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Guest angellata

Happy Birthday to our Ji Min! Wish her all the best!^^~~~!Hope you enjoy your time with family and friends! Don't worry about anything! Just be yourself!We will always support you! Love you so much! 

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배우 한지민이 커피를 끊었던 이유는 '이것'입력일F   2012.10.29 11:21 수정일  2012.10.29 11:32

    • 1029golddragon_top_1.jpg

      배우 한지민(30)이 최근 미국 오리건주에서 촬영한 화보가 화제다. 드라마 ‘옥탑방 왕세자’ ‘이산’에서 보여줬던 조신한 이미지와는 딴판이다. 매거진 ‘더 트래블러’ 11월호를 통해 공개된 한지민의 모습은 와일드한 서부개척시대 카우걸의 형상이다. 화보 콘셉트도 ‘와일드 웨스트 로드 무비’였다고 한다. 

      1029kdh_c.jpg강인한 카우걸로 변신한 한지민은 한동안 어지럼증으로 고생했다. 몇년 전 드라마 제작발표회 때는 대화조차 못할 만큼 어지럼증을 보여 주위 사람을 놀라게 하기도 했다. 속이 메스꺼운 증상이 지속되고 온몸에 식은 땀이 나기도 했다. 귀울림(이명)과 함께 청각 이상을 일으키는 메니에르병을 앓았던 것이다. 이름도 생소한 이 병의 원인은 귀 속 기관의 감염, 면역 이상, 알레르기 때문이라는 주장이 있으나 현재까지 정확한 원인은 밝혀지지 않고 있다. 

      1861년 프랑스의 의사 메니에르에 의해 처음으로 규명된 질환으로 서구에서 주로 발생했으나 최근에는 국내에서도 발병률이 높아지고 있다. 37세의 나이로 스스로 목숨을 끊은 네덜란드의 천재화가 빈센트 반 고흐가 자신의 한쪽 귀를 자르는 광기를 보인 것도 귀울림과 어지럼증으로 극심한 고통이 따르는 메니에르병 때문이라는 연구결과도 있다. 

      메니에르병 판정후 한지민은 좋아하던 커피를 멀리했다. 카페인과 알코올, 니코틴 등이 이 병에 해롭기 때문이다. 한지민은 “식이요법도 중요하지만 가장 중요한 건 스트레스의 내성을 키우는 것”이라고 했다. 모든 일을 긍정적으로 바라보니 어지럽거나 머리가 아픈 증상을 겪지 않게 됐다는 것이다. 이 병을 앓은 것도 세상을 밝게 살라는 뜻으로 받아들였다고 했다. 마음 다스리기와 자기관리로 희귀병인 메니에르 병을 이겨 낸 것이다. 예전엔 자신의 언행 때문에 누군가 상처받을까 봐 가슴 졸이고 살았는데 마음의 문턱을 낮추니 스트레스를 덜 받는다고 했다. 

      메니에르 병은 한지민 뿐만 아니라 배우 유지태도 앓은 적이 있다. 국내에서도 서구식 식습관으로 인해 매년 이 병을 앓는 환자가 급증하고 있다. 치료 과정에서 이뇨제나 항칼슘제 등 약물요법을 주로 사용하나 심하면 달팽이관에 물이 차지않도록 하는 수술도 한다. 예방을 위해서는 평소 음식을 싱겁게 먹는 게 가장 중요하다. 커피나 술, 담배, 스트레스를 피하고 충분한 수면을 취하는 것도 도움이 된다. 

      한지민은 요즘 커피를 즐기고 있다. 철저한 자기관리와 마인드 컨트롤로 건강한 몸을 유지하고 있기 때문이다. 환한 미소와 함께 모든 사람을 밝게 대하는 품성이 커피향 만큼이나 향기로운 한지민이다. 

      Cr: http://www.adweek.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=2068

      Does anyone know the content of the article above. too bad google translator interpret it, so I can't understand the contents of the article. But the little I can understand, is associated with Meniere's disease ...
      omo .. whether HJM onni have had Meniere's disease? there anyone who can tell me, please...
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Happy Birthday to the talented, pretty,sweet,adorable Han Ji Min <3
Han Ji Min is an actress that is just so likeable; she has a very sweet, nice aura 

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Guest dajungjoo


Happy Birthday Jimin~!! ^^ May you be blessed with happiness always~!! Supporting you always~!! <3

우리 지민 생일추카~!! ^^ 늘 행복하게 살길 바라용~!! 당신을 늘 응원할께용~!! <3

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source : http://www.facebook.com/official.hjm
소중한 마음과 정성이 담긴 선물들...
하나하나 고민하고 또 생각해서 만들고 준비하고..
그 마음과 사랑이 느껴지기에 감동스럽고..
미안할 만큼 감사한 마음입니다.

사랑받고 있음에 행복하고,
그 행복 돌려 드릴 수 있도록 항상 잊지않고 노력할게요.

고맙고.. 또 고맙습니다.

Your precious thoughts and meaningful presents...
All prepared & handmade one by one...
I am so thankful & overwhelmed by your sincere effort & love...

I am grateful to have your love & support.
I will always do my best to love you in return...

