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Guest letsflyy

what would cause a guy to lose feelings for his girlfriend? 

it's been a month and 5 days.. and he already told me that he's losing it. 

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what would cause a guy to lose feelings for his girlfriend? 

it's been a month and 5 days.. and he already told me that he's losing it. 

Wow, that was quick. It could be just that he thought you were good-looking and that was it. To be honest, that's the number one reason. If he told you, you probably should ask him.

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Guest Aliyosha

If he told you, you probably should ask him.

No guy is ever going to straight up tell you why he's gotten bored of you; it'll just make him look like a massive richard simmons bag.

Unless it really is something about your personality that he doesn't like, I think it's time to try something new... in any aspect of your guys' relationship. Try a new activity together, focus on your own lives, stop following a schedule... Hell, try something new in bed and see how that works for you both.

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Guest SlicedBread


my ex boyfriend wanted to get back together with me after 8 months since we broke up (we dated for 9 months before). but during these 8 months, we've been still messing around and sometimes we even went on dates. but recently i started to fool around with another guy, so i was under the assumption that he only wanted to get back together with me to make sure that im only his/to reclaim his possession or something like that--because he's not letting me talk to the guy. but he insists that he wants to get back together because theres only two months of highschool left (we're seniors and going to different colleges) and he wants to spend this time with me. we both definitely still love eachother.

all of my friends have different things to say. :/ one of my guy friends said he doesnt really love me, it's just lust. and i can sort of see that because my ex is the type of guy who really likes innocent girls (he smokes/drinks but doesnt want me to, etc) and he def doesnt want me to fool around with other guys besides him. and my girlfriends just say he's manipulative.

but he does really care about me and for the two days that we have been going out again, he's been treating me really well.

i'm just really confused with the whole situation and his intentions with me :(

what does it all mean?!

Why did you two break up? Has he always treated you well?

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^ and how would i save our relationship then? 

The catch is no longer worth the effort.

Perhaps it was too easy, too hard, or disappointing.

Number one reason in my opinion is likely a lack of commitment.

edit: whoops, all analysis and no solution.

I think that you could temporarily prolong this relationship, but unless he decides for himself that he wants to stay in it, it's not going to last. Your honeymoon period is likely dwindling away as you two approach the stage where you're comfortable around each other.

Try something new. Show him a side that you' haven't before. Show him that you care through a thoughtful gesture.

If those things don't work, try ignoring him for a while. Play some mind games with him, those that are bored easily are especially vulnerable.

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Guest xo_sugar_ox

Sorry if this has been posted ;__;

Do guys prefer girls who play hard to get, or girls who are honest about what they want? (but not creepy or coming on too strong)

because it seems like these days in order to get a guy, you have to play these mind games -_____- I hope that's not true because I suck at playing hard to get D: It seems like my feelings show easily without myself even realizing it. Am I doomed then?

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Sorry if this has been posted ;__;

Do guys prefer girls who play hard to get, or girls who are honest about what they want? (but not creepy or coming on too strong)

Depends on many things.

I think i can safely say that guys like putting an effort to win over women, but not to the point where the effort is greater than the reward. The effort is likely determined upon the qualities (perceived or realistic) of the woman in question (examples include physical attractiveness, and personality traits).

Guys want a certain degree of honesty. If a woman doesn't hold back on what she says or reveals about herself, it's very easy for the guy to become uninterested. I found that I; among many of my male friends, particularly enjoy "exploring". What I mean by that is that not every nook and cranny is seen, and everything is taken in as it comes. Though we may have some sense of where we are, we're not entirely sure of where we are going.

Key thing to take from this post? Everything  in moderation.

This concludes my procrastination. I have a final in thirty minutes.

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No guy is ever going to straight up tell you why he's gotten bored of you; it'll just make him look like a massive richard simmons bag.

He said he was bored. Saying that without explaining himself makes him look like one more than if he said it and explained himself.

It looks like it's going to end anyway, so it's the least he can do without making himself look like one.

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Guest Aliyosha

Sorry if this has been posted ;__;

Do guys prefer girls who play hard to get, or girls who are honest about what they want? (but not creepy or coming on too strong)

because it seems like these days in order to get a guy, you have to play these mind games -_____- I hope that's not true because I suck at playing hard to get D: It seems like my feelings show easily without myself even realizing it. Am I doomed then?

Guys like a challenge and always want more than they can have... mind you this doesn't translate directly into playing mind games, but being an easy catch takes away from all the fun and means that there was less time invested in getting you thus less worth in the whole ordeal (I hate to quantify but it's what I got from my experiences).

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Which is generally better for a guy to call a girl - cute, pretty, or hot? Like if he wanted to go out with them or something?

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Which is generally better for a guy to call a girl - cute, pretty, or hot? Like if he wanted to go out with them or something?

Well, in general, most guys like to ask out the type they consider hot, but I like pretty/cute. I really wouldn't say "pretty" so I'd say cute for me.

