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Cutie*Songstress Songs!!!!! ^_________^

Guest Cutie*Songstress

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Guest Cutie*Songstress

I am so sick of people coming down on me for no apparent reason. I know what constructive critisism is and that isn't. Those are just insults. Please back off of me...I didn't do anything to u...I just wanted to sing.

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Guest sikkony

I am so sick of people coming down on me for no apparent reason. I know what constructive critisism is and that isn't. Those are just insults. Please back off of me...I didn't do anything to u...I just wanted to sing.

Quote me the places where people insulted you.

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Guest sikkony

-_____________________-' How bout u just leave me alone? I don't feel like dealing with this.

I'm sorry you couldn't handle the truth when it was handed to you. That, and you made up words to say others said negative things about you when I scanned through the thread many times to see none.

I shall leave you alone now.

EDIT: No hard feelings though. I enjoyed your singing.

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Guest Cutie*Songstress

I did not make up any words...I just don't want people insulting me whenever I post a song...I just wanna sing!!!! That's all. Isn't that what this place is for?

Anyways...bleh...not happy anymore...thank you for ruining my day.

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Guest sikkony

I did not make up any words...I just don't want people insulting me whenever I post a song...I just wanna sing!!!! That's all. Isn't that what this place is for?

Anyways...bleh...not happy anymore...thank you for ruining my day.

Oh I didn't ruin your day, you did. This forum is opened for any constructive criticism. If you knew you were an emotional person who couldn't handle a bit of truth here, seeing how you sing so well, then I guess the singing industry isn't for you. If you want to make it big in the future, you got to learn how to take all these things in, negative or positive criticism, and turn it into always positive. Otherwise, you're going to have a much harder time succeeding.

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Guest Cutie*Songstress

I can handle the musik business....I'm just not in the mood to hear this today...it's not just this..it's something else too, but that's none of ur business. Please...just go away.

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Guest sikkony

I can handle the musik business....I'm just not in the mood to hear this today...it's not just this..it's something else too, but that's none of ur business. Please...just go away.

I'm sorry for any hard feelings and any hard words I've might of said. Your singing is excellent and professional and I did enjoy it definitely. I just found it shocking you like imitating but that problem is reversable and nothing of too much harm so it's all good and not a big deal. All the best with your singing. :)

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I haven't heard your songs yet (I am at school and school computers dont have speakers; I will listen when I go home).

I think imitating singers is a gift. I personally can't imitate anybody, so I'm stuck with my voice. I admire people who can sing in different voices and styles (on this forum, Maja). Of course always imitating isn't the best thing to do, but imitating and mimicking voices is fun, thus it can be a hobby for people (here, it would be for Cutie*Songstress). I don't see what's so bad about mimicking. I would be happy if people told me I sound like my idols. For instance, I know Lisa likes Utada Hikaru, and I think Lisa sounds somewhat like her when she sings some of Utada's songs. It's a compliment.

Girls, lay off. There's nothing wrong with mimicking a singer. There are plenty of artists out there who are able to imitate other singers. For example, BoA* can imitate this one Korean singer (I can't quite recall the name. It's the lady who sang "I'm a Man" I think). BoA* can also imitate Christina Aguilera, yet BoA*'s got her own voice and style that makes her unique and original. And Cutie*Songstress has already stated that she has her own voice and style, so why are you guys so worried that she doesn't?

On the other hand, Cutie*Songstress, you shouldn't get so fired up about comments like that anyway. When you post clips, expect both positive and negative comments. It helps a person learn. You should be more acceptive of other people's opinions. You don't necessarily have to listen to them, but it's just another view other than your own. It never hurts to learn something new, correct?


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Guest fantasiimaker

I'm sorry to bring up this thread again, but I must say that I very much agree with what Nan has said ^^ (what a peacemaker, you<3) I know it's difficult to get any sort of criticism, even a little one, after you get large crowds of people saying "I love your voice!" I know why you would tend to disbelieve those couple of "negative" people right away. Praise is addicting. But we do have to be open minded and take in what others have to say, sort through it (as Sou said). If we always had only good comments, how would we ever improve? I don't think it's a bad thing to receive some criticism once in a while, as it shows where you need to watch out, and what your audience notices about you. And after all, just a little bit of negativity (with support --> will help you improve) will not kill you, since you've gotten 3 straight pages of positive comments along with it =]

I believe it's rather extreme just to quit Soompi because of that. And you've been here only a week or two.

