i dled 2 kinds of mbc something in this cb already but its both diff show, thou the other one has yeh in it,

its something like a sing& dance amateur contest maybe, sorry im not sure what show was it.

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good afternoon angelie, do u still remember from what page and date this file was uploaded?

i dled 2 kinds of mbc something in this cb already but its both diff show, thou the other one has yeh in it,

its something like a sing& dance amateur contest maybe, sorry im not sure what show was it.

good afternoon nana.. long time no see..

I think you have downloaded the music award instead.. :) let me check for you.. Will get back in a while.

++Edit: gosh.. too hard to look for it in godlove3494 CB.. but you can find it at WithS2CB as well.. just go to Awards show and you will see it in the list. The first part is on page 2, while part 2 is at the end of page 1.. hope it helps.. :)

hello bliss_. Welcome back to YOOhouse (you have posted here before right? sorry, I'm very forgetful nowadays.. :P) Sorry to hear you are bored at the other side... You are always welcome to join us whenever you feel lonely.. :) And thank you for some infor about appearing on camera during MS.. I've heard of KJK's case too... that's why I'm still hoping that we can see a glimpse of baby YOO during his break or something.. another video message to fans will be great.. :)

Once again thank you all and i just hope more will participate in our coming contests here in the house. I almost forgot- my thanks to my angel and LF for helping me out. I really appreciate it!
no problem my faye.. the pleasure is ours.. :)


*** Credit: dcGY ***

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Guest woodycakes

Good afternoon patty. Feels like a long time I didn't see you.. must be the missing post.. lol!!!

squeeze him? haha.. I think now his mom seriously need to hire a bodyguard. hahaha

ohhh.. the last 3 crucial eppis of BTSC.. :) Good so far? you feel like strangling his uncle? hehe... Yyou mentioned you are sobbing away? OFD is about the same to me.. Anyway, I think you will have sizzling hot date with Seo Gun. after that you should date Tae Young (he's an angel and a candy boy too!! :wub: ) before you move on to date Jun Pyo.. :P

Hey Angelie, i missed this thread! it ate my last post though, but it's alright, i'm catching up.

he will need a bodyguard with the YooGals around. I'm sure everyone wants even just a piece of him. LoL

I'm down to the last episode of BTSC and I really want to strangle his uncle. I mean I wish he'd just accept that Bo-Ri doesn't love him!!! Rawr

I'm excited to watch OFD, then School 4 and Screen too :D thanks again.

my faye, LF and myself just ended our meeting to determine the winner for this contest. I'm proud and happy to announce that the winner is .....





Congratulations to the winner and thanks to those who participated. I believe all of you will get something for your participation.. :) I'll now leave it to faye to post the fan art.. ;)

CONGRATS JINKZZ!!! Fab fab job! :)

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Guest lanechan

these are the entries in the just concluded best couple fanart contest of which the winner has been announced by my angel. i'd like to thank these seven gorgeous YooGals for their participation!








Once again thank you all and i just hope more will participate in our coming contests here in the house. I almost forgot- my thanks to my angel and LF for helping me out. I really appreciate it!

*wave to all YOOGALS!!! :)

gosh! i love them ALL!!! thank you! & to yoo Faye! :)

Congratz to jinkzz! :)

tomorrow... for 2 yrs...:tears:

Gong Ji Chul oppa! we wait for you!!!

aalhl, i love that pic! ibeen camping too at dcGY!

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omo! you guys are all so great. i wish i have the talent like you... you are all winners. but of course, jinkz... you're the best!!! :)

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Guest Yehbaby

Wooot!! congrats to Jinkzz for winning the BEST COUPLE FANART!! :lol: lovely artwork, bravo! *applause*

And to the other 6 talented people who submitted their entries - queenie, tika, bebesam, kayelee, patty, ellie - i love each and every one of your works!! really inspired, you all captured the joy and beautiful smiles of our unforgettable CP couple! well done everyone! :lol:

thanks faye for organising this contest and being so generous with the prizes. :D even with the sad mood brought about by YOO's enlistment tomorrow, you've managed to remind everyone there is still something to celebrate. *hugs*

