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Guest ShadowMax76

this guy and i have been talking so much that im starting to feel attached to him.

we are also part of this club at school....i kind of want to avoid and kind of dont want to avoid him. (i want to avoid because i feel like ill become too clingy)

do you think he will mind if i speak less to him when we are with other people?

feeling ill = love sick? lol.

and he probably will notice it if it's that big a change.

poke him about how it feels always being the one to poke at him [assuming you have to be 'clingy' to talk to him]

any thoughts plz?

when i said that to a girl i liked, i felt that i couldn't trust myself alone with her.

o_o' we guys hate the part of ourselves that deeply desires another.. at the cost of her friendship.

you should ask him what he's scared of if he's alone with you to get his p.o.v

but for me.. i'm just scared of myself . to want something for so long. and to have that 'chance' . neh.. it's a guy thing..

but it's no excuse.. lol..

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Guest dbsk_star

im so confused

okay first off, in august my bf of 7months and i broke up because of a stupid arguement (long story)

but in august i was in hongkong for a whole month while he was in canada, and i broke up with him on msn when i was in hk

after we've broken up, he became like totally different person..started smoking and became playboyish

recently, he started dating this girl..but everyone says that she is just a rebound and he doesnt really like her like he liked me

yesterday i went to my friend's party and my ex and his gf was there too cause myex and i, we have the same group of friends

we ignored eachother while i spent the whole time talking to my friends

i saw how he acted around his gf, and it totally shows that he is not really into her

but omg we didnt talk at all at the party right, but randomly he came up and highfived me...it was so unexpected so i just highfived him back and was basically speechless. WTF does a highfive mean =S gawd i was so confused

but after we highfived...he went back out to smoke -_-

however when i got home, he called me at 1am and we started talking on the phone

and he started saying how it was nice seeing me again cause the last time i saw him was in july

so i asked him about he and his gf are doing, and he was like 'umm fine...w/e' so i just said 'oh..cool =="' but in my head i was like wow..is that how you think of your gf...just fine? which it shows that he has like no feelings for her

we just talked for like an hour cause i started saying i was getting sleepy so i said bye

but the question is why did he call me?

does it mean he wants to get back with me or just be friends?

im sorry if this doesnt make sense, but try to help please? thanks

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I have a few question.

1. Let's say you talked to your friends about the girl you liked. What would you feel if one of your friends asked her if she liked you but she said "just like a friend"?

2. If a guy asked a girl...do you like my friend "O"? Would that mean "O" likes the girl? Or does it mean he thinks that girl likes his friend "O"? Or maybe that "O" thinks that girl likes him but doesn't want to ask her?

What do you think?

Sorry if it's confusing. I have just been wondering about these question for some time now.

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Would a guy hang out with you even though you're not popular but just a cool person? Kas I know popularity plays big part for whether girls hang out >.>

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Guest shirotaka

How do you introduce yourself [a sophomore] to a guy who's a senior without looking desperate/clingy?

I don't know what your definition of desperate/clingy is but there is nothing wrong with a casual going up to someone and introducing yourself the old fashion way. Ask for his name and tell him yours, talk casually about some interest etc. People these days make things so much harder than it really is.

P.S. Be confident and not constantly giggling

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Guest BrittanyKim

okay, so theres this guy named *Pak (changed his name) and we're pretty good friends.

during school we flirted alot cause we had alot of classes together. during the summer he

got a girlfriend (they went out before like 2? years ago). so one day i IM him then he's like

"SHUTUP DONT IM ME ANYMORE" blahblahblah so then i block him - later he prank calls

me with his friends

what is he doing? what is wrong with him?

should i not talk to him EVER AGAIN?!

thanks in advance(:

okay, so school started and on the first day, he's the first person i see the the hallway that i know

we're crossing eachother, and i think he was with his friend.

he just turns and starts following me and asking me about my schedule

so i tell him to buzz off, cause of the whole IM thing

but i find out we have no classes together

which is a good thing

but we have the same lunch, on both days (block scheds)

then he sat next to me and acted like nothing happened. what the heck yo.

again thanks in advanced(:

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I don't know what your definition of desperate/clingy is but there is nothing wrong with a casual going up to someone and introducing yourself the old fashion way. Ask for his name and tell him yours, talk casually about some interest etc. People these days make things so much harder than it really is.

