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RONDO 輪舞曲 (drama)

Guest dadedum

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Guest sophia76

I'm downloading it :P Thank you!

Sunday is coming, I'm so excited to watch the last episode but at the same time a little sad because I like very much this couple and I miss their.

I hope to watch Yutaka and Ji-woo together again.

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yessy! you should head over to starjiwoo to watch the interview they had together for King's Brunch! I love it! They seem so at ease with each other now and so much compliments...

And another project does seem possible now!! May not be Rondo related but yes, the both of them have expressed great interest in working together again, in another context! Wow~I really look forward to that day....

so, this is what they are saying? Collaboration again? :D , wow I'm jumping myself right now, hope this time it will be romantic comedy. Can I ask for more? Romantic comedy for drama and RONDO film. I always had feeling that RONDO should be able to draw box office hit if it is filmed, maybe youngsters are not been able to follow the RONDO drama religiously but they sure going to the cinema if it is a RONDO movie? :D

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so, this is what they are saying? Collaboration again? :D , wow I'm jumping myself right now, hope this time it will be romantic comedy. Can I ask for more? Romantic comedy for drama and RONDO film. I always had feeling that RONDO should be able to draw box office hit if it is filmed, maybe youngsters are not been able to follow the RONDO drama religiously but they sure going to the cinema if it is a RONDO movie? :D

yah, basically CJW said that when they were shooting in Korea, during mealtime, they both expressed the keen desire that they must collaborate again. And CJW said that she's looking forward to that day with a great sense of anticipation. jas, i want a romantic comedy and a RONDO film as well. You know, I saw many people on the BBS saying the same thing you did, they said that if Rondo was brought to the big screen, it'll definitely be a box office hit! hmm....I wish we can suggest to the 3PDs. And I really want a RONDO2 as well, haha....like how Ueda PD described it~ oh well, I'm just glad that the two are so eager to work with each other again...and with CJW frequent visits to Japan, I really think it'll be a matter of time before they collaborate again...yay...


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yah, basically CJW said that when they were shooting in Korea, during mealtime, they both expressed the keen desire that they must collaborate again. And CJW said that she's looking forward to that day with a great sense of anticipation. jas, i want a romantic comedy and a RONDO film as well. You know, I saw many people on the BBS saying the same thing you did, they said that if Rondo was brought to the big screen, it'll definitely be a box office hit! hmm....I wish we can suggest to the 3PDs. And I really want a RONDO2 as well, haha....like how Ueda PD described it~ oh well, I'm just glad that the two are so eager to work with each other again...and with CJW frequent visits to Japan, I really think it'll be a matter of time before they collaborate again...yay...


so I am not alone, since RONDO is a little bit difficult to comprehend, you really need a lot of thinking and this genre usually garnered attention around movie goers, yeah, it will be a matter of time before they two collaborate again.

Hoping the happy moment for this couple in RONDO,

RONDO fighting, hope it will still maintain no 3 drama most watch in winter

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Guest Beary Bear

Source ~ "Rondo" by TBS Japan

Episode #11 Gallery pictures of Sho/Takumi (played by Takenouchi Yutaka) and Yoon-A/Sakura Ai (played by Choi Ji-Woo)

"Rondo" fans who managed to watch the last episode, hope the ending was to your liking!! :wub:







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Guest Yvonne

:crazy: :fury:

OMG...I almost had a heart attack...I literally screamed my heart out the last 10 minutes or more. Then I really did scream the last 5 minutes. Omg...omg...I think I almost died. So d@mn intense...I have never been that intense watching a drama before.


Ok...once again with my limited Japanese. So sorry if there are some parts I couldn't explain clearly for I don't even get it myself.

Final Ep

Yoona left with Kim to the Japanese police. She confessed everything, and told the police as much as she could about Song.

On the other hand, Takumi met up with Akira...and Akira handed him a note from Hide. In the note, Hide told Akira that he had escaped from the hospital...maybe to try to find clues or whatsoever to help out Takumi.

