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(jdrama 2007) Hanazakari_no Kimitachi_e

Guest asianrice

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The most interesting thing is ... how Nakatsu will compete with Sano and confess to Mizuki, this is what I very much anticipate.

For the ending, I doubt it'd be not different from other J-Dramas I've seen ><;;; Japanese like open vague endings. Despite my love for J-drama, I was disappointed many times - so this time, again I won't put much expectation. Of course we still pray for a happy, lovey-dovey one, ne minna ^^ ?

oh yea, I want to see it too, but I doubt anything 'serious' will happen.. well u know it's the 'good' friend Nakatsu, maybe now he doesn't see it yet but once he realizes that the one Mizuki loves is Sano, he'll sure do help them.. that's typic Nakatsu, akak

For the ending, I agree, I find that old jdrama (90's) had better endings then modern dramas, I dunno why, perhaps it's a trend.. Even romance dramas that's supposed to have happie ending ends up with a very mediocre, awkward ending where nothing is right in their place... -__-

I have feelings that Hana Kimi's case will not be exception.

Now just pray for a special or a 2nd season... X]

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Guest boatswain

The ending to Hana Kimi MANGA version was pretty bad and vague. It was like it was rushed, like the author was like I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE I ALREADY DID 19 VOLUMES NO MORE CHRIST! and then just ended it like that.

Yeah you can tell I hated the ending.

The TW ending was horrible too. Because the TW ending stuck closely to the manga except for the very end I just skipped to the end of it and I was like ..@___@ THIS IS WORSE.

So yeah, here's to ending the japanese version well!

On another note, does anyone have the Kagurazaka and Sano kiss as a gif? If not can I please request you lovely gifmakers to make one? haha i don't know how to but if i did i would definitely :)

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oh yea, I want to see it too, but I doubt anything 'serious' will happen.. well u know it's the 'good' friend Nakatsu, maybe now he doesn't see it yet but once he realizes that the one Mizuki loves is Sano, he'll sure do help them.. that's typic Nakatsu, akak

For the ending, I agree, I find that old jdrama (90's) had better endings then modern dramas, I dunno why, perhaps it's a trend.. Even romance dramas that's supposed to have happie ending ends up with a very mediocre, awkward ending where nothing is right in their place... -__-

I have feelings that Hana Kimi's case will not be exception.

Now just pray for a special or a 2nd season... X]

Ditto on the ending thing. I also find old jdramas to be sweeter and more romantic than the current - again you could be right about the odd-ending trend. Even though if the ending is supposed to be sad, it's really memorable and impressive, I mean, we viewers are really blown away, and the instillation of that ending into our minds is not due to any anger or disappointment, but appreciation, lol. One typical example is "Tokyo Love Story" starring Honami Suzuki. I still <3 it so much until now, what a great drama, one of the best jdramas of all the times.

And good (and clear) endings in jdramas? Let me check my memory ... eh ... hmm ... well ... T__T

Oh well, I haven't read the manga (I'm not into shoujo), but if the manga's really, in my personal opinion, that bad, than I should prepare myself for a worse one ...

I was O_O with Nobuta & Kurosagi so I don't dare to have high hopes this time, esp. when it has Maki again

One more thing I did not realize both of us having the same blinkie :P until a few minutes ago. Cheers on YamaKi~ Kampai!

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Ditto on the ending thing. I also find old jdramas to be sweeter and more romantic than the current - again you could be right about the odd-ending trend. Even though if the ending is supposed to be sad, it's really memorable and impressive, I mean, we viewers are really blown away, and the instillation of that ending into our minds is not due to any anger or disappointment, but appreciation, lol. One typical example is "Tokyo Love Story" starring Honami Suzuki. I still <3 it so much until now, what a great drama, one of the best jdramas of all the times.

And good (and clear) endings in jdramas? Let me check my memory ... eh ... hmm ... well ... T__T

Oh well, I haven't read the manga (I'm not into shoujo), but if the manga's really, in my personal opinion, that bad, than I should prepare myself for a worse one ...

