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okie dokiee.. this is my second question, so thanks so much for the help, guys! : )

anyways, so I've seen this guy around my school since last year, but didn't pay any attention to him until he started talking to me. he suddenly walked me home one day and that's when I started to fall for him.. I feel like he's sending me mixed signals because sometimes he doesn't acknowledge my presence whenever we're both in the room, but sometimes he starts a conversation with me. there was a time where we were both in the same room, but he was with his friends & I was with mines, so we didn't talk to each other. he didn't look at me, or at least I didnt see him look at me, but when he was about to leave, he flicked my head and left without saying a word. BUT he ignores me sometimes.. what is this supposed to mean?

sorry if it's too confusing.. : o



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okie dokiee.. this is my second question, so thanks so much for the help, guys! : )

anyways, so I've seen this guy around my school since last year, but didn't pay any attention to him until he started talking to me. he suddenly walked me home one day and that's when I started to fall for him.. I feel like he's sending me mixed signals because sometimes he doesn't acknowledge my presence whenever we're both in the room, but sometimes he starts a conversation with me. there was a time where we were both in the same room, but he was with his friends & I was with mines, so we didn't talk to each other. he didn't look at me, or at least I didnt see him look at me, but when he was about to leave, he flicked my head and left without saying a word. BUT he ignores me sometimes.. what is this supposed to mean?

sorry if it's too confusing.. : o



Maybe he's the type that gets embarrassed or becomes quieter when there's a girl he likes and is with his friends. So, he might like you.. but doesn't want to show it around his friends because guys are like ........... when talking about girls with their guy friends.

Not completely sure though, the mixed signals might be because he's not entirely sure if he likes you 'that way' or not.. sorry if i'm being a little vague but I hope that I cleared up some of your confusion :P

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Guest dragonninja598000

okie dokiee.. this is my second question, so thanks so much for the help, guys! : )

anyways, so I've seen this guy around my school since last year, but didn't pay any attention to him until he started talking to me. he suddenly walked me home one day and that's when I started to fall for him.. I feel like he's sending me mixed signals because sometimes he doesn't acknowledge my presence whenever we're both in the room, but sometimes he starts a conversation with me. there was a time where we were both in the same room, but he was with his friends & I was with mines, so we didn't talk to each other. he didn't look at me, or at least I didnt see him look at me, but when he was about to leave, he flicked my head and left without saying a word. BUT he ignores me sometimes.. what is this supposed to mean?

sorry if it's too confusing.. : o



I have no idea. Sounds like what guys normally do to be quite honest. Just because I see people I know places doesn't mean I acknowledge that they are there. Maybe he's just shy about all this, and doesn't want to be demasculinated in front of his friends ditching them for a girl. It really doesn't sound like he's that interested in you anyway.

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I've started to develop a crush on this one guy in my English class. He's normally really loud and friendly but for some reason he's gotten quieter around me. From the time I met him he would hug me at least 3 times a day and I guess "flirt" with me by touching my hand when I'm not looking or poke my back with a pencil. One day I didn't hear a homework assignment so I decided to ask him for it but I couldn't really hear him so I had to move closer. Our faces were less than a foot apart and he his face changed from a playful to somewhat serious. At first I thought he was just shocked that I decided to move really close to him because he knows I'm a shy person. Now when he says hi to me he makes that same expression, instead of screaming my name out when he sees me he just gives me a small wave, he won't hug me, and barely talks to me. When I see him talking with other people he's much more louder.

Is it strange when a friendly and outgoing guy starts acting quiet?

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Guest likelovers

For your first question yes height does play a factor. It's a little weird when you're shorter then your gf. It's just something the guy needs to get used to that's all. I'm hella short, so the likely hood of me finding a shorter girl than mean is probably pretty slim. So now I don't really care how tall she is...or well I don't want her to be like towering over me but like under 5 inches taller than me is ok.

Your second question most guys will show it. Doesn't sound like there is any reason to be mad at you or offended. So i really don't know. Just don't think about it too much.

Thanks so much for answering my questions all the time >"<

Wow, you're the first guy I've ever met to say it's okay to have a gf 5in taller than you to be okay o.o You... are very cool.

