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Guest roar.

errrm kay I haven't been here in a while. Back with some questions~

1. There's this guy that I work with, who is one year older than me and goes to the same school as me. (we're in high school). And well, we're not really close coworkers, I'd say we're pretty awkward around each other. Anyways, he's super nice to our other female coworkers, sometimes he jokingly says "I love you!! you're the best!" (they're around 20+ y.o or so). And then, when male coworkers joke around with both of us and say "you guys are a couple!" "You love her too, don't you?" "she misses you! she told me~" etc. And of course they're just kidding. But the guy, he responds with "WTFFF/WTHH! NO WAY! SHUT UPPPP! "

And it really kinda drops my self-esteem LOL. ANyways I was just wondering, why does he act that way towards ME only? Is it really because I'm really not attractive and we're awkward around each other? Some of my friends are assuming/joking around that maybe he likes me and he's trying to hide it or something. If you guys were in this situation, what would be your reasons for acting so exaggeratedly? and having such a huge reaction to teases like that?

2. So tomorrow is the last day of classes and .. the guy that I like and I are really not in good terms. He's been avoiding me in the past month + two weeks or so. Last week, I asked him why he was avoiding me, and he said he feels awkward around me (because he knows I like him). And then I kinda promised myself to stay away from him and so that he doesn't feel uncomfortable anymore. Thus resulting in not seeing him as often. And not taking the bus with him anymore. And missing him a lot. And since tomorrow would be the last time that I could bus and see him.. do you guys think it would be alright to be selfish and take the bus and be near him? Like, I'm not gonna talk to him and such, I just wanna see him since it's the last day of classes. Or should I still continue to keep away and give him the comfort he requires? =\ If you were the guy, would you appreciate and understand that I am being near on the last day because I just wanna have a couple last glances? Or would you guys totally hate it? =\

ahha sorry these ones are super long, guys. I just feel like giving lots of detail would help you guys know the situation and the person clearer XD!

Thanks in advance, like always~

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Guest rosiexox94

Q= So I like this guy and it's so awkward when he passes by me and my friends. Everyone kind of knows him by his strange walk and we have connections (eg. this guy I was in a band with is his friend, this guy from my art class is his friend etc.) but the thing is I'm not close with either of them so that doesn't help. Oh and we've never had a class together, nor have we ever spoken. But we've had 'moments' I guess where I saw him with his friends and he looked like he was in a rush to go but then when I passed he stopped and held the door out  for me which I thought was sweet. Then there was this time he was smiling extravagantly towards my way and I just stared in awe and shock as I walked down the hallway. I wanted to smile but I didn't and the next thing I know, he looks away awkwardly and turns to his friend. Oh and I've already mentioned the awkward hallway moments. Sometimes I'm with my friends at their lockers and turn to see him walking my way towards his locker and I immediately tense, look away as if I didn't see him and go back chatting. Anyways, what the heck should I do? I thought about smiling at him when he passes by but sometimes he passes and just avoids eye contact all together because he's looking in another direction. What are your thoughts upon this? Could this go anywhere?


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errrm kay I haven't been here in a while. Back with some questions~

1. There's this guy that I work with, who is one year older than me and goes to the same school as me. (we're in high school). And well, we're not really close coworkers, I'd say we're pretty awkward around each other. Anyways, he's super nice to our other female coworkers, sometimes he jokingly says "I love you!! you're the best!" (they're around 20+ y.o or so). And then, when male coworkers joke around with both of us and say "you guys are a couple!" "You love her too, don't you?" "she misses you! she told me~" etc. And of course they're just kidding. But the guy, he responds with "WTFFF/WTHH! NO WAY! SHUT UPPPP! "

And it really kinda drops my self-esteem LOL. ANyways I was just wondering, why does he act that way towards ME only? Is it really because I'm really not attractive and we're awkward around each other? Some of my friends are assuming/joking around that maybe he likes me and he's trying to hide it or something. If you guys were in this situation, what would be your reasons for acting so exaggeratedly? and having such a huge reaction to teases like that?

2. So tomorrow is the last day of classes and .. the guy that I like and I are really not in good terms. He's been avoiding me in the past month + two weeks or so. Last week, I asked him why he was avoiding me, and he said he feels awkward around me (because he knows I like him). And then I kinda promised myself to stay away from him and so that he doesn't feel uncomfortable anymore. Thus resulting in not seeing him as often. And not taking the bus with him anymore. And missing him a lot. And since tomorrow would be the last time that I could bus and see him.. do you guys think it would be alright to be selfish and take the bus and be near him? Like, I'm not gonna talk to him and such, I just wanna see him since it's the last day of classes. Or should I still continue to keep away and give him the comfort he requires? =\ If you were the guy, would you appreciate and understand that I am being near on the last day because I just wanna have a couple last glances? Or would you guys totally hate it? =\

ahha sorry these ones are super long, guys. I just feel like giving lots of detail would help you guys know the situation and the person clearer XD!

