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So this isn't my story, but my friend's... :/

So she (let's call her "A") was a freshman when she started dating this senior in our high school (let's call him "B"). I don't know a single person who liked him, and I kind of warned her not to affiliate with him, since (not only did he look sketchy) but my brother was also a senior at the time and from what he told me, he wasn't the greatest guy in the world. But anyways, they started going out, because he was her math tutor or something, which meant she went over his house regularly. I just let them be for a while, since I'm not one to really care about other peoples' love lives, until one day she just spilled.

When A was still a freshman, she lost her first kiss and virginity and everything. B also made these really disgusting (as in crudely sexual) comments on A's formspring. They've had an on-and-off relationship since forever, breaking up every what seems like two days for the stupidest reasons. B also forced A to delete her Facebook account because he didn't want her to talk to other people or something incredibly idiotic like that. I guess she really liked him though, since she would always make and send hand-crafted pottery and write letters to him at college, even though he never wrote back and I doubt even received anything she sent him.

Skip to now, Sophomore year. They were together for almost a year, when she recently told me that 'they were over' (which I've heard like 9000+ times by now) but 'seriously' because he had told her to do his college homework for him, which she did do, but he got a bad grade so he broke up with her. WTF.

To date, they've been broken up for about two months.

So after that long story, my question is this: What is this guy's problem?

After hearing all the other 'boyfriend' stories that my friends have had, every single one of them seem like complete prats. =.="

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Guest Andreas1

So after that long story, my question is this: What is this guy's problem?

After hearing all the other 'boyfriend' stories that my friends have had, every single one of them seem like complete prats. =.="

Some people are a$holes...you live and hopefully learn to detect personality traits that you don't like as early as possible. But still you will make mistakes at times in judging someones character. She was really young and inexperienced when she got involved with him as probably are most of your friends at that age.

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Guest fender.

Never thought I'd post in here. FML. <3 haha.

Can someone interpret what this text message would mean?

"I usually pride myself in reading people very well, but you ... you are something else."

Is it a good or bad thing that a guy can't easily read me?

And also, I find this guy a tad bit confusing to read as well. We're close friends, but I'm not sure

if he intends to just keep it at friendship level or pursue something more. He has said things such as:

"You inspire me"

"You've made a difference in me. You just have no idea"

"I've been waiting all day for you to get back so we can hangout"

--- just friendly gestures? Or something more?

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Guest Aliyosha

Never thought I'd post in here. FML. <3 haha.

Can someone interpret what this text message would mean?

"I usually pride myself in reading people very well, but you ... you are something else."

Is it a good or bad thing that a guy can't easily read me?

And also, I find this guy a tad bit confusing to read as well. We're close friends, but I'm not sure

if he intends to just keep it at friendship level or pursue something more. He has said things such as:

"You inspire me"

"You've made a difference in me. You just have no idea"

"I've been waiting all day for you to get back so we can hangout"

--- just friendly gestures? Or something more?

It means he wants to John Tesh... seriously, he's playing it coy to get him in your thoughts.

So this isn't my story, but my friend's... :/

So she (let's call her "A") was a freshman when she started dating this senior in our high school (let's call him "B"). I don't know a single person who liked him, and I kind of warned her not to affiliate with him, since (not only did he look sketchy) but my brother was also a senior at the time and from what he told me, he wasn't the greatest guy in the world. But anyways, they started going out, because he was her math tutor or something, which meant she went over his house regularly. I just let them be for a while, since I'm not one to really care about other peoples' love lives, until one day she just spilled.

When A was still a freshman, she lost her first kiss and virginity and everything. B also made these really disgusting (as in crudely sexual) comments on A's formspring. They've had an on-and-off relationship since forever, breaking up every what seems like two days for the stupidest reasons. B also forced A to delete her Facebook account because he didn't want her to talk to other people or something incredibly idiotic like that. I guess she really liked him though, since she would always make and send hand-crafted pottery and write letters to him at college, even though he never wrote back and I doubt even received anything she sent him.

Skip to now, Sophomore year. They were together for almost a year, when she recently told me that 'they were over' (which I've heard like 9000+ times by now) but 'seriously' because he had told her to do his college homework for him, which she did do, but he got a bad grade so he broke up with her. WTF.

To date, they've been broken up for about two months.

So after that long story, my question is this: What is this guy's problem?

After hearing all the other 'boyfriend' stories that my friends have had, every single one of them seem like complete prats. =.="

Only one man can sum up such atrocities (apparently)... John Tesh

On a serious note, maybe he's just abusive. Can't really explain why he's like that other than the fact that he might find pleasure in commanding people around and abusing their feelings.

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Guest Andreas1

--- just friendly gestures? Or something more?

