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Guest kanpatr

Han Ji Min and So Ji Sup as Lovers in Cain and Abel

Han Ji Min has been confirmed for SBS Cain and Abel as the leading lady.


Han Ji Min will join So Ji Sup, Shin Hyun Joon and Chae Jung Ahn as the main cast who was confirmed earlier. Han Ji Min will play a refugee in the drama and have a triangle relationship between So Ji Sup and Chae Jung Ahn. Cain and Abel is a story about the conflict between two brothers and how much they hate each other. Filming begins in November and airing in February 2009.

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Guest thowysg

soompi was down for quite awhile...u guys beat me to it...hhehe..yes...confirmation on coolsmurf's site that jimin will be joining Cain & Abel... :P yeaahhhh...get to see her again...

hi kanpatr..valleygirl...maneneuen....graceyco...zetta...& all jimin fans!

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Guest kanpatr

한지민 '카인과 아벨'케스팅 여부 관심집중!


'아 어떻게 하지 고민중'

한지민이 드라마 '카인과 아벨'의 주연으로 물망에 오르 내리고 있어 이목이 집중되고 있다.

내년 2월 방영예정인 SBS 새 드라마 '카인과 아벨'에 이미 캐스팅 된 배우 소지섭, 신현준, 채정안 다음으로 한지민이 거론되고 있는 것.

지난 6월 MBC 사극 '이산'에서 맹활약한 한지민은 현재 휴식을 취하며 다음 작품을 위한 준비기간을 가지고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.

하지만 아직 계약이 완료되지 않은 상태여서 소속사 측과 드라마 제작진은 한지민의 출연을 고려하고 있는 것으로 알려져 이 같은 관심을 받고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.

한편 드라마 '카인과 아벨'은 병원을 배경으로 외부 세력의 권력 다툼에 대항하는 천재 의사 동생과 그에 가려 능력을 인정받지 못하는 형의 대립과 갈등을 다룬 드라마로 전해졌다.

형과 동생 역에 각각 신현준, 소지섭이 캐스팅 됐고 두 사람의 사랑을 받는 여자로 채정안이 낙점됐다.


What does it mean???

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Guest valley girl

Han Ji Min Joins “Cain and Abel” as So Ji Sub’s Lover

Actress Han Ji Min, who played the role of Song Yeon in MBC’s “Yi San“, will be playing in SBS’s upcoming drama “Cain and Abel“, collaborating with So Ji Sub, Shin Hyun Joon and Chae Jung Ahn.

With the addition of Han Ji Min and the confirmed cast of So Ji Sub, Shin Hyun Joon and Chae Jung Ahn a while back, all four leading cast of the drama have been selected. Han Ji Min will play as a refugee in the drama and will get involved in a love triangle with So Ji Sub and Chae Jung Ahn.

“Cain and Abel”, which depicts the conflict between two brothers, will begin its filming in November and is scheduled to air in February next year.

Finally a new drama for Han Ji Min! So this confirms the rumour that has been going around for the past few days on Han Ji Min cast for the drama. It goes that Han Ji Min had attended the ice-breaking session for the drama and therefore sources confirmed her involvement in this drama. A versatile actress where her drawback is probably her small build. Now this news just up my anticipation for the drama.

Source: mydaily

translation http://www.hanfever.com/2008/10/21/han-ji-...over/#more-1529

anyway chae joon ahn is same manajemen with Han jimin, kim jae Won , and a woman who potray as Kim sam soon mom in MNIKSS

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Guest thowysg

found this article dated 20th Oct 08...she looks pretty as usual...dunno what it says...probably smthg to do with cain & abel...

한지민, ‘카인과 아벨’ 출연? ‘조율중’


배우 한지민의 SBS 새 드라마 ‘카인과 아벨’ 출연여부에 관심이 몰리고 있다.

‘카인과 아벨’은 드라마 ‘투명인간 최장수’의 박계옥 작가와 드라마 ‘외과의사 봉달희’의 김형식 PD가 손을 잡은 작품으로 형제간의 운명적인 갈등을 그린다.

주요 배역에 배우 소지섭, 신현준, 채정안 등의 출연이 확정되면서 화제를 모으고 있다.

최근 “한지민이 ‘카인과 아벨’에 출연 한다”는 소식이 전해졌으나, 한지민 측은 “제작관계자들과 출연여부를 조율 중”이라고 밝힌 것으로 알려졌다.

