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(queeninmycastle)faye-as you said "never ever be away in this HOuse or else you will suffer the consequences...YA! you qoute my artwork to OC...but then its ok...i forgive you...hehehe


FSsorry.gif Queenie! cry.gif I realized the booboo when i was backpaging and i was like......oh soooooooooooooooooooo embarrassed but i rectified it right away!



*waves* at ellie and LPH

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Maybe YEH was reffering to the kisses from episode 12 and the mother of all kisses, episode 16. Their relationship has always been unpredictable. Calm in one minutes and bicker in another, unlike the 'boring' one with HS and Yoo Ju :)Maybe YEH was reffering to the kisses from episode 12 and the mother of all kisses, episode 16. Their relationship has always been unpredictable. Calm in one minutes and bicker in another, unlike the 'boring' one with HS and Yoo Ju :)

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Good morning YooGals!!

i've been out for a few days and gawd! i miss YOO. :(

when i came back home, i just had a rest for a while and go back to watch CP. and i'm done.

Thanks for the goodies, guys! :)

Welcome back copperkey_kulet

oh thank you... ill try ur instructions later...
may the force be with you, nana.. :D

for the meantime can you help me with this...

i cant seem to finnised dwnloading this mv its only 30.28mb and i dloaded 33mb already and its still unfinnised dl!

i think im having problem with zshare, i did try downloading the same file 3X already

hmm... does all the zshare download acts like that or only this one? anyhow, I remember you say you had problem with mediafire.. how about badongo?

wow! what a hunt you have there.. haha.. and flooding rain still huh? you should tell the bookstore keeper to watch out for GY! :D

Wording? What wording on screen? did I miss something there Angelie? please elaborate & explain.
hey there Liron.. I was refering to the wordings on this cap which was shown while YEH was asked the question.. ;) I don't know what it says but I saw the highlighted text.. :P


Well, I think YEH herself knows that whenever she got casted with a male lead, she ended up with rumours and scandals, and that it's very hard to get them off.. so I guess she's taking all the precaution she can get so that she doesn't end up with the same problem again.. Anyhow, I think she was caught off-guard by the question as well.. he.he..

hello there my faye! :) reading your answer, maybe the first kiss that came to YEH's mind was the "brutal kiss".. thus it became rough... lol!! perhaps that kiss left a more prominent impression on her more than other sweet kisses? and that eppi 16 kiss.. I'm sure we feel that GY kisses her quite hard (with her swelling lips), so that may be another "rough" kiss for her.. he.he..

Lol…. He’s in for a surprise coz’ he has no clue how many girlfriends he has.
by the time he found out, I think he would be the one who faint first! lol!!

Hi YooGals...anybody home tonight?
hi Lily Unnie.. nope.. I'm not in yoohouse when you reply.. :P had to handover the computer to hubby as usual.. he's doing song conversions to be used at our kids' kindi's graduation day this coming Sunday.

Angelie, I was trying to finished all replying and posting this morning but Soompi gave me IPS Error... :angry: I try to logout, clear my cache...still didn't works. So now I have to back-reading again! :angry:
yes.. I got the IPS error not long after I replied to your message. and it lasted for almost an hour!! :o

Before GY, there are a few HK actors that I like so much - Leon Lai & Andy Lau. This two actors really drive me crazy and even I can't read any single Chinese word, I never miss buying magazine which have news about them.
oh my!! I found another fan of LL!! haha!! I never missed buying any of his albums, and I went on magazine shopping spree every weekend.. I bought all those idols magazines like LifeTV and Galaxy! I even have a friend from Beijing who is crazy over him too who sends me quite a lot of LL goodies as well.. now that I don't have enough space to keep those magazines, I cut out all the LL's articles, keep all the posters and send the mags for recycle. My previous crushes have subside but they are still in my heart always. ;) Luckily for GY, we can find everything on the net.. or else my hubby's gonna nag me again with all the craziness! I never thought I would have a crush on Korean actor, because I dislikes K-dramas all together during that time.. well, look where I am now..ha.ha.. I'm still not very fond of Kdramas still, but anything to do with GY, I'll take it.. You know that NTV7 just started airing Hwang Jini not very long ago right? I watch it and fell asleep almost every night! :lol:

Lily Unnie..yeah it is sound good too me. So, am I the eldest in this house? All YooGals have to listen to Unnie, ok! Pikachu...from now on, don't play around with those LB..you should pass it to Unnie....hahaha!! :lol:
Lily unnie.. I'm not very sure you are the eldest in the house.. but for now, it seems like it... so everyone of us need to listen to you huh?! haha.. you will have a hard time watching over us! :lol:

Yeah, I excited that GY is also a 70's kid too. Since we born in the same decade, we surely can talks about the same thing happen during our era...Thundercats, Jem and the holly gram, Chief....Sheriff Lobo...Oshin..still remember those?? And still remember what we can get with 5 cents???
haha.. those were the days... :)
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Guest MissMellis

Hi girls~

How are you all doing?

Oh wow..dang i can't keep up anymore.. the house

is moving so fast @____@

It takes me like forever to backread and reply just like you all x___x

(and soompi ain't helping *shakes fist*)

But i'm finally done backreading now.. and here's my replies to

everyone.. a little late thought but better late than never right? ^^;;

Okay... with this post, it is now official that soompi

hates me :fury:

LOL!!! He sure will!

yeah.. you still love them because you are not with them day and night 24/7.. if you had, you would be like me going nuts and wishing that they will just leave you alone for some peace and quiet moment.

yep.. that would be so cute.. there's another part in CP where he's with the kids too.. the part after he dresses EC up as a guy and they went strolling at the park.. and there was a bunch of kids.. GY carried one of them (that is one very lucky kid!!)... and I remember someone posted here before one article written by a fan who visited CP filming site.. She say that one of the staff's wife bring their twinnies over to the filming location, and YEH carries one of them, while GY grab the other one.. and the baby he grab was crying so much that the mother had to get it back from GY, and he tries to snatch the other one from YEH or something.. that is so cute. haha.. I wish somebody had recorded that scene..

my memory sucks too!

h.aha.. I would sing can ta ta tata too if I heard that song on TV or anything.. it's registered in my brain already..

I bet he will be running off immediately seeing us there disgusted with our action! lol!!

Hahaha! That's so true! I think I'd go crazy too if I was with them 24/7. I have one fav cousin who I love the most in the whole wide world (out of my cousins that is) and she doesn't live in the same city as I do. So when I go and visit her I totally love to be with her the first few days and I play with her and everything… but after like 3-4 days that's it for me..she becomes very annoying and won't leave me alone .___.

Haha, glad to hear that I'm not the only one with a memory that totally sucks big time!

It's registered in my brain too Angelie. You should see me at home.. all I got to say is that my family

is beginning to think that I'm not normal anymore XD

Oh oh I remember that article! Poor GY.. the baby started to cry.. haha and then he steals YEH's baby..

they must've looked so cute together (no shipping intended!) :D

I also wish that someone recorded that scene…

Angelie, thank you for posting those pics of GY as a girl! LOL!! They all gave me a good laugh

yes you may call me neng...Ellie.oki so i'm poor you... promise that if ever i have a YOOdream... i'll try to save it in my memory bank so it won't get lost. i've been daydreaming of it... attending his fan meet.. hearing him sing...so you better close your mouth or else YOO will offer you his hankie hahaha why is that?

I sure hope that you'll remember your dream or else you'll be suffering like me not remembering anything ;___;

Omo, if he'll offer me his hankie I'll never close my mouth.. I'll just drool away kekeke

*dodges the possible LB's coming my way* :ph34r:

Elliei just clicked it! Hahaha. Your so funny! Your mom must be really nuts when you screamed like that in front of your guests!

I bet all YOOgals will be lost when they had the chance to see YOO in person? Have you seen the clip of someone when she saw YOO in the plane? Lucky girl! When i saw YOO, i might faint seeing only his hair, or feet,.. or hands! And what more seeing him in a set.. WAAAAAHHH! Ambulance must be standing by!

Get well, oki! Might be heartburn. So visit a dr when you got time.

Hahaha yeah she was! That's why I ran the fastest I could away from there!

Yeah, all the YOOgals will be totally lost! Yesh yesh, I saw that clip, I think. That lucky lucky girl..

she got to meet him *sigh*

Imagine all the YOOgals visiting YOO in a set.. we'd be needing many ambulances!!

I faint just at the thought of meeting him...