Yehbaby, have I ever told you how I always enjoyed your humorous, analyzing lengthy posts? Always bring smile to my face everytime I read 'em. I SO love your wittiness :lol::lol:

haha del, thanks for the compliment but some people have complained about the length of my posts. what to do? they just inspire me to write even longer posts! :phew: by the way, have i told you that i SO love your total GYEHNESS? i enjoy reading your comments on the various CP youtube clips ! :lol:

Good early morning. wow Yehbaby! you are early too.. ;)

Yehbaby.. you never fail to amaze us with your looooooonnnnnngggg post and daring post.. hehe :D

well, one has to understand that when in comes to relationship with celebrities, you must be extremely ready for whatever that comes your way.. if trust is not there, then nothing will work... like you say, there are temptations and consequences.. unless one knows how to handle them well, it will be very tough.

haha.. I remember baby YOO saying he is the old-fashion type, so I don't think he dare to move on to that stage yet..:D as for relationship wise.. I guess you have a point there as well.. but maybe he's trying to make it sounds like he doesn't have any relationship.. when it's a secret relationship, you are supposed to hide it making people think you are not in relationship, right?

good evening angelie. :)i was up early to go to church....and then i came home at noon to take a nap, and watch a silly movie on DVD. wanted to go shopping but it started to rain.

heheh, don't tease me lah angelie.. cuz your posts are usually very long as well! so i don't feel like the odd one here who keeps rambling on and on....(haha, maybe that's why a couple of yoogals mistook my posts for yours. darn it angelie, you've infected me with your YOOfever! :lol: j/k i will be too busy to post for most of next week) ... and daring? well, my highlighted posts are meant for the eyes of yoogals. i can't help it if busybodies want to peep, can i? ;)

hmm....so you think Yoo might be trying to deflect questions to hide his relationship? i dunno. i'm more inclined to think that YOO is an honest person who doesn't want to deceive his fans. i would be a bit disappointed if he is. but who knows. we'll find out eventually when he's out from MS.

Yehbaby, you always surprise me with your long analyses, are you working on information analysis or something related? Haha, so enjoy reading your post.

Agree with you about Sung Yuri in OFD. After watching GY with YEH, KSA and GHJ, SungYuri does not fit his leading female. I could not but always figure myself how YEH would act at that scene, this scene instead of SYR :) Anway, I think she' tried her best that time. Heard from you and Angelie unnie that SYR acting a lot better now in HGD? I'm happy for her.

No doubt that Autumn in My Heart is the classic melodrama, but it's not my type. Back that time the 4 season-dramas of KBS did create Hallyu wave but definitely I don't watch/re-watch them now. Just watched AIMH and Winter Sonate. Never full watched AIMH coz it's so boring. And I hate hate hate the ending, stupid and remiss son :angry: Sorry Yehbaby and AIMH's fans.

In that light, I like OFD due to the revenge twist, no sobbing scenes and of course, our Baby YOO, how can I miss any of his works?

hi movall, long time no see. :) how are you?

hehe, so you think i'm working on information analysis? well, that's a close guess. i work in financial analysis...which is also a type of IA. what do you do for a living?

am glad you agree with me about SYR. i was feeling a bit bad for not liking her pairing with YOO as much as the other yoogals. her acting definitely lacks something.....instead, Hyu Joo won my sympathies more even though she was clingy and bratty, due to the actress potraying her. imo, Lee Yeon Hee is better natural actress than SYR, and i think OFD was her first tv role? as for Hanuel, i zoned out at times watching SYR's delayed reactions. it's like you can see her thinking of what emotion to put on her face and then doing it s-l-o-w-ly. it definitely would be interesting to see YEH act in a melodrama for a change and see how she does. (hey, maybe in her next pair up with baby YOO!) :)

AIMH was boring for you? haha, don't worry, i enjoy reading differing opinions as it makes for an interesting discussion. for me, the first time i saw AIMH i was swept up with the whole romantism of the story....the lingering close up shots of the beautiful leads, the rich colours of the scenery, the beautiful soundtrack (i still think that Prayer and Reason are two of the best kdrama songs ever), and the "whole omgosh, they are in love with each other!" "they can't be!" deal. but since 2000, there have been so many better kdramas produced with more attractive plots, so AIMH doesn't really stand the test of time. i also cannot watch a full episode now, because i'm not into weepy melodramas these days. but i still consider it a classic, because its plot devices were imitated by kdramas after that. now, Winter Sonata, i can heartily agree with you! it was soo ridiculously convulated from midway of the series that i just couldn't tolerate it anymore. how can one man suffer soo many tragedies in his life time? :blink: and don't even get me started on BYJ's hair.