P.S. Be confident and not constantly giggling

Sorry, i phrased it wrong kinda... I meant how do you introduce yourself to him without looking like you're flirting or have a crush on him?

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im so confused

okay first off, in august my bf of 7months and i broke up because of a stupid arguement (long story)

but in august i was in hongkong for a whole month while he was in canada, and i broke up with him on msn when i was in hk

after we've broken up, he became like totally different person..started smoking and became playboyish

recently, he started dating this girl..but everyone says that she is just a rebound and he doesnt really like her like he liked me

yesterday i went to my friend's party and my ex and his gf was there too cause myex and i, we have the same group of friends

we ignored eachother while i spent the whole time talking to my friends

i saw how he acted around his gf, and it totally shows that he is not really into her

but omg we didnt talk at all at the party right, but randomly he came up and highfived me...it was so unexpected so i just highfived him back and was basically speechless. WTF does a highfive mean =S gawd i was so confused

but after we highfived...he went back out to smoke -_-

however when i got home, he called me at 1am and we started talking on the phone

and he started saying how it was nice seeing me again cause the last time i saw him was in july

so i asked him about he and his gf are doing, and he was like 'umm fine...w/e' so i just said 'oh..cool =="' but in my head i was like wow..is that how you think of your gf...just fine? which it shows that he has like no feelings for her

we just talked for like an hour cause i started saying i was getting sleepy so i said bye

but the question is why did he call me?

does it mean he wants to get back with me or just be friends?

im sorry if this doesnt make sense, but try to help please? thanks

Yes. IT'S VERY typical that a drunk guy who misses his ex-lover would call her and try to hook up again. But i say you shouldn't give in to the temptation (if there are any) because if he really loved you and thought you were worth fighting for, he should've shown it by NOT getting a VERY obvious rebound gf, and treating her like his pinkberry.


okay...uh what does it mean when my best guy friend doesn't want to ever meet me alone now one on one? i always have to bring someone w/me (preferably another guy friend). just curious on your guys' thoughts on this.

any thoughts plz?

it's obvious what he's trying to do is to avoid situations that you two are together alone. Possibility is that he doesn't want to lead you on.

the previous poster answered "trying to resist temptation" I'm gonna be an a**hole and say I smell BS because if I really liked a girl, I would go out to be alone with her whenever I can so I can develop a deeper relationship with her and build it towards a significant other relationship. Then again, I was taught to "accept" other people's opinions and views, so let's just say that it depends on the guy and the situation. But I stand by my a**holeness and say he's trying to avoid leading you on.

Sorry, i phrased it wrong kinda... I meant how do you introduce yourself to him without looking like you're flirting or have a crush on him?

you can't. Every time a girl tries to introduce herself to me, I get the feeling that she's interested with me (yeah, i'm a**hole). I would only flirt back if I kinda think of her as attractive.

the only situation where a guy would think otherwise would be that pessimistic, low-self esteem sort of guy who doesn't believe he's worth any interest.

okay, so school started and on the first day, he's the first person i see the the hallway that i know

we're crossing eachother, and i think he was with his friend.

he just turns and starts following me and asking me about my schedule

so i tell him to buzz off, cause of the whole IM thing

but i find out we have no classes together

which is a good thing

but we have the same lunch, on both days (block scheds)

then he sat next to me and acted like nothing happened. what the heck yo.

again thanks in advanced(:

why do u even want to ask about this f00? he's not even worth the attention. Then again, you could find him attractive in some unusual way. Best advice is just ignore him or tell him off in vengence. I assume you guys are highschool kids? think about your studies before you start fantasizing about stupid immature boys who disrespect girls on IM.

he has a gf, don't feed the drama.

Would a guy hang out with you even though you're not popular but just a cool person? Kas I know popularity plays big part for whether girls hang out >.>

depends on whether the guy is that shallow or not.

I have a few question.


1. Let's say you talked to your friends about the girl you liked. What would you feel if one of your friends asked her if she liked you but she said "just like a friend"?

2. If a guy asked a girl...do you like my friend "O"? Would that mean "O" likes the girl? Or does it mean he thinks that girl likes his friend "O"? Or maybe that "O" thinks that girl likes him but doesn't want to ask her?

What do you think?

