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TheJVS said: So.... what would be some ideal traits / habits for your gf/wife? eg. She kisses you before you leave the house, is a good cook, likes to keep things clean, etc. Going to take notes and try them out :D

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Guest hearthealer

Diina said: Another question; If the girl you love dearly wants to change something about herself...let's say her lip? Her nose? And she would tell/ask you about this...maybe asking for premision? ....would u guys give it to her? What would your reaction be? Would it change ur opinion about her?

(honestly I'm against plastic surgery...especiallyif it isn't a health problem..but just curious about ur reactions xp)

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Guest Necessary Evil1430292221

sr76 said: The issue or mindset needs to be dealt with and resolved/accepted, not surgically corrected by a quick fix. The amount of self-love and confidence one gains from working through an issue like that is worth more than any materialistic or cosmetic change that is applied. It aids the person and how they see and believe in themselves. Granted, I'm speaking from a guy's perspective, but the fundamental concept of it is the same.
 If you throw a bunch of nice decorations on an ugly christmas tree, its still gonna be an ugly tree underneath it all. Throw some water on that tree and it'll be healthy from the inside. 

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Guest piinkcess

This is a bit awkward....... never really post here. I've already asked all my friends, but maybe some other insight would be good too.
So I've started work this year, and there's this guy (A) who works in another division but is in the same office space as my team. A is a super friendly guy, like the type who would initiate conversation, and a general all-round friendly person. A has a girlfriend also. Almost one year of work, so for the first few months, things were pretty neutral with us.
Then about a month ago. It feels like things got different. .. he starts messaging me everyday after work, on weekends, even when he goes on overseas holiday, mainly stuff like how was your day/night, what did you eat, what are you doing today etc, straight after he comes back from his hols, he wants to meet up for a meal. Then he starts wanting to go for dinner after work just the two of us, (for no other reason except to chat), says things like "don't miss me too much" when he's off for one-day training.  Is this normal? Like I feel its a bit constricting to be messaged by him all the time. And if I were to consider this from the girlfriends pov...... I don't think i'll be ok with it if my boyfriend does that.
Then again, I'm not sure if I'm just being overly paranoid also. Any thoughts? 

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Guest xphant0mwing


You definately arent being paranoid. No guy would ever spend that much effort contacting girls so often, Those are the types of questions i would be asking if i was trying to get the girls' attention. Its very rare for guys to want to meet up for a dinner just to chat.. that sounds like a date to me. Anyhow i would try to avoid messaging him if possible. Good luck!

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Guest xphant0mwing


So youre telling me that if you had a girlfriend you would try to grab dinner and say "dont miss me too much" and that would only be because you are friendly and are trying to keep in contact. Not only that youre messaging this girl every day..I wonder how your girlfriend would feel about that....

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Guest ikweli

TheJVS said: So.... what would be some ideal traits / habits for your gf/wife? eg. She kisses you before you leave the house, is a good cook, likes to keep things clean, etc. Going to take notes and try them out :D

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therealtk said:





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So youre telling me that if you had a girlfriend you would try to grab dinner and say "dont miss me too much" and that would only be because you are friendly and are trying to keep in contact. Not only that youre messaging this girl every day..I wonder how your girlfriend would feel about that....

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Guest ikweli

^correct imo. there is a small chance that he's just trying to be friends but since hes in a relationship i thought he should know the limits by now. and if hes breaking the boundaries then something's up
and the guy is putting piinkcess in priority in dates right after work, hols (w/e this is), asking her curious questions, etc. like where's his gal/friends at yo. been doing this for the past month too

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Guest ikweli

@piinkcess come back in hurr (im just having fun with the command lmao)
what were your friends opinions?

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So I was texting this attractive guy that I have a crush on and when I said I've never had a bf before, he was incredibly surprised and his exact response was "YOU'VE NEVER HAD A BOYFRIEND?! but you're adorable! how?!" and several times during the conversation he would tell me "but you're cute! i wouldn't feel insecure about something stupid like that" when I told him I was insecure about never having a boyfriend before. when I teased him and said that he was just a bit old flatterer, he said "nahhh I'm just telling the plain old truth!" I keep thinking that cute/adorable = puppies/little kids so I don't know. Is he just being friendly/reassuring or does he seem into me?

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Guest ikweli

xCherryXSherryx said: So I was texting this attractive guy that I have a crush on and when I said I've never had a bf before, he was incredibly surprised and his exact response was "YOU'VE NEVER HAD A BOYFRIEND?! but you're adorable! how?!" and several times during the conversation he would tell me "but you're cute! i wouldn't feel insecure about something stupid like that" when I told him I was insecure about never having a boyfriend before. when I teased him and said that he was just a bit old flatterer, he said "nahhh I'm just telling the plain old truth!" I keep thinking that cute/adorable = puppies/little kids so I don't know. Is he just being friendly/reassuring or does he seem into me?

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Guest xphant0mwing

I wish more people would just you the command thing. It seems more organized.

I think he is trying to flirt with you, but he is a shy person, so he's testing his waters and seeing how you react when he says that to you. That's just me though

It honestly ultimately will just be your decision. If you think that he's just being friendly, then sure continue to talk to him.

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