And he went back to normal today (: He said he hadn't gotten much sleep the past couple days

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Guest luckie_r4bbit

My bf and I just recently broke up after like 7 months. The reason why he broke up with me is because he wanted to focus on himself & not want a serious relationship and he starting to feel now like he is mainly with me just for the sex. But the thing is he still wants us to be friends and have sex too.So he doesn't want to be with me but still want to have sex with me???

I just want to know a guy's perspective on this.

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Guest fredinsac

I've started to develop a crush on this one guy in my English class. He's normally really loud and friendly but for some reason he's gotten quieter around me. From the time I met him he would hug me at least 3 times a day and I guess "flirt" with me by touching my hand when I'm not looking or poke my back with a pencil. One day I didn't hear a homework assignment so I decided to ask him for it but I couldn't really hear him so I had to move closer. Our faces were less than a foot apart and he his face changed from a playful to somewhat serious. At first I thought he was just shocked that I decided to move really close to him because he knows I'm a shy person. Now when he says hi to me he makes that same expression, instead of screaming my name out when he sees me he just gives me a small wave, he won't hug me, and barely talks to me. When I see him talking with other people he's much more louder.

Is it strange when a friendly and outgoing guy starts acting quiet?

Either he has a crush on you or someone told him that you think he's too overbearing.

My bf and I just recently broke up after like 7 months. The reason why he broke up with me is because he wanted to focus on himself & not want a serious relationship and he starting to feel now like he is mainly with me just for the sex. But the thing is he still wants us to be friends and have sex too.So he doesn't want to be with me but still want to have sex with me???

I just want to know a guy's perspective on this.

He doesn't want to be friends. He just wants to have sex with you. The whole "friend" thing is an excuse for him to have a reason to be able to have sex with you. Women do this kinda stuff too. Not just men. Plus, he's ridiculously retarded. You don't tell the a person that you still want to have sex with them even though they aren't a couple anymore. You stay as close friends and secretly try to sneak that kinda stuff in. Amateur.

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I have no idea. Sounds like what guys normally do to be quite honest. Just because I see people I know places doesn't mean I acknowledge that they are there. Maybe he's just shy about all this, and doesn't want to be demasculinated in front of his friends ditching them for a girl. It really doesn't sound like he's that interested in you anyway.

k. thanks a lot : ) I really just wanted a straight forward answer. it makes things a lot easier.



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Guest annievy;

So back again, aha i recently initiated friendship with a ex boyfriend and everything went well. And i asked if we can be friend like we were before, well as much as we can. Like just hang out and talk ( we were the whole best friend to relationship thing ) and he said " yeah sure i wouldn't mind." From that comment, i made me feel a bit like i was forcing or the only one who wanted this so i told him that if he wanted to be friends, he would have to be the one to initiate it this time. And it's been about a week and a half and he hasn't said anything to me. So should i just let it go and forget about it or what?

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Guest fredinsac

So back again, aha i recently initiated friendship with a ex boyfriend and everything went well. And i asked if we can be friend like we were before, well as much as we can. Like just hang out and talk ( we were the whole best friend to relationship thing ) and he said " yeah sure i wouldn't mind." From that comment, i made me feel a bit like i was forcing or the only one who wanted this so i told him that if he wanted to be friends, he would have to be the one to initiate it this time. And it's been about a week and a half and he hasn't said anything to me. So should i just let it go and forget about it or what?

If you want to be friends that bad then initiate it but I think that a whole week of nothing is a pretty clear message.

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Guest dragonninja598000

I've started to develop a crush on this one guy in my English class. He's normally really loud and friendly but for some reason he's gotten quieter around me. From the time I met him he would hug me at least 3 times a day and I guess "flirt" with me by touching my hand when I'm not looking or poke my back with a pencil. One day I didn't hear a homework assignment so I decided to ask him for it but I couldn't really hear him so I had to move closer. Our faces were less than a foot apart and he his face changed from a playful to somewhat serious. At first I thought he was just shocked that I decided to move really close to him because he knows I'm a shy person. Now when he says hi to me he makes that same expression, instead of screaming my name out when he sees me he just gives me a small wave, he won't hug me, and barely talks to me. When I see him talking with other people he's much more louder.

Is it strange when a friendly and outgoing guy starts acting quiet?

Yeah. He probably only wanted to be your friend and having your face really close to his probably freaked him out a bit.

Thanks so much for answering my questions all the time >"<

Wow, you're the first guy I've ever met to say it's okay to have a gf 5in taller than you to be okay o.o You... are very cool.