Liron dear, does it mean you were in MS before? Wow, admire you. Please do share with us your experiences. Love to hear your story.

yeah Liron, do share. i would really like to hear your story about what it's like to be a female in MS.

about EH keeping in touch with her former co-stars is another thing coz' we all know she does. it would be absurd to say otherwise after she cried her eyes out last day together - she doesn't strike me as fake or i won't admire and love her if she is!



i love these pics faye.....aww, real emotions coming out....'parting is such sweet sorrow'. especially when all the cast and crew of CP get on so well together. they really had someting special going there in the summer of 2007. :blush: no wonder YEH cannot stop crying (i read that she cried for 8 hours). she was also teary-eyed at the end of the VM shoot, but did not sob as hard as here. the way she cried backstage after winning her TEA was the same. so emotional.

Beautifully said and absolutely true!

It's my first time posting here but I 've been a lurker for a long time.

I hope I'm welcome here.

Hi Cricketear! :) very glad you've decided to come out of lurking and welcome to Yoohouse!

i always appreciated your posts in the YEH thread, you state your points very well and i can see you are a very loyal fan of YEH. Again, welcome. Yoogals are a friendly bunch! :)

*waves back*

thanks for the warm welcome everyone. :) i'm glad GY has such warm and nice fans!

Just like the man himself, adorably cute! :wub:


a quick little photoshop, my humble contribution to the thread. :)

thanks for the photoshop, phreaque. love it, more please! :)nice and warm fans are a reflection of their nice and warm idol!

yehbabyYEH...you really never fail to make me laugh...your scenarios are amazing...your analysis always hit the right core and i wont be surprised if they get addicted to your posts and yes even them.......love it...unbelievable...yes dont be YOOshocked, they do read your YOOposts....YOOHOO! subscription anyone? and i will also sit tight eating nachos and watch her paired up with another hottie and have them scrambling and digging for the look of love...oh my...this is soooo reeel, know the diff?...but i object, your honor! :vicx:

hiya any, as i said before it's flattering when people pay attention to my every word, heck, they even copy my scenario dialogue! :D imitation is the best form of flattery! even if it shows their lack of originality. Hee! well, she should pair up with a new hottie soon, like Lee Min Ki or Hyun Bin...they are YOUNG and they can ACT! omo, the possibilities excite me :w00t:

and Yoo play a smart tough detective? i love the idea, any! after he comes out from MS he'll be manly and tougher than ever, so it'll be perrrfect for Yoo to play an Alpha male type of role! wooohoooo, pali pali come back to us baby YOO and impress us with your raw and intense acting once more!

I think I read something in this thread about being to come out of MS once in awhile but just can't show themselves in camera.

Maybe this a case-to-case basis but there was a release of KJK's BTS for his MV which fully showed his face, although his official MV did not.

hi bliss !:) seems like more YEH fans are coming to Yoohouse, hehehe....YOO really has his charm.

as for showing his face on camera, probably not on national tv. not sure about KJK's BTS, maybe it was played at a private gathering so it's allowed?

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Good Sunday evening.. :)

Patty. I'm sure you will miss this thread even if you stay out of it for 1/2 hour.. heheh.. well, someone or something got hungry and ate most of our post anyway... lol! it's feels like alien is invading us out of a sudden.. haha! Ahhh.. so you also think that baby YOO need a bodyguard especially when we are around huh? ohhhh... he must be really scared... :lol:

i'm down to the last episode of BTSC and I really want to strangle his uncle. I mean I wish he'd just accept that Bo-Ri doesn't love him!!! Rawr
weeee!!! You probably already finish the last eppi by now? ;) it's ok.. let his uncle go.. he won't pester BoRi anymore... lol!!