I will! Don't worry, I'll call my doc tomorrow. *hugs*

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Guest mendyoo

good day YOOGALS and YOOBIES...

replies later friends...

as FAYE said... "neng kind of post" hahaha

but i really can't resist not to even make a peek here even for just a sec...so i always make my hi's and hello's first thing then the rest of the business later.


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Guest MissMellis

And here's part 2 ^^;;

Hey hey everybody is good hey

I rookie I I English I make a speech I I like YOO very much for the first time

From here see many GONG YOO information from

Especially make a speech and thank everybody for being special

Mei25: I'm a little late with this but..

WELCOME TO YOOHOUSE!! I hope you enjoy your stay here and don't be too shy to post here okie? ^^

just a quick hello to everyone here! to time & chance to do backreading

sorry for not being able to make reply to all the comments...

im still on my vacation and just using my sister's pc

YOOangeli, what happened to GFB cb? under maintenance? so i can get the 700mb BTSC in YOO&I cb?

it has english file name right? ill check it tomorrow night. this pc cant access cb

waves to kai,yen,neng,queen,YOO2,beth.missmelli,LPH,faye,nhetski,euchan

and to all the YOObies & mei25 just wanna say thank you for all the goodies ofcourse!

*waves back at you nana* Your name is the same as my fav Japanese manga NANA :D

Enjoy your vacation! And enjoy backreading too! There's lots of pages!! But you can do it. AJA AJA!!

My God.... i don't know how & when to start my backreading, hu hu almost 30 pages, goodness!! I miss YOOhouse & baby YOO!

Just dropping by to say HELLO angelie, yen, neng, queeny, pach, jinkzz, nana, FAYE19, kai, orangechocolates, iloveyoo2, happytoy, calypso78, euchan, Yoobee, nhetski, min_montel, Pikachu79, missmelli and to all new Yoogals.

Omo .. 30 pages!! Dang that's lots of pages! But don't worry, you'll enjoy all of the pages because

there're lots of droolworthy goodies waiting for you!

Ellie, that what I am facing everyday esp during weekends and school holidays. I have 3 kids...all girls and the sound that they make just like kindergarten...when we were in the car, my husband and I can't have good chat because they keep interrupting and asking questions...my house only quiet when they sleep or off to school....

Thanks Ellie...I am enjoying it right now...

I'm feeling sorry for you all married YOOgals out there with kids!!

But but.. kids are still the best gift from God to us right? Right?

Look at it from the bright side.. there're many goodies right there waiting for you,

nana and betchay


Because I'm a dedicated YOOgal who is totally head over heels in love with GY, I decided to watch She's on duty and S Diary. That's the reason to why I haven't been here.. just lurking and not posting any replies ehehe

She's on duty: The plot was okay, KSA and GY's acting was great.

I enjoyed the movie and not only because it had GY in it hehehe.

I la la lurved GY's look in the movie kekeke

S Diary: Ooh manh, I haven't laughed so hard for quite a while now.

The second relationship KSA had, the one with the soon-to-be married man… it was so hilarious!!

I fell in love with GY all over again in the movie! I think I fainted like a gazillion times everytime

I looked at him xD And the relationship he had with his mom and his dog.. ROFLMAO!! It cracked me up

so hard that my sister came in my room asking if I was crazy laughing 5 in the morning!!

Gah. I just wanted to jump into my screen and hug GY really really right and squeeze his cheeks

for being so darn cute and smexy at the same time that it made me go all ga ga.

*again, dodges all the LB's coming my way*

Queenie: I missed your artwork so much! I'm so happy that they're back!!

And it seems like some of the YOOgals have hidden PS talents. Keep the artwork coming girls..

I love the way you're all spoiling us with pwetty artwork <3

But I'm a little jealous though cuz I can't make anything myself ;____;

Ooh and I too love chocolate... and to cook and bake xD Another thing some of us have

in common beside GY yay ^______^

*waves back at you faye* Are you the anonymous user? :P

gah.. im exhausted now

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Hopefully other YooGals also wants... ;) My second thought...may be we can raise fund for maintaining YooMansion by selling this mug to YooGals...It also one way to support our Baby Yoo. How about that?
we sure can do that, but I'm kinda worry of copyrights thingy for the pics used... what do you think about Lily unnie's idea Anne?

