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(jdrama 2007) Hanazakari_no Kimitachi_e

Guest asianrice

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Wow there's competition among subbers for this drama??? haha SUGOI ne? B]!

Here's the new character chart if anyone hasn't seen it yet:


^credits to lone_child from http://community.livejournal.com/hanakimi/

(LOL....toma = soccer ball.......)

I can't wait for the drama to start & see how Shun's & Maki's relationship works out.

Hope you guys don't mind me sharing a banner I made of them two...

Even though it hasn't aired yet I could already feel the hot chemistry >__< or maybe I'm alone...

I was bored anyway:


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Guest i love pie

i finally finished reading the manga!

it was so good that i felt sad because it ended T_____T.

I CAN'T WAIT! the anticipation is killing me =T

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Guest KK501

OMG really hope they get uploaded online right away!

with subs of course. GREAT NEWS that alot of people are willing to sub it for us. Haha, theres even a competition.

XSHADOW: thats a BEAUTIFUL artwork!

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Guest namillise

I'm almost positive that this version will blow the TW version out of the water. And seriously. Maki unbearable cute. I CANT WAIT. omg.

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Guest Melyxcious

I am so impatient for this to come out omfgosh T__T.

xSHADOW -- that piece is beautiful<3

and that character chart's... fun lmao. and head..aching >.O;;

not that that's a bad thing :P

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Guest caseyluvr

I saw all of the TWdrama verison.

I wonder which will be better. :o

I can't wait to see it! :3

Hana Kimi is my favorite manga. <3

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Guest Dorkiee


I'm way excited for this drama. Even would be cool if subs were released the day it air.

Lol. I see what you mean when they replace toma with a soccer ball. Hehehe.

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Guest <3RabbY1087


I'm so happy and excited for the Jdorama!! They must've seen how horrible the Taiwanese version was.

I can't wait to see Hisaya Nakajo's manga brought to justice XDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!

I'm curious in seeing how Oguri Shun is going to play the part. He's one of my favorite J-actors. I love him in Hana Yori Dango I & II. And it's nice to see Toma (who played Junpei in Hanadan) again~ <3<3!!

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Guest Justalilodreamer

whoa xSHADOW :o that poster looks AWESOME O_O the filtering, blending, color choice etc. looks soo good!!

YAYYYYYYYY I CANT WAIT TILL TOMORROW!!! if subs dont come out tomorrow then i'll still watch the raw first :lol:

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Guest trinity1418

Wow I can't believe its going to air tomorrow already! It seemed like I just heard about it...I'm so excited for it! I really hope it meets my expectations because the expectations are HUGE! Not only because I LOVED the Taiwanese version (Yes we all know Ella isn't the greatest looking girl but I love that girl, she is too crazy not to love and her chemistry with Wu Zun was super sizzling and Jiro was hysterical...so yes I love it) but also because my super hottie Oguri Shun who is a great actor is in it PLUS Maki who I think is adorable and uniquely beautiful. So yeah, I have big expectations, I hope it doesn't disappoint! I am most looking forward to seeing Oguri and Maki interacting...yay yay yay!!!!

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Guest bbasya

it's TOMORROW already! woot~! :D

awesome banner xSHADOW! so pretty! ^^

and thanks for posting the CC too.

it just hilarious that Toma is replaced by a soccer ball! :lol:

i'm so excited~! :P

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Guest Vanessa728

how exciting! ive been waiting for this day to come since i fell in love with the taiwanese version! i hope eng subs for the premiere tomorrow will be done asap.

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Whoo, I can't believe how quickly this thread moves! I had the toughest time finding my last post in here (man, how I wish soompi had the search feature enabled, haha) so I went back through all 35 (now 36) pages and read all of the posts. Everyone seems so excited, haha.


Okay, so I am, too, LOL. I've been waiting for another Oguri Shun dorama since I finished Hana Yori Dango and Hana Yori Dango II. The past month has been absolute torture because I kept remembering, at random times, that this drama was going to air really, really soon. Yeeeshh. I can't wait. Sometime within the next twenty-four hours, I'm going to glue myself to my computer screen and watch the first episode. I've never been more glad that I learned Japanese (LOL, wow, that's somewhat depressing -- that all those years of studying only pay off when new doramas come about, hahaha.)

But anyway, I had absolutely no idea so many teams "claimed" Hana Kimi! I guess, in the end, it's not important, though -- what is important is getting the finished product out. doggieusa just posted this but I'm just going to announce it again since it's a new page! B.O.N. will be subbing Hana Kimi. We're ready to go and hopefully, we'll have the episode for you guys extremely quickly! If not, then I hope the other groups do.

Spread the Hana Kimi loooovee. <3 I can't wait for tomorrow. AAAAHHHH. <3 SHUNSHUNSHUN (although I don't really like his hair here. ;_;) I miss his HYD hair.

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Guest Maia-chan

The HanaKimi cast, bowling. Does anyone know where to download the whole show?



Hiro. So adorable, was he nervous or something? XD


credit- d-addicts.

You guys should really watch this! You guys might just be convinced that Toma can pawn Jiro any time! The way Toma interacted with his senpai Nakai was so cute and funny. Toma even imitated Nakai and instead of getting angry (like how most senpais do when their kouhais did things like that), Nakai just laughed and he even pinched Toma's waist!

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