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One Tree Hill~

Guest kiss the rain.

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Guest elmmmo_

it started getting spooky for me starting last season when the kid Dan and Keith started appearing..

I've always been a Leyton shipper :x

I loved their scenes together tonight <3 *runs from Brucas fans*

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Guest JenniFOO

elmmmo_: hehe I'm a Leyton fan too. But I'm also a Brucas fan as well. So really, whoever Lucas ends up with, I'll be cool with it. lol Right now, I kind of hope its going to be with Brooke since shes pregnant. (She is pregnant right? I was watching on youtube and it isn't exactly A+++ quality haha so I'm still a little foggy on that subject)

Man I was totally hating on Rachel when I saw the previews for the second episode, but then I acutally SAW it, and pft* it was just a kiss on the cheek lol, I thought she kissed him on the lips and the alarm in my head was like "HOMEWRECKERRRRRR!". That whole little freak out was useless. haha I just hope she really doesn't end up breaking up Naley, cause geez that would really really suck. Good drama I suppose, but...it would SUCK. haha

Peytons brother looks pretty cute, from what I could tell, again, the whole youtube not being A+++ quality kind of blurred the way he looked lol.

I agree, OTH is getting a little freaky deaky on me. lol with the whole water flashbacks, Keith's reappearance in the water apparently (I, for one, did not see him appear, did anyone else see him? cause yeah I couldn't really tell), and the whole Dan "MURDERER" thing reminded me of the "REDRUM" thing in the shining. hehehe

Deb made me laugh in this episode. Shes really good at playing a richard simmons. I LOVE HER!

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WHAAT awww. I finished the second season a while ago... my sister ordered the 3rd season so hopefully I can watch it soon.

I don't want to know about Dan's death or whatever yet, but omg, I'm so desperate to know who did it, but I don't want to know? Eh. I have theories, but... eh, I'll wait. :D

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Guest dream_on

gosh Deb is getting creepy! oh wow...i thought her first comment was funny...mean but funny but after that...when the gun went off and after that...it got kinda scary. i hope she doesn't go crazy and do something stupid to Karen or anyone else except Dan. gosh Dan really screwed her up.

lol i'm so glad Dan is losing it. he's seeing and hearing "MURDERER!" everywhere. it's funny/freaky.

i'm so mad that Rachel is now moving on to Nathan. it was inevitable i guess but it's just so annoying! she better not break up Naley. they are the ONLY stable couple right now.

i'm a Brucas shipper but i do like Leyton as friends. Brooke and Lucas are just sooo cute together and i think there are times she really needs him. and then Peyton and Lucas connect really well because they have so many things in common.

Peyton's brother is pretty cute. he was only on for a few seconds so i didn't get a good look. but they do look alike.

if you missed it...here are the links for youtube...

One Tree Hill // Season 4, Episode 2 - Things I Forgot at Birth

PART 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0pi16km2F0

PART 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwjCEqtoAUw

PART 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPObB1qeMAY

PART 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8n0iZN_07A

PART 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_R6JU_-DvLo

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Guest sang_woo_always

I'm also a BRUCAS fan!!!!!...i love brucas to death!!!!.....they're the cutest couple ever off and on screen....i think season 4 is really interesting...i hope brooke and lucas ends up together.....=]...can't wait to see the next episode.... :D

But isn't brooke and peyton's brother gonna have something going on soon????? btw...i think peyton's bro is okay...not as hot as lucas but he's hot......lol.....

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i feel like there's something off about peyton's "brother". for some reason i think that he's secretly a stalker...because do you remember when she got that weird IM from someone whose SN was watchmewatchu (or something like)....and then she podcasts for everyone to see that she has a brother, so someone could've easily pretended to be the brother..

hahaah thats what i think..

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i feel like there's something off about peyton's "brother". for some reason i think that he's secretly a stalker...because do you remember when she got that weird IM from someone whose SN was watchmewatchu (or something like)....and then she podcasts for everyone to see that she has a brother, so someone could've easily pretended to be the brother..

hahaah thats what i think..