Takumi said something after seeing the note...maybe try to find Hide or something, so he was going to leave. Akira tried to stop him when bunch of policemen came up to them. They tried to run, but police blocked them off both ways. At first, they were scared that the policemen were here to capture Takumi. Surprisingly, they called him by his real name "Kaneyama Takumi"...meaning that they knew he was a police, his real identity.

Turns out that the police found an envelope in Isesaki's office, containing Takumi's police badge and certificate of some sort.

So finally, Takumi could be a police again...and in the police station, his mother came rushing in to meet him. She said that Isesaki san really kept his promise in protecting Takumi until the end...that he always looked after Takumi...so the mother told Takumi to treasure Isesaki's wish. I guess she meant that Takumi should be careful...to treasure his life...I guess. Then Takumi gave his father's watch back to his mother. Telling her to keep it...it must be a significant thing...but I don't really know what it signified. Maybe that Takumi could finally move on.

Anyway, the whole police force including Takumi and Kim had a big meeting about how to capture Kim and stop him from destroying Japan's economy. At the end of the meeting, Takumi asked Kim about Yoona's condition. Kim told him that Japan police had finished investigating Yoona...so now Yoona had to go back to Korea...and see what Korea police would do with her. Kim also mentioned something about Yoona's complicated nationality problem...about getting her real identity/nationality back, etc. If she could, maybe it would be all right.

Yoona was in the questioning room, and Akira once again asked permission from other police officers to have some private time with Yoona. Akira told Yoona that Takumi had his police idenitity back, so Yoona could stop worrying. Akira also asked Yoona if she had anything to tell Takumi. Yoona shook her head, and said no. But Akira refused to take no as an asnwer, telling Yoona that they might not see each other again. So at least say something to Takumi...but still, Yoona said she had nothing to say.

The police came in and said it was about time Yoona left for the airport. Akira looked on helplessly. In the hallway, Takumi and Yoona passed by each other. At first, it looked as if Takumi pretended not to know Yoona. But of course, how could this be possible. Takumi turned around and shouted to Yoona that he would definitely find and capture Song. Then he asked her to believe in him. And Yoona smiled and replied that she believed in him.

On the way to the airport, (as you see in the preview), a police officer sitting in the front suddenly turned around to shoot the two police officers in the back (one of them was Kim's side-kick). Yoona was so freaked out...it turned out that this bad police was under Mokomichi's character. This baddie police mentioned something about killing off Isesaki...I think. While this was happening, Yoona quietly used the side-kick's cellphone to call Kim for help. Kim got the call...but nobody on the other side answering, thus he knew something's up.

This baddie police brought Yoona to Mokomichi's hiding place...and Mokomichi asked Yoona to help him finish the program. Yoona refused, and said that there was no way she could do anything now, without the computer and harddrive. Then suddenly, Mokomichi got out the harddrive...and said, "Now you can do it." Though Yoona still refused...and it was then, Mokomichi's helpers took out Hide...

Hide was beaten up badly...and Mokomichi said if Yoona didn't help, he would kill Hide. Hide then shouted to Yoona in Korean, telling her not to do it...that even if he (Hide) died, it didn't matter...just don't do it. Mokomichi kicked Hide a few times...and finally, Yoona agreed.

While Yoona was on the internet typing endless codes...she tried to hack into the police system, asking for help. She somehow type some code that results in the childhood song (the song that was on the disc Yooni made)...Takumi, in the police office, heard this song...and realized that Yoona was in trouble. He asked the computer tech to trace her...but before he could...

Yoona had to cut off the signal...because Mokomichi found out what she was doing...he was angry and was pointing a gun at her. Suddenly, a gunshot rang through...and it was Kim, coming to the rescue!!! He quickly helped Hide...and shouted at Yoona to retrieve the harddrive. Many many gunshots happening...the three of them finally made it out.

Unfortunately, just when we thought everything was okay...someone shot Kim. Kim crumbled down...and we saw the shooter was Song. Song asked Yoona to hand over the harddrive...she refused...and Hide used all his strength to push Song away...while screaming at Yoona to run away.