hello lanechan. you have been camping at dcGY too? heheh.. too bad we don't understand what they are chatting huh?

hi there CK! :)

Good evening Yehbaby.. I get excited when I see your post.. ;)

heheh, don't tease me lah angelie.. cuz your posts are usually very long as well! so i don't feel like the odd one here who keeps rambling on and on....(haha, maybe that's why a couple of yoogals mistook my posts for yours. darn it angelie, you've infected me with your YOOfever! :lol: j/k i will be too busy to post for most of next week) ... and daring? well, my highlighted posts are meant for the eyes of yoogals. i can't help it if busybodies want to peep, can i? ;)
my post long? hahah.. probably due to lots of quotes.. lol!! oh well, sounds like we are partner eh? heheh.. oh my.. since when I infected you with YOOfever? but did you like it? :D and the highlighted posts... we are naughty aren't we? lol!! what to do? highlighted means it's not meant to be read unless one is interested.. :)

hmm....so you think Yoo might be trying to deflect questions to hide his relationship? i dunno. i'm more inclined to think that YOO is an honest person who doesn't want to deceive his fans. i would be a bit disappointed if he is. but who knows. we'll find out eventually when he's out from MS.
I have no idea if YOO would do something to hide his relationship if any.. but he might be for some reason.. yes.. he's a honest person who doesn't want to deceive his fans.. he even said before that he really wants to let people know that he's in relationship if he has one.. but if he decides to do otherwise, I can understand his concern and respect his decision.

am glad you agree with me about SYR. i was feeling a bit bad for not liking her pairing with YOO as much as the other yoogals. her acting definitely lacks something.....instead, Hyu Joo won my sympathies more even though she was clingy and bratty, due to the actress potraying her. imo, Lee Yeon Hee is better natural actress than SYR, and i think OFD was her first tv role? as for Hanuel, i zoned out at times watching SYR's delayed reactions. it's like you can see her thinking of what emotion to put on her face and then doing it s-l-o-w-ly. it definitely would be interesting to see YEH act in a melodrama for a change and see how she does. (hey, maybe in her next pair up with baby YOO!) :)
Yehbaby, did you only watch OFD while it's being aired on TV? I'm not sure because I find that watching on TV makes everything extra errrr... not so impressive? :unsure: everything seems slow and draggy as compare to when I was watching it almost live. It was really exciting back then.. and everything and everyone seems to be so perfect... well, except for some mic and cameraman appearing out of no where.. lol!!! melodrama? you should watch Snow Queen.. I think yuri did better job there.. but like I say, I didn't have the heart to finish it because baby YOO is not there and the story is sad..... :sweatingbullets:

what? YEH cried for 8 hours when CP ended? oh my.. she must be dehydrated by then.. :blink:

and Yoo play a smart tough detective? i love the idea, any! after he comes out from MS he'll be manly and tougher than ever, so it'll be perrrfect for Yoo to play an Alpha male type of role! wooohoooo, pali pali come back to us baby YOO and impress us with your raw and intense acting once more!
ohhhhh.. love the idea of baby YOO playing a detective.. :rolleyes: wah!!! 2 years please come quickly.. :)

OMG nana!! did I just see snapshot of huge billboard in the philippines for CP?? whoa!!!!! *drools* is there any way you can "kidnap" it? ;)Tika.. imagine this billboard is in KL replacing Rain, what would you do?? :D anyway, thank you nana for sharing with us.. :) It feels good to know how each country promote CP in such a huge scale.

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Guest gracluvzen

I haven't been in this thread for so long...

Tomorrow will be the BIG DAY (the day the fans is waiting for so badly)? Am I right?

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OMG nana!! did I just see snapshot of huge billboard in the philippines for CP?? whoa!!!!! *drools* is there any way you can "kidnap" it? ;)Tika.. imagine this billboard is in KL replacing Rain, what would you do?? :D anyway, thank you nana for sharing with us.. :) It feels good to know how each country promote CP in such a huge scale.

yes it HUGE! as in huge!

what? kidnap it? no.. no... no.... last dec when i 1st saw it...

