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Guest marvinoppa

i wanted to ask you guys why does my bf rejected me when i asked him to measure his penis.

he said he's uncomfortable about it until we're married.

it's like. we've done all those things on the bed except for sex. we've seen each others everything.

does that makes sense? it's all the same right?

pls reply guys. thanks in advance.



ok ok...its been like 10 mins since...ive stopped laughing. im guessing he's measured it himself and hes not too happy about it...HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH ok its funny all over again...

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Guest forum-love
funny how that works huh? you posted that in another thread.

yup,i made crazy decisions too early into it all. i don't want to see another person making the same mistake i did.

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Guest cal023

why do guys think it's funny when you're watching a scary movie in theaters and the girl jumps or covers her ears when she's scared? is it really that funny??

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Guest marvinoppa

why do guys think it's funny when you're watching a scary movie in theaters and the girl jumps or covers her ears when she's scared? is it really that funny??

because....does it make sense to cover your ears when watching a scary movie?

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Guest forum-love

Like you said, you don't want to choke an answer out of him, but you don't want to be left clueless. Yes take action to get results but you don't want to smother him with questions and seem desperate. Of course he doesn't owe her anything but at least have some sort of consideration, because without it, all of us would just be left ignored and clueless. Also she would learn from what ever answer she is told.

erm....actions to get results,meaning?

yes,it would be nice to get an answer,thats for sure. He's probably messed up in the brain as well.(whether it be, "Owh,this gurl is crazy!", "Gah,this is awkward!but it would be nice to know her." Did i forget to mention that he is the sort that likes attention coz he is a bit insecure. yeah,he's such a boy. lol


I am sick of myself being such a cry baby. I messed up bad,what is done is done.If he decides to take action,great; if he ignores me,well i think he's not emotionally ready to be a gentleman= forget it.

I think its fair to say that high school is pretty crazy,mistakes made every day....now,study! hahahah

I won't be posting questions on soompi for a few days,even if he does reply.

anyhow,thank you guys!

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Ok, and add on to my question:

If the guy DOES stay in *hawaii* to be with the girl, that would put immense pressure on the girl right? To make the relationship last, since he made such a big sacrifice..

And in the end, let's say the relationship just doesn't work out, and you break up.

Would you (the guy) feel cheated from the opportunity, and regret staying? regret the whole relationship?

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Guest marvinoppa

Ok, and add on to my question:

If the guy DOES stay in *hawaii* to be with the girl, that would put immense pressure on the girl right? To make the relationship last, since he made such a big sacrifice..

And in the end, let's say the relationship just doesn't work out, and you break up.

Would you (the guy) feel cheated from the opportunity, and regret staying? regret the whole relationship?

he may, he may not. from my past experiences, ive come to learn that it really wasnt/isnt her fault that i left/stayed. i made the decision, regardless if i made it with her in mind, and the outcome of the decision was/is my responsibility alone. you two should probably talk about the whole thing AND the last statement i just wrote. Blame is easily shifted onto another person, but the decision YOU make are YOUR own.

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he may, he may not. from my past experiences, ive come to learn that it really wasnt/isnt her fault that i left/stayed. i made the decision, regardless if i made it with her in mind, and the outcome of the decision was/is my responsibility alone. you two should probably talk about the whole thing AND the last statement i just wrote. Blame is easily shifted onto another person, but the decision YOU make are YOUR own.

Thanks ^^ i appreciate the help

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Guest marvinoppa

^yes b/c sometimes it's the sound effects that make the scene scary

that's EXACTLY why i covered mine

really?? this is seriously news to me...i never knew that. ok, damnit...its not as funny anymore. <_<

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Guest AiMango

when do guys stop being so bothersome? my ex keeps annoying me purposely, insulting me whenever he finds flaws in my actions or when im talking to other friends. he does it in the most idiotic way sometimes, too. we were in the computer lab and my right click wasn't working. so i said it out loud and he was like. "...aHaHa. that'sss funny." okay there? then other times he just totally ruins conversations with my friends. one friend asked me about how easy/hard one of my classes was, and I said it's really easy, etc etc. and then my stupid ex cuts in and goes "you only say it's easy cause it's easy for you" no mini cooper? that's why my friend was asking for my opinion >__>

and why do some guys bring up the most awkward things? my ex kept saying like "oh just because we were bf/gf" ... how awkward -__- And he also mentions my friend's ex when it doesn't even have to do with the conversation. Why can't some guys just shut up sometimes.

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Guest marvinoppa

when do guys stop being so bothersome? my ex keeps annoying me purposely, insulting me whenever he finds flaws in my actions or when im talking to other friends. he does it in the most idiotic way sometimes, too. we were in the computer lab and my right click wasn't working. so i said it out loud and he was like. "...aHaHa. that'sss funny." okay there? then other times he just totally ruins conversations with my friends. one friend asked me about how easy/hard one of my classes was, and I said it's really easy, etc etc. and then my stupid ex cuts in and goes "you only say it's easy cause it's easy for you" no mini cooper? that's why my friend was asking for my opinion >__>

and why do some guys bring up the most awkward things? my ex kept saying like "oh just because we were bf/gf" ... how awkward -__- And he also mentions my friend's ex when it doesn't even have to do with the conversation. Why can't some guys just shut up sometimes.

this reminded me of an example in my psych class about.....4-5 years ago. im guessing that hes trying very hard to be a part of your life. after you two broke up, he took it to mean that you wanted him out of your life, as well as feeling diminished. thus hes making any and all attempts to reassert himself as a man whilst at the same time reaffirming that he was/is (when speaking of you two as ex's) part of your life. my psych prof would be hella proud...unless im just completely wrong....

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Guest dream_angel

what's wrong with bewbs, i like bewbs


wELL IN my past relationships the guys

i've been with said the like my eyes and hair?

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Guest xTwilight

They're called "breasts". Or more informally, "boobs"

Plz don't butcher the language just cause you're too immature to say it.

And in response to the question: what a rhetorical question.

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