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Guest Daisuki-Suki

Is it a healthy relationship to just be touchy with each other, and not rushing to s*x?

I'm kinda new to love. =x

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Guest Andreas1

Well there goes one of our trade secrets...

lulz.. ah well just one of many. It is a pretty good one tho I must admit.

Is it a healthy relationship to just be touchy with each other, and not rushing to s*x?

I'm kinda new to love. =x

It's usually not a good idea to rush into sex when you are looking for a relationship that is going to last.. but it happens a lot. I'm guessing you are quite young and so I will just say to be patient and don't get ahead of yourself because of peer pressure or w/e.

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Guest roar.

Hellooo ^ ^;

so I was on tumblr just now and on my dash, this guy posted that he likes it when a girl has a dirty mind.

Do guys in general find it attractive when a girl is perverted, not as "innocent" and has a dirty mind? Or do you guys prefer classy, lady-like and "clean" females?

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Guest Andreas1

Hellooo ^ ^;

so I was on tumblr just now and on my dash, this guy posted that he likes it when a girl has a dirty mind.

Do guys in general find it attractive when a girl is perverted, not as "innocent" and has a dirty mind? Or do you guys prefer classy, lady-like and "clean" females?

Guys generally have a double standard opinion about this. We like for our women to be lady-like and classy most of the time, for instance it's a turn-off to me personally when a girl has a really raunchy style or makes a lot of perverted comments/jokes etc. But when it comes to the bedroom... we don't want a prude.

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Guest verde

Seriously guys, please settle this once and for all: natural makeup or lots of makeup?

This topic has created an all out war between my guy friends...

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Guest Andreas1

Seriously guys, please settle this once and for all: natural makeup or lots of makeup?

This topic has created an all out war between my guy friends...

We can't really settle an issue that is often preference. I will offer my general opinion that most guys don't want to date the Joker however. I'm part of the group that feels that the less makeup a girl needs the better. Some girls can pull that off and look great some can't... I personally tend to be attracted to girls that can, shrug.

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Guest RiceBunnii

We can't really settle an issue that is often preference. I will offer my general opinion that most guys don't want to date the Joker however. I'm part of the group that feels that the less makeup a girl needs the better. Some girls can pull that off and look great some can't... I personally tend to be attracted to girls that can, shrug.

So what is considered natural makeup and too much makeup?

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Guest Andreas1

So what is considered natural makeup and too much makeup?

lol I have no idea... probably several layers before you start to look like a clown in training.

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Guest coralpink


my ex boyfriend wanted to get back together with me after 8 months since we broke up (we dated for 9 months before). but during these 8 months, we've been still messing around and sometimes we even went on dates. but recently i started to fool around with another guy, so i was under the assumption that he only wanted to get back together with me to make sure that im only his/to reclaim his possession or something like that--because he's not letting me talk to the guy. but he insists that he wants to get back together because theres only two months of highschool left (we're seniors and going to different colleges) and he wants to spend this time with me. we both definitely still love eachother.

all of my friends have different things to say. :/ one of my guy friends said he doesnt really love me, it's just lust. and i can sort of see that because my ex is the type of guy who really likes innocent girls (he smokes/drinks but doesnt want me to, etc) and he def doesnt want me to fool around with other guys besides him. and my girlfriends just say he's manipulative.

but he does really care about me and for the two days that we have been going out again, he's been treating me really well.

i'm just really confused with the whole situation and his intentions with me :(

what does it all mean?!

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Guest lessthanthree

My boyfriend and I are seniors and we're both new to being in a relationship. We both have liked each other for over 2 years. but we hid those feelings from each other until last week when he confessed. We're generally quiet around each other when we are alone, but I enjoy those moments where it's silent and we just enjoy each other's company rather than talk. When we do have something to say to each other, we do talk, but when there is nothing we are just quiet.

I guess what I'm trying to ask is. is it okay for a couple to not talk to each other as much as other couples when they're alone with one another? Should we start opening up more and talk or is it fine just enjoying each other's company in silence?

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Guest Andreas1

i'm just really confused with the whole situation and his intentions with me :(

what does it all mean?!

So let me see if I have this right... you broke up but didn't really break up or became friends with benefits or something? And then you met a new guy while still having this pseudo-relationship and you are surprised that your sort-of-ex got jealous and wants you back for the last 2 months of highschool. Correct?

His intentions are to keep you as his gf for the rest of high school.. that's the only conclusion I can make with the information you have provided. You are both going to different colleges and will likely drift apart when that happens. If I was you I would enjoy the last 2 months of high school to the best of my ability, whether or not that includes him as your s/o is up to you. It doesn't sound like true love to me if that's what you are wondering.

I guess what I'm  trying to ask is. is it okay for a couple to not talk to each other as  much as other couples when they're alone with one another? Should we  start opening up more and talk or is it fine just enjoying each other's  company in silence?

There's nothing wrong with comfortable silence in a relationship.. it's pretty normal for people who know each other really well already. It's only an issue if you start to feel distant or that you guys aren't on the same page. Enjoy.

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Guest roar.