KAI said that i have to steal it no matter what!

or something like... i maybe thingking of stealing the billboard

can you imagine me climbing to get those billboards?! they must think that im trying to kill myself from jumping off from those billboards

tomorrow is the day! i will be crying (maybe) while opening my YOO cal...

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I haven't been in this thread for so long...

Tomorrow will be the BIG DAY (the day the fans is waiting for so badly)? Am I right?

hello gracluvzen. Welcome back.. yes.. it has indeed been a long time... Good to see you again.

hi again nana. chippy told you to steal it? did she ask you to cut into smaller pieces and hide in your pocket? :D haha.. imagine you climbing to get the billboard.. hmmm.. I bet you will look like an ant.. haha... so you gonna open your YOOcalendar tomorrow huh? please don't cry.. you will make it soaking wet.. no good.. :P

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good morning YooGals! with your indulgence..... from me and jinkzz..... again...

Promise Me YooGals

I thank you YooGals for all the love

The endless caring that you have

It warms my heart that you are here

Sharing affection so sincere.

So in two years I’ll be back

A changed man; no room for slack

By then the truth I’d know

Must I stay or for good, should I go?

Because the heart can be fickle

And the mind can wander

Commitments are broken

Whether they’re written or spoken.

But as I leave to fulfill my duty

I want to take with certainty

Your promise of devotion

To give me inspiration.

For what else can a man wish?

A life so full of friendship’s bliss

I have but one little prayer

For YooGals to change never!


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Guest betchay

sharing here this crappy shot of cp tarp along EDSA & in NLEX sorry this only i can share,

my hubby drives super fasssst, i cant get a better shot, the third pic is kinda funny coz they are

on top of those big transformer




Thanks nana for sharing the pics

of CP's huge billboard. Hows the rating? Is it #1?

hi again nana. chippy told you to steal it? did she ask you to cut into smaller pieces and hide in your pocket? :D haha.. imagine you climbing to get the billboard.. hmmm.. I bet you will look like an ant.. haha... so you gonna open your YOOcalendar tomorrow huh? please don't cry.. you will make it soaking wet.. no good.. :P

Hi angel! :) ha ha If she's gonna cut it into smaller pieces, just be sure to save baby YOO's handsome face! :lol:

Waves to all YOOgals!

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Guest natedao

Happy Sunday everyone!

my PC just broke last night! :tears:(yup after our long conf!!! Luckily it was't broke while we were on our conf)

good evening nate.

yes.. baby YOO has been showing his concerns for his fans ever since his School 4 days, and he really care about their health, their studies, everything. yes.. other celebrities might do the same thing too, but not sure if they are as sincere as baby YOO.

really? wow so that means he canstantly shows his concern to his fans how very nice he is.

OMO my crazy in LOVE him symtomp is going to show again!

haha.. me miss LB? don't know she is with me all these while? :D

hahaha..not you,unnie mommy! I mean Euchan unnie!

Yoo looks like an office manager doing some announcement for company employees or something! so cute hehe!

it was a quick backreading... seems like soompi ate a couple of pages. my post this afternoon was missing. :unsure: well NATE! still i am "older"! :P:lol:

Bebe, yeh yeh he looks like the most smart manager in the world :P:P

ok i give up! "you're (month)older than him"! lol lol

My age-mate, year-mate (whatever mate), hehehe, Nate, How's your work? Any night shifts this month? Is that really your 1st MV? Noway, it's so good and the song is beautiful. Wow, now you can have your own MV, congratulations.

hehe ..Biscuit Val, Ban Val, Teacher Val (whatever Val!?!) you're back! you know how much i miss you! *warn tight hugs*

my work still boring as always but me not in night shift this month but in afternoon! Glad to know you like my MV, Val! Thanks for your compliment ^-^ as i always said BaBy Yoo, he can inspires many great thing to me!

goin to reply your PM next,btw already added you!

unnie mommy thanks for all pics and goodies of our dearest man!

Only when i try to be, Nate. :D Hope you have a fab weekend too.

Ooh, I'm already on my third year of college, so no I'm not a freshy anymore. It's alright, in the YooHouse, I doubt age even matters :D

I can't believe Yoo's leaving tomorrow. *sobs* Hope all the YooGals have a great weekend. :D

Patty, oh you're in third yrs now means just one more happy life in the campus.Enjoy your life! Sure Age isn't matter ^-^

And thanks i really had a great weekend as every my weekend with all of you here!