이 작품에서 소지섭은 천재적인 의사 초인 역을, 신현준은 의사로서 능력, 아버지의 사랑, 사랑하는 사람을 모두 초인에게 뺏겼다고 믿는 형 선우 역을 맡았다.

채정안은 두 형제 사이에서 고민하는 서연 역에 캐스팅 됐다.

‘카인과 아벨’은 여자 주인공 캐스팅을 마무리 짓고 다음 달 첫 촬영에 들어간다


Another article dated 12th Oct 08...she was presenting a cheque or something to Pizza Hut...another charity event?

[포토엔]JTS 홍보대사 한지민, 세계 기아 퇴치 기금마련 캠페인 참여



탤런트 한지민이 굶주린 북한어린이를 돕기 위해 캠페인 조인식에 참가했다.

국제구호단체 JTS 홍보대사인 한지민은 13일 오전 10시 30분 서울 강남구 청담동 피자헛 학동점에서 JTS - 피자헛과 함께 ‘세계 기아 퇴치 주간’ 을 맞아 캠페인 조인식을 가졌다.

‘세계 기아 퇴치 주간’ 캠페인은 전세계 피자헛과 모기업인 얌브랜드가 오는 16일 세계 식량의 날을 맞아 13일부터 31일까지 ‘세계 기아 퇴치 주간’ 을 선정해 진행되는 것이며, 전세계적으로 총 50만명 이상의 사람들을 도울 기금을 마련하는 것이 목표다.

기간 중에는 JTS 홍보대사 탤런트 한지민을 비롯해 탤런트 배종옥, 김여진 등이 직접 매장에서 일일 팀메이트로 일하면서 일반인들의 참여를 유도할 예정이다.

Think this is a christian gathering of sorts....

탤런트 한지민 “굶주린 북한 주민들 위해…”

평소 거리캠페인 등을 통해 1200만원 모금하기도 [2008-10-08 09:10]


7일 오전 10시 아사(餓死) 위기에 있는 북한주민을 위한 지원을 촉구하기 위한 1백만명 서명 전달식에는 탤런트 한지민 씨도 참석해 힘을 보탰다.

‘민족의 화해와 평화를 위한 종교인 모임’이 주최한 이번 행사에서 메시지를 전한 한지민 씨는 “이렇게 여러 종교계 어르신들 계신 자리에 감히 나와 메시지를 전해도 되는지 모르겠다”며 말문을 열었다. 한지민 씨는 “북한 주민들이 먹을 것이 없어서 굶어 죽어가고 있다는 소식을 듣고 충격적이었고, 믿을 수 없었다”고 말했다.

한지민 씨는 사회복지학과 출신으로, 이전에도 굶주린 북한 주민들에 대한 애틋한 마음을 표현해 왔다. 이번 대국민 서명을 진행할 때도 주말을 이용, 거리캠페인을 펼쳤다. 또 북한전문 구호단체인 JTS와 함께 거리로 나가 악수 한 번에 1천원씩 모금하는 방법으로 모금운동을 펼쳐 무려 1200만원이라는 거금을 모금, 북한 및 제3세계 어린이들을 돕는 일에 전달하기도 했다.

이어 한지민 씨는 1백만인 서명캠페인 소감에 대해 “1백만명이라고 해서 어떻게 그들이 모여 서명할까 막막했다”면서도 “길거리에 나가서 소리질러 외쳐서 ‘서명해 주십시오’라고 했을 때 처음에는 제 얼굴 보고 오셔서 궁금해 하시다가 메시지를 듣고 함께 이름 남겨주셨다”는 말로 서명에 동참한 모든 이들에게 감사의 뜻을 표하기도 했다.

한지민 씨는 마지막으로 “정치와 이념 논쟁을 떠나 한 생명을 살리는 일에 1백만명이 동참한 것이라 생각하고 감사의 말씀 전해드리고 싶다”며 “좀더 희망적인 날이 올 때까지 저도 더 열심히 발로 뛰겠다”는 각오를 전해 큰 박수와 환호를 받았다.

한 씨는 행사가 끝날 때까지 자리를 지켰으며, 여러 매체들과 인터뷰를 갖기도 했다

Sorry..don't have to do the translation of the above articles unless anyone wants to...inserted them cuz of the pictures.. :)

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thowysq.. i use ol translation.. here is the ste result.. hehehe

Han Ji Min, Cain and Abel 'on? 'Joyuljung'

Han Ji-min of the SBS new drama actors' Cain and Abel, are flocking interested in whether or not her.