Guys generally have a double standard opinion about this. We like for our women to be lady-like and classy most of the time, for instance it's a turn-off to me personally when a girl has a really raunchy style or makes a lot of perverted comments/jokes etc. But when it comes to the bedroom... we don't want a prude.

When you say you don't like it when a girl makes a lot of perverted comments and jokes, does her responding to a guy's perverted jokes in the same perverted way, count in that?

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Guest Andreas1

When you say you don't like it when a girl makes a lot of perverted comments and jokes, does her responding to a guy's perverted jokes in the same perverted way, count in that?

Nothing wrong with going with the flow of a joke as long as it's not way beyond the pale imo,  just try not to carry it much farther then it's been taken already and end up with ppl being in shock at what you said is my advice. Keep in mind that guys can read into your response a little more then you might want them to. Like a little test to see what is acceptable to you.

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Seriously guys, please settle this once and for all: natural makeup or lots of makeup?

This topic has created an all out war between my guy friends...


Too much makeup makes a woman look like some sort of opera singer.

My boyfriend and I are seniors and we're both new to being in a relationship. We both have liked each other for over 2 years. but we hid those feelings from each other until last week when he confessed. We're generally quiet around each other when we are alone, but I enjoy those moments where it's silent and we just enjoy each other's company rather than talk. When we do have something to say to each other, we do talk, but when there is nothing we are just quiet.

I guess what I'm trying to ask is. is it okay for a couple to not talk to each other as much as other couples when they're alone with one another? Should we start opening up more and talk or is it fine just enjoying each other's company in silence?

Of course, as long as it's not awkward.

Every couple is different. You may be unconventional, but as long as you're both comfortable, why change? 

this does not really have anything to do with relationships or love, but i'd greatly like to know what you guys think

my friend and i were talking about the pasts and so forth, until we stumbled onto the topic 'what was the most scarring thing that has happened to you.' a few years ago, i was browsing through my friend list on msn, and i realized that there was this one person i don't know. i messaged him, and we talked for a few minutes. he convinced me that we actually met before, just that he has never accepted my friend request. then, he requested that we webcam (so i can immediately tell who he was) things turned for the worst when i naively accepted, and found myself seeing someone masturbate.

so my questions for you guys are: Have you ever thought about doing that to a stranger (a minor, no less)?  Do you think that it is okay for you to do that since no one will ever know? Or is it completely absurd and disgusting and the man should be beaten? And WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT PERSON THINKING? (generalizations, of course)


Hell no.

Wtf? so vulgar. Probably a troll thinking it'll  be funny.

Lesson learned?

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Guest Andreas1

so my questions for you guys are: Have you ever thought about doing that to a stranger (a minor, no less)?  Do you think that it is okay for you to do that since no one will ever know? Or is it completely absurd and disgusting and the man should be beaten? And WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT PERSON THINKING? (generalizations, of course)

No... I personally don't advocate indecent exposure towards the under aged or unwilling. I'm not sure what kind of answers you were expecting other than that here. However we do live in a world where there are some that are capable of everything under the sun and you should always take care.

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Seriously guys, please settle this once and for all: natural makeup or lots of makeup?

This topic has created an all out war between my guy friends...

No makeup. If you want, then go as less as possible.

We can't really settle an issue that is often preference. I will offer my general opinion that most guys don't want to date the Joker however. I'm part of the group that feels that the less makeup a girl needs the better. Some girls can pull that off and look great some can't... I personally tend to be attracted to girls that can, shrug.


I agree.

My boyfriend and I are seniors and we're both new to being in a relationship. We both have liked each other for over 2 years. but we hid those feelings from each other until last week when he confessed. We're generally quiet around each other when we are alone, but I enjoy those moments where it's silent and we just enjoy each other's company rather than talk. When we do have something to say to each other, we do talk, but when there is nothing we are just quiet.

I guess what I'm trying to ask is. is it okay for a couple to not talk to each other as much as other couples when they're alone with one another? Should we start opening up more and talk or is it fine just enjoying each other's company in silence?

It's fine. It think it's nice. Some people enjoy silence and if you two are enjoying just being together, then it's fine. Act natural.

this does not really have anything to do with relationships or love, but i'd greatly like to know what you guys think

my friend and i were talking about the pasts and so forth, until we stumbled onto the topic 'what was the most scarring thing that has happened to you.' a few years ago, i was browsing through my friend list on msn, and i realized that there was this one person i don't know. i messaged him, and we talked for a few minutes. he convinced me that we actually met before, just that he has never accepted my friend request. then, he requested that we webcam (so i can immediately tell who he was) things turned for the worst when i naively accepted, and found myself seeing someone masturbate.

so my questions for you guys are: Have you ever thought about doing that to a stranger (a minor, no less)?  Do you think that it is okay for you to do that since no one will ever know? Or is it completely absurd and disgusting and the man should be beaten? And WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT PERSON THINKING? (generalizations, of course)

Oh, what the heck?! NO. NO. NO. NO.

You should do something about this. If you saw him take off his pants or something, you should have cut the connection and told someone right away.

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