Once again, the three of them were all running for their lives...and Kim was the last one....trying to protect Yoona and Hide. At the elevator, Kim pushed them both in it...and during this, he got shot in the back. He told Yoona and Hide to go first...he would get the harddrive back...Yoona asked him to come with them...

But then Kim said, "Go...just go..." Yoona refused, "Let's go together...please...together." Kim replied, "Listen to me...just go. For once, I would like to see a smile on your face. Go now!" So I guess from this, I got the feeling that Kim liked Yoona. Maybe?!

Anyway, Yoona and Hide successfully escaped...and saw the police and Takumi. Yoona quickly told Takumi to go after Kim...to see if he was alright.

Takumi quickly went upstairs...and found Kim slumped on the floor...Takumi tried to wake him up...and Kim did for a bit...smiling at Takumi, with tears in his eyes. Such a tragic sad moement. :tears:

Takumi went back downstairs...Yoona knew that Kim died...and the police officers were going to send her off again...but Takumi requested them to let her go to the hospital first because Yooni had woken up, asking for her.

Takumi went to the prison to visit Mokomichi's father Ryoichiro (sp?). Asking him for clues as to where Song would be hiding. Ryoichiro told Takumi that Song might be hiding in the KH holdings building. Then the next scene, we saw Mokomichi's sister visiting Ryoichiro...saying, "That's the book you were asking for, right Papa?!" We saw Ryoichiro with the book, and ripped off the cover...and found a long roll of thin metal wire.

Anyway, Takumi really went to the KH Holdings building...Song saw him coming through the camera and phoned Takumi, asking him to meet in the basement.

Well, Takumi saw Song...and said, "24 years ago, you killed my father. You killed Ai/Yoona's parents. And now you killed my best friends Kim and the other side kick...I want to kill you but I can't." (not sure here) Then they had a long conversation which I didn't really get...but the program was completed...and just as Song was going to activate it, Song's cellphone rang. Apparently, it was Yooni who was calling. She thanked Song for taking care of her...and that she loved him still, and called him "Dad". She couldn't forget about him...something to that effect. Yoona took over the phone...and you could tell Song was deeply touched by this...but he still said with tears in his eyes, "You stupid sisters...still calling me father..."

Yoona then said, "We can't change the past...what's done is done...but we can have/change the future, right father?!"

Song was so angry at himself...then he took out his gun...Takumi, scared that he would do anything, took out his gun in defense. But luckily, Song just shot at the aquarium. It was then Song was truly defeated by the two sisters' love, kindness and forgiveness. Takumi took over Song's cellphone and told Yoona that everything was alright...and that it was all over. Yoona was so happy...and asked Takumi if it was true. That everything was okay....Takumi reassured her.

Back at the hospital, the police officers said it was really time for Yoona to go. But hehee...Akira asked the police officers for one more favor...to ask them to let Yoona see Takumi before she left.

Song finally surrendered and closed the program...unhooking the harddrive from the computer. Just as he was handing the harddrive to Takumi...another shot from behind...hitting Song.

We turned around and saw Ryoichiro was the one who fired the shot. Takumi was shocked of course. Anyway, to cut the story short....Ryoichiro killed Song off...and demanded Takumi to hand over the harddrive.

:blink: I think my heart was bursting from here...dying of suspense...because Takumi was in danger.

The harddrive was under Takumi's feet...and he kicked it to Ryoichiro...diverting his attention so that Takumi could get his gun and shoot at Ryoichiro. We heard a shot...the next scene, we saw both Takumi and Ryoichiro with guns, pointing at each other. So at this moment, we still had no damn clue who got shot.

Then we saw Ryoichiro with his wicked smile...and the next scene...we saw Takumi holding on to his stomach...blood was spilling out. Takumi fell to the floor.... :tears:

Ryoichiro was so happy that he finally got the harddrive...and as he was walking away...someone stabbed him in the back. Guess who we have here this time...Mokomichi himself. He said as he stabbed his father, "Let's stop this...stop all this."

Ryoichiro was shocked...shouting something like how could you do this to your own father...and something more...but I didn't know what. But you could tell that Mokomichi loved his father...that he was truly sad he did this...he held on to his father crying.

