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Guest sweet_loveee

I met a guy at a get-together, and we really hit it off. We spent the whole night talking and it turns out we had a lot in common. He asked for my number at the end of the night and said that he would like to keep in touch with me. He texted me a couple of days later basically asking how I was, I responded, and then he took several more days to respond. After I replied to that last text, he still hasn't responded... so I guess my question is...should I probably forget about him?

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Guest the_wronged</3

Converted, we were texting so I'm not sure lol. His personality ..he says he's a shy person but it doesn't seem like it. And he told me before that he just wants to have fun after admitting he likes me (because I asked). I just don't know why his response would change so suddenly. I feel like he's trying to get me to stop liking him by being mean/cold to me. Ugh he's so confusing.

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Guest bubblelicious_

How can you tell if a older guy is treating you like a little sister?

Also me and my ex broke up around a month or so and I found out that he recently took a girl out to dinner and to a dessert place that I liked. So I guess my question would be is it really possible for a guy to move on that fast?

We dated for 6.5 months.

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Guest converted

I met a guy at a get-together, and we really hit it off. We spent the whole night talking and it turns out we had a lot in common. He asked for my number at the end of the night and said that he would like to keep in touch with me. He texted me a couple of days later basically asking how I was,  I responded, and then he took several more days to respond. After I replied to that last text, he still hasn't responded... so I guess my question is...should I probably forget about him?

Yeah, you should forget about him, even if he responds. If he's genuinely interested in you, he'll reply ASAP. One day is easy to dismiss, maybe even two days if he has an ingenious excuse, but several days is way too much.

Converted, we were texting so I'm not sure lol. His personality ..he says he's a shy person but it doesn't seem like it. And he told me before that he just wants to have fun after admitting he likes me (because I asked). I just don't know why his response would change so suddenly. I feel like he's trying to get me to stop liking him by being mean/cold to me. Ugh he's so confusing.

Ah, if isn't the shy type (try verifying with others who know him maybe?) then he's trying to push you away, unfortunately. It's probably too awkward for him to outright say "Sorry, I don't like you anymore...please stop liking me too". *Sigh* I'm ashamed to say I used the same tactic whenever I got the feeling a girl I wasn't interested in, liked me.

How can you tell if a older guy is treating you like a little sister?

Also me and my ex broke up around a month or so and I found out that he recently took a girl out to dinner and to a dessert place that I liked.  So I guess my question would be is it really possible for a guy to move on that fast?  

We dated for 6.5 months.

It kind of depends on his age and how the relationship went. If he's still around 17-18 like I am, 6.5 months is pretty long, so a month recovery is uncommon. If he's a bit older, like 25+ maybe, and has been through a lot more relationships, then 1 month is normal (considering how you went out for 6.5 months), especially if he initiated the break up. Of course, it might not even be a date, but a relative of his who he's taking out to see the sights, so don't think over this too much. You broke up with him, and keeping logs of his activities will just slow down the recovery process.

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Guest bubblelicious_

Thanks Converted. But yeah my ex broke up with me I was his second gf and he is 21.

The older guy who I was referring to is in his mid 30s.

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The guy I like who happens to be my coworker is avoiding me.

I think he is avoiding me because he knows I like him.

What should I do? What would you, the guy, would want from the girl who you are avoiding?

He leaves work an hour earlier than his shift ends just so he can not see me.

I feel crushed.

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Guest bubblelicious_

Hi ... so I'm back again. So there is this co-worker who is nearly twice my age. I want to know if he is treating me like his little sister because if it isn't it is kinda awkward?

He asked me to go movies recently and I thought he would ask my friend too but he didn't ask anyone else. But I went cause he told me that he had no one else to go with and he thought that I would be bored away so he thought he would take me out. He told me that he really cares about me and that he finds some things that I say cute. But the thing is he also tells me what kind of guys I should look for and stuff. I don't know if I'm over thinking or not...

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Guest FeedMeFood

How do guys truly feel about receiving scrapbook as present? ph34r.gif

What if it's just a simple one? (not girly at all), more like photo album with some words and drawings..

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Guest kimbomynizzo

The guy I like who happens to be my coworker is avoiding me.

I think he is avoiding me because he knows I like him.

What should I do? What would you, the guy, would want from the girl who you are avoiding?

He leaves work an hour earlier than his shift ends just so he can not see me.

I feel crushed.

Isn't inter-personal relationships a big red flag in the work place? At least, all the jobs I've had forbid it. He probably doesn't want to run the risk of losing his job or getting in trouble. Also, mind you, that you may not be worth going through the trouble. No offense, just saying it how it looks in my eyes.