I was O_O with Nobuta & Kurosagi so I don't dare to have high hopes this time, esp. when it has Maki again

One more thing I did not realize both of us having the same blinkie :P until a few minutes ago. Cheers on YamaKi~ Kampai!

yea, seems like script writers nowadayz live a very depressing life so that they're out of ideas of 'happy' ending ^^;; I used to like sad drama (like Crying out of love in the center of world, etc) but recently I just dun't feel watching those types of dramas anymore.. I haven't watched 'Tokyo Love Story" but I've heard of it, is it a sad drama ? if so I'll skip, my life is sad enough lol

Good & clear & sweet jdrama ?! LONG VACATION !!! that's my very 1st drama & my for ever fav <<33 This is certainly the most satisfactory ending that I've ever seen until now lol

Nobuta & Kurosagi -_____- I just wanted to strangle all the script writers who like put a curse on this couple, YamaKi.. man they can never be together or wat !! wth now I'm putting my hope on Kurosagi the movie, even though I feel that the chance is not high, sigh, but as a fan, nothing much I can do T^T

yea we have same blinkie lol, YamaKi foreverrrrr~~

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I watched up to ep.6 and I'm about to watch ep.7 now...

and one thing I realized about this dorama is that there's not a lot of classroom scenes.

lol the students never seem to study and all they do is have some sort of activity, contest, etc. in every episode.

This would be a great school if it really existed in real life..plus the fact it's an ikemen paradise ^^;;

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They manga never really showed them studying much either. They just skip it cuz its boring maybe.

About the ending to the manga. I thought it was pretty good ending, Sano promised to go to her this time. But the special made it better ^^; Even the manga had a special, so I am very sure the drama will have a special too to close it off.

About the gifs, I'm currently working on some gifs right now. Will post it later tonight hopefully.

ahh I just wanted to mention...I hated Tokyo love story ending. I much prefer Love Generation ending ^^; That was so sweet. Tokyo love story just made me want to strangle the guy throughout the drama.

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Guest benchi101

hahaha... luv HANA KIMI!!! just finish watching it (unsubbed) :(

KKYYAA!! Can't wait for the subs!! (Although already out on D-Addicts...)

I liked the part when Nakatsu and Mizuki were acting out Romeo and Juliet! XD

E08 caps by me:





Watz up with Sano? Hehehe.. I smell jealousy!!

AAHHH!!! He's cares for Mizuki!!!!

LOL!! XDD! anyways, thanx for the caps everyone!!!

Better luv this forum!!!! Keep this section GOING!!!! :DB):lol::w00t::D :D

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Guest joan_qt2004

Is episode 8 with English subs already available? Can someone be so kind as to give me info if it is.

I watched the raw version of this episode and indeed it's nice to see that there is already improvement in the Sano-Mizuki interaction because frankly the drama is already more than the halfway mark and still we haven't really seen concrete examples of how Sano feels towards Mizuki.

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I can already picture the ending episode...she'll probably go back to U.S and comes back in the 2nd season of hanakimi 2...:D

is epi. 7 sub out yet?? someone plz post it if they have it

umm...have you ever heard of d-addicts.com? Subs for 7 has been out for like a week now.

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Guest ilovebeans
umm...have you ever heard of d-addicts.com? Subs for 7 has been out for like a week now.

They posted that more than a week ago. No need to be rude.

I don't understand a word of Japanese but i watched ep.8 without subs and loved it!!! yay more Sano and Mizuki moments. Can't wait till the subs come out.

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I'm beginning to think the Taiwanese version is better....>__<

Maybe it's because I only finished ep.7 but, I don't really see a lot of relationship between Mizuki and Sano...

In the manga, doesn't Sano start to like Mizuki because she helped him jump again, AND also because he wanted to protect her from being found out and from that perverted senpai (lol)?

I think Toma (Nakatsu) is gaining major popularity because of this dorama , and I'm sure Oguri (Sano) can too if his caring side is shown in more details or something. Half the stuff that comes out is made up and not really from the manga.

lol I'm sorry for complaining, and I'm sure it'll get better since there'll be a lot more episodes coming. I guess I was expecting more love relationships than comedy.

