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【 Dir En Grey 】 The Thread

Guest sHIK-kUN

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Guest Admiral
Hey there and welcome, its great to have another Male member! Diru needs more male fans and more sensible fans lol, yeah I understand about the wanky fanbase but I guess people just can't help it, best to ignore it really. :)

I'm gay, so you may still be the only straight guy going to Diru shows ^_^;

Also, Shinya said in an interview once that he would reveal his love life when he was 30. He just turned 30. Bastard needs to give an interview soon, dammit :(

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SIX TIMES?!?!?! Sweet mother of all that is awesome, that's a lot. @_____@

And your hair is AH-MAZING! *lubs on Amber's hair* loool <3

*nods* Yep. Two times in London, then at the W:O:A, after that in Dresden, at the M'era Luna and the tour final in Munich.

Teehee, I love my hair. Somehow all of my friends here get some kind of j-rocker hair...one looks like Kaoru, one like a mixture of Shinya and Uruha...oh and one has Kyo-like hair, too.

Thanks Amber~~~<3

You're welcome ^_^

Also, Shinya said in an interview once that he would reveal his love life when he was 30. He just turned 30. Bastard needs to give an interview soon, dammit :(

Ah so THATS what his big secret was about...I wonder if he actually does spill anything.

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Guest precious4e

^ I hardly see Shinya do much talking

but yeah danar's comics is awesome! i love the NYC one with kyo :lol: great stuff.

NYC one? I don't think i've seen it!

... I saw 14 year olds at the concery I went to last year. @__@

but it was like an all ages one. and their parents were there.

When I went I saw a kid that looked like he was 11 and he was wearing a see through mesh shirt. I was like... :blink:

The parents were hilarious... on the lines they went up to people and asked "excuse me is this the line for Dir en grey?" lol they're so sweet for taking their kids to the concert. But I think many were shocked.

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^ I agree. Many of the parents were shocked

Made me laugh inside.

Cause I was like "Aww.. they don't know what their in for.

But it's awesome that they took their kids"

I noticed that Kyo had cut down on his cutting

cause of the parents.

The parents were just drinking and talking

while their kids were rocking out

One thing I remember the most was that

the bartender was a bit uncomfortable

when Kyo was cutting himself.

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Guest ladyyehse

lolol, omg i missed aki's post before, he posted at the same time i did ><

naw, i think ginny is in england, you are in japan?, and pou is in thailand, and im in america. LOL we should just meet in japan! :b

the nyc one was when diru comes to NYC and then kyo's like "OMG IS THAT THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING?" and then i forgot if it was kaoru or die who said "no kyo, its a trashcan" :lol:

must. see. diru. LIVE!

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Guest precious4e

Thanks for the pics! Looking good.

hmm....I don't think i've seen the danars comic with Kaoru's guitars either!

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Guest ladyyehse

WHOAS! where are those pics from???

my favorite:


totchi, kaoru, and shinya all have the same jacket ! lol, i like it :b

how old is totchi? 30s? cause he looks so young.

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Guest fifth_avenue
i'll be doing research at a natural products company (I major in pharmacy)

You're from Kyoto?! Cool that's the place I want to visit most (more than Tokyo). Haha awesome if you have time lemme know. I could use a tour guide muahaha. And well I won't live IN Fukuyama...i'll live NEAR it haha. I think it's a 20 min train ride away. I'll be staying in...Shinichi? My friend who went last year said there were rice paddies there.

Ooh majoring in Pharmacy, that's awesome! My cousin's are Pharmacists too, it makes me wish I studied harder in school so I could get into any medical field, but I just wasn't cut for it lol, and now I'm a lame Fashion Designer. :sweatingbullets: Yeah my Mother's hometown is Kyoto, but I've only been there a few times. Ohh ok, near Fukuyama... Hmm I haven't even been in Fukuyama yet LOL! But when you come to Japan, and if I'm still in the country I'll definately be a tour guide for you (in mainly the places I've been to haha). :lol:


Acid Black Cherry is AMAZING <3

And when you say Johnny's, you mean like KAT-TUN, NEWS and all them? Cuz I like KAT-TUN. XD *puts all the blame on Ginny for that one* =P

LOL! Japanese porn. XD I had a friend who told me that some Japanese porn is just hilarious to watch. loool.

Porn is gross, don't be watching it. :ph34r:

Acid Black Cherry is awesome! Yasu is amazing, and so are the support members (though I really wish it was a band instead of just being Yasu's solo project :( ) I only got to see RENTRER EN SOI once though, but Satsuki was cool, as usual haha, just a lot more screaming... :vicx: and by Johnny's yeah I meant KAT-TUN, Arashi, NEWS, etc... Call me gay but I use to really like NEWS, only until Hiroki got suspended, he was cool! (there was a time in my life that I wanted to audition for Johnny's Entertainment... Not that I can sing or dance HAHA :P ) I like KAT-TUN too! OMG Jin! ... Ok I better shut up now. :ph34r:

I know everyone says every guy watches porn... THAT'S NOT TRUE! :crazy: I infact -don't- watch porn, specifically Japanese porn, sure its hilarious funny at times but... Myself, being raised in Australia, I really can't get a grip on Japanese girl's voices... They're so highpitched and childish and like... Dude! When they scream/moan/whatever during sex it's such a turnoff, it sounds annoying, like they're in pain. It's scary. ROFL. :ph34r:

Yeah that was totally offtopic, but I just wanted to know if anyone else had the same view as me or am I just crazy. :wacko:

I'm gay, so you may still be the only straight guy going to Diru shows ^_^;

True true, but most of the fanbase tend to think all the male Diru fans are gay, I wonder why that is... and yes I'm completely straight, but sometimes I do find certain guys/celebs hot and that (just looks, not attraction). :sweatingbullets:

lolol, omg i missed aki's post before, he posted at the same time i did ><

naw, i think ginny is in england, you are in japan?, and pou is in thailand, and im in america. LOL we should just meet in japan! :b

Oh damn, seems like everyone is scattered all around the world, I guess a meetup is impossible, but seeing as meeting in Japan would do the trick, the only problem is for everyone to be in the country at the same time! :vicx:

OMG! I remember saving a whole bunch of danars' comics.

They were love. I wonder if she updated...

Last ones I saw was the ninja who stole kao's guitars

and he went on this big mission to find them

I remember that too! Haha good stuff, Danars is awesome, her comics never cease to make me laugh. :lol:

I love this pic, and the fact that they're all wearing leather jackets. :D

Also, Shinya said in an interview once that he would reveal his love life when he was 30. He just turned 30. Bastard needs to give an interview soon, dammit :(

HE HAS REVEALED IT! (not exactly his love life... the sneaky bastard lol.)

(taken from dir_en_grey @ LJ)

"When you guys receive this issue of FC magazine, I would have turned 30 by then. When I was 20, I promised that I shall reveal some of my secrets. Therefore I shall tell you something everyone is dying to know...

Firstly I'd like to tell you guys why the members always call me Yamochyun. The reason for this could be traced back to when I was 17. At that time I was called Shinemon by the members, simply becuase my stage name was Shinya, so they picked this nickname for me. Then one day, the guitarist Die started to call me Shinyamon, soon afterwards he decided that this name was way too complicated, the next day he just dropped the last 3 characters and called me Yamon instead. So then everyone was called me Yamori... After a few months, they just settled on calling me Yamochan.

Although I do intend to tell you more, I'm running out of space to write. oh how unfortunate, we shall continue in the FC issue when I turned 40. See ya."

Will they still be around when they're 40? I sure hope so. :wacko:

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Guest precious4e

^ hahahaha...oh Shinya. That's such an uninteresting secret to reveal....

But when you come to Japan, and if I'm still in the country I'll definately be a tour guide for you (in mainly the places I've been to haha). :lol:


and oh yea. Fashion designing is awesome. If I had any artistic talent what-so-ever I would so do it.

Yeah that was totally offtopic, but I just wanted to know if anyone else had the same view as me or am I just crazy. :wacko:
Yes I agree. It's annoying. :ph34r:
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Guest ladyyehse

^ooh ty.

LOL shinya is a dork.

ahem* young innocent girl here~ :lol:

i found one site for danars comics and her deviant but i've never seen that comic with kao and his guitars either D:

where do you guys find her comics? o.o

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Guest Olivia*sSlave*

just look in jrock humour and ask i bet billions have those saved

i'm watching dir en grey's namba hatch live

and i've come to the conclusion that kyo slowly goes to the brinking point of insanity during lives

just watching him go cross-eyed and all crazy like, it's crazy

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Guest precious4e

^ hahaha I remember when they zoomed in on him when he was making one of his faces. It was kinda shocking to see crazy kyo on the big screen haha. But he makes the show awesome.

edit: ooh another pwn. Time to dig for pics yet again


aW so cute

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Whoa, so many posts!

I've been sick the last few days...but I'm better now.

@Shinya's secret: Read it on LJ and almost laughed my head off. He's such a dork.

Diru are all in their 30s now...it feels strange to know the guys I adore are my age...just yesterday someone guessed my age was 22...I shocked her by telling her I'm 31...she totally didn't believe.

Those pics were from the Rockoon? Wow...I don't read it because I don't like the way they write...didn't even take a look at the recent issues... :sweatingbullets:

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Guest azero

holy crap @_@

hi aki!!, and everyone else :]

i read your posts about the fangirls and you are a brave warrior for ignoring and handling the situation properly :]

i wonder why jrock fans in general are such jerkoffs?? -.-

( and it was pretty fun trying to find this thread... )

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Guest precious4e

^ haha hey welcome back! yea we had too much convo and not enough pics so they booted us out of the "other celeb photos" forum lol

well mostly the obsessed hardcore jrock fans are a$$es. So far I've met mostly cool fans and a few idiots. But I think it's because I try to stay away from the big fan crowds. I have a feeling I WILL be annoyed if I get too close.

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Guest Admiral

Most of the crazy fans have liked them for years and are very elitist about it, as if liking Diru the longest somehow makes them superior. I think they're mostly angry that Diru aren't in drag anymore, so they take it out on the newer fans (the ones who liked them after all the drag went away).

Which is funny, because when I look at their old pictures I think "Damn, I'm sure glad Kyo doesn't look like a butch lesbian anymore."

...that was mean, wasn't it? Oh well. I stand by my statement. Kyo used to look like a butch lesbian. Just watch the videos from the Gauze era!

This point cannot be debated dammit. It is a hard fact.

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