^ That could be true. Because when she called her brother, he said not to call him again...so why did he suddenly change his mind, right?? :rolleyes:

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Guest sang_woo_always

^ That could be true. Because when she called her brother, he said not to call him again...so why did he suddenly change his mind, right?? :rolleyes:

OMG!!!...that is so true.....dang....so many things to look for.... :)

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I agree, OTH is getting a little freaky deaky on me. lol with the whole water flashbacks, Keith's reappearance in the water apparently (I, for one, did not see him appear, did anyone else see him? cause yeah I couldn't really tell), and the whole Dan "MURDERER" thing reminded me of the "REDRUM" thing in the shining. hehehe

Deb made me laugh in this episode. Shes really good at playing a richard simmons. I LOVE HER!

i read in a spoiler that they're trying to bring keith back in with a good script..maybe it's true, maybe it's not

let's keep watching :]

im so sad that i didn't get to see the 1st episode of the new season :[ didn't finish hw on time

i keep hoping Peyton & Lucas get together :vicx: even though we all know it's not goina happen

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Guest elmmmo_

^ that would be awesome if they brought Keith back

I'm still hoping for Peyton&Lucas too........

The creepy factor has just gone up ...

You guys were right about Peyton's brother...

He has tons and tons of pictures of Peyton up in his room...... O_O

hahah Haley's "if you're looking for a black eyes, it's in my fist" and Whitey's "crap" speech cracked me up...

Mouth was so cute when he was drunk lol.. I feel bad for him though

I liked how Brooke told Rachel to leave Nathan alone

Overall, tonight's episode was good

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Guest wonmi35

yah deb is getting a little too crazy for me.

and im really mad that rachel is like trying to get on nathan. i mean come on hes married.

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Guest losborrachos

^true, but nathan looks so much better this season, like season-1-nathan... rachel needs to go after him and create a little competition for haley (and eventually fail of course)...

yeah, i kinda remember now reading abt a stalker pretending to be peyton's brother on spoilerfix...

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Guest JenniFOO

^ I agree, I hope Rachel goes after him, cause then that'll be more drama for us to watch :D Of course she HAS to lose to Haley.

I gotta say, I'm totally not liking Brooke right now. Yeah I understand what shes going through must be tough, but isn't she blowing it a little out of proportion? I mean Peyton was dying, she was dellusional...I guess haha and Lucas didn't even want to kiss her, yet shes pushing him away (while shes pregnant I might add) AND making really mean remarks to Peyton which is totally not cool. Its not like Peyton is going to do anything about it, and she did apologize. And shes getting angry because Lucas and Peyton are always hanging around eachother? Well Peyton really has no other choice since her best friend is being a richard simmons to her. I hope Brooke lightens up soon cause if she doesn't, I think I'm going to end up hating her.

Peytons "brother" is such a cutie. LOL But yeah like those who were talking about him being the stalker instead of the brother, I would bet good money that that is true. (obviously because of the ending of the last episode XD) but I also read somewhere that her real brother is half black. Yup! So I'm excited to see how that turns out. I just hope they keep her fake brother around for a long time cause he ain't too bad to look at. heh

Oh and Mouth when he's drunk? Hahaha awesome stuff. "Whats up Mouth" hehe <33 him.

Skills & Whitey were very funny in this episode too. Heh. Yet despite all the humor in this episode, the water stuff still really creeped me out. Especially the part where Rachel was floating in the water and then her eyes open. -__-;; That was not fun to watch when youre home alone with the lights off. Freaky deaky stuff.


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Guest yongieee

i dont think derek is even peyton's brother.

hes just a stalker pretending to be.

and i really really wish peyton and brooke could be friends again (OMG HOW COULD SHE BE PREGNANT?!)


and deb is so crazy.

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