And he went back to normal today (: He said he hadn't gotten much sleep the past couple days

Well I'm pretty short sooo well I have to be cool with it or else i'd be effectively cutting more than half of potential girls. =P And you're welcome.

My bf and I just recently broke up after like 7 months. The reason why he broke up with me is because he wanted to focus on himself & not want a serious relationship and he starting to feel now like he is mainly with me just for the sex. But the thing is he still wants us to be friends and have sex too.So he doesn't want to be with me but still want to have sex with me???

I just want to know a guy's perspective on this.

Sounds like he just wants to do you without any strings attached. Honestly just bounce, there are a lot of other guys out there who are much better than him.

So back again, aha i recently initiated friendship with a ex boyfriend and everything went well. And i asked if we can be friend like we were before, well as much as we can. Like just hang out and talk ( we were the whole best friend to relationship thing ) and he said " yeah sure i wouldn't mind." From that comment, i made me feel a bit like i was forcing or the only one who wanted this so i told him that if he wanted to be friends, he would have to be the one to initiate it this time. And it's been about a week and a half and he hasn't said anything to me. So should i just let it go and forget about it or what?

If you wanna be friends with him then you'll have to initiate. Honestly it doesn't sound like he wants to go back, so just move on.

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Guest Mr. Chan

He doesn't want to be friends. He just wants to have sex with you. The whole "friend" thing is an excuse for him to have a reason to be able to have sex with you. Women do this kinda stuff too. Not just men. Plus, he's ridiculously retarded. You don't tell the a person that you still want to have sex with them even though they aren't a couple anymore. You stay as close friends and secretly try to sneak that kinda stuff in. Amateur.


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Guest sunnylove

this may sound typical but...

when a guy says that a girl is the only one he teases (and it looks like its true) does it mean anything :X

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Guest lido0LmisSundersto0D

so last night was my formal

anyways, we had this waiter who was REALLY REALLY cute. back to the point,

I got his number but i never caught his name because the music was too loud.

when is it too early to call?

and were you in his situation, would you want the girl to call. seeing as she is 5 years younger.. and still in school.

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Guest Mr. Chan

and were you in his situation, would you want the girl to call. seeing as she is 5 years younger.. and still in school.

Hell no.

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Guest fredinsac

and were you in his situation, would you want the girl to call. seeing as she is 5 years younger.. and still in school.


Chris Hansen say's I shouldn't.

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Guest ygchixzta1177

Just want a guy's perspective..

Well, this guy and i have known eachother since the 8th grade. We're now seniors in highschool and never had a class together through out our highschool years. Yet, he's always said hey when we've passed by eachother, and often gives me hugs. The more he does it, and because we don't see eachother, let alone have actual conversations, the more i realized i have a crush on him, and I want to see him, and I want to talk to him. yada yada yada, he gives me his number, and tells me to text him. So, if he has my number too, why not text me? Or.. What do you think he's thinking?

Btw, he also has a girl on the side... they're not dating but are known to have a thing.. though his friends and himself deny that he likes her.. But, they're always seen together.. Also, he's black, so is she. And I'm Asian.. haha..

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Guest fredinsac

Just want a guy's perspective..

Well, this guy and i have known eachother since the 8th grade. We're now seniors in highschool and never had a class together through out our highschool years. Yet, he's always said hey when we've passed by eachother, and often gives me hugs. The more he does it, and because we don't see eachother, let alone have actual conversations, the more i realized i have a crush on him, and I want to see him, and I want to talk to him. yada yada yada, he gives me his number, and tells me to text him. So, if he has my number too, why not text me? Or.. What do you think he's thinking?

Btw, he also has a girl on the side... they're not dating but are known to have a thing.. though his friends and himself deny that he likes her.. But, they're always seen together.. Also, he's black, so is she. And I'm Asian.. haha..

Yeah, all black guys like for girls to text them first. Seriously, though what does him being black have to do with anything? The reason most guys want girls to call/text them first is because it's a discreet way of asking the girl if they might actually like them back.

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a guy and a girl get drunk but not past the point where they are like "who am i? and blahblah"

just buzzed ish and they lie in bed together.

they start making out and the girl admits she is "interested" in the guy.

they eventually do more in bed and when they wake up they know they did the stuff but they don't mention it and carry on as friends. whats up with that?

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