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Guest lightangel

Question: if you and your gf text each other every single day, would you be bored of her?

What do you think about confident girls who never embarrassed on certain situations? Ex: first kiss,etc..

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ahmm Question:

what would you think of a girl who is

--a home-buddy, family-oriented

--single since birth

--fairly does good in school

--shy to approach/talk to guys especially strangers or new acquaintances but when approached, she can chat along well.

--kind, old-fashioned but is open-minded

--is.. uhmm pretty ( gets noticed once in a while) but simple

--goes home, school, home, church and malls occasionally.

--and always stays with her circle of friends.

Is she a Yay or a Nay?

Do you think she's intimidating or too simple?

Your advice?


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Guest SanctumSolace

I agree with what your friend said. It applies to me lol. So yes, just say "hi". I think it will make his day haha.

That girl would get a "Yay" from me. There is the possibility she'll be overlooked, or I won't notice her from being simple, but if I do, then I will try to do somethig about it because she would be a good catch.


Sorry I couldn't answer other questions because I have no good answers for them.. :/

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"A" is frustrated, because you kind of sent mixed signals (not romantically, but more pertaining to the closeness of your friendship with him).

Assuming the nature of your platonic relationship with "A," if you didn't want him to get angry, you shouldn't have told him in the first place. However, that is not the case. Now, this would've resolved itself much better if you explained to him everything instead of being half-assed about it.

This is probably what he was thinking

1. What the? Something's wrong.

2. I should ask her what's wrong and see what I can do to help her.

3. She's denying it strongly, this could be a serious issue, as her friend I need to do something.

4. WHAT?! (to when you said someone felt you up)

5. WHO?


Now do you see why he's angry? You opened up to him and told him what happened, but you kinda blocked him from doing what he wanted, which is to "help" resolve the issue (whether that be violent or communicative). I will say this, he's not as angry at you for not telling him than he is for not being able to do something about it.

I think you should explain the situation to him, but slowly move to the point where you say it was "B." Depending on just how well "A" knows "B," he will either tell him to shove off (probably in a more explicit manner, possible physical altercation), or he will talk to him normally and get his side of the story and make a reasonable choice then.

Either way, SOMEONE (preferably you) needs to talk to "B" to see what was going on in his head and set him straight that what he did was not OK, drunk or not.

Wow, how old fashioned. I thought people relied on FB snooping for relationship statuses to find info like this nowadays lol

If he has a loud mouth, say nothing, not even an implication, but he probably might have some interest in whether you are available or not (or what his chances are compared to who you like).

I remember when we asked our interests this question so we have a model as to how we should act, look, and think aha

Well, here is a couple reasons why he hasn't asked. This is on the basis that you still do not KNOW ("pretty sure =/= know) his feelings.

1. He's shy.

2. He's gay.

3. He gets interrupted every time he wants to.

4. He's not articulate.

5. He has issues expressing his emotions.

6. He doesn't think he's in your league.

7. He doesn't think you're in his league.

8. He's secretly dating a girl while he's courting you.

9. He thinks you already have a b/f

10. He has commitment issues.

OK, in all serious, it's usually either (1), (5), or (10). Even if you two really get along and what not, have you been leaving behind bread crumbs for him to subtly [but surely] express your interest in him?

1. Yes, I would be about ready to enter my single word or sentence texts soon.

2. I would think, "I've chosen a fine woman." Confidence is sexy, period. So unless your guy is a dominant chauvinist, he'll probably be fine with your confidence.

Though to be honest, every now and then, I would like her to ease up on the confidence privately and let me lead as the man.

You sound like a normal girl, I don't see anything wrong, so yay.

The only thing to note is that you describe yourself as a home buddy. There is nothing wrong with that as long as you give a guy chances to visit you at home and do stuff together, like cooking/baking, occasional movie on an afternoon, or just getting to know your family. This however, will depend on if the guy is super outgoing or laid back.

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Guest TheAmazingness

Long story short, I had a thing with a guy, and he ended up to be playing me the whole time. My friend got angry at him, and cursed him out, ouch. She seriously went all out yo, to the point where the guy kinda got angry back. No bueno I tells you. 


I haven't talked to the guy in weeks after he broke my heart.  I haven't completely gotten over him, but I do miss talking to him, since we were pretty good friends before the thing started.  So I am tempted to text him a friendly "How ya doin' ". Would it be awkward for him for me to text something like that? I don't want him think I'm still aiming to get with him, but I don't want him to hate me just because of my friend's protectiveness over me.