Sorry if it's confusing. I have just been wondering about these question for some time now.

1.) so i like this girl, and she told my friend that we're just friends? holy richard simmons, i'm devastated. i'm indirectly rejected already.

2.) wtf? stop thinking so much. all the reasons you mentioned are possible. take the significance of the question with a grain of salt, because a person would do it just to tease someone. no joke. guys and girls applicable.

well i liked dis dude right. den i told his friend which is my friend. den he told da dude i liked him. it was in da morning. at da baq door. we was having medal detectors. & den he was yelling lina come here. den i turned around. & he asked me is dat da dude i liked? (he pointed to da dude i liked) & den i was like yea. so we started talkin den da dude i liked came towards us & he had liked put his arm around da dude i was talking to (his friend dat told him dat i liked him) & he was like looking at me. but i didnt get an answer yet. so i waited after skool for an answer.

SO it was after skool & den i saw dem together. my friend told me not to look baq bcuz when he was walking he was like already behind (we was walkin in different directions). so den i asked him wat da dude i liked said. my friend told me dat i should go with another guy. den i was like why? he doesnt like me? he was like "he didnt say nething. u should just go with another guy" den he said "i think he aint attracted to you" or "he aint attracted to you" (he said one of those but i forgot which 1 ><) so i was like ohh. den da dude i liked was looking at us ((he was waiting for da guy i liked) so den he had walked towards us. den dey was just talking. so i was like w/e den i was walkin with my friend. & dey went da other way. we walked our separate way.

idunno if neones gonna read dis but....

what should i do???

my friend told me dat my guy friend told me dat, cuz he liked me & dat he doesnt want me to go with da dude i like.

is it true??? is it not? plzzz helpp... im really stressing over him.......

you should develop some basic literary skills before going into a relationship, getting pregnant and dropping out of high school.

uhm silly question but, do you guys

act like a bit of a bigger dork when you're

around the girl you have something for?

I speak from personal experience. Sometimes I act shy because I don't want to embarrass myself, at other times, I act like a clown to get attention and get her to like me. most of the time, i'm a clown in front of people to get people to open up to me. So to answer the question, it's a maybe. if he's only a dork because you're there, there's a chance that he has something for you. but if he's still a dork when you're not there, what does that say to you? then again, you can't figure this out because you won't be able to witness him being a dork when you're away.

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Guest green_T

Would a guy hang out with you even though you're not popular but just a cool person? Kas I know popularity plays big part for whether girls hang out >.>

Personally I wouldn't really care about their popularity, as long as they're nice and we get along. I prefer people who aren't that popular.

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What are the chances of two very violent people getting together? After a year of watching the both of them, I've realized that two of my friends keep taking each other's things then running away, thus being attacked or pounced on by the other with rolls of newspaper or fists. It's not what you'd call teasing or anything, though it is partially. I've seen the red marks they've made on each other's arms. My guy friend calls my other friend insulting names as well, but she doesn't see it as offensive.

I doubt many guys could show their affections this way, but is it possible? Seems like it, but I don't see why they'd do that in the first place because they have great conversations and whatnot. They never had a fight or conflict that'd cause them to be this way.

I'm also confused about my own problems. My crush offered to help me practice my chords on my guitar (In a closet) when he had better things to do. When we were with his friend, he'd make jokes and help me out heaps. He'd also oftenly shift my fingers to the proper frets, which was a little awkward so his friend stepped in as if he read our mind after he pulled away suddenly. When the larger room was free, his friend leaves and my crush heads straight for the computer. He asked me if I wanted any help, but he sounded a slightly nervous. I was doing fine, so I said no (Mentally bashed my head afterwards).

The next day (Today), he doesn't bother showing up, though I know he's at school. I know for a fact that he always practices on this spare, so I felt disappointed and practiced again by myself. After school, I almost hit him when he turned around the corner on my way to the bus. He stared at me, but didn't say anything.

So confused. D;

He sounds like a cool guy, you should definitely ask him to be your friend so you can get closer to him and let him be more comfortable with you, then give him hints *wink wink* and wait for him to confess. or if you have enough proof that he is a little bit interested in you, then don't' hesitate to get this romance started.

Take friendship as your foundation step and make your way up towards significant other status. nothing to rush : ) enjoy the uncertainly, pleasure of longing for him, the feeling of your heart when he's with you.