It seems like flirtation to me, along with the other messages. You are going to have to try and read the physical chemistry between you two to see if there's something more going on. Is he touchy feely with you does he look at you in a way that might suggest anything more.. etc. If this is a long distance thing then you might just have to step up and ask.

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Guest roar.

Guys, how can you tell when a girl likes you?

O_o; and please don't say "We get this feeling, this instinct" D: Specific answers please?

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Guest Andreas1

Guys, how can you tell when a girl likes you?

O_o; and please don't say "We get this feeling, this instinct" D: Specific answers please?

With a general question like that you are bound to get general answers, but let's see what I can do. The more obvious signs are that she starts to take a more active interest in your life, asking you a lot of questions, wanting to hang out together, calling to chat, giving compliments, giving you smiles, light touches etc..

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Guest lightangel

Hey guys,

So this guy like me but I don't like him back. He's been asking me to hang out with him a few times when we first met. But I rejected him saying I'm busy with homework and other stuff in hoping that he would get a hint that I'm not interested so I could get to know him as a friend.

I rejected him a few times already but he still didn't get the hint...I think. So this time I agree to go hang out with him because I want to establish a friendship relationship with the guy because he seems like a nice guy. I told him to bring his friend so I could meet them to give him that subtle hint that I just want to be friend and to make it not seem like a date. I don't know if he gets it or not but I hope he ask me out soon so I could directly tell him that I just want to be friend to get this problem over with.

But am I being mean? I hope he gets the hint because I don't want him to think otherwise and he seems like a really nice person.

If you were him, would you get the hints that I was giving? Or was that too subtle? Should I give more hints? What should I do?

I would've tell him directly if he tell me that he likes me. BUT he didn't so I can't just randomly say "I'm not interest in you..let's just be friend" when he didn't tell me anything yet. That would seem rude.

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Guest Andreas1

But am I being mean? I hope he gets the hint because I don't want him to think otherwise and he seems like a really nice person.

If you were him, would you get the hints that I was giving? Or was that too subtle? Should I give more hints? What should I do?

I would've tell him directly if he tell me that he likes me. BUT he didn't so I can't just randomly say "I'm not interest in you..let's just be friend" when he didn't tell me anything yet. That would seem rude.

Some guys are oblivious to some pretty obvious signals.. you might have to mention that you have a bf or something to get him off your back. Otherwise don't even try to be his friend just avoid him...sometimes guys also have no sense of being friends with a girl.. there is only the prospective gf or nothing.

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Hey guys,

So this guy like me but I don't like him back. He's been asking me to hang out with him a few times when we first met. But I rejected him saying I'm busy with homework and other stuff in hoping that he would get a hint that I'm not interested so I could get to know him as a friend.

I rejected him a few times already but he still didn't get the hint...I think. So this time I agree to go hang out with him because I want to establish a friendship relationship with the guy because he seems like a nice guy. I told him to bring his friend so I could meet them to give him that subtle hint that I just want to be friend and to make it not seem like a date. I don't know if he gets it or not but I hope he ask me out soon so I could directly tell him that I just want to be friend to get this problem over with.

But am I being mean? I hope he gets the hint because I don't want him to think otherwise and he seems like a really nice person.

If you were him, would you get the hints that I was giving? Or was that too subtle? Should I give more hints? What should I do?

I would've tell him directly if he tell me that he likes me. BUT he didn't so I can't just randomly say "I'm not interest in you..let's just be friend" when he didn't tell me anything yet. That would seem rude.

What you did first isn't very good. It could mean "try again later because I can't do it now." Telling him to bring his friend actually is a much better hint.

Some guys will keep trying to be around you without telling you they like you, but if you make it obvious that you don't want a date with the guy, then his friends might tell him.

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Guest meiming8_1

Hey guys, sorry if this questions is a little weird but I just want to know if this is normal guy behaviour!

Today me and my bf were on skype chatting and I started talking about my good friend A who I'm very close too. He started joking around saying that we were so close that we might as well be lesbians, and said that we should make out with each other. At first I thought he was joking around so I wasn't too put-off, though I was a little surprised and said I wouldn't because I was dating him. But even after I said that he kept on carrying on with it until I told him that I'd rather not think of him thinking of me and her. After I said that he said he was joking, but then said that there was definitely sexual tension between us and we might as well get it over and done with and then we moved on.

I felt quite upset after he said all of that to me- he was saying it jokingly but at the same time it didn't seem like he was joking. He doesn't normally make jokes like these. Guys is this normal? Would you joke about this to your gf?

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Guest Andreas1

I felt quite upset after he said all of that to me- he was saying it jokingly but at the same time it didn't seem like he was joking. He doesn't normally make jokes like these. Guys is this normal? Would you joke about this to your gf?

It's most guys fantasy.. pretty normal. My gf isn't very sensitive and we've joked about it.. she has a pretty cute girl friend and we actually all joked about it together a couple times...shrug.

