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Hmm Babylon translator came up with "n.      treacherousness, insidiousness"... if that's what you meant or something similar then I'm with Odaesan.. No.

Well, there's been a huge difference in connotations with online translators. It's more like "tricky" but when you're acting like you're a little shy. It's like playing hard to get while showing that you're available. At least that's what I get from it.

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Guest Andreas1

Well, there's been a huge difference in connotations with online translators. It's more like "tricky" but when you're acting like you're a little shy. It's like playing hard to get while showing that you're available. At least that's what I get from it.

Ah yea that's pretty different then.. I'd say a little of that is fine but "a lot" nah.. it gets a bit tedious imo.

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Guest antarcticheart

He seems like a great guy and he probably won't have a problem with it if you ask him.

I'm just wondering how he dealt with his friend's remarks. A slight difference in behavior says a lot about a person.

We're  in the year 2011, so a woman has the same freedom to step up to the  plate and risk rejection like a guy does; waving and saying hello from  far away is not enough. If you opt for this passive game of waiting,  then you'll just have to live with the uncertainty of waiting for him to  make a move.

So, forget about the friend (who may either have a  crush on you or the stud from Busan:), since your object of desire has  already told him to buzz off. Next time walk by him in a way that  doesn't look like you're going out of your way and strike up a friendly  conversation. "Hey, (friendly smile).  I haven't really talked to you  since (whatever time you talked to him), how have you been?" If he's  still too shy to really talk, then at least you can tell yourself you  gave him a shot, if you don't want to persist.

so, i didn't end up inviting him to dinner, but only because he was working today. however, after dinner, i brought leftovers

to his work, which is almost completely across town, and he seemed very happy to have them. afterwards, he started texting

me (our friend had called him from my phone to make sure he hadn't left work yet) and he was all, "thank you so much for

bringing it. it was very cute! etc." so... things seem to be looking up. thank you both for your input. (:

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Guest Andreas1

what does it mean when a guy says he doesn't want to use you as a rebound ?

It means he's still trying to get over his last breakup and doesn't want to get involved with someone new just yet. Oftentimes when someone jumps into a new relationship too soon after a breakup they end up inadvertently(sometimes on purpose) using the person as a tool to get over their old bf/gf. It usually doesn't end that well since they aren't really able to wholeheartedly be a meaningful participant in the relationship.

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Guest Andreas1

so does it mean that he's not interested at all? and thanks for the quick reply

It's hard to say for sure.. it's possible that some time in the future they might be interested. But for now it means they are not ready. I've heard of people using this excuse to gently reject someone they just aren't interested in.. so that is also another possibility I suppose.

If they seem open to being friends then that might be a good sign for the future.

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So I'm confused about this guy...

He and I are in the same class, but we've never really talked (at all). Recently, we've started talking. At first I was the one to talk to him, but now he always talks to me. He asked me for my number. Also this other person gave me coffee, but I didn't drink it and just gave it to him instead; and he said he would buy coffee next time. Weird thing is he has a girlfriend...he didn't straight out say "I have a girlfriend.", but it just came up in the context of our conversation.

so what's up with him? is he just being friendly?

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Guest Dattebayo

So I'm confused about this guy...

He and I are in the same class, but we've never really talked (at all). Recently, we've started talking. At first I was the one to talk to him, but now he always talks to me. He asked me for my number. Also this other person gave me coffee, but I didn't drink it and just gave it to him instead; and he said he would buy coffee next time. Weird thing is he has a girlfriend...he didn't straight out say "I have a girlfriend.", but it just came up in the context of our conversation.

so what's up with him? is he just being friendly?

mm i'm not a guy but this really sounds like a girl that i know. she has a boyfriend, never lets anyone know that she has one and sort of flirts with other guys. you should watch out for people like that. deceiving.

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Guest kirimiss

Sometimes I think this guy likes me but I'm not sure. I know him personally. He posted a random post on my fb wall and then asked for my number. Then we started sms-ing each other quite frequently about school, and other things. He initiates conversations, for example, he sms-ed me "rawrr" a day after our convo ended to start another convo.  But sometimes he doesn't reply me at all.  Is he just being really friendly?

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Guest AtomAgeStrawberry

Do guys really care about a girl's weight and looks that much? I feel like I'm always overlooked because I am on the heavier side, and not a model.

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So I'm confused about this guy...

He and I are in the same class, but we've never really talked (at all). Recently, we've started talking. At first I was the one to talk to him, but now he always talks to me. He asked me for my number. Also this other person gave me coffee, but I didn't drink it and just gave it to him instead; and he said he would buy coffee next time. Weird thing is he has a girlfriend...he didn't straight out say "I have a girlfriend.", but it just came up in the context of our conversation.

so what's up with him? is he just being friendly?

Context is important. From what I can see, this can reasonably seen as friendly behavior.

I wouldn't rule out the possibility of a romantic interest, but honestly speaking, I don't see any sparks here.

Sometimes I think this guy likes me but I'm not sure. I know him personally. He posted a random post on my fb wall and then asked for my number. Then we started sms-ing each other quite frequently about school, and other things. He initiates conversations, for example, he sms-ed me "rawrr" a day after our convo ended to start another convo.  But sometimes he doesn't reply me at all.  Is he just being really friendly?

Perhaps he initially had an interest that is fading. If he's constantly initiating conversations, then he at least is interested enough to be your friend. Try reading your past texts to see if there are any signs of flirting. Compare them to what you receive now... have they intensified?

Do guys really care about a girl's weight and looks that much? I feel like I'm always overlooked because I am on the heavier side, and not a model.