One thing you definitely have to change is that damn font size. i'm old and I need to enlarge the text to make it _slightly_ legible. YES. I'M DEAD SERIOUS ABOUT IT BEING SLIGHTLY LEGIBLE. even with larger font, the space between the lines is damn small.


Theirs, this guy I've know him since my sophmore year in highschool and now

I'm a Senior where both 17 and he used to like me and I think he still does have some

feelings for me/thinks I'm cute anyway he has a girlfriend who's so yuck she flirts

w/other guys when he's not around and I'm not sure If he does that with her anyway...I think

he could just be slightly flirtatious and acts charming towards

girls....no he's not a player I would get that vibeif he was..... anyway I know his

grandma and mom and his grandma knows I like him but she won't tell

still he has a girlfriend..... I don't think its serious cause in school I never

see them hanging around that muchbut I have seen them hug a few times

and he got her balloons for her b-day....so last night he was playing football and

after the game, and I was like hey and everything to him you know small

talk/trying to start a conversationand he was giving me the cold shoulder....maybe

cause is girlfriend is on the flag squad and was their last night but she

wasn't even really be around him after the game.....maybe thats why

he gave me the cold shoulder cause his girlfriend was their last night

so today in our chorus class he asked the girls sitting next to me "whats that girls name"

like he didn't know my name "which he does" and then goes "Oh(insert name)

and then I turn around and he moves a seat closer to me and starts talking to me,

flirting and holding my hand.....and then we stand up to sing a song

and theirs this german girl in the class and we take a break to start on a new song

and says to her "I just wanted to say you have a beautiful accent" and I was

like :blink: but thats all he said to her so no convo...

i like how you bolded your whole question. it's so much more important than anyone elses

i would totally have an affair with that guy who already has a gf

idn if this question was already answered but;

today, in school one of my guy friends was hanging out with me and my friends during lunch. we were are a smoothie shop and sitting by the window, and a couple juniors were passing by us and my friend goes "oh the one with the black hat on is hot" and my guy friend just smirks and looks away. and at first i didn't notice but when my friend kept on saying that other boys passing by were hot, he kind of looked awkward, basically, what are guys thinking when girls say other boys are hot? hah.

who the hell does that in front of a guy? save it for later when it's a girls only group.

what do girls think when guys say other girls are hot? go figure that richard simmons out.

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Guest deadgiveaway

My post hasn't gotten any replies, so I would really appreciate it if someone would answer, because I am still curious :) Here it is again:

If you were interested in a girl and you guys moved kinda fast, would you still be interested in her after having sex with her?

If you were only after getting sex from a girl, would you still do sorta affectionate gestures such as kissing her on top of her head or on her cheek, or rubbing her shoulders and arms when it's cold outside, or hugging and briefly lifting her up in the parking lot, or just cuddling with her? These may not seem like much of anything, but sometimes to a girl they actually mean something...

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my bf has a girl friend and she likes him alot and he thinks she's damn fine. she keeps flirting with him and then one time, she asked him to be her boyfriend (just for fun she claims) to protect her from the other two guys that were hitting on her? they always talk online and it makes me unsecure. i dont know what's going on his head but i think he likes her? what's going on his head?

i think that you have a right to be concerned. you should tell your bf instead of asking us (since we don't know the situation very well). let him know that you are insecure and have him reassure you that it's only friendship. if he goes berserk on you and say that you're overreacting, then just tell him that he should consider and appreciate your uncertainty, rather than ridiculing it. because everyone deserves to be listened and have their thoughts heard and appreciated even if you disagree with them. this is especially true when you are his significant other.

okay, I like my crush for one year but he gives me mixed signals.. really weird. One day he won't look at me in the hallway and he acted like I'm a stranger and the other day he gives me candy and talks a lot. Sometimes we won't have contact but when I'm about to give up on him. He suddenly talks to me and then he is back in my heart-_-. Should I confess and take action? Or should I just really let it go?

confess and get your heart broken, or let it go and cope with lingering pain.

My post hasn't gotten any replies, so I would really appreciate it if someone would answer, because I am still curious :) Here it is again:

If you were interested in a girl and you guys moved kinda fast, would you still be interested in her after having sex with her?