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Guest happygolucky

Guys, I need some advice. I've been seeing this guy for about a month and found that he just got out of a 4 year relationship about 2-3 months ago. Apparently they mutually agreed on breaking up and are still good friends. When we first started seeing each other, he would text me everyday throughout the day, but now he doesn't text me as much. He still calls me every once in a while, but doesn't bother making plan with me and whenever I do he's been pushing our dates back and rescheduling. On his facebook, I can see pictures of him tagged with his ex and now I'm beginning to think he's losing interest. What are your opinions and advices you can give me?

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@bubblelicious_, I think you should wait it out, He seems like he wants to get closer though. Maybe talk about those things, but there's no evidence he's interested really.

@prechuz_azn, you've been ranting about him in that 20+ rant thread huh? cool off from that, he may even feel stalked. You can change your feelings, but you also can't do anything about it. if he's avoiding you then he's not interested, or even if he is, he's not interested in the potential consequences. talk to him if you want, it'll give you closure, but that's probably it.

@FeedMeFood, hey I would like a scrapbook, but only if I have received other cool gifts before, and if the scrapbook is given on some memorable day of the yr. Also, if you don't get me pumped about it. I don't think it's something worthy of suspense, especially if he's seen those pics on your facebook or w/e already.

@happygolucky, you can either chill or ask. how impatient you are determines the answer. good luck.

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Isn't inter-personal relationships a big red flag in the work place? At least, all the jobs I've had forbid it. He probably doesn't want to run the risk of losing his job or getting in trouble. Also, mind you, that you may not be worth going through the trouble. No offense, just saying it how it looks in my eyes.

My work place allows inter-personal relationships.

@bubblelicious_, I think you should wait it out, He seems like he wants to get closer though. Maybe talk about those things, but there's no evidence he's interested really.

@prechuz_azn, you've been ranting about him in that 20+ rant thread huh? cool off from that, he may even feel stalked. You can change your feelings, but you also can't do anything about it. if he's avoiding you then he's not interested, or even if he is, he's not interested in the potential consequences. talk to him if you want, it'll give you closure, but that's probably it.

@FeedMeFood, hey I would like a scrapbook, but only if I have received other cool gifts before, and if the scrapbook is given on some memorable day of the yr. Also, if you don't get me pumped about it. I don't think it's something worthy of suspense, especially if he's seen those pics on your facebook or w/e already.

@happygolucky, you can either chill or ask. how impatient you are determines the answer. good luck.

Yes, I have been ranting about him in the rant thread. What?! He FEELS stalked? I don't follow him around at work I always stay in my place. Its him who always is around me and then says NOTHING. And then he goes and avoids me. I give him so much space, I practically ignore him so it doesn't look like I like him but he figured it out anyway. I can't talk to him...its just going to go nowhere. And then hes going to tell his ex what I said and she'll harass me some more. I am in the process of losing my feelings for him. Its just how I am anyway, I like to have small crushes that pass by. This is just another crush...

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Guest AngelaOng

Hello, I'm new to this love & relationship forum. I am curious to know if a guy is interested in me or I'm thinking too much.

There is this guy who works in a company just next door my company. I know about this guy existence but I not sure what's his name. I have met him a few times at pantry and at company dinner (their company was invited to my company dinner) And during the company dinner, he and another lady are the only ones who talked to me during company dinner. Other than talking at the company dinner, I completely never have any communications with him.

Yesterday I was working overtime and ends work at 8pm. I saw him driving his car out of our company building/ gate. And I'm sure he saw me too as our distance is not too far away. Then when I stepped out of our company gate, I saw he was standing outside his car waiting for me and he asked me, "Shall I send you home?" When I rejected him, he asked me the same question again. And I reject again, I saw his disappointed face..

So my question is, is he interested in me? Or I thinking too much?

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Guest Fatalchange

Recently my friend has been very...close...with me. Every now and then, when he has the opportunity, he would sit very close to me, to the point where our shoulders would be touching. He doesn't quickly move away, and we usually just sit like that for several minutes before one of us moves sitting positions. Also, today, we were on the computers in class and he was using my computer to check something. I wanted to scroll down to see something so I reached for the mouse, and instead of moving his hand away, he kept his hand in place so my hand was overlapping his while I was using it (wouldn't the person take their hands off the mouse in this type of situation?). He was also patting my head today, and at some point, he rested his forehead on my shoulder. I wasn't sure what to do, so I shifted to the side a little in the attempt to make him lift his head from my shoulder, but he kind of just went along with it and repositioned his head...o-o

I'm just having a hard time assessing his behavior. Is this just normal for a guy? Am I just overthinking things?

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Hello, I'm new to this love & relationship forum. I am curious to know if a guy is interested in me or I'm thinking too much.