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Guest letsflyy

so apparently my bf isn't breaking up with me. he just wants some time to himself. 

before this we hung out at [high] school every single day between classes and lunch and often after school too. AND we text like all day every day so it's kinda weird in real life LOL not much to talk about.. should i take the hint and leave him alone more often so he can hang out with his friends and not get tired of me as easy? lol 

and what things should i do to make him feel special/loved? after this incident... we're kinda talking like.. awkward.. so how can i fix that?

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Guest Aliyosha

so apparently my bf isn't breaking up with me. he just wants some time to himself. 

before this we hung out at [high] school every single day between classes and lunch and often after school too. AND we text like all day every day so it's kinda weird in real life LOL not much to talk about.. should i take the hint and leave him alone more often so he can hang out with his friends and not get tired of me as easy? lol 

and what things should i do to make him feel special/loved? after this incident... we're kinda talking like.. awkward.. so how can i fix that?

Give him space since he asked for it. Live your own life and focus on yourselves. It'll turn out for the best that way

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so apparently my bf isn't breaking up with me. he just wants some time to himself. 

before this we hung out at [high] school every single day between classes and lunch and often after school too. AND we text like all day every day so it's kinda weird in real life LOL not much to talk about.. should i take the hint and leave him alone more often so he can hang out with his friends and not get tired of me as easy? lol 

and what things should i do to make him feel special/loved? after this incident... we're kinda talking like.. awkward.. so how can i fix that?

So he knows almost everything about you. :mellow:

Why text message each other every day when you already meet?

Give him his space, but don't expect things to magically get fixed with it. It will be awkward because he said he's bored with you and because if you keep up the old situation, you'll add to the problem. Right now, you don't know how much or how little contact time you two should have, but that's fine. As long as it isn't too much, it might work.

I don't know about making him feel special, but if he wants some space, he probably will appreciate that.

What you can do now is assess the situation by talking to him. It shouldn't add to the problem if you do it right.

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Guest MOCCHism

So guys, I met this guy for the first time, like meeting online.. just in a friendly way but he wanted to meet up rather quickly. I was telling him that i have no such intentions of just being a quickie.. he said he wouldn't touch me and has no such intentions either (ok, guys,,,,-.- of course u wouldn't block actions either) I have to add he's pretty good looking (model) and there comes to my mind that those guys know how good they look and have many girls.. i didn't have too many bfs before

well.. we met up and went to his flat where we watched tv.. it was funny and i didn't rly imagine anymore that he "just want to lay me".. but at a time he became pretty cuddly .. was lying on my stomach and then the weird thing began.. he started touching my face the whole time.. touching my nose, touching my lips; TRYING TO PUT HIS FINGER IN MY MOUTH which is still a miracle for me... so is this a symbol for oral sex? also, he bite my nose the whole time.. so after a while touching my lips and getting close to me I kissed him (sorry im not too much into touching lips for half an hour) he was like shocked but immediately kissed me back.. we didn't have sex just kissing .. i kinda blocked him and he had to leave anyway..

why didn't he just kiss me actually.. what was he waiting for? Being shocked that I kissed him after touching my face the whole time... uh??

im pretty naive at times.. so does he just want sex or could there be more? he asked me if we could meet up again and all.. just for having sex finally?

sorry for my bad english and the long text

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Guest Andreas1

So guys, I met this guy for the first time, like meeting online.. just in a friendly way but he wanted to meet up rather quickly. I was telling him that i have no such intentions of just being a quickie.. he said he wouldn't touch me and has no such intentions either (ok, guys,,,,-.- of course u wouldn't block actions either) I have to add he's pretty good looking (model) and there comes to my mind that those guys know how good they look and have many girls.. i didn't have too many bfs before

well.. we met up and went to his flat where we watched tv.. it was funny and i didn't rly imagine anymore that he "just want to lay me".. but at a time he became pretty cuddly .. was lying on my stomach and then the weird thing began.. he started touching my face the whole time.. touching my nose, touching my lips; TRYING TO PUT HIS FINGER IN MY MOUTH which is still a miracle for me... so is this a symbol for oral sex? also, he bite my nose the whole time.. so after a while touching my lips and getting close to me I kissed him (sorry im not too much into touching lips for half an hour) he was like shocked but immediately kissed me back.. we didn't have sex just kissing .. i kinda blocked him and he had to leave anyway..

why didn't he just kiss me actually.. what was he waiting for? Being shocked that I kissed him after touching my face the whole time... uh??

im pretty naive at times.. so does he just want sex or could there be more? he asked me if we could meet up again and all.. just for having sex finally?

sorry for my bad english and the long text

Err um...yea I dunno. Weird. Maybe he thought he wasn't allowed to kiss you because of the warning etc.. that's about all I can come up with. Seems like a strange first date to me... the whole scenario. As far as the finger in the mouth symbolizing something else..maybe..but basically it seems like he was trying to get you to initiate further interaction by enticing you or boring you(take your pick), that way if you did end up having sex with him he wouldn't be the one to break the agreement you guys started with.

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Guest SlicedBread

im pretty naive at times.. so does he just want sex or could there be more? he asked me if we could meet up again and all.. just for having sex finally?

Have you asked him what is he looking for?

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