Anyway, back to Takumi...he was really in pain...but he used all his strength to get up and used his gun to shoot at the harddrive...so it would be destroyed forever. As that shot rang through into the night...the whole police crew ran in the building to help out...

Yoona ran in too...tremendously worried about Takumi. And finally, she saw Takumi walking out from the crowd...she smiled...but then, she realized something was wrong...something was not right...

She and Takumi walked towards each other...and Takumi crumbled into Yoona's embrace...

Yoona cried and screamed for Takumi, "Please don't close your eyes...please don't close your eyes. You asked me to believe you...and I believe you. Please don't close your eyes." She kept on crying as Takumi closed his eyes....

And my goodness, the credits began rolling...and we hear Ayaka's song "I believe".

I myself was screaming my head off...NO NO NO NO NO I refused to take this as an ending. NO damnit no...don't you dare do this to us....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...... :blink::tears:

But in the middle of the song...the next scene was in front of the Korean restaurant that Yoona and Yooni opened. It was closed...but we heard voices...then we saw inside. Hide and Yooni were cooking together...and you could tell they were a pair now...romantically involved. Suddenly, the old couple from across came in...and said, "Wow...so sweet here...(referring to the young couple)...nice smell...what are you cooking?"

Yooni cheerfully replied, "Special dishes!" And the old couple remembered, "Oh yeah...your sister is coming back today!"

Next scene, at the harbour...we saw Yoona...beautiful in her light blue jacket and white pants. Wind blowing through her hair...she had a calm smile on her face. Suddenly, she looked down and saw Justice...and then another dog, same breed as Justice, came forward to. Then we saw someone walking towards them...and it was TAKUMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :w00t::D

Wooohoooo...it was Takumi...he didn't die! Anyway, when Takumi and Yoona's eyes met...Takumi said in Korean, "Welcome back".

They walked towards each other...and Yoona said in Japanese, "Tadaima (I am home)." They hugged...and kissed again...WOOHOOOooooooooo :blush: This time, no more weird response/reaction from Yoona...

She smiled...they both smiled after the kiss...and kept on hugging each other. Suddenly, sakura cherry blossom petals, (I think) were everywhere...just like the last time they saw first snow together. Yet this time, it was day time, and it wasn't snow anymore.

Then both Takumi and Yoona said "Rondo"...and smiled at each other, laughed...and hugged.


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Guest dadedum

:w00t: ^ thanks Yvonne! :w00t:

Japanese dramas tend to like doing that: *imply a bad ending, then after they finish playing the theme song, reverts to a happy scene* :lol:

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:crazy: :fury:

OMG...I almost had a heart attack...I literally screamed my heart out the last 10 minutes or more. Then I really did scream the last 5 minutes. Omg...omg...I think I almost died. So d@mn intense...I have never been that intense watching a drama before.


Ok...once again with my limited Japanese. So sorry if there are some parts I couldn't explain clearly for I don't even get it myself.

Final Ep

Yoona left with Kim to the Japanese police. She confessed everything, and told the police as much as she could about Song.

On the other hand, Takumi met up with Akira...and Akira handed him a note from Hide. In the note, Hide told Akira that he had escaped from the hospital...maybe to try to find clues or whatsoever to help out Takumi.

Takumi said something after seeing the note...maybe try to find Hide or something, so he was going to leave. Akira tried to stop him when bunch of policemen came up to them. They tried to run, but police blocked them off both ways. At first, they were scared that the policemen were here to capture Takumi. Surprisingly, they called him by his real name "Kaneyama Takumi"...meaning that they knew he was a police, his real identity.

Turns out that the police found an envelope in Isesaki's office, containing Takumi's police badge and certificate of some sort.

So finally, Takumi could be a police again...and in the police station, his mother came rushing in to meet him. She said that Isesaki san really kept his promise in protecting Takumi until the end...that he always looked after Takumi...so the mother told Takumi to treasure Isesaki's wish. I guess she meant that Takumi should be careful...to treasure his life...I guess. Then Takumi gave his father's watch back to his mother. Telling her to keep it...it must be a significant thing...but I don't really know what it signified. Maybe that Takumi could finally move on.