Thank you always.


source : http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=hjimin&no=82543

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I did a quick search online and it seems that she does have it.  
“A disorder of the inner ear that can affect hearing and balance. It is characterized by episodes of dizziness and tinnitus and progressive hearing loss, usually in one ear. It is caused by an increase in volume and pressure of the endolymph of the inner ear.” –Wikipedia
Her ailment isn’t severe, but leads to vertigo and dizziness when she’s tired.  Her hearing could possibly be lost in the long term.  (Correct me if I am wrong.)
I hope she continues to rest fully before doing another drama.  I feel bad now for missing her and wanting her to do another drama.  Now not anymore because her health is more important.  Amazing that she sacrifice herself to do back-to-back with Padam Padam and Rooftop Prince.  It paid off because it's now a hallyu hit internationally, and she had amazing chemistry with awesome friends.

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Guest cassiemouse

That's so sad..please rest well and take care of your health..... Happy Belated Birthday ...even if it's a little late, it means you can celebrate longer ....Will pray for your health and hope you'll have wonderful years  ahead with lots of blessings, love and happiness!!

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source :  Joscelyn Zell

source : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ardiri-Winery-and-Vineyards/116871268342339
We had the great honor of hosting The Traveler Korea magazine for a photo shoot this week, which will feature Ardiri in an upcoming spread on places to visit in Oregon. Han Ji-Min, one of Korea's most popular young actresses, sat down with Ardiri's winemaker John Compagno to learn about Pinot Noir.

The Traveller Magazine (scan version)
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Guest jjsweeter0211

JYJ Park Yoo Chun’s Leading Ladies

2012-11-11 12:00  l   CJ E&M enewsWorld

Park Yoo Chun made his debut as a singer in 2003, but the JYJ member has managed to conquer the acting world through a number of successful dramas. 

But behind every great man, there’s a great woman, so we’re looking back on some of heroines who helped make Park Yoo Chun’s journey to the top a smooth one.


Park Min Young

It takes quite the woman to make a (straight) man fall in love with you when you’re disguised as a man - just ask Park Min Young. 

Park Yoo Chun made his official Korean drama debut in KBS’ Sungkyunkwan Scandal, in which he starred opposite Park Min Young, who played his gender bending love interest. 

Despite it being Park Yoo Chun’s first Korean drama, the pair’s chemistry on screen was recognized off screen as well, as Park Yoo Chun and Park Min Young went on to receive the Best Couple and Netizens’ Award at the 2010 KBS Drama Awards

The drama also earned Park Yoo Chun the Best Actor Award and Park Min Young an Excellence Award at the same award show.


Lee Da Hae

The following year, Park Yoo Chun was cast in the MBC drama Miss Ripley opposite actress Lee Da Hae. 

We’re not sure how Park Yoo Chun’s character put up with the unpredictable and sometimes unstable Jang Mi Ri, played by Lee Da Hae. There’s something about Mi Ri, we guess. 

Park Yoo Chun earned the Best Newcomer Award and Most Popular Actor Award at the MBC Drama Awards in 2011 and 48th Paeksang Arts Awards, respectively for his role, but we think Lee Da Hae deserves some recognition as well for her portrayal of the crazy chick.


Han Ji Min

Park Yoo Chun then took his talents to SBS, where he starred opposite Han Ji Min in the time bending drama Rooftop Prince as a Joseon era crown prince.

Han Ji Min′s sweet, yet strong character proved to be a perfect match for His Royal Highness, past and present.

Again, Park Yoo Chun’s chemistry with his on screen partner Han Ji Min not only won viewers over, it earned the actors numerous awards, including the Outstanding Korean Actor and Korean Actress Awards and the drama a Best Korean Drama Award at the Seoul International Drama Awards as well.


Yoon Eun Hye

All of Park Yoo Chun’s leading ladies have certainly helped the actor shine on screen in the past, which leaves us all the more anxious to see how the dynamics between Park Yoo Chun and his co-star, Yun Eun Hye, in the new MBC melodrama I Miss You will play out.

In contrast to both Park Yoo Chun’s and Yun Eun Hye’s previous dramas, the darker tone of I Miss You has also heightened fans’ interest in the actors’ comeback piece. 

The drama may be off to a slow start in terms of ratings, but with Park Yoo Chun’s and Yun Eun Hye’s impressive track record in the drama world, we haven’t lost faith just yet. 

Which leading lady was your favorite?

Photo credit: KBS, MBC, SBS
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Ending Note press conference 4:30pm. today
source : http://blog.naver.com/papa_ending

source : http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=201211160803382210

Han Ji Min becomes the narrator for the movie Ending Note
janeyin2u November 16, 2012

Actress Han Ji Min is to become the narrator for the upcoming movie “Ending Note.” This movie is in the concept of “barrier-free,” meaning that it is suitable for handicaps who have visual or hearing impairments as it possesses both Korean subtitles and advanced audio explanations.

“It was good that I was able to observe life and family issues through a whole new perspective. Though the movie contained sad stories, it also had fun accounts so I laughed a lot as well. I hope that the audience gets touched in some way or another through my narration. I was happy that I was able to be part of something so special,” said Han Ji Min.

The director of the movie, Kim Jin Ho, also expressed, “Han Ji Min’s gentle and warm voice helped improved the movie’s overall atmosphere and I think that the audience will enjoy it too.”

The movie centers on a hard-working salaryman who looks forward to a new chapter in his life after his retirement. Alas, he hears the unfortunate news that he has terminal cancer and decides to spend his last remaining days to the fullest.

The movie will be released on November 29.

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