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【 Dir En Grey 】 The Thread

Guest sHIK-kUN

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Guest Olivia*sSlave*

of course i'm taking care of my face, :D

meh i worked at cinnabon for 12 days

and got fired

cuz the manager said i didn't respond to him at all when i got along with his wife JUST fine

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Guest eternal_bliss

I have to ask, I mean I love them, but does anyone else besides me find them getting

more and more disturbing? I mean the PVs are sometimes pretty [uhmmmm] disturbing for the lack of better words...

or am I just being weird?


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Guest ladyyehse

well, i guess its just your opinion. personally, i hardly watch their PVs, i prefer watching their lives, lol.

recently diru has gone really dark and heavy, but i bet the new album is gonna be totally revamped and amazing!

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Guest precious4e


^hmm....their PVs from the beginning have always been disturbing to me lol. I still can't sit through the OBSCURE PV lol. Their songs have always been on the dark side but maybe now their sound is just heavier and has a lot more screaming.

meh i worked at cinnabon for 12 days

and got fired

cuz the manager said i didn't respond to him at all when i got along with his wife JUST fine

LOL wth....

I freakin want a cinnabon now.

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I have to ask, I mean I love them, but does anyone else besides me find them getting

more and more disturbing? I mean the PVs are sometimes pretty [uhmmmm] disturbing for the lack of better words...

or am I just being weird?


I personally like their PVs...but maybe that's just me. I'm a student of media science...and from that point of view they're really fascinating and an interesting object to analyze and interpret. I remember when I did that presentation on VK I showed them the uncut Obscure PV...it was interesting to watch their reactions.

And honestly...where Obscure was gory and kind of disturbing, for me the Dozing Green PV was alot more...subtle, almost artistic. Same for the Ryoukou no ame PV...all in b/w and with that unsteady handcam...here I go again...:lol:

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Guest Olivia*sSlave*

Dir en grey's pv's have all been directed by one guy so it's like the director grows with the band

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Guest Admiral

Hey everyone. I'm semi-new to Soompi and semi-new to this thread. After seeing it revived, I've decided to haunt it from now on. I'm a male American Dir en grey fan. I haven't seen them live yet since I only discovered them about a year ago. I've been playing catch up ever since, watching everthing related to them on YouTube and scouring the Internet for pictures. They're my new obsession.

You guys seem nice. I bring this up because most Dir en grey fans that I encounter on the net are absolutely obnoxious and end up making a lot of non-fans hate Dir en grey. They're the worst j-rock fans I have ever encountered and they make me feel embarassed to admit that I like the band. Especially the ones overly-obsessed with Kyo and his "message" and how everything he says is deep and it's like he's speaking directly to them and no one understand him like they do...they're insane...and there are lots of them.

Like I said, you guys seem nice. You don't yell at "noobs" and brag about how long you've been Diru fans, which is a great sign.

Nice to meet you all. I hope I post here often.

This thread is at 464 pages! There's no way I can look through all of that...I'll just pretend I've been posting here for a few years, and guys play along okay?

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Guest precious4e


^ haha welcome welcome. Yea the Diru fanbase can be beyond retarded and obnoxiously rude at times. I think there was just a discussion about that a few pages back lol.

Dir en grey's pv's have all been directed by one guy so it's like the director grows with the band

hmm never knew that

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Guest fifth_avenue

i'll be in Japan from July to the beginning of August. But I'm also working lol. I'm staying in Hiroshima prefecture near Fukuyama....heard it was the sticks. LoL but i'll be spending some time in Osaka and Tokyo and most likely Kyoto.

Oh ok that's cools, what kind of work are you doing? I might be able to meet with you whenever you're in Tokyo, Osaka or Kyoto (ahh Kyoto, makes me feel nostalgic lol, my hometown haha :lol: ) I live in Tokyo for the meanwhile (don't know when I'll be returning to Australia or either Singapore yet). I don't think Fukuyama is the sticks, it's still a city, at least its not some kind of village yeah? Ahaha :sweatingbullets:

I'M TOO YOUNG AND CLUELESS TO GO TO JAPAN BY MYSELF T__T lolol, and yes im sixteen aki~ youngest here :b

i think we planned to celebrate our bday all together too. lol but everyone is around the world D:

Yeah I want joint birthday damnit! Most of you guys live in the US or something rather yeah? I think one day we should just all meet up in Japan then. :D

Someone teach me how to say "I'm lost, please help me" in Japanese hahaha.