Anyway, the whole police force including Takumi and Kim had a big meeting about how to capture Kim and stop him from destroying Japan's economy. At the end of the meeting, Takumi asked Kim about Yoona's condition. Kim told him that Japan police had finished investigating Yoona...so now Yoona had to go back to Korea...and see what Korea police would do with her. Kim also mentioned something about Yoona's complicated nationality problem...about getting her real identity/nationality back, etc. If she could, maybe it would be all right.

Yoona was in the questioning room, and Akira once again asked permission from other police officers to have some private time with Yoona. Akira told Yoona that Takumi had his police idenitity back, so Yoona could stop worrying. Akira also asked Yoona if she had anything to tell Takumi. Yoona shook her head, and said no. But Akira refused to take no as an asnwer, telling Yoona that they might not see each other again. So at least say something to Takumi...but still, Yoona said she had nothing to say.

The police came in and said it was about time Yoona left for the airport. Akira looked on helplessly. In the hallway, Takumi and Yoona passed by each other. At first, it looked as if Takumi pretended not to know Yoona. But of course, how could this be possible. Takumi turned around and shouted to Yoona that he would definitely find and capture Song. Then he asked her to believe in him. And Yoona smiled and replied that she believed in him.

On the way to the airport, (as you see in the preview), a police officer sitting in the front suddenly turned around to shoot the two police officers in the back (one of them was Kim's side-kick). Yoona was so freaked out...it turned out that this bad police was under Mokomichi's character. This baddie police mentioned something about killing off Isesaki...I think. While this was happening, Yoona quietly used the side-kick's cellphone to call Kim for help. Kim got the call...but nobody on the other side answering, thus he knew something's up.

This baddie police brought Yoona to Mokomichi's hiding place...and Mokomichi asked Yoona to help him finish the program. Yoona refused, and said that there was no way she could do anything now, without the computer and harddrive. Then suddenly, Mokomichi got out the harddrive...and said, "Now you can do it." Though Yoona still refused...and it was then, Mokomichi's helpers took out Hide...

Hide was beaten up badly...and Mokomichi said if Yoona didn't help, he would kill Hide. Hide then shouted to Yoona in Korean, telling her not to do it...that even if he (Hide) died, it didn't matter...just don't do it. Mokomichi kicked Hide a few times...and finally, Yoona agreed.

While Yoona was on the internet typing endless codes...she tried to hack into the police system, asking for help. She somehow type some code that results in the childhood song (the song that was on the disc Yooni made)...Takumi, in the police office, heard this song...and realized that Yoona was in trouble. He asked the computer tech to trace her...but before he could...

Yoona had to cut off the signal...because Mokomichi found out what she was doing...he was angry and was pointing a gun at her. Suddenly, a gunshot rang through...and it was Kim, coming to the rescue!!! He quickly helped Hide...and shouted at Yoona to retrieve the harddrive. Many many gunshots happening...the three of them finally made it out.

Unfortunately, just when we thought everything was okay...someone shot Kim. Kim crumbled down...and we saw the shooter was Song. Song asked Yoona to hand over the harddrive...she refused...and Hide used all his strength to push Song away...while screaming at Yoona to run away.

Once again, the three of them were all running for their lives...and Kim was the last one....trying to protect Yoona and Hide. At the elevator, Kim pushed them both in it...and during this, he got shot in the back. He told Yoona and Hide to go first...he would get the harddrive back...Yoona asked him to come with them...

But then Kim said, "Go...just go..." Yoona refused, "Let's go together...please...together." Kim replied, "Listen to me...just go. For once, I would like to see a smile on your face. Go now!" So I guess from this, I got the feeling that Kim liked Yoona. Maybe?!

Anyway, Yoona and Hide successfully escaped...and saw the police and Takumi. Yoona quickly told Takumi to go after Kim...to see if he was alright.