No one is ever going to know u...no one is ever going to know ur name...u won't be a singer if all u can do is put down other people. Turns out I can sing like me AND my idols...that's amazing...it's unique. So why blame me if I wanna show it off a little? U would too if u could do it. Oh...but that's right, U CAN'T!

I don't think anyone was necessarily insulting you before you posted that statement. Maybe you're not used to receiving any criticism about your singing ^^; Just...relax a little bit XD And I believe that what you said in that quote is quite insulting. Whomever you were speaking of. (Putting down other people really has no direct correlation to becoming a singer, I think XD) And I was mildly surprised that you described yourself as "amazing" and "unique" while describing us as the opposite ^^;; (If you were speaking of Sou or Fiona, you may want to think twice and maybe listen to what they've got in their soundclicks.)

Anyway~ let's all be more modest and kind and accept (or pretend to accept or just ignore, lol) feedback on our singing more readily :) After all, you chose to post your singing publicly on the Internet.

Ok I'm done XD

*edit: oh yeah, I'd like to see you commenting other singers here as well, just to get a feel for this "constructive criticism" thing. Try to contribute to this singing community, just as others are listening and commenting your pieces. ..because I rarely see you posting in other people's threads ^^; Just a thought lol.

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Guest hmaster

as far as I understand it cutie songstress...all she wants to do is sing. Admirable no doubt. And by posting she full well understands the idea that she's posting an imitation. Now of course while we all know that originality is THE way to go with someone's music, there is no harm in mimicry every once in a while. In that light I would like to say that people really should consider backing off the be original thing...I think she understands that, but views this forum as a place where she posts her songs up for listening to as imitations and doesn't really need to be reminded of the originality as such.

and to CS herself..those words directed at the other singers were really quite unnecessary...having worked with both JiHye and Sou...I can say they realyl are in leagues of their own.

while I respect the views of sou, jihye (you're so going down in the winter collab...and thank you so much for listening to what I had to say.) lisa and all the other people here...

sikkony, please state whatever experience you've had in this music business. so far all i've seen you do is drop criticism after criticism. While i do approve of it when directed at me, I feel that some of your other contributions to this section of soompi IMO are not valid. I feel the points you have stated above are truisms when it comes to music and entertainment, and really can't be argued against.

I have asked you before what your credentials/experience in this field is and you never replied. Once again...put up. or shut up. Walk the walk.

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Guest K-popMiko

If you want to make it big in the future, you got to learn how to take all these things in, negative or positive criticism, and turn it into always positive. Otherwise, you're going to have a much harder time succeeding.

Hehe, I remember when I made the Tokimeki no Doukasen thread and Fiona coming in. Her Cowell side did show up that day, but I knew she meant well, even though it was my first impression of her. I did take her advice, and comparing my clips before, Fiona was right (except I still can't sound like my real age and sound 8 years younger).

I have to agree with the part where you said that the singers are your coaches. BoA is my coach too, for reaching high notes (though, I still can't and strain my voice all the time ><). I can't take lessons, so I just listen and sing along and somehow try to get better at singing or progress anyway. =D

Don't leave Soompi because of thjs little incident. Soompiers are nice people, nicer than some of the people I meet in life anyway. It's actually been my second home for a year already.

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Guest missGiang

Whoot! I just downloaded Cutie Honey...And I'm your newest fann =DD lol Awesomeness ^_^


I downloaded Dearest too...And I'm even a bigger faaan! lol You're awesome...You're definitely getting a record contract sometime =)

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ah...Nan...Lisa...T_T You guys are too nice~~~too nice~~~

<_< And now I feel like I have been relegated to the position of "Head Witch with a B, with a Simon Cowell complex...

But to be honest though, Simon may be THE most hated judge...but he's definately THE most respected one. Would you like to know why? Because he says what needs to be say. Does what needs to be done. And if people can't respect that and get all in my face saying "You're too mean" and "Get a life" or something...then that's their problem.

"No one is ever going to know u...no one is ever going to know ur name...u won't be a singer if all u can do is put down other people. Turns out I can sing like me AND my idols...that's amazing...it's unique. So why blame me if I wanna show it off a little? U would too if u could do it. Oh...but that's right, U CAN'T!" <--You said.