"I'm lost, please help me" ... Hmmm perhaps "Sumimasen, demo, koko wa doko desu ka? (watashi wa gaijin kara) tasukete kudasai onegaishimasu!" (LOL ignore the brackets part I put in, come on, we're all gaijin here, I'm gaijin too. :lol: )

meh i worked at cinnabon for 12 days

and got fired

cuz the manager said i didn't respond to him at all when i got along with his wife JUST fine

The fooge? What a douchebag! :blink:

And honestly...where Obscure was gory and kind of disturbing, for me the Dozing Green PV was alot more...subtle, almost artistic. Same for the Ryoukou no ame PV...all in b/w and with that unsteady handcam...here I go again...:lol:

Defnately agreed with this. :D

Hey everyone. I'm semi-new to Soompi and semi-new to this thread. After seeing it revived, I've decided to haunt it from now on. I'm a male American Dir en grey fan. I haven't seen them live yet since I only discovered them about a year ago. I've been playing catch up ever since, watching everthing related to them on YouTube and scouring the Internet for pictures. They're my new obsession.

Hey there and welcome, its great to have another Male member! Diru needs more male fans and more sensible fans lol, yeah I understand about the wanky fanbase but I guess people just can't help it, best to ignore it really. :)

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Guest ladyyehse

zomg new thread lurker! and a dude too lol

i don't bother trying to find out what kyo's profound messages really mean. he's too complicated, and i have no time. :lol:

but kyo's a straightfoward man and i love it :b

man, i wish there was a college major where all you do is watch movies and talk about it.

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Guest bluecat16

why does Toshiya always stand in th dark these days

i honestly dont geddit


dont know what to type

so ill post this instead:

'Shinya is Ayu's no#1 fan ;D'


LOL so funny, so true.

kthanxbai 8D

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Defnately agreed with this. :D

Hehe. I could go on endlessly about stuff like that...on the other hand I can't watch a movie without noticing mistakes and commenting on the camerawork...kind of spoils the fun.

man, i wish there was a college major where all you do is watch movies and talk about it.

At my uni it's part of cultural sciences/media science, which is my major. Coming semester there's gonna be a course about the movies of David Lynch...I'm still undecided whether to take that course or not...Lynch isn't my fav director...

Gaaahhhhh...I should head to bed. It's late, I smoked too many cigarettes today and tomorrow's gonna be full of work again.

Oyasumi, minna-san!

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Guest precious4e

hahah omg I love danars comics. So funny....and cute

Oh ok that's cools, what kind of work are you doing? I might be able to meet with you whenever you're in Tokyo, Osaka or Kyoto (ahh Kyoto, makes me feel nostalgic lol, my hometown haha :lol: ) I live in Tokyo for the meanwhile (don't know when I'll be returning to Australia or either Singapore yet). I don't think Fukuyama is the sticks, it's still a city, at least its not some kind of village yeah? Ahaha :sweatingbullets:

i'll be doing research at a natural products company (I major in pharmacy)

You're from Kyoto?! Cool that's the place I want to visit most (more than Tokyo). Haha awesome if you have time lemme know. I could use a tour guide muahaha. And well I won't live IN Fukuyama...i'll live NEAR it haha. I think it's a 20 min train ride away. I'll be staying in...Shinichi? My friend who went last year said there were rice paddies there. Hahaha omg I can finally gan teen (I think only Shirley understands this lol)

edit: ooh pwn...time to dig for pics



(eH old but still good)

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Guest ladyyehse

LOL! i heard that there are snakes in the ricepaddies :ph34r: have fun gan teen! XD

o.o who's the person kaoru is talking about... ><

but yeah danar's comics is awesome! i love the NYC one with kyo :lol: great stuff.

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Guest Lindoodoo

Are those chickens? O_O

Man this thread moves fast. Especially when there's no news on them. o_o

I hope they do another American tour. :tears: I didn't get to see them last time they were here.

I'm not even sure if they let 14 year olds in the concerts. D;

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Guest accursed_desire

^ Most the the shows they've done in the U.S. have been all ages. =]

OH MY GOSH! =O So much since the last time I was here. T_____T

for me what's current with music is that i'm finally getting a band together :D

just need a bassist but my drummer says he knows a lot

Oooooo, a band? Is you be having a name yet? =P

*nods* I mean, I saw them like six times last summer and it was amazing...it's like a drug, SO addicting! *giggles*

Speaking of DIE-red hair...I had mine re-dyed yesterday...it looks awesome. I'll post pics as sonn as I have some.