Takumi quickly went upstairs...and found Kim slumped on the floor...Takumi tried to wake him up...and Kim did for a bit...smiling at Takumi, with tears in his eyes. Such a tragic sad moement. :tears:

Takumi went back downstairs...Yoona knew that Kim died...and the police officers were going to send her off again...but Takumi requested them to let her go to the hospital first because Yooni had woken up, asking for her.

Takumi went to the prison to visit Mokomichi's father Ryoichiro (sp?). Asking him for clues as to where Song would be hiding. Ryoichiro told Takumi that Song might be hiding in the KH holdings building. Then the next scene, we saw Mokomichi's sister visiting Ryoichiro...saying, "That's the book you were asking for, right Papa?!" We saw Ryoichiro with the book, and ripped off the cover...and found a long roll of thin metal wire.

Anyway, Takumi really went to the KH Holdings building...Song saw him coming through the camera and phoned Takumi, asking him to meet in the basement.

Well, Takumi saw Song...and said, "24 years ago, you killed my father. You killed Ai/Yoona's parents. And now you killed my best friends Kim and the other side kick...I want to kill you but I can't." (not sure here) Then they had a long conversation which I didn't really get...but the program was completed...and just as Song was going to activate it, Song's cellphone rang. Apparently, it was Yooni who was calling. She thanked Song for taking care of her...and that she loved him still, and called him "Dad". She couldn't forget about him...something to that effect. Yoona took over the phone...and you could tell Song was deeply touched by this...but he still said with tears in his eyes, "You stupid sisters...still calling me father..."

Yoona then said, "We can't change the past...what's done is done...but we can have/change the future, right father?!"

Song was so angry at himself...then he took out his gun...Takumi, scared that he would do anything, took out his gun in defense. But luckily, Song just shot at the aquarium. It was then Song was truly defeated by the two sisters' love, kindness and forgiveness. Takumi took over Song's cellphone and told Yoona that everything was alright...and that it was all over. Yoona was so happy...and asked Takumi if it was true. That everything was okay....Takumi reassured her.

Back at the hospital, the police officers said it was really time for Yoona to go. But hehee...Akira asked the police officers for one more favor...to ask them to let Yoona see Takumi before she left.

Song finally surrendered and closed the program...unhooking the harddrive from the computer. Just as he was handing the harddrive to Takumi...another shot from behind...hitting Song.

We turned around and saw Ryoichiro was the one who fired the shot. Takumi was shocked of course. Anyway, to cut the story short....Ryoichiro killed Song off...and demanded Takumi to hand over the harddrive.

:blink: I think my heart was bursting from here...dying of suspense...because Takumi was in danger.

The harddrive was under Takumi's feet...and he kicked it to Ryoichiro...diverting his attention so that Takumi could get his gun and shoot at Ryoichiro. We heard a shot...the next scene, we saw both Takumi and Ryoichiro with guns, pointing at each other. So at this moment, we still had no damn clue who got shot.

Then we saw Ryoichiro with his wicked smile...and the next scene...we saw Takumi holding on to his stomach...blood was spilling out. Takumi fell to the floor.... :tears:

Ryoichiro was so happy that he finally got the harddrive...and as he was walking away...someone stabbed him in the back. Guess who we have here this time...Mokomichi himself. He said as he stabbed his father, "Let's stop this...stop all this."

Ryoichiro was shocked...shouting something like how could you do this to your own father...and something more...but I didn't know what. But you could tell that Mokomichi loved his father...that he was truly sad he did this...he held on to his father crying.

Anyway, back to Takumi...he was really in pain...but he used all his strength to get up and used his gun to shoot at the harddrive...so it would be destroyed forever. As that shot rang through into the night...the whole police crew ran in the building to help out...

Yoona ran in too...tremendously worried about Takumi. And finally, she saw Takumi walking out from the crowd...she smiled...but then, she realized something was wrong...something was not right...

She and Takumi walked towards each other...and Takumi crumbled into Yoona's embrace...

Yoona cried and screamed for Takumi, "Please don't close your eyes...please don't close your eyes. You asked me to believe you...and I believe you. Please don't close your eyes." She kept on crying as Takumi closed his eyes....