'Cain and Abel' drama 'Mahoning Valley Wildcats' bakgyeok writers and drama of the' Surgeon Bong Dal Hee, took the hand of the gimhyeongsik PD conflicts, it draws between the brothers.

Key role in the actor So Ji-sub, Shin Hyun-jun, such as chaejeongan on the topic has confirmed.

"I hanjimin the Cain and Abel 'is on," said the news, but Han Ji-min's "Origin of the coordination officials and whether the show," he reportedly said.

This work of a genius, a doctor in the sojiseop the role of superpower, Shin Hyun-jun in the capacity as a doctor, my father's love, all the people you love, the role of super Sunwoo brother was believed to ppaetgyeotdago.

The problems between the two brothers seoyeon chaejeongan was cast at the station.

'Cain and Abel, a woman who cast the first shooting next month, will finish

Another article dated 12th Oct 08 ... she was presenting a cheque or something to Pizza Hut ... another charity event?

[Potoen] JTS ambassador Han Ji Min, the world participate in campaigns to raise money to fight hunger

To help the starving North Korean child actress Han Ji Min has participated in the campaign signing ceremony.

JTS International aid organizations promoting the cause of death on October 13 Han Ji Min 10:30 a.m. Children's points and Pizza Hut in Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul JTS - Pizza Hut with the fight world hunger day's campaign held a signing ceremony.

'Fight world hunger day' campaign, Pizza Hut and the parent of the world's yambeuraendeuga 16 days of World Food Day 13-31-week fight world hunger, and that will be selected, a total of 50 worldwide More than 10,000 people to a fund to help the people of the goal.

JTS, including ambassador during the talent baejongok actress Han Ji-min, 11 gimyeojin in stores and directly to work timmeyiteuro is expected to attract participation from the public.

Think this is a christian gathering of sorts ....

Han Ji Min talent "for starving North Korean people ..."

12,000,000 won through the usual fund raising campaign to the streets [2008-10-08 09:10]

History 7 days at 10 am (饿死) crisis, urging support for the North Korean people to 1,000,000 people passed the signature ceremony attended talent lost to Mr. Han Ji Min.

'Religious meeting for peace and national reconciliation' was the message from the event hosted by Han Ji-min said, "How dare you do this, several religious Was your place I do not know me, we can take a message," he began. Han Ji-min said, "to eat because they're starving North Korean people are shocked to hear the news jeokyieotgo, I could not believe it," he said.

Mr. Han Ji Min from the Department of Social Welfare, before starving North Korean people has been expressed about the aeteuthan mind. The signing will take place when the public use this weekend, said the street campaign. JTS also with North Korea aid group went out to the street to shake his hand at one time, how to raise a cheonwonssik 12,000,000 won three out of the fund-raising effort to raise much money, North Korea, and Article 3 was passed on to help the world's children.

The signature campaign baekmanin a feel for Mr. Han Ji Min, "said 1,000,000 people together and how they want to sign makmakhaetda" but "go out on the street oechyeoseo scream 'Please sign the call to come and see my face when I first want to know the message hasidaga Was listening to leave a message with the name "to sign the words to thank all the people that pay dongchamhan said.

Finally, Mr. Han Ji Min "political and ideological work to save a man's life argument, leaving 1 million people and dongchamhan think I want to thank you, we'll have" the "little hope until the day comes when I ttwigetda feet harder," the Tell him to take a big round of applause and cheers said.

Han until the end of the jikyeoteumyeo, have had several interviews with media

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Guest thowysg

thowysq.. i use ol translation.. here is the ste result.. hehehe

hi zetta...thanks for the translation!..when i tried doing that using yahoo..it didn't make sense...yours made more sense...although not perfect...but hey...we're happy.. :)

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Guest ashleesimpson

hi all

thowysg, zetta, grace, valley_girl

just heard about her drama with ji sub, OMG

I'm so happy and excited to see her acting again

and this time with ji sub

ji min will be ji sub's lover, OMG, can't wait for this couple

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hi all

thowysg, zetta, grace, valley_girl

just heard about her drama with ji sub, OMG

I'm so happy and excited to see her acting again

and this time with ji sub

ji min will be ji sub's lover, OMG, can't wait for this couple

thowysq... hehe.. i just try click copy and paste to the translation box at google.. hehehe

another jiji will be born ashlee... jimin-jisub... hehehehe

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Guest thowysg

hi all

thowysg, zetta, grace, valley_girl

just heard about her drama with ji sub, OMG

I'm so happy and excited to see her acting again

and this time with ji sub

ji min will be ji sub's lover, OMG, can't wait for this couple

hi ashlee..yes..we're all excited! i'm not a ardent fan of jisub..but he's eye candy so don't mind... :P

zetta..you're so right...maybe this jiji mix is better.. hahah

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Guest ashleesimpson

zetta, thowysg

I'm more excited because I'm a fan of them, both ji sub and ji min,heheheheh

yes, another jiji-couple is born.