If you were only after getting sex from a girl, would you still do sorta affectionate gestures such as kissing her on top of her head or on her cheek, or rubbing her shoulders and arms when it's cold outside, or hugging and briefly lifting her up in the parking lot, or just cuddling with her? These may not seem like much of anything, but sometimes to a girl they actually mean something...

I'd continue to have sex with her, and do those gestures just to continue to have sex with her. unless there's a new girl i'd want to have sex with, a guy would not normally give up free and _easy_ sex with the old girl.

This might sound like a really immature question, but I hope you guys can help me out.

I've been with my bf for a year now. He was joking with me and asked what I would do if he proposed to me now. Of course, it's not like we'll both get married straight away. We both agreed that we wont get married until we're both out of college and have a decent income, at least not until 25. So that's still a long time away.

I evaded the question and kinda turned it into a joke. Anyhow, he said he was joking but he got all quiet after that (so I think he was kinda looking for my reaction before doing it). It's not like we're not serious, we are. We both love each other very much. But it's only been one year and I'm really serious when it comes to making promises. I love him and I dont plan to break up with him, but I'm not really sure if I'm ready for marriage or make that kind of decision. Before all this, he says that I'm kinda cold, not very good at expressing my feelings. When he's being sincere and I just kinda laugh it off or say nothing, when really I'm just touched/speechless. He's not possessive or anything. On the contrary, he rarely gets jealous, so I dont think he'll do it to tie me down.

The problem is, I'm worried he'll ask me soon. And I dont know what to do. I'm scared if I say no, he thinks I'm just joking and playing him. I dont know what the consequences of saying yes would be, because I do see a future for us, I just know that I'm not ready.

If it ends up I'm just paranoid and overanalysing things, thank you for reading to this post anyway ^^. I just realised it so long

I don't get it. Why don't you just send what you wrote here directly to him? Is it a trust issue? A couple should at least trust each other and tell each other their feelings to help understand each other. Let him know where you are coming from and to start appreciating what your position is. it's THAT easy.

without understanding and trust, a relationship will never develop into something deeper.

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Guest x_TaintedLove

He sounds like a cool guy, you should definitely ask him to be your friend so you can get closer to him and let him be more comfortable with you, then give him hints *wink wink* and wait for him to confess. or if you have enough proof that he is a little bit interested in you, then don't' hesitate to get this romance started.

Take friendship as your foundation step and make your way up towards significant other status. nothing to rush : ) enjoy the uncertainly, pleasure of longing for him, the feeling of your heart when he's with you.

One thing you definitely have to change is that damn font size. i'm old and I need to enlarge the text to make it _slightly_ legible. YES. I'M DEAD SERIOUS ABOUT IT BEING SLIGHTLY LEGIBLE. even with larger font, the space between the lines is damn small.

HOW OLD ARE YOU? I was talking to a DRUNK 32 year old man on Gaia fishing with an annoyingly bright colour and he didn't seem to mind.

The advice helps a lot, but the 'let's all be friends!' thing would drive me crazy because he's graduating this year. He'd probably forget me by the time he's off to college because we'd still be at friend's status. Should I still follow your advice slowly? I think I'd die of disappointment if I'm too late, but I don't want to rush things.

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Guest TotalCamwhore

if a guy asks a girl to the movies, could his intentions ever be just as 'friends'?

what if he has a girlfriend?

thanks :)

in all honesty and cutting all that my happy bullsh*t

the answer is No. He's probably bored in his relationship and wants to seek a bit of 'fun' (it might not be a sexual motive).

but that's just me.

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Guest muchacha

This guy I consider a "friend" and I have been talking on myspace alot, messaging each other

and whatnot. And then yesterday he wrote me a message saying "no joke, but I like you a lil"

and the thing is, I don't like him that way, just as a "friend". What should I reply back to him, that won't

make him feel bad and we can stay friends?

What would you GUYS like to hear from the girl, if she wasnt interested.

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Guest xLionHeartx

This guy I consider a "friend" and I have been talking on myspace alot, messaging each other

and whatnot. And then yesterday he wrote me a message saying "no joke, but I like you a lil"

and the thing is, I don't like him that way, just as a "friend". What should I reply back to him, that won't

make him feel bad and we can stay friends?

What would you GUYS like to hear from the girl, if she wasnt interested.

The straight up truth. Don't sugar coat it.

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