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【 Dir En Grey 】 The Thread

Guest sHIK-kUN

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Guest XxIllicitxX

I think Toshi and Shinya have the best legs. Die's are a little too skinny and I can't say I've really seen Kaoru's. Kyo's are nice and curvy though, lol.

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Kaoru covers himself up waaaay too much....

Anyway, I screencapped ZAN. Go on and love it. Lets keep the thread alive XD

Sorry there isnt much of Die and Shinya, its a very fast moving video and the members other than Kyo dont show up all that much. I did my best however, and if youre a Kyo or Totchi fangirl (I think I just spoke to the majority of Diru-fangirlism), they looking freaking gorgeous in these pics...

Kyo has a tendency to tease ugly people in his vids... (Kyo thinks he's getting uglier everyday apparently. So he obviously doesn't own a mirror that works...because if he did, not only would he know he wasnt ugly, he would have given up trying to be scary a long time ago)



^ "OMG! KAORU! What happened to you?"

I'm worried about Kyo's relationship with the skull thing...


He does look adorable in these...




Totchi next...

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That picture of Kyo's head reminds me of a section from a poem about a female murderer called Salome, that reads:

In the mirror, I saw my eyes glitter.

I flung back the sticky red sheets,

and there, like I said - and ain't life a richard simmons -

was his head on a platter.

Quite a wickedly cool poem actually.

ZAN Totchi:






The only one of Shinya I could get XD;; :


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and finally Kaoru and Die:




Die is IN this one XD :


I'm thinking of screencapping either Mitsu to Tsuba or Unknown....Despair...A Lost next. Would anyone like that? Or a different one?

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Guest Dir en Grey Godess

and finally Kaoru and Die:

Hi I have Veiwed this sight since it first started! but ever since then I never knew how to post until now! ok so maybe I was A bit on the dumb side, But I'm not anymore! Well I have been a fan of dir en grey since They first started! lol! soJust wanted to know If Could Join the Thread Official! LOL! thanks!

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Guest Olivia*sSlave*

ah welcome whats your name

i'm sean

whats your favorite song?

whose ur favorite member?

what's you age number and where do you live? jkjk lol

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Guest CrazieRavieToast

^It's okay, we're all stalkers here

Yeah, don't ask where that came from. I'm being weird, I was reading 70's comic books again. Poor Wonder Girl can't take three steps without one of her male team mates commenting on how she turns him on.

When I first saw that PV i just kept on rewatching the part where Kyo talked to the skull, it was just way to darn cute. I love Shinya's legs and Totchi's are a close second. They all have nice legs. You know how many normal people would think that we're crazy for commenting on guys' legs.

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normal? what a funny word

and Sean honey, you must know its not humanly possible to pick one favourite Diru song...

but member yes

*cough KYO cough*


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Guest kaochaa

Wow! thanx for the pics....soooo much but my computer is soooo slow....

#waiting patiently#

Ummmm....can someone upload Zan pv....I just found out I don't have it :blink:

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Guest Dir en Grey Godess

Hi Umm Its extremely hard to pick a fav song i love em all and thank you guys for the warm welcome! does anyone of you guys live in the u.s if so is dir en grey coming here? Thanks ! note to all members this thread rocked since it first started please dont let it die or kyo will eat you! lol! see ya later! :P

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Guest fifth_avenue

The first time I saw Satsuki from Rentrer en Soi, however, I doubted myself for a moment...

Same thing happened to me too when I first saw them a few years back. LOL but then I assured myself he was a guy...

...But then again, we don't really know since all his information is all secret. LOL

Brie! Welcome to the thread. I'm Aki ^^

Oh and thanks for all the wonderful pics everyone. =D

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Guest CrazieRavieToast

I'd upload zan for you but I don't have it because my friend stole my CD with all thier PVs, if I get it back before someone else uploads, I'll upload it for you then.

I started laughing so hard today because I was weirding out my guy friends (again, I swear someday they'll all become gay and blame it all on me) and I sent them the Dir en grey clip when they're in the club molesting each other and the first thing one of the guys said was how it would be bad enough in normal lighting but the whole red lighting thing made it look like porn. After that I convinced him Kana was a guy and Shinya was a girl and some other weird things. If I turn up face down in a river somewhere, you can all blame it on him.


this picture makes me laugh

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I adore the Totchi, but I dont think that's his best shot...

I think its the bad lipstick

and Audrey Hepburn is the name of the woman Shinya dressed as XD

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