if it's not ji min -ji hwan, ji sub is OK for me,hehe

the story line seems so interesting

the brother of ji sub in the drama loves ji min but ji sub loves her,too

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hi ashlee..yes..we're all excited! i'm not a ardent fan of jisub..but he's eye candy so don't mind... :P

zetta..you're so right...maybe this jiji mix is better.. hahah

OMO thowysq.. ji sub eye is soo deep when he sees people.. thats why i love him too besides ji hwan hehehe...

jiji mix.. hehe.. lets see what will happen next.. hehehe

even i love ji hwan.. but i dont know why.. i think C&A will get success more than TRIPLE.. but i dont want it happen.. i want both series get the same success..hehe

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Guest ashleesimpson


it seems like we both have the same tast,haha

I love ji sub's body and smile,hahaha

I have been a fan of him since 2003

i love him in Thousand years of love

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it seems like we both have the same tast,haha

I love ji sub's body and smile,hahaha

I have been a fan of him since 2003

i love him in Thousand years of love

hahaha.. yupz ashlee..we do..

i love him since glass slipper.. OMG he`s so charming...!!

but he always got the role who finally died in all his dramas i watched..

hope for this one he will happy with the girl he loves till end..!! hehe

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Guest thowysg


it seems like we both have the same tast,haha

I love ji sub's body and smile,hahaha

I have been a fan of him since 2003

i love him in Thousand years of love

hi ashlee & zetta...KBS is now showing "Sorry I love You".....lemme grow to like jisub's acting as well..heheheh...& yes zetta...i think Cain & Abel will do better than Triple...supposed jisub's & jimin's popularity are higher than the cast of Triple...jihwan included cuz he's just becoming famous unfortunately...

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Guest ashleesimpson


yes, he always died in his dramas

I have noticed that sometime ago, just accept for Thousand years of love, but they did end up together there.

hm, let's see what will happened in this one

and I heard the ratings competition is very hard,too

this drama will be against East of eden and world within.

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Guest thowysg


yes, he always died in his dramas

I have noticed that sometime ago, just accept for Thousand years of love, but they did end up together there.

hm, let's see what will happened in this one

and I heard the ratings competition is very hard,too

this drama will be against East of eden and world within.

hi ashlee...oh dear...yes..i just remembered World Within will also be showing...tough competition indeed....all the popular actors and actresses....

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thowysq.. i still not ready watching MISA.. i have known its ending.. my hurt will be broken again seeing Ji Sub die there... Nooo..!!!

anyway C&A casts have more power than TRIPLE.. and also its story.. but really really hope ji hwan and ji sub drama will reach the same success..!! hehehe...

ashlee..C&A will air in the same time wit EOE..?? whenC&A will be aired..??

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Guest ashleesimpson

thowysg, zetta

yes, I think I heard it will air at the same time with EOE and world within

the shooting is in Nov and it will air in February

OMG, 2008 and 2009 have so many big stars's comebacks

hyun bin, so ji sub, .... so many dramas to watch.


you haven't watch Misa??

OMG, I hurt my heart so much when I watched that drama, hic hic

all his dramas are so dramatic

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Guest thowysg

thowysq.. i still not ready watching MISA.. i have known its ending.. my hurt will be broken again seeing Ji Sub die there... Nooo..!!!

anyway C&A casts have more power than TRIPLE.. and also its story.. but really really hope ji hwan and ji sub drama will reach the same success..!! hehehe...

ashlee..C&A will air in the same time wit EOE..?? whenC&A will be aired..??

zetta...i'm watching MISA cuz no other shows are on now..heheh...waiting for the repeat telecast of You're My Destiny which is after MISA...unfortunately...i don't think no 2 dramas will have the same ratings, right? btw..what drama is "EOE"?

ashlee...jisub always plays the bad boy image....guess it's his look...heheh

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