Thanks in advance, like always~

1. I wouldn't lie about it. I'd have a "so what if I do?" attitude. Some people just go with a "there's no way even if you were the last person in the world" attitude even though they like some people and I would imagine it to be very confusing when the person does it in a situation in which he does like someone and in which he totally would never think about it.

2. I would be uncomfortable if someone just went somewhere at a particular time to stare at me. If he's been avoiding you that much, you've been freaking out this guy. I mean, you just posted you weren't going to talk to him and you just wanted to have some glances at him.

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Guest Andreas1

 What are your thoughts upon this? Could this go anywhere?


There's nothing there yet as far as I can tell, maybe try and build up the nerve to chat with him sometime. You know his friends, so maybe you could introduce yourself if you see one of them talking to him in the hall or something.

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Guest aorisu

Will a guy date a girl who's much shorter than you?

There's this guy at my workplace who's been showing a little interest, there isn't anything more yet..

But he's like around 6' 3" and I'm like a petite! Only around 5' 1" ><.

I don't know about him, but I actually feel intimidated when standing beside him, feels as if I'm only half of his height!

I believe there are couples with huge height gap, I've seen some myself. I can't help but to wonder, doesn't it feel weird?

Like to hold hands and stuffs, won't it be inconvenient?

Haha. Nothing serious, just curious. Hope this is okay to ask!

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Guest icantthinkofacoolusername

Will a guy date a girl who's much shorter than you?

There's this guy at my workplace who's been showing a little interest, there isn't anything more yet..

But he's like around 6' 3" and I'm like a petite! Only around 5' 1" ><.

I don't know about him, but I actually feel intimidated when standing beside him, feels as if I'm only half of his height!

I believe there are couples with huge height gap, I've seen some myself. I can't help but to wonder, doesn't it feel weird?

Like to hold hands and stuffs, won't it be inconvenient?

Haha. Nothing serious, just curious. Hope this is okay to ask!

I really wouldn't be bothered about a height difference - if I like a girl, i like her: end of.

Also, I think it would actually feel quite nice because I think I would be pretty protective of her.

It would only be a problem if you let it be one. If you felt comfortable then there wouldn't even be an issue.

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Guest roar.

1. I wouldn't lie about it. I'd have a "so what if I do?" attitude. Some people just go with a "there's no way even if you were the last person in the world" attitude even though they like some people and I would imagine it to be very confusing when the person does it in a situation in which he does like someone and in which he totally would never think about it.

2. I would be uncomfortable if someone just went somewhere at a particular time to stare at me. If he's been avoiding you that much, you've been freaking out this guy. I mean, you just posted you weren't going to talk to him and you just wanted to have some glances at him.

1. Ah~ I guess I'll never know why he has such huge reactions then. ;_;

2. Ahaha, it wasn't a place, it was the bus that we both have to take in the morning to get to school, so I had a reason to get on the bus haha! I think I just forgot to mention that part ;_; Well, yeah I ended up taking the bus he took this morning. I was wondering if I should take the same bus with him after school too, but I decided not to, because i might've been too near too often, so I backed off and took a different bus. XD I feel kind of sad that that was the last time I'll see him, until school starts again, but whatever, lol... I'll live :3

Anyways, thanks for your input, odaesan! ^ ^

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Guest moonk379

^ yes some games are that fun and addictive like call of duty but when i have company or something, ill stop playing unless they wanted to play too lol

and for the second part, i prefer to pay for everything. but i wouldn't say no to her if she brought it up every once in awhile though ;)

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For guys that hug [girl] friends to say 'Hi', will they keep on doing so once in a relationship? I mean, I think it's alright if it's girl friend hugging a girl friend and maybe a guy "hugging" their guy friend because that's more like a friendly hug rather than romantic. But with a boy friend hugging a girl friend (not girlfriend), what do guys think about that?

Would you still do so after getting into a relationship? Would you be able to give a friendly good-bye hug to a girl friend that you may have interest in - or would you be more shyer to hug the girl you're interested in opposed to just your other girl friends?

Girl friend = friend that's a girl

Girlfriend = relationship, intimate, you're going out

x.x; sorry for any confusion with the question.

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Guest Andreas1

x.x; sorry for any confusion with the question.

It depends on who the girl is.. I give hugs to my girlfriend's girl friends that she is close to.  However, I have a friend at school who is a girl but I don't hug her, don't want her to get the wrong impression. Not really sure about the second part of your question.. are you asking if I would be shy about hugging a girl I'm physically attracted to, because I'm in a relationship? If that's what you are asking then basically yea I guess I would set some clear boundaries, like I do for my friend from school... I wouldn't care really if I only see the girl when my girlfriend is with me though.