So cheesy as it sounds, I just want to make it clear to him that I miss being homies, and I still wanna be homies. Is that allowed? xD Or should I just forget about this guy completely, and leave him be? He's a major major player... But that really shouldn't affect me right? Since I just want to be friends with him....

Awkward questions, yeahhh.

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"I haven't completely gotten over him". nuff' said.


but that is quite a lot of flirting for someone you just met two weeks ago...

i have no idea where you're getting ANY idea that he's not interested in you

there are too many hints to count that even a simple-minded girl couldnt miss them!

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Soo...I'm kinda getting mixed signals from a guy.

I met this guy about a month ago, and off the bat I was a little bit wary because on the first date he was talking about sex and past relationships. But I went out a couple of times with him again...and he was very physical, a lot more than I was comfortable with, honestly. I've repeatedly told him that I'm not going to sleep with him (at least for a very long time!) and he assures me that that's ok. The last time I met up with him was about 2 weeks ago, and he stayed over because it was pretty late.

The tricky part is...well, we're both med students about to enter residency. It's a pretty complicated system where every med student "matches" to a program based on their ranks and the way the program ranks you. The specialty he's going into finds out about where they're going earlier than the rest of us, and on the night he stayed over, he found out that he's going to a program in Dallas. I won't be finding out where I'm going until middle of March, and the only Dallas program I interviewed at is pretty low on my rank list, thus making it almost 100% certain that I won't be ending up there. So we both realize that come graduation in June, we're going to be living apart from each other.

With that being said, I figured that at least we could have fun while we're in the same city. He didn't really talk to me after he stayed over, and later he told me he lost his phone. I was pretty upset that he hadn't caled and deleted his phone number off. When he texted me again with his new phone, I was pretty b!tchy to him, and then he tells me, "It's not what you think, it was like a blow to my head when you told me Dallas was one of your bottom choices, and a part of me wishes I had matched to somewhere closer to where you'll probably end up." And I was just like, HUH? :blink: because nothing else he did ever indicated that he was thinking of a future with me. I was out of town for a long time and just came back, and texted him to see if he wanted to hang out, and he was just like, "Sure." and hasn't made any concrete plans.

My question is, do I even bother? I'm honestly not really that crazy about him but his mixed signals are driving me nuts!

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Guest odddodo

Soo...I'm kinda getting mixed signals from a guy.

I met this guy about a month ago, and off the bat I was a little bit wary because on the first date he was talking about sex and past relationships. But I went out a couple of times with him again...and he was very physical, a lot more than I was comfortable with, honestly. I've repeatedly told him that I'm not going to sleep with him (at least for a very long time!) and he assures me that that's ok. The last time I met up with him was about 2 weeks ago, and he stayed over because it was pretty late.

The tricky part is...well, we're both med students about to enter residency. It's a pretty complicated system where every med student "matches" to a program based on their ranks and the way the program ranks you. The specialty he's going into finds out about where they're going earlier than the rest of us, and on the night he stayed over, he found out that he's going to a program in Dallas. I won't be finding out where I'm going until middle of March, and the only Dallas program I interviewed at is pretty low on my rank list, thus making it almost 100% certain that I won't be ending up there. So we both realize that come graduation in June, we're going to be living apart from each other.

With that being said, I figured that at least we could have fun while we're in the same city. He didn't really talk to me after he stayed over, and later he told me he lost his phone. I was pretty upset that he hadn't caled and deleted his phone number off. When he texted me again with his new phone, I was pretty b!tchy to him, and then he tells me, "It's not what you think, it was like a blow to my head when you told me Dallas was one of your bottom choices, and a part of me wishes I had matched to somewhere closer to where you'll probably end up." And I was just like, HUH? :blink: because nothing else he did ever indicated that he was thinking of a future with me. I was out of town for a long time and just came back, and texted him to see if he wanted to hang out, and he was just like, "Sure." and hasn't made any concrete plans.

My question is, do I even bother? I'm honestly not really that crazy about him but his mixed signals are driving me nuts!

So where are the mixed signals? It sounds clearly like he liked you a lot more than you liked him. Take his words at face value; he was hoping that the relationship would go somewhere, but with the residency match splitting you up, things will get a lot more difficult, and that's consuming his mind.

Oh, and hellooo, fellow medical student! Congrats on finishing up, and my condolences on having to suffer through the long hours of residency for the next few years!