There is this guy who works in a company just next door my company. I know about this guy existence but I not sure what's his name. I have met him a few times at pantry and at company dinner (their company was invited to my company dinner) And during the company dinner, he and another lady are the only ones who talked to me during company dinner. Other than talking at the company dinner, I completely never have any communications with him.

Yesterday I was working overtime and ends work at 8pm. I saw him driving his car out of our company building/ gate. And I'm sure he saw me too as our distance is not too far away. Then when I stepped out of our company gate, I saw he was standing outside his car waiting for me and he asked me, "Shall I send you home?" When I rejected him, he asked me the same question again. And I reject again, I saw his disappointed face..

So my question is, is he interested in me? Or I thinking too much?

He is likely interested, or just being nice, but it sounds like he lacks the opportunity to interact with you more. Offering a ride in the dark to an almost-stranger is a bit overwhelming, so if he is interested, it's a bit much. It sounds like he's inexperienced in the relationship thing and was just acting too brashly given the circumstances

If you are interested, consider creating more opportunities for interaction... maybe you know someone in his building, or have other reason to "run" into him

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Guest AngelaOng

He is likely interested, or just being nice, but it sounds like he lacks the opportunity to interact with you more. Offering a ride in the dark to an almost-stranger is a bit overwhelming, so if he is interested, it's a bit much. It sounds like he's inexperienced in the relationship thing and was just acting too brashly given the circumstances

If you are interested, consider creating more opportunities for interaction... maybe you know someone in his building, or have other reason to "run" into him

I'm not interested in him, but was abit surprised at his action because none of my male colleagues offered to send me home before. So I just take it as he is just being nice. Anyway, he and I are impossible :)

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Guest Octopus__

Recently my friend has been very...close...with me. Every now and then, when he has the opportunity, he would sit very close to me, to the point where our shoulders would be touching. He doesn't quickly move away, and we usually just sit like that for several minutes before one of us moves sitting positions. Also, today, we were on the computers in class and he was using my computer to check something. I wanted to scroll down to see something so I reached for the mouse, and instead of moving his hand away, he kept his hand in place so my hand was overlapping his while I was using it (wouldn't the person take their hands off the mouse in this type of situation?). He was also patting my head today, and at some point, he rested his forehead on my shoulder. I wasn't sure what to do, so I shifted to the side a little in the attempt to make him lift his head from my shoulder, but he kind of just went along with it and repositioned his head...o-o

I'm just having a hard time assessing his behavior. Is this just normal for a guy? Am I just overthinking things?

He is being quite forward, no? From the signs you put already, I'm going to say he's interested in you. Most guys I know wouldn't do that to just any girl. If you want to know why he's doing it, just casually ask if he's cold or something if he sits really close to you again. He most likely will pull you closer or move away a bit. In my opinion, he's being cute to me.

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So I've liked the same guy for almost a year now, and he's always kind of known about my feelings, but never really brought them up. We talk really frequently and are good friends, but sometimes it feels as if he's flirting.

Recently, however, his close friends found out about my feelings for him and told him, where he replied, "Yeah I already knew." Then he comes to ask me if what his friends said was true (I guess he's triple-checking?).

I only confirmed the rumors with nothing more than, "Yeah."

He then simply replied, "Ok, I just wanted to hear from you." And completely dropped the subject.

Might anyone be able to guess why he behaved this way? :crazy:

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Guest KchayMcGowan

Why does guy, even when they have a girlfriend, always tease a girl? Truthfully, this always happen to me. When I ask this one guy, who was dating one of my friend, why he always tease me, he said that it is because I am his cousin. Now, that is a stupid reason cause i never see him teasing his other cousin who is also a friend of mine.

And then, as for the other dude, he always tease me too when we talk to each other. He is always saying stuff like "you're stupid" or "you're so koreanish", etc. He has a girlfriend already and we are in no way related.

And before you said that what is happening is flirting, I don't really think so. Cause all there teasing are rude and cruel. And I never back down from saying something rude back to them. So, we always have these non-serious banter. However, the way I see it, we're just joking around and having a grand time. (but sometimes, with my loud voice and exaggeration, i don't think people tend to see things the way i see it). However, as one of my friend said to me, the two guys are always mean only to me and no one else. I have no idea why....you think you can help me understand better?

Okay so there's healthy teasing and unhealthy teasing. But first things first... Guys tease girls cuz when girls get like >_< and start whining and pouting and stuff, it's really really uber cute. Lolol anyways it's okay if a guy teases you. But if his teasing comes in the form of a put down, you need to tell him right away that you don't tolerate that and will choose not to be around him if he chooses to do that. If he chooses not to change, then don't be around him. If he's willing to change, you can teach him on how to tease you in a way where you won't feel hurt or anything like that.

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