"Now...that really hurts. It really does. I would want to copy my idols? I would want to sing like Pantera and Metallica? I would like to shout out Enter Sandman and Master of Puppets? How about not? And that's amazing, that's unique? Well, it is UNIQUE...but it's NOT amazing. There are a lot of people who can imitate as well *or better* than you can." <---I said.

"I did not make up any words...I just don't want people insulting me whenever I post a song...I just wanna sing!!!! That's all. Isn't that what this place is for?" <---You said.

"Sure thing, sweetie. BUT when you post up your stuff in a forum like this, isn't it...kind of stupid not to expect that you won't get SOME sort of critisism?" <---I said.

"No one is ever going to know u...no one is ever going to know ur name...u won't be a singer if all u can do is put down other people." <--You said.

I said*whoo...change of format, haha*--->"Well, let's face the facts. First thing, NO ONE said anything to put you down. No one said "Dude, you suck" or "Go live in a box, you hobo". So, who's doing the putting down? As far as I'm concerned, you're the one who started this whole mess with "Oooh...I'm amazing...I'll go far. Hey, it's nice to have confidence in yourself...but THAT MUCH? That just borders on egoism, I'm sorry to say."

And...that's all I have to say, and that's all I AM going to say. I don't even care what the heck you say after this, or whatever anyone else says. I said what I wanted to and I'm satisfied with that.

--EDIT: Oh...and one more thing.


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Guest K-popMiko

Hehe, you guys will go far! Beautiful voices and the will!! <3! If you ever need the support, we'll always be here for you, no matter what =D (Well, as much as we can, and as much as this little thirteen year old can do ^^)

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Guest hmaster

oi fionn *pokepoke* you left out me. lol then again no one really cares about support acts. :D

and that was some sh33r pwnage.

edit: woot I get honorary mention.

I think what i'm trying to say is I KNOW you'd get more positive critique (or at least less negative) if you do what you said you were going to do and just sing. don't tell us whether or not you tried to sound like X or Y. Just sing, and let us decide for ourselves. We're singers here, we're not stupid. Some of us actually have skills too. you'll notice in other threads people will say "OMG YOU SOUND SO MUCH LIKE <artist> LOL."

You've only drawn up so much attention because you were the one who kicked up such a dustcloud.

Taking an example i think it's pretty safe to say fantasiimaker's the resident hikki, and NO-1 the resident BoA. Everyone knows that, and they didn't have to tell the whole world...they just sang.

Also whereas your whole 'sounds like" marketing gimmick has a high chance of working for a record label demo tryout, remember we're not A&Rs. I doubt those stories about A&Rs searching for talent on a website are really true, and even if they did, they'd want someone "down to earth" which has been the trend lately.

I'd like to remind you this is soompi. Ordinary average people with ordinary lives with a passion for music. (except for this one girl but - nevermind.)

so, in future just sing. and we'll listen.

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Guest sikkony

sikkony, please state whatever experience you've had in this music business. so far all i've seen you do is drop criticism after criticism. While i do approve of it when directed at me, I feel that some of your other contributions to this section of soompi IMO are not valid. I feel the points you have stated above are truisms when it comes to music and entertainment, and really can't be argued against.

I have asked you before what your credentials/experience in this field is and you never replied. Once again...put up. or shut up. Walk the walk.

No, I don't criticise much at all. From memory, I've only posted about 5 worth of real criticism (that isn't negative). One was a singing CC but JohnnyMoon was lacking with it in his thread, and the other 4 are just CC on how to protect your voice from damage. We are all entitled to express our oppinion just as long as it isn't negative. It's only this thread where I kinda shot at her because she clearly was shooting at other people which was funny; she wanted CC and she got it. Then she argues with other people's oppinion. It's an oppinion, your choice to take it in or not, but no need to tell others off. True or not true?

Besides the fact, I don't see any rule inside this forum where one must post their singing just to make comments. I don't need to sing in order to have a view on whether imitating or not imitating is the right thing or not. You just want to make trouble, much like the other thread when I told you off that not everyone had enough money to buy a good mic, you started to show off your e645 Sennheiser, and tried to change the topic to something more at home so you could beat me because you couldn't keep in context of the argument. Stop trying to get me back, how about you lay off me and stop making trouble? My oppinion, my views, you can't handle it? No? Then don't read and skip thanks.

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Guest _MaJa_1234

Guys guys don't make her thread get closed down. Come on the girl wants to show off her skills... so get out of the thread if you've got nothing good to say.

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