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Guest i.luv.tea.

Here's the situation:

I'm girl "A". One afternoon, I'm hanging out with my group of friends, mix of guys and girls. We're talking about our "ideal type" of b/f or g/f. Then, guy "B" (who is in an on-and-off relationship) blurts out, "I like A," in a matter of fact tone, in front of the whole group. There's an awkward silence. Everyone looks at me (I'm A). I am obviously caught by surprise, blush, and try to ignore the comment and say, "OK, moving on." People slowly chat about something else.

Fast forward a couple hours later. We're just walking around in the mall. Guy "B" says "give me your hand." I present him with my hand. Then he proceeds to hold my hand, and we walk along for a short while until I feel uncomfortable and pull my hand away.

I still talk to Guy B, but I never mention or ask him about this incident because I don't want to show interest in him.

But what was going on here? Mind you, he's already involved. But somebody explain. Was it kind of a weird joke?

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Guest odddodo

Here's the situation:

I'm girl "A". One afternoon, I'm hanging out with my group of friends, mix of guys and girls. We're talking about our "ideal type" of b/f or g/f. Then, guy "B" (who is in an on-and-off relationship) blurts out, "I like A," in a matter of fact tone, in front of the whole group. There's an awkward silence. Everyone looks at me (I'm A). I am obviously caught by surprise, blush, and try to ignore the comment and say, "OK, moving on." People slowly chat about something else.

Fast forward a couple hours later. We're just walking around in the mall. Guy "B" says "give me your hand." I present him with my hand. Then he proceeds to hold my hand, and we walk along for a short while until I feel uncomfortable and pull my hand away.

I still talk to Guy B, but I never mention or ask him about this incident because I don't want to show interest in him.

But what was going on here? Mind you, he's already involved. But somebody explain. Was it kind of a weird joke?

No, you are interpreting the situation to be more complicated than it really is. He likes you.

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Guest _eunha_

Hey guys! I just need help looking at this situation objectively and since I don't have too many socially adept guy friends, I'd appreciate your insight.

I was sitting in my discussion class on Thursday when this huge football player sat next to me. Let's call him Sam. We ended up just making small talk and then he got my number and facebook by the end of the class. He seemed friendly enough but by the end of class I wasn't sure if he was actually trying to be nice or thought that I could be his ticket to an easy A.

Now, before you think I'm stereotyping the whole "jock" image there were just things that happened that kind of made me feel doubtful towards his intentions. During class, he had a hard time keeping up but never really attempted to do any of the assignments. He made the TA repeat everything she had said and kind of practically do his work for him or asked the people next to him--me and this other boy (but didn't get the guy's number/facebook). Also, he's friends with another football player in the class that went to my high school. And I remember the kid didn't really do any work and just squeezed through class by copying others.

But then on Friday night around midnight, Sam texted me a simple, "What up!" Unfortunately I work until 3am on the weekends so I didn't get the text until Saturday and didn't reply until Sunday/today. He basically just asked what I was doing and then if I wanted to "chill" with him saying that he was all alone in his room and just bored expecting me to walk 20 minutes from my dorm to his in the cold to relieve his boredom. I just felt uncomfortable and told him I had a lot of homework to do and that I'd be up for hanging out with him next time.

I honestly don't mind becoming friends with him or studying together BUT I do not want to be the girl who's doing his homework or giving him the answers. Should I just continue talking to him and see how it goes? Am I just being paranoid?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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So where are the mixed signals? It sounds clearly like he liked you a lot more than you liked him. Take his words at face value; he was hoping that the relationship would go somewhere, but with the residency match splitting you up, things will get a lot more difficult, and that's consuming his mind.

Oh, and hellooo, fellow medical student! Congrats on finishing up, and my condolences on having to suffer through the long hours of residency for the next few years!

I guess my dilemma was that he claimed he liked me and was envisioning a future with me yada yada, but then he would go for days without calling me, and only seemed interested in getting to know me physically and not intellectually. But today is Valentine's and no word from him, so I guess I have my answer, haha.

Hello to you too! And yeah I'm not looking forward to the pain...

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Guest Iron_Maiden

Do all or most guys mostly go for looks?

What do they think about shy,most of the time quiet,and good girls who like anime and videogames?