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i recently received this fb msg from my friend:

'Hi (my name)

You might have noticed that ive unfriended u from facebook. Ive also removed u from msn and ur number from my phone. Please don't think its because i have something against u or anything :). Its just that I feel weird with the way the things are. I cant comment freely when i see u on the news feed anymore, we dont talk much on msn anymore and we dont text anymore. Im over what happened here, and its my way of moving on. I know its harsh, but I feel there is no point of keeping u in these places when all they do is remind me of when we were close. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed what we had :). It was cool hanging out and sharing our thoughts freely, and thanks for the gifts u gave me and also for the times u listened to me :). Ironically, the only thing i wont remove is our photos of on facebook, they're good memories too look thru every now and again :). I hope u do well with ur studies and other goals in your life. Who knows we mite be friends again one day, but its not now :). Take care!

(his name)'

i realised a couple of days ago i didn't have him as a friend anymore but i don't care. i'm not going to question him or reason him out of it, nor am i going to delete him from fb/phone/msn. then i got this message, and i didn't feel bothered to reply to it until i read the part i bolded up there. does he say that because he's assuming i'll be hurt over this? because i feel like replying to this message and once again asking him 'why do you think you're so awesome that i'd care so much?' i've already told him before that he thinks too highly of himself and keeps thinking i need him so much. after what's happened, i'm not going to treat him like crap, nor am i going to suck up to him and pursue the relationship. i'm keeping my moral in tact, yo :s

so in case you didn't catch my question... how are you reading this message - is he still assuming i care about him? yes, i know i'm posting here and 'caring' about this. i actually don't care about his 'harsh' tactics or our friendship, but i am taking major offence to what i'm assuming is his assumption that i am going to feel deeply hurt by this.

does this make sense? hahaha... i can't believe someone can think so lowly of me and so highly of themselves. :' (( i feel like deflating some ego...!!!

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Guest Aliyosha

"Cool story bro" would be good

Otherwise... you can just let him think what he wants; it's funny to see when people get rattled when others assume and think highly of themselves

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He's not the one with the ego problem. He thinks it is harsh even though others don't care and they leave everything there for someone with whom they've had no connection in years or they just delete the information to save space without anything.

While you don't think of him as a friend anymore, he actually did think of you as a friend so he sent you that message. Some people are offended and they'll complain about someone removing them from his contacts. If everyone removed you from his contacts at once, you probably would be offended if there weren't messages to explain what happened.

If you think you're too good for anyone to consider you as his friend, then whatever. Just don't say it and don't say that the guy has the ego.

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Guest kiss_bunny

This is a weird question but i just realized.....When girls hug guys, can the guy like...feel her boobs on him??!!

Cuz one of my friends surprised hugged me really right and i could feel her boobs on mine lmao @_@ So i thought..maybe guys can feel them too??

LOL sorry weird question but im curious =D

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Guest Andreas1

This is a weird question but i just realized.....When girls hug guys, can the guy like...feel her boobs on him??!!

Cuz one of my friends surprised hugged me really right and i could feel her boobs on mine lmao @_@ So i thought..maybe guys can feel them too??

LOL sorry weird question but im curious =D

lolll Yea we usually can if it's a good hug and the girl isn't flat. Awesome question, hawt. :D

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I went out to lunch with this guy.. and he drove and dropped me off.. and when I left , I just PATTED him on the shoulder and said " thanks ill see you soon"

and tried to open the door. He then was like " wait at least give me a hug" and then i ACCIDENTLY blurted out loud " yay.. awkward car hugs" and hes like .. " yeah .." Am i over thinking it? i feel as though i made things REALLY awkward.. but i didn't mean to.. T_T if you were the guy would you have felt.. " bad" by what i had said??? My friend said that .. patting him on the shoulder was pretty.. " awkward"

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Guest Andreas1

I went out to lunch with this guy.. and he drove and dropped me off.. and when I left , I just PATTED him on the shoulder and said " thanks ill see you soon"

and tried to open the door. He then was like " wait at least give me a hug" and then i ACCIDENTLY blurted out loud " yay.. awkward car hugs" and hes like .. " yeah .."  Am i over thinking it? i feel as though i made things REALLY awkward.. but i didn't mean to.. T_T if you were the guy would you have felt.. " bad" by what i had said??? My friend said that .. patting him on the shoulder was pretty.. " awkward"

If you were hoping to develop something with this guy then yea those were some interesting ways to handle a goodbye. You probably made it seem like you are a bit stuck up or didn't really like him much. If the guy really likes you despite that odd interaction then you should have another chance to give him a decent goodbye without snarky comments or pats on the arm.

On the other hand if you guys are just gonna be friends and nothing more then it's w/e.

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