And my goodness, the credits began rolling...and we hear Ayaka's song "I believe".

I myself was screaming my head off...NO NO NO NO NO I refused to take this as an ending. NO damnit no...don't you dare do this to us....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...... :blink::tears:

But in the middle of the song...the next scene was in front of the Korean restaurant that Yoona and Yooni opened. It was closed...but we heard voices...then we saw inside. Hide and Yooni were cooking together...and you could tell they were a pair now...romantically involved. Suddenly, the old couple from across came in...and said, "Wow...so sweet here...(referring to the young couple)...nice smell...what are you cooking?"

Yooni cheerfully replied, "Special dishes!" And the old couple remembered, "Oh yeah...your sister is coming back today!"

Next scene, at the harbour...we saw Yoona...beautiful in her light blue jacket and white pants. Wind blowing through her hair...she had a calm smile on her face. Suddenly, she looked down and saw Justice...and then another dog, same breed as Justice, came forward to. Then we saw someone walking towards them...and it was TAKUMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :w00t::D

Wooohoooo...it was Takumi...he didn't die! Anyway, when Takumi and Yoona's eyes met...Takumi said in Korean, "Welcome back".

They walked towards each other...and Yoona said in Japanese, "Tadaima (I am home)." They hugged...and kissed again...WOOHOOOooooooooo :blush: This time, no more weird response/reaction from Yoona...

She smiled...they both smiled after the kiss...and kept on hugging each other. Suddenly, sakura cherry blossom petals, (I think) were everywhere...just like the last time they saw first snow together. Yet this time, it was day time, and it wasn't snow anymore.

Then both Takumi and Yoona said "Rondo"...and smiled at each other, laughed...and hugged.


michi, thanks so much for the translation, can't wait to see them in tomorrow, he!he

such a happy ending, will search for the DVD box, he!he

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Give u a ton of thanks , Yvonne. I didn't expect to be able to read the sumary this early. Wow, U DID IT. thx again, just love ur sumary :blush: :D Jump up n down waiting for the last eps. :blush: :phew:

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Guest sophia76

Thanks a lot Yvonne!!

I can't wait to read your review...I was so eagerness abut this episode.

Beary Bear, thank for the screencaps

I can't believe! The ep. 11 is already available in d-addict! :w00t:

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Guest Yvonne

You are all very welcome! I am so happy that you found it useful...excuse my bad Japanese.

Hope to see more of Yutaka and Jiwoo together! :wub::wub:

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Guest apple red

Thanks for the translation Yvonne...

what can we do without you...the foreigners like us have no clue what was goin on in the dramas without you....lol

Thanks for the translation Yvonne...

what can we do without you...the foreigners like us have no clue what was goin on in the dramas without you....lol

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I'm downloading, and my patient almost gone out cause of the terrible speed! :crazy:

I like to watch the KISS!!!!!!!!!


Thanks Yvonne and roaceica so much. I wanna hug you so tightly.^^

Waiting for the rating result... opps...ya...shouldn't care abt the rating, right...but still want to know.^_^

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I'm downloading, and my patient almost gone out cause of the terrible speed! :crazy:

I like to watch the KISS!!!!!!!!!


Thanks Yvonne and roaceica so much. I wanna hug you so tightly.^^

Waiting for the rating result... opps...ya...shouldn't care abt the rating, right...but still want to know.^_^


i just watched the episode!!!! (thanks to roaceica~)and the kiss of course! Oh man...i'm really speechless. It's not just the kiss...it's the entire scene. Honestly, no two actors can make a picture this beautiful....and the kiss! Hmm...somehow I felt like Takumi was lingering for more...hahah...oh well, guess yoona and takumi can settle that later... :w00t: But yeah, the two of them are amazing, I'm so sad I can't see them weekly anymore! I really really pray they collaborate again....

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(3) If "Rondo" can remain the 3rd most watched drama this winter? According to calculations, the last episode must draw at least 17% in ratings to sustain a comfortable 3rd position.


You predicted it right BB. 11th episode rating is 17.7%.

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