SIX TIMES?!?!?! Sweet mother of all that is awesome, that's a lot. @_____@

And your hair is AH-MAZING! *lubs on Amber's hair* loool <3

I don't work at Burberry anymore, but I got a job as a waiter at a cafe (after Macca's) it's always quiet and only old folks come in there. The pay is average though, but long hours from 8am til after 9pm. :sweatingbullets:

Today I got an interview at Jill Stuart beauty cosmetics, cause I saw they were recruiting staff (yes you can laugh, I'm not that much of a girly boy but I want better pay! Better hours too) I hope I get the position, and that they're not biased against males. <_<

Aside from Dir en grey, I also saw Gazette, alice nine., LUNA SEA (the reunion thingo), Acid Black Cherry (love them! XD), Nightmare, D'espairsRay, RENTRER EN SOI, bis (they disbanded *cries*), Canzel (they are adorable!), Lolita23Q (LOL I'm not a fan but my friend wanted me to come) and I think that's all. There were other bands I really wanted to see but either I missed out or I had no time. It think its enough lives to last me a lifetime! (and I also saw Johnny's boys ROFL OMG) :ph34r:

Being 18 is fun, its like the highlight of your life LOL you should buy Japanese porn yo~ ;)

When you reach 20, we can be twenTEEN together! *lame*

As for the tattoo thing, I was thinking of:

嘘 裏切り 偽り 残酷 快楽 優しさ 痛み 憎しみ 愛情 の 塊

(A mass of Lies, Betrayal, Deception, Cruelty, Pleasure, Tenderness, Pain, Hatred, Love)

But written downwards the center of my back, its a verse (not from the song) from Yokan, in the GAUZE booklet. It's Diru-related but at the same time, it relates to me also, though they're just words, it means a lot and what I've been through. :)

Yeah... Those are my ideas for now, not sure when I'll put it into action though. I still want one of Kaoru's tattoo's, but I'd want it to be absolutey perfect. :vicx: Btw, I never asked you, do YOU want a tattoo? What's your thoughts on it? :lol:

HEYYY! *group family hug* :lol:

I remember we talked about this once, you know what would be cool? If we all met up with each other and went to see Diru live. That would be totally awesome. (totally impossible though, but one can dream LOL :lol: )

Awww, I'd love to work at a cafe. =D

However, I have a fear of old people. D: D: D:

lool. I won't laugh. If you want the job then go for it. ^__^V It's always good to get a job you'd like to have.


Acid Black Cherry is AMAZING <3

And when you say Johnny's, you mean like KAT-TUN, NEWS and all them? Cuz I like KAT-TUN. XD *puts all the blame on Ginny for that one* =P

LOL! Japanese porn. XD I had a friend who told me that some Japanese porn is just hilarious to watch. loool.

Porn is gross, don't be watching it. :ph34r:

OMG, we can be like, the tweenTEENIES! =O And wear capes, fo sho~

I like the one idea, the Yokan one. =] But oh my goodness it's a lot, especially for being on your back. D: D: D:

As for meeee, I wouldn't mind a tattoo. I've had some ideas but I'm just not sure I could get one because of the pain. Some people have told me it doesn't really hurt, while others have said that opposite. I'd probably get something so tiny no one would know what it was.

"What's that?"


"It looks like a little blob."

"....... A PONY! :D"

looool. I'd rather get my lip pierced over a tattoo anyways. =D

I wanna chill with everyone in Japan. T____T And see Diru.

If I ever get an uber bunch of teh munnies, I'll pay for everyone to meet up there. =D


As for pics...I bring some. Took me all of yesterday to upload...here you go, it's all of the pics I took at the gig at the M'era Luna last summer:

Amber's M'era Luna pics

Feel free to take them, save them to your HD, I don't mind.

Thanks Amber~~~<3


Me too Shirley... me too. T_______________________T

We should go together sometime! =D I'm too scared to go by myself. =[

of course i'm taking care of my face, :D

meh i worked at cinnabon for 12 days

and got fired

cuz the manager said i didn't respond to him at all when i got along with his wife JUST fine

WTH? That's messed up. D:

Eh, I guess there's just some messed up people out there. *shrug* That totally sucks though.


Or not new people.. THAT I JUST DON'T KNOW!

Bleh, now I must go work on my Japanese project that's due in two days and I've been too lazy to do.


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