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Ohh, I'm not really sure. The guy (talked about earlier on in post / PM) gave me a good night hug today. XD Just like an one arm -friend-like hug; I also remembered how a girl from our church (younger than I am, so he's a way older to her) gave a 'Hi' hug to him also. So I was just wondering. I've heard some guys are really touchy~ but I've only seen him do that once to her. I guess it's okay! I wouldn't get jealous over it, haha~ 

We also had some really good conversations on the way to and from the gathering among friends! Some was about the two of us... and our first impressions of one another and how much I've changed since joining the church (I'll admit - I was really shy at first. He talked about how he was afraid to make me feel uncomfortable with how friendly or something he came out; but still wanted me to feel welcome<-- this is almost 6 months ago); he also said he's happy to have gotten to know me more [ a few times, during our convo actually <-- we got closer to one another over the past 1-2 months ] and also how he wants to get to know me more too. Said I was sweet, nice, and how I smile a lot. While at the gathering, we always kind of sat next to one another! A little skinship where we 'touched' (shoulders (sitting next to one another; or laughing), hands (from helping me adjust settings on camera), LOL this is so embarrassing to say.) We took some pictures and when a friend took a picture of the two of us, he commented "you two look good together". >///< I was too embarrassed to comment or look at the guy's face to see his reaction lol. He also said he'd buy some firecracker wands (not sure what to call them) because I've never seen it before~ and I want to try it (spell out words and such). When the night ended and he drove me back to church (where I had parked the car), he said g'night, gave me a friendly half-hug, then asked me to (1) apologize to my parents that we arrived so late and (2) asked me to text him back home so that he knows I got home safely~ 


So far, I think everything is going okay. smile.gif

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Guest ohhblueberry

do you think a college and high school relationship could work? a freshman guy in college and a senior high school girl?.. I know it all depends on the two of them in the end of the day and how dedicated they are to each other but I just want some opinions..

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do you think a college and high school relationship could work? a freshman guy in college and a senior high school girl?.. I know it all depends on the two of them in the end of the day and how dedicated they are to each other but I just want some opinions..

It probably wouldn't work. It depends on location and if the girl will be going to the same school.

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Guest roar.

hm, I am wondering if I should give the guy I like a goodbye hug (if I see him on our final exams)?

Like, we're not really in good terms, but we're not arguing or anything, we just kinda stopped talking.

So if I see him on the day of our finals, should I go up to him and say "oh hey, I hope you have a great summer~ I'll see you in two months!" then hug him? or just not talk to him at all? >___<!!

I also plan to hug my closer guy friends because they've graduated and will leave the school >_<;

so what do you guys think? is it a good or a bad idea to give him a goodbye hug? =\

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Guest Andreas1

so what do you guys think? is it a good or a bad idea to give him a goodbye hug? =\

If you are trying to make-up with him then I guess.. but if he really wants nothing to do with you then I think it's a bad idea.

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Guest Auzora

Hi I'd like an opinion on something ><

A guy friend of mine keeps bringing the subject of prom up and how he doesn't have a prom date. He's also asked me if I'm planning to go with anyone.

I'm just wondering if he's simply stating that he doesn't have a prom date or implying that he wants me to ask him to prom or something?

Btw thanks guys for helping out in this thread I know a lot of these questions are probably really vague to answer because all guys are different ><

(edit: we're going together ^^..)

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Guest Andreas1

Hi I'd like an opinion on something ><

A guy friend of mine keeps bringing the subject of prom up and how he doesn't have a prom date. He's also asked me if I'm planning to go with anyone.

I'm just wondering if he's simply stating that he doesn't have a prom date or implying that he wants me to ask him to prom or something?

Btw thanks guys for helping out in this thread I know a lot of these questions are probably really vague to answer because all guys are different ><

Sounds like he could be hinting at it, do you think he's too shy to ask you to go with him?

yw, it can be a bit like trying to be a psychic at times, but it's cool. ;)

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^ Have you answered him already as to if you are planning to go with anybody? If you answered "no", I'm sure he would have just asked you to go to the prom by now, rather than trying to imply anything. The key thing here is if you've even answered his question for him to figure out how to proceed. Now, if you would like to go with him to the prom, why not go ahead and ask him anyway? You know what you want and you know he's free. So jump at the chance.

However, if you don't want to go with him, then simply don't bother asking him. If he does make the move to ask, you can always politely turn him down (or beat him to the punch and say (white lie?) that you had plans to go with somebody else, if it's the case you hadn't answered his earlier question yet.)

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Tell your BF that 3 inches really isn't that enormous and reassure him that you still love him despite him being half the man you are.

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