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Guest aquatears

^there's definitely more development between sano and mizuki in ep 8. and i hope there'll be more in the upcoming episodes :).

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Nobuta & Kurosagi -_____- I just wanted to strangle all the script writers who like put a curse on this couple, YamaKi.. man they can never be together or wat !! wth now I'm putting my hope on Kurosagi the movie, even though I feel that the chance is not high, sigh, but as a fan, nothing much I can do T^T

ahh I just wanted to mention...I hated Tokyo love story ending. I much prefer Love Generation ending ^^; That was so sweet. Tokyo love story just made me want to strangle the guy throughout the drama.

LOL. Hot-tempered girls. Let me join your violence anyway :P I especially wanted to strangle Tokyo Love Story's (TLS) & Kurosagi's directors. Love Generation's one of course is better. However, seirin, I think TLS is still perfect, because Rika was the most wonderful woman and she loved that man (forget his name, isn't it Kanji?). It's so obvious that all she wished for was his happiness, if you still remember what she said/did/behaved. That guy didn't deserve her love. Too bad for her... but Rika's such a considerate, kind-hearted, understanding and given that she simply had a self-sacrificing nature, I doubt if she would really stay there with him. I mean, he doesn't really love her, he was touched deeply by her love, but it wasn't love and passion as what he felt for that richard simmons (his childhood friend and wife afterward). I REALLY want to strangle that richard simmons ><;;; she's damn crazy playing around with people like that. I thought Rika had chosen the right path, she's not that pathetic and desperate. And finally she could still raise her head high proudly. Of course I know, for an emotional heart like hers, somewhere, bitterness and the pain still lingered, ever.

What a tragic love story, I cried a lot for her though. I dunno if I'm right, but I believe any girl, can see herself and find sympathy, or at least a piece of her, in the image of Rika. This character always lives in my heart <3 believe or not, I learn a lot of things from Rika, and I guess this is the only dramatis persona that can affect and change me that much. Honami was incredible as Rika - I have my respect for both Honami & her character - Rika - and always will!

Sorry for being off-topic~ I guess I'm so into it.

yea we have same blinkie lol, YamaKi foreverrrrr~~

Yeah, Nomanymore, let's wait for Kurosagi movie although we may be disappointed once again :D

<3 YamaPi & Maki if they become a real couple, ne?

You were right, I rewatched the 1024 version and also went "awwww" seeing Mizuki looking at the moon.

Toma is very cute but personally I am not attracted by that type of guy >_> please don't beat me Toma's fans~ I really love Nakatsu anyway! Absolutely there will be more SanoxMizuki so please hold on! Yet I think all the foolishness and fan services aren't that bad, I'm hooked because of those initially. And I haven't watched the TW version (neither do I have any intention to do so) so I won't say anything - but each one must have its good points. 4 more episodes, nigero Sano-kun! Catch Mizuki v^_^v !

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Eps 8 softsub is out on D-Addicts, Thanks to Kai !! <3

Toma is very cute but personally I am not attracted by that type of guy >_> please don't beat me Toma's fans~ I really love Nakatsu anyway! Absolutely there will be more SanoxMizuki so please hold on! Yet I think all the foolishness and fan services aren't that bad, I'm hooked because of those initially. And I haven't watched the TW version (neither do I have any intention to do so) so I won't say anything - but each one must have its good points. 4 more episodes, nigero Sano-kun! Catch Mizuki v^_^v !

Nakatsu is loveable but somehow I think he's just not the right one for Mizuki.. I dun't say that becuz I know who Mizuki loves, but just from my personal view. If I just see them like that, w/o knowing the story, it's clear that Nakatsu & Mizuki appear rather than good buddies than luvers. They talk easily, play around together, but that's it. Perhaps now Sano doesn't open himself yet, but we can see how he changes since Mizuki's appearance. And I think that's how they're meant for each other, love changes a person for the better..

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I love this drama! xD

It's totally different with the Taiwanese one. hehe ^^

Soooo addicting!

Anddddd....ALL of the male actors are CUTE/HAWT!!! ggaahhh!!!

ALL of themmmm! <333

The girl who's playing Mizuki is adorable too

This is such a fun drama! :D

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