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thanks for the answer awhile back. Now, I'm here for another question.. >_<

I want to be close to this guy.. I want him to be my "older brother" because I was comfortable hanging with him before and I'm still comfortable when we send text messages with each other. But, the thing is, he has feelings for me. I used to have feelings for him too but something happened and I just don't feel the same way as before. He confessed that he has been liking me for 6 years. I kept asking him why he hasn't dated anyone and he said because he kept remembering me whenever he looks on other girls. He wants to wait for me until I graduate college. I asked him once what if after I graduate, I would find someone I like. And this is what he said.. "Bye bye. I'm gonna stop."

Like he's gonna stop communicating and I don't want that to happen. I told him then "kuya(older brother), whatever happens after 2 years, I want us to be friends. I want you to always be my "kuya"." But, I was not saying I was closing him doors since I don't know what's gonna happen between us after that 2 years. I just don't want to end our friendship. And, he said, he understands but, I don't think he sees my point.

As for now, I know what I want and I want him to be my friend and so I don't want him to feel too much hurt IF and WHEN I turn him down after that 2 years.

So, what do I do with him in these 2 years? How do I act to keep him from having false hopes? What are the right words to say? And to add up, I'm thinking of meeting him next next sunday on his soccer game. He wants to have some talk and he wants to prove to me how he's serious with this. On the other hand, I'm thinking of explaining to him my point. Help me please?


thanks (:

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The situation goes like this:

I've known T for about a year through a mutual friend. We only see each other during 'special' occasions when our mutual friend invites us all over to his house eg. Xmas. We don't exchange anything more than Hi/Bye. Note: He already had a steady gf when we first met till now. During a recent party this year, we met again. He wasn't with his gf. I asked, he said they were on a 'break' - he was the one who needed the 'break' to 'think things over'. We smoked together and chatted on two occasions. Nothing special, just the usual kill-time-while-smoking-mindless-chat.

The next day he added me on fb and commented on my wall. We begin chatting on fb for a few nights in a row. Then he had a mess night and got pretty high/wasted till he cldn't type and on fb chat, asked for my number. I gave him. And he called immediately. I didn't feel v comfortable talking on the phone with him esp. when we're not that close yet so I let it ring and told him I was busy. He called 3 more times until I finally picked up and that was our first phonecall.

Few days later, his friends had a house party and he got wasted again. And he tried calling me. I picked up only the second time around 3am, hoping by then he was more sober but he wasn't. And he hung up immediately after "Hey, what's up. Oh, I gotta go." I was so pissed I texted him: Don't call me again if you're gonna do that I deserve a bit of respect. He texted an apology twice and in the second text explained that he hung up because some friends came over even tho he rlly wanted to talk. (btw, I rlly don't like it when guy drunk-call...) The next morning, I texted him, accepting his apology if he doesn't do tt again. --> He replies stuff including this: lol I don't know why I always want to call you when I'm wasted. (which is annoyingly misleading.)

Over the weekend, he patched back with his gf. I know this because they are tweeting each other. He puts <3 in his tweets to her. I thought that since they have patched back, he will not talk to me so often anymore BUT we still text each other (NOT every 5 mins but over the course of the day). Yesterday, aka Valentine's Day, I was surprised he tried to call me at night AGAIN. Even after I confirmed with him that he and his gf have patched back.

I am not extremely attracted to T but he does have his charming points. More so, I am confused why he is doing such misleading actions as if he likes me even though he is still with his gf.

I know he may just be an richard simmons disguised as a nice, friendly guy. I still wanna know why he will be so to say chatting, flirting and calling me at night (both drunk and sober) when he already has a stead?? Is he just "playing the field"? Or is he already bored of being attached and secretly longs to be a free man?

When I think of his gf, I feel bad and guilty /:

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Guest Vieny Xiao

was it ok for guy to spend their valentine with their girlfriend? I mean normal girlfriend who he recently close with ' 'a

I spend my valentine day with my crush. He's the first one who asked me out eventhough we just met for an hour because he got something to do suddenly ^^;

I'm quite confuse whether he think of me as a bestfriend or he has a feeling toward me too

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Guest xgd_babyx

I badly need your help.

I'm trying to be patient and very understanding and yet I still found myself jealous to my guy's girl best friend. 

We are now in our 5th month of relationship but I sometimes feel like the other woman whenever we hang out. How can I talk to him without sounding immature?

I understood that they are best friends for years but sometimes... I just don't get it. -.-

-----It's not me okaaay. this question is from my classmate :) she told me to post it here. ^_^ 

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