Many guys do. Keyword: many. There are men that look past outer appearances, however they're hard to come by. Even if you have found one, unless you have an outstanding personality, it's difficult to overlook the physical aspect of attraction.

For me, looks definitely come first. Don't be misled though, I'm not saying that looks are everything, it's just high on the priority list. I feel as though if I am not physically attracted towards a person, there cannot be potential for a romantic relationship.

That being said, in all other cases, weight is not a factor for me when picking out friends or other forms of platonic relationships.

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so, i didn't end up inviting him to dinner, but only because he was working today. however, after dinner, i brought leftovers

to his work, which is almost completely across town, and he seemed very happy to have them. afterwards, he started texting

me (our friend had called him from my phone to make sure he hadn't left work yet) and he was all, "thank you so much for

bringing it. it was very cute! etc." so... things seem to be looking up. thank you both for your input. (:

That's excellent. Things really are looking good.

what does it mean when a guy says he doesn't want to use you as a rebound ?

It means that he's ended another relationship and he respects you enough to not enter another relationship to get over the last one. Him saying that is a good sign.

So I'm confused about this guy...

He and I are in the same class, but we've never really talked (at all). Recently, we've started talking. At first I was the one to talk to him, but now he always talks to me. He asked me for my number. Also this other person gave me coffee, but I didn't drink it and just gave it to him instead; and he said he would buy coffee next time. Weird thing is he has a girlfriend...he didn't straight out say "I have a girlfriend.", but it just came up in the context of our conversation.

so what's up with him? is he just being friendly?

He asked for your number but he has a girlfriend? It depends on how he asked for your number, but most guys who do that are looking for other options. I've seen it happen here all the time.

Do guys really care about a girl's weight and looks that much? I feel like I'm always overlooked because I am on the heavier side, and not a model.

Many do care for it, but there are some people who don't really care much for it. I know there are some guys who refuse to date any woman unless she's on the heavier side. It's all about finding the right person.

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Guest Andreas1

Totally random question, but what do guys think about girls calling our stomachs, our tummies?  I was complaining, "My tummy hurts :o " and my male classmates were commenting on only girls call it that. 

It's a cuter word imo..  If my gf has a stomach ache I ask her "how is your tummy feelin?"  But in general guys will usually say stomach.  I think it's fine for girls to say tummy unless they don't want it to sound cute.

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Would a guy try to keep in touch with a girl he's only classmates with if he's moving away?

I have a crush on a guy in my classes, but I thought I shouldn't like him like that if he's transferring somewhere else.

We've talked in class sometimes and we exchanged numbers recently.

I'm unsure if he's even interested in being friends though, especially from far away.

So what should I do?

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Would a guy try to keep in touch with a girl he's only classmates with if he's moving away?

I have a crush on a guy in my classes, but I thought I shouldn't like him like that if he's transferring somewhere else.

We've talked in class sometimes and we exchanged numbers recently.

I'm unsure if he's even interested in being friends though, especially from far away.

So what should I do?

I say let it go. ;)

If you're unsure he even wants to be a long distance friend, I say you should take your mind off him.

If you think you have a chance or being his friend, then add him on facebook or something (and I don't support facebook) and send him a few messages sometimes.

A long distance relationship with someone you hardly know and someone who you doubt even would continue to be your friend after moving far from you doesn't seem reasonable.

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Guest Viktri

Would a guy try to keep in touch with a girl he's only classmates with if he's moving away?

I have a crush on a guy in my classes, but I thought I shouldn't like him like that if he's transferring somewhere else.

We've talked in class sometimes and we exchanged numbers recently.

I'm unsure if he's even interested in being friends though, especially from far away.

So what should I do?

Compliment him (he's cool, interesting, fun) and tell him you'd like to keep in touch. You might end up visiting him on vacation, or vice versa.

Sometimes I think this guy likes me but I'm not sure. I know him personally. He posted a random post on my fb wall and then asked for my number. Then we started sms-ing each other quite frequently about school, and other things. He initiates conversations, for example, he sms-ed me "rawrr" a day after our convo ended to start another convo.  But sometimes he doesn't reply me at all.  Is he just being really friendly?

Possibly, not but not probably. 

mm i'm not a guy but this really sounds like a girl that i know. she has a boyfriend, never lets anyone know that she has one and sort of flirts with other guys. you should watch out for people like that. deceiving.

I disagree. If you think he's fun, get to know him. There's a certain stigma that guys shouldn't have girls as friends; I disagree. 

It is easier for guys to talk about relationships with girls. Guys typically don't care or have terrible advice.

what does it mean when a guy says he doesn't want to use you as a rebound ?

It means he just got out of a relationship and isn't sure of his feelings. Don't take it to be positive or negative. 

It means he wants some time to figure things out.

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Guest Andreas1

Would a guy try to keep in touch with a girl he's only classmates with if he's moving away?

I have a crush on a guy in my classes, but I thought I shouldn't like him like that if he's transferring somewhere else.

We've talked in class sometimes and we exchanged numbers recently.

I'm unsure if he's even interested in being friends though, especially from far away.

So what should I do?

I agree with odaesan... just facebook add him or w/e if you want to KIT. Don't invest much emotion into this, you will just cause yourself grief most likely

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Guest bagOFdouche1146

Why the hell do guys find it amusing to fart on their girlfriends, with or without their friends around? Not even their girlfriends, their chick friends too. My guys friend have been doing this to me my whole life and I'm still baffled as to the amusement behind it all from their perspective. They're lucky I'm so laid back and instead of getting mad I just wrestle them into submission. LOL.

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