I am not worry, Baby Yoo is my shield!!!! :lol: BTW, you cannot fire to your Unnie..hehehe!
oh yeah!! let's try! he.he..

my angel……ha ha ha ha ha….. that’s very funny!
yeah.. those girlie pics crack me up big time. lol!! and a few of them are really pretty.. :rolleyes:

Awwwwww that’s too long ago!
yes.. very very long time ago!

Whole night.... :crazy: I am not sleeping at all. Right after finish the last page, Soompi on IPS Driver error. After try refresh a few times it still not working I shut down the computer and straight prepare breakfast. Actually, when I am at the last page, my kids already wake up and ask me to cook nasi lemak...What a long night!!!! :blink:
oh wow!! and what does your hubby say for not going to bed?! you must be feeling dizzy the whole day after that.. ha..ha.

I am so fortunate...my husband never come to my office. If not, I am in big trouble... :P
sshhhhh... don't jinx it! :P

iluvyoo2, I'm still hunting for Moyea's serial num.. :P GFB and GJC's CB have been working really slow the past few days.. Could be because of the shifting of files perhaps.. but certain files was able to download very fast.

as for the show, I'm currently uploading it... should be ready by tomorrow.. :)

Ha Ha Ha..I can't stop laughing at this ps-ed pic.. :lol:

Why ppl in DcGY PS so many funny pictures recently? :lol:

He look pretty in this ps-ed pic..haha..I will fall in love to her if I'm guy.. :P

ha.ha.. me too laughing like crazy. I have no idea why dcGY was filled with PS-ed pic of GY.. but it was hillarious. I love that particular ps-pic too.. Sooooo pretty that I'm falling for "her" too... I can imagine a Coffee Princess with that look... :wub:

Coffee Prince DVD Post Cards
hmm.. yummy..

ok. that's all the time I have this morning.. gotta run some errands.. Will continue with replies this afternoon... and I will leave YooGals with these 2 gifs.


*** Credit: daum GY ***

:w00t: :w00t: :w00t:


*** Credit as printed @ dcGY ***

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Guest orangechocolate

Good morning YooGals... the house that love and friendships built :wub: (cr:faye&mendyoo)

backpaging....i try to search what's page post about Korea-MS? Finally i found it..Thank :sweatingbullets:

mendyoo -> YOO in Bloom ~ Cuteee [HK-version] :)

aalhl -> Is this some pic from clip that you talk abt. YEH?? she wants to play a dumb role !! Cuteee [HK-version-again]

on MBC’s Session TV


Han Kyol in cp is the grown-up version of Tae-In.

so all in all we can sum it up mathematically as:

Tae-In = Choi han Kyul ... Tae-In + Choi Han kyol = GONG YOO.

-- Hi queenie ..first you has talent in Yoo's artwork besides that good analysis in his role haha

btw, Liron - you are a kissing scenes analyst. White Flag ^^"

Twinnie -> **morning hug** Have a nice day ^^V

Yoo see? my banner look like YOO say his name and direct kiss OC

Cuteeee...(Just kidding guy..dont blame om me )

*Wave* to all yoogals

dear Soompi -> on IPS Driver error - what da??? this is just early morning~ Ashiiiiiii :angry:

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Guest banhbonglan86

I know that most of us want our Gong Yoo and Yoon Eun Hye become real couple. I have just attended Yoo house after watching Coffee prince so I wonder that when he co-stared with Sung Yu Ri in One fine day or with Kim Sung Ah in S-diary..., did you guys want he and the female leads become couple? Or only with YEH beause Eun Chan and Han Kyul was so real, so cute that most of us hope that's true? You guys are so observant, give evidence of conection between Gong Yoo and Yoon Eun Hye :D , that's so cute! Anyway, I hope we can see pics that Gong Yoo and Eun Hye hand in hand in near future.


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Guest tangtang


<3 backpages!!! LOL!

Here goes my NENG kind of post! :lol:

*blink blink* Angel, those PS-ed girly pics of YOO, scared me! YOO might me seeing that, and he will be the first one to faint! :lol:

you're welcome mei25...i hope you'll be happy here at YOOHOUSE just like us...WARNING: don't blink even for a second... coz you'll have tons of backreading hahahait'll be a never ending dancing hahaha i think that will put me to YOOLAND ...hohummmmbut i like it there angelie :lol: that's why its a 'no more daydreaming for me' hahahaaside from YOO... we have cooking and baking as common ground...as queenie said..."LET'S HAVE A PASTRIE PARTY"... that sounds yummy good...

