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joongielove said: Hey fellas,
I'm super annoyed right now. My boyfriend and I got into a fight yesterday, and he's been giving me the silent treatment since. normally i'm the one to text/call what have you, but this time I'm done. Haven't heard from him since 11 am yesterday, and I've stopped trying to get in touch since 8 pm yesterday. He's done this before where he just fell off the earth on me. I need him to know this isn't mature and it's not ok. Do i continue silent treatmenting him or send one last text? 
btw- i am not an advocate for the silent treatment. i prefer to talk things out. however, if he wants to play this game, i'm not gonna give him what he wants by giving in and groveling. 

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Guest joongielove

Hey fellas- Okay, so his phone was in the back of the car because at the last minute they decided to drive instead of take the plane there. I told him he wasn't mature enough for a girlfriend, and he said maybe. Then I asked if he wanted to be with me still, and he said yes. Then I asked if he's flying here Saturday, and he said yes. So, i'm not sure. Guess it's a good thing he'll be gone for a few days, so I can think. He still seems a little immature for me. He claims he loves me more than life itself, but says I get mad at everything. (I do, it's a personal fault i'm aware of.) but I'm also aware I need to stop defending his poor choices. He's supposed to come with me to an event on Saturday- but forgot he had the concert and didn't tell me. That's why we're fighting. If he told me instead of me finding out from his friends, I would have no issue letting him go the same time. I just want him to come back Saturday because this way he can still go to his concert and still come with me. Am I over-reacting? I sent him another text after we fought saying 'I need some time to think things over. I love you and I don't want to break up, but I need some me time." 

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^ how old are you? how old is he?
where do you live? and where is he coming from?
complaining about him not being there when he needs to take a plane to see you is pretty immature... like why dont you go to him? does he need to do all the work?
if you have the drama mentality where you are some princess and he is your SERVANT than you are the one who is too immature for him. cuz at least he is trying.
if a woman wants to be treated like a queen, than she better treat her man like a king. that the fair and mature thing to do.

of course i dont know your situation, but it seems like a common problem for young girls who get wrapped up in themselves or some kind of fiction like k drama or tv shows.
be aware, who is doing what in the relationship? is he ALWAYS coming to you? is he ALWAYS paying? ALWAYS driving? are u just the object on the pedestal waiting for prince charming to do everything for you??? 
talking about ur problems is great! it really is, but all talk no action is just ridiculous. its like making a game plan and then instead of going on the field u go into ur car and go home.
and also, is this a long distance type thing? 

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Guest flyhigh1030

hey fellas,

how important is a girl's past is to you? like how many girls she dated, who she's been with (sexually and non-sexually)
what if she didn't disclose this information in the beginning and you find out later down the line?
how would you feel? would it be hard for you to get over?

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Guest joongielove

ajlee613 said: ^ how old are you? how old is he?
where do you live? and where is he coming from?
complaining about him not being there when he needs to take a plane to see you is pretty immature... like why dont you go to him? does he need to do all the work?
if you have the drama mentality where you are some princess and he is your SERVANT than you are the one who is too immature for him. cuz at least he is trying.
if a woman wants to be treated like a queen, than she better treat her man like a king. that the fair and mature thing to do.

of course i dont know your situation, but it seems like a common problem for young girls who get wrapped up in themselves or some kind of fiction like k drama or tv shows.
be aware, who is doing what in the relationship? is he ALWAYS coming to you? is he ALWAYS paying? ALWAYS driving? are u just the object on the pedestal waiting for prince charming to do everything for you??? 
talking about ur problems is great! it really is, but all talk no action is just ridiculous. its like making a game plan and then instead of going on the field u go into ur car and go home.
and also, is this a long distance type thing? 

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Guest ikweli

flyhigh1030 said: hey fellas,

how important is a girl's past is to you? like how many girls she dated, who she's been with (sexually and non-sexually)
what if she didn't disclose this information in the beginning and you find out later down the line?
how would you feel? would it be hard for you to get over?

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Guest absotively

I've only known this guy for a few days and been on one date, but he already seems extremely clingy and a bit obsessed. It's creeping me out. What would be the best way to reject him? 

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Guest ikweli

absotively said: I've only known this guy for a few days and been on one date, but he already seems extremely clingy and a bit obsessed. It's creeping me out. What would be the best way to reject him? 

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Guest karyee

I was at an Asian supermarket with my mom today. We bought food and proceeded to the eating area. It's a long table against the window and people sit side by side. So we sat down and to my left were two guys eating together. There was an empty seat between me and one of the dudes. 
So my mom and I were just eating when the two guys got up and one of them stood right beside me. He said he thought I was cute and wanted to ask me out looooool. I've never had a complete stranger ask me out before so I was just like... o_o. I'm 19 btw and he looked 22-24? He said he graduated already. 
I had raw fish in my mouth (I was eating sushi) and I wanted him to leave, but he wasn't leaving. It was kind of awkward and not the right time lol. I gave him short answers. He left, came back, and even asked my mom in Mandarin if he could take me out. She said no LOL. 
Anyways I got his full name and I think I found him on fb. He asked if I was going to fb stalk him and I said yeah lol, and that I would add him on fb and maybe talk to him? Now I don't know if I should add him or not. Would he think I'm interested if I did? And would it be a bad idea to add him if I just want to be friends for now? What do you guys think. 

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Guest flyhigh1030

@karyee sometimes the best relationships stem from complete strangers becoming close. you have fun finding out about each other and learn from each other as well as try and be compatible with each other and work on the relationship.
on the other side, you guys are complete strangers so you guys can have the awkward silences every now and then cuz you have very little in common (i.e. friends but if you're willing to work on it say think of topics to talk about etc etc. it'll be finemy last relationship we were totally random strangers who met through mutual friends and we ended up having a very good relationship because we both worked on to find things in common. 

good luck!
.... im not a fella so iunno if im supposed to answer oops lol couldn't help  myself

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karyee said: I was at an Asian supermarket with my mom today. We bought food and proceeded to the eating area. It's a long table against the window and people sit side by side. So we sat down and to my left were two guys eating together. There was an empty seat between me and one of the dudes. 
So my mom and I were just eating when the two guys got up and one of them stood right beside me. He said he thought I was cute and wanted to ask me out looooool. I've never had a complete stranger ask me out before so I was just like... o_o. I'm 19 btw and he looked 22-24? He said he graduated already. 
I had raw fish in my mouth (I was eating sushi) and I wanted him to leave, but he wasn't leaving. It was kind of awkward and not the right time lol. I gave him short answers. He left, came back, and even asked my mom in Mandarin if he could take me out. She said no LOL. 
Anyways I got his full name and I think I found him on fb. He asked if I was going to fb stalk him and I said yeah lol, and that I would add him on fb and maybe talk to him? Now I don't know if I should add him or not. Would he think I'm interested if I did? And would it be a bad idea to add him if I just want to be friends for now? What do you guys think. 

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Guest flyhigh1030

another question,

let's say you broke up with a girl because the fault was hers and it wasn't working out and a week later a gift arrives in the mail and it's something you briefly mentioned to your ex and she seemed to brushed it off at the time or you thought she wasn't paying much attention to it

what would your thoughts be upon receiving the gift?

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Guest flyhigh1030

@therealtk even if the gift was bought before the breakup and it just happened to arrive a week after the breakup cuz the shipping is slow? lol

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Guest iilysium

Would you catch a grenade for your gf?
Chew her leg off to get her out of a trap where her leg got caught and you're both being hunted?

Honest answers prz.

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