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Guest stoner beans

yea soompi website works better on FF today.. problem fixed?..

oh does anyone know how to rename the MacBook? like _______'s MacBook? i made a mistake. :[

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Guest Xarthan

yea soompi website works better on FF today.. problem fixed?..

oh does anyone know how to rename the MacBook? like _______'s MacBook? i made a mistake. :[

goto system preferences

then sharing

change your computer name there

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Guest swagarina

soo my macbook gets hot mad fast. all i do is aim, safari, and itunes

is there a way to prevent that from happening?

and i can't exit out of warcraft3, it always freezes. i have to minimize and force quit

why does that happen??? =(

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Guest colloquy

Download smcFanControl... you can set your fan off higher.

I haven't played any games on Mac OS X (I partitioned my drive so there's about 10 GB for Windows XP)... so I can't help you there.

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Guest Ms. X

So I just ordered the 2.4GHz (white) MacBook, along with my iPod Touch... Only to realize that they have a printer promo too.

I've canceled my order, but to avoid any further screw-ups, I'd like to ask some questions.

1) Which printer should I get? I was thinking the "Canon MP470 Photo All-in-One" because it seems like it offers the most bang for the buck.

2) For anyone else who has taken advantage of these two offers (iPod Touch and printer), is it okay to send the original UPC to the printer offer and a photocopy of the Mac UPC to the iPod Touch offer? Will they accept that? I'm asking because both forms ask for the original, yet acknowledges that you may have submitted the original UPC label for other Apple promotions.

3) Any "must-have" accessories that you'd highly recommend? I'm definitely looking for a case or a carrier of some sort, but let me know if there is anything else that you've found to be indispensables.

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Guest liseul



if you're going to be an arch student i'm sure you're going to need CAD, right? which also means that you're going to have to run either bootcamp or parallel and if your budget is around 2,000 