*waves back*

thanks for the warm welcome everyone. :) i'm glad GY has such warm and nice fans!

Just like the man himself, adorably cute! :wub:


a quick little photoshop, my humble contribution to the thread. :)

Phreague, thanks for sharing it's quite nice PS actually.

nate...that's your first YOOvid???...keep them coming...i love it...


AA, thanksssss.sssss you know...i'm glad to know you like it!

and for your fanart Nice as always.I love both YEH and our YOo in that smile they're really cute!

hope you had a wonderful weekend too!

hi movall, long time no see. :) how are you?

hehe, so you think i'm working on information analysis? well, that's a close guess. i work in financial analysis...which is also a type of IA. what do you do for a living?

yehbaby, i no doubt now why you can make a long post coz you do Analysis! wow....w. Val, you have career-mate now. um..m but is research likes analysis,anyway???

Nana, that's the pics on the express way? wow...i need to have one here must be great if i can see him(in big)everyday!

yooko, too thanks for news

wave liss, freefall9068, germanywc2006, CK, blackcoffee, Beth, kowie22, chipmunk0318, sai1255, unnie mommy, ds_dreamer, ob061978, Archmage

and woh..h 7 ghosts!!!(me a casper there too)


Good night YooGals!

Jinks unnie, Congrats!!!

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good morning YooGals! with your indulgence..... from me and jinkzz..... again...
Good morning my faye.. thank you for another YOOcollaboration with jinkzz... it's lovely.. :)

hi betchay.. long time no see. Welcome home! :D

Hi angel! :) ha ha If she's gonna cut it into smaller pieces, just be sure to save baby YOO's handsome face! :lol:
haha.. you are right.. she better save baby YOO's handsome face.. if can save the whole him.. haha.. She will need all of YOOPinay's help with that though.. any Yoopinay there friends with the advertising company? might able to get the billboard when they take it down later on.. :P

Good evening nate... ahh.. I haven't reply your PM yet.. :sweatingbullets:

really? wow so that means he canstantly shows his concern to his fans how very nice he is.

OMO my crazy in LOVE him symtomp is going to show again!

yes.. he's constantly showing his concern adn love to his fans. and oppsiee.. I got confused.. haha.. didn't know that reply was meant for euchan.. :P

wow.. LF just alerted me that baby YOO is online his cyworld.. he took off his lolipop pic and replace with "bye" gif.. and changed the background and storyroom.. wish there is a way to buzz him. :mellow: ohh.. and why does he name his cyworld title "Monster"... :unsure: geeshh.. this is really exciting being online on cyworld the same time with him... :rolleyes::wub:

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yeah aalhl been there always...

good morning too Faye & all yoogals. :)

thank you Faye & Jinkzz for the beautiful poem & fanArt. I love it!!!

"Promise Me Yoogals"

faye... i am touched by yoo'r poem... :tears:

thank you lanechan. i composed that way back when the news of his enlistment broke out and since he is leaving tomorrow- i reposted it for all of you.

Happy Sunday everyone!

my PC just broke last night! :tears:(yup after our long conf!!! Luckily it was't broke while we were on our conf)

hello nate! so which one are you using? did you buy a new one? i guess it broke because of too much excitement yesterday :lol:

Good morning my faye.. thank you for another YOOcollaboration with jinkzz... it's lovely.. :)

thanks my angel. and this is supposedly our response to him - composed it way back then as the first line says....

YooGals' Vow

Twenty five days till the last goodbye

A little bit far but it seems like well die

Weeping shamelessly when we knew

The time will come when we have to let go.

Some said that time and distance

Can sometimes mock love’s parlance

But this we have to say

Our love is here to stay.

We know that you have doubts

Fears deep inside you can't shout

But this solemn vow we make

As long as we breathe, we'll never break.

Support and love you in your absence

For loyalty is the essence

Of us YooGals' commitment

Neither space and time can dent.

And as you go our dearest Yoo

Our thoughts and prayers are with you

To guide and help you come what may

And make you safe each day.


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