Neng, no daydreaming for us if they know! :lol: So lets just be in "stealth" mode when we are daydreaming, dont worry wont tell them! :lol:

PASTRIE PARTY?! Love that!

sometimes it'll take you a short time to make one artwork... and sometimes... just like you've had... an hour. it's like that whenever you're doing PS kai... i stared like that too... next thing... you'll have your own background. little by little... you'll discover the secret of PS hahaha happy artworking... just keep them coming...

Thanks for the encouragement, Neng! But patience is not a virtue i overflow with.. so that little by little will be an always an hour! :lol: But nevertheless will try harder! ;)

you sure like to be buzzed don't you tangtang...

LOL! Angel, love teasing your LBs!

I'm picturing that if I faint in front of him, he would be rushing over straight away to grab me so I won't fall on ground.. fainting into his embrace, isn't that romantic! Don't know if he will be asking what made me faint, but perhaps he would carry me to the side and tries to wake me up.. and if he ever ask, I think I will say because of YOO... probably he won't hug but i think he would say "that is so cute!" and start fiddling with my hair like he did to EC.. and perhaps scold me for being silly and not to do that again. LOL!! ok.. buzz buzz me... :lol:

Dont worry i will try calling tika and pach, for that buzz buzz! :lol: Thinking of me fainting in front of him, makes me shy... but if thats going to happen.. il try to faint even if im not really fainting! And not only once, but nth time! The idea of touching my hair like EC.. O____O Heaven!

ohhh.. please don't pass out tangtang.. you will miss out all the YOO goodies later on. nevertheless, have a safe trip. :)

Thanks, angel! Unfortunately, i did passed out and i missed the girly pics! LOL! Good thing YOO is a guy or i wouldnt fall for him if she was a girl! :lol:

his lips did touch the Ohui bottle too right?

Hmpppfff! <_<<_< Hahahaha! I really hated those bottles, eh?

Just popping in to say hi to YOOgals.... :)

Okay, I've given up trying to backthread and follow your chats... it's heartwarming to see the genuine friendships and give and take atmosphere here...gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. Keep it up yoogals, if Gong Yoo decides to check out soompi someday, he'll be proud to see how yoonited yoogals are. When I am stressed out and need to take a break, I'll peak in this thread, see a lovely picture of Baby Yoo's dazzling smile or goofy expressions and it just brightens up my day. :D

Hi, minami! Hope YOO would check out backpages too. LOL! Yoo really is our "sunshine"!

some YOOgals were asking (can't find the exact pages sorry) what YEH said on Section TV when they showed a bit of HK n EC's kissing scenes.. here it is as translated by smr05:

Thanks, nhetski for the translation. Though Yeh said that HK's kiss is rough... still believe that YOO kisses great. And i still love YEH and GY! Shipping here, but boink.. just love them together!

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jeezzzzzzzzzzzzz i knew it- everytime i say something about sompii cooperating with me- i sort of jinx it.... so now i know better!

good evening YooGals! i'm just a little worried to backpage lest i get kicked out so i'm just gonna laze around this page :lol:

how's everybody? i know work started in the other parts of the globe not us of a and we are just going back to work tomorrow!

ellie- yup, i'm the one who's ghosting- so it's basically --- i see yoo all but you can't see me :lol:

my angel - i will respond to your lovenotes later.

neng- no problem.... what a coincidence..... it just popped in my head


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Guest eganlyen

Hello Yoogals & Welcome to all Yoobies...

still lots of pagessss to backread.

Anne, how can you take away YOO! *points cannon to Anne* :lol:

:lol::lol: if tika,angel & pach has LB.Kai has Cannon :lol: But i wont take away YOO to Yoogals only on you.I'm thinking you will hide on YOOs back.

yen... it doesn't matter if YOO doesn't have the strength anymore come saturdays :lol: if he can understand 'tagalog'... i'm sure he'll run as fast as his feet can go... i'm just not sure if it's away or towards us hahahahadid i say it's a gift? it's just really a joke....i'll make it... then you'll pay me hahaha

:blink: naughty...naughty Neng!..cant read the next word after "its a gift?" Yoopinays can u read it?!?Youre so generous...thanks for the Gift :lol::lol: Love you Neng!.Ill send you my Baby YOO pics later.

ahh.. sorry I miss out on that.. buzz buzz to you too Anne... lol!!!

so this is how it felt....runs in the arms of baby YOO. :ph34r:

I think HK was sweating, and EC was trying to wipe the sweat off his chest or something.. hmm... what were you thinking tangtang? <_<

Actually Angel I'm also confused about that scene esp when harim told that his zipper was open :w00t: .Do we have same thinking Kai?!? :vicx:

how come its just 3 of us visiting the house?...well maybe YOOGALS,YOOWIVES are all busy recovering from the stressful week.

were here queeny..yes busy in cleaning the house & start preparing to x'mas decor.

Ill do my back read again. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest vicente

Hello...everybody, I miss Yoo and all friends.

I can not go on here a long time because

my computer error words " IPS DRIVER ERROR" all times.

I don't know why..... :angry:

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Hello...everybody, I miss Yoo and all friends.

I can not go on here a long time because

my computer error words " IPS DRIVER ERRORL" all times.

I don't know why..... :angry:

hello vicente..... nice to see you back----- been a while..... oh well, read my post and i had the same headache earlier.... not even sure if this will go through at first try.....

eganlyen Posted Today, 09:22 PM

Hello Yoogals & Welcome to all Yoobies...

still lots of pagessss to backread.

Hi eganlyen..... yeah... so many pages.... so many goodies to feast your eyes on too....enjoy!

tangtang Posted Today, 09:09 PM


<3 backpages!!! LOL!

Here goes my NENG kind of post!

good evening here tangtang.... so neng's kind of post is infectious! :lol:

banhbonglan86 Posted Today, 09:08 PM

I know that most of us want our Gong Yoo and Yoon Eun Hye become real couple. I have just attended Yoo house after watching Coffee prince so I wonder that when he co-stared with Sung Yu Ri in One fine day or with Kim Sung Ah in S-diary..., did you guys want he and the female leads become couple? Or only with YEH beause Eun Chan and Han Kyul was so real, so cute that most of us hope that's true? You guys are so observant, give evidence of conection between Gong Yoo and Yoon Eun Hye , that's so cute! Anyway, I hope we can see pics that Gong Yoo and Eun Hye hand in hand in near future.

i have only seen CP so i cannot answer your question. i can only tell you and honestly at that- i only collect solo pics of yoo and if it's with a partner.... yoo know who! and it's also my hope that they could do another project together in the future if they can't be together romantically- at least in their projects.... just wishful thinking!

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Guest tangtang

Actually, I found YEH's answer to be very elusive. My gut feeling says she is very aware/apprehensive of the GY/YEH shippers (and rightfully so cause we are bad bad people) at this point and she tries to deflect rumors as much as she can ,though I think it would rise less eyebrows if she would have just given a more straight forward answer such as "kissing is part of being actors, it's not real, it's only make believe, there are no feelings involved whatsoever" etc' etc', but instead she chose to talk about the kissing of the other pair of the show which to be honest, I could care less about (sorry LSK fans) and I'm sure the interviewer didn't think or cared for them either. Rough? I don't remember anything rough about their kissing in CP. Actually if I remember correctly she got lots of hugs and caresses after that certain "rough" kissing scene ( lucky bia**h) :P from a certain someone. So why did she do it? I'm guessing that question took her by surprise and she simply spoke the first thing that came into mind...and though it's kind of strange it's totally understandable that she would try to deflect.

Caly, totally agree with your analysis! well, you said it better than i do so... *high fives*

Ok then, how about some passion fruit flavored tea? Or hot coco with marshmallows?

Hmmmmmmm ….why do I sense some ulterior motive in your gesture of support? Lol…

Still came out nice!

Faye, hot choco sounds great! So dont forget those in your "coffee princess" menu! Wow.. reminds me need to do some groceries later! Im out of chocomallows. And no motives at all... just being hospitable! :D

Whole night.... :crazy: I am not sleeping at all. Right after finish the last page, Soompi on IPS Driver error. After try refresh a few times it still not working I shut down the computer and straight prepare breakfast. Actually, when I am at the last page, my kids already wake up and ask me to cook nasi lemak...What a long night!!!! :blink:

Hi min. errr Can i call you that? Im having a hard time typing montel, i always end up having hotel.. :lol: what is nasi lemak? I just found a new resto here at the Phil named nasi lemak. Me just get curiuos. ;)

Yes Tangtang, I am glad I am do it... ;) nate...my husband never come to my office. If not, I am in big trouble... :P

**hugs you back**

Not wasting any minute...enroll immediately!! hahaha!!!

And please remind me, to send a msg to your husband that you will appreciate a lunch over your office! :lol:

Coffee Prince DVD Post Cards

Credit loveECEH@baidu

Thanks again, iluvyoo2 for the pics! Dude, want to have one!

I’ve finally finished watching BTSC. Gong Yoo is so cute and adorable. I must agree with YOOGals posted elsewhere previously, GY = Tae- In = Han-Kyul. I sometimes feel Tae-In is even more sympathized than Han-Kyul, especially his dancing at hospital ward rebel agaisnt his father. For a moment I was frozen with that image, a lonely kid in grown-up man. Such talent actor. Love his many cute scenes, but most in his struggle, his confession in love after one year away, his affirmation of his love toward Sonsengnim against his Uncle. Where can we find another actor can express both such a cute kid and a brave man, both comic and dramatic at once as good as GY?

Hi, movall! You too cant resist Tae-in? Glad to hear from you, and hope youll be posting away soon. And Yoo is always good in his acting, thats why the roles he is doing really gets into you.

well i'm a silent yoogal but i'm happy to read your messages and the hawtness beauty of GONG YOO! i just want to say that i'm soooo happy that he postponed his MS! i think it was just the right decision. i really hope he'll get good projects and i want to see him back in a kdrama but i just hope he'll be pair up with a great actress again. :D GY is such a great actor he on deserves a good project and a good costar hihihi :P

Hi, noamz! Hope to hear from you again, and your decision of not being a silent no more is great! GY deserve anything, and also the love from Yoogals! Or is it lust? :lol:

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Guest queeninmycastle

Hello Yoogals & Welcome to all Yoobies...

still lots of pagessss to backread.

:lol::lol: if tika,angel & pach has LB.Kai has Cannon :lol: But i wont take away YOO to Yoogals only on you.I'm thinking you will hide on YOOs back.

:blink: naughty...naughty Neng!..cant read the next word after "its a gift?" Yoopinays can u read it?!?Youre so generous...thanks for the Gift :lol::lol: Love you Neng!.Ill send you my Baby YOO pics later.

so this is how it felt....runs in the arms of baby YOO. :ph34r:

Actually Angel I'm also confused about that scene esp when harim told that his zipper was open :w00t: .Do we have same thinking Kai?!? :vicx:

were here queeny..yes busy in cleaning the house & start preparing to x'mas decor.

Ill do my back read again. :sweatingbullets:

hi anne how have you been?

so many page to beackread huh?hope you enjoy it although server is going nut coconut again hahaha.

you preparing for christmas already?

thats what i missed the most...i dont have the spirit to do decorations here in the house coz its just me myself and i...its been 3yrs already that i celebrated christmas, new year and all important holidays alone...so nah...no big deal.

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(naomz @ Nov 5 2007, 04:46 AM)

well i'm a silent yoogal but i'm happy to read your messages and the hawtness beauty of GONG YOO! i just want to say that i'm soooo happy that he postponed his MS! i think it was just the right decision. i really hope he'll get good projects and i want to see him back in a kdrama but i just hope he'll be pair up with a great actress again. GY is such a great actor he on deserves a good project and a good costar hihihi

hello naomz! about time you step forward and be recognized ha ha ha ha ha ...... we all share the same wish for him- more projects that will showcase his talents so his stature as an actor can go up another notch. i think CP helped open more doors of opportunities for him and he deserves that right?


Faye, hot choco sounds great! So dont forget those in your "coffee princess" menu! Wow.. reminds me need to do some groceries later! Im out of chocomallows. And no motives at all... just being hospitable!

of course- that would be under " non-coffee lovers lane" or "coffee alternatives"!

:lol: i thought you will be yoo's entertainer while all of us are busy in the kitchen.... sounds like caly when she thought of becoming an interpreter (she needs weekly meetings with the cy owner to keep tabs on what's going on in his life- but she changed her mind later on ha ha ha ha ha).

(tangtang)Hi, noamz! Hope to hear from you again, and your decision of not being a silent no more is great! GY deserve anything, and also the love from Yoogals! Or is it lust?


(aalhl aka my angel)

hello there my faye! reading your answer, maybe the first kiss that came to YEH's mind was the "brutal kiss".. thus it became rough... lol!! perhaps that kiss left a more prominent impression on her more than other sweet kisses? and that eppi 16 kiss.. I'm sure we feel that GY kisses her quite hard (with her swelling lips), so that may be another "rough" kiss for her.. he.he..

who knows? or maybe she fell short of articulating what she had in mind or what she really felt because she had to consider this controversial "shipper" thing which i can't understand. oh well......


Today, 08:22 PM Post #10922

been wondering what would BABY YOO's reaction be with our constant DROOLING?...here's how it would be


lol queenie!

*waves* at pikhachu79, anj, happy2, eganlyen, lilgal_gemini

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Guest tangtang

Ulk... thought i was done! :P:P

kai- love yoo & miss yoo is not a bad chant at all.you bet i am cursing in their face...using what? my bisaya cursing bwahahaha.OMO...you be careful kai coz unnie lily wanted to have the LB power too since she's the eldest in the house...she will impose strict discipline amongst her baby sisters.sssssssssssshhhhhh can't say it out LOUD she might hear this.LOL!

Lily wanted to have the LB too? O-M-G! Quennie, we better behave? LOL! Impossible! :lol: Those grumpy witches will never understand your bisaya curisng, me too can never! Dont you love teasing our unnies? :lol:

TO LILY: Ill call you Lily instead of min? Is it oki?

neng- yes we become instant friends and sisters here in YOOHouse...is BABY YOO our BIG Brother?hahahaha

I cannot accept YOO as out brother... well... will be thinking of what he is to our family tree!

lily unnie- unnie...unnie...unnie... hahaha im just playing...like my chan in cp.

yay! that idea of yours is good i'll be glad to give you my support.

and christmas time is fast approaching..

LOL! I will be teasing her too... unnie unnie unnie.. unnie! LOL! Give us some hugs after reading this, huh!

Oh wow..dang i can't keep up anymore.. the house

is moving so fast @____@

It takes me like forever to backread and reply just like you all x___x

(and soompi ain't helping *shakes fist*)

Ellie, so you shoudnt miss a day without checking the girls, right?

Omo, if he'll offer me his hankie I'll never close my mouth.. I'll just drool away kekeke

*dodges the possible LB's coming my way* :ph34r:

Hahaha yeah she was! That's why I ran the fastest I could away from there!

Yeah, all the YOOgals will be totally lost! Yesh yesh, I saw that clip, I think. That lucky lucky girl..

she got to meet him *sigh*

Imagine all the YOOgals visiting YOO in a set.. we'd be needing many ambulances!!

I faint just at the thought of meeting him...

I will! Don't worry, I'll call my doc tomorrow. *hugs*

YOOgals in his set? That will be a total chaos! Its fun to imagine, that we will be all together hunting Yoo, eh?

Twinnie -> **morning hug** Have a nice day ^^V

Yoo see? my banner look like YOO say his name and direct kiss OC

Cuteeee...(Just kidding guy..dont blame om me )

Twinnie! *Lunchtime hug* :lol: Thats not a kiss... Its YYYYYOOOOOUUUUUU! :lol:

dear Soompi -> on IPS Driver error - what da??? this is just early morning~ Ashiiiiiii :angry:

LOL! Super what the!!!

I know that most of us want our Gong Yoo and Yoon Eun Hye become real couple. I have just attended Yoo house after watching Coffee prince so I wonder that when he co-stared with Sung Yu Ri in One fine day or with Kim Sung Ah in S-diary..., did you guys want he and the female leads become couple? Or only with YEH beause Eun Chan and Han Kyul was so real, so cute that most of us hope that's true? You guys are so observant, give evidence of conection between Gong Yoo and Yoon Eun Hye :D , that's so cute! Anyway, I hope we can see pics that Gong Yoo and Eun Hye hand in hand in near future.

Hi, banhbonglan86! I also wanted it to be me (and the YOOGALS) and YOO, but YEH and YOO is much better! Couple i know who become real after a series is Lee Dong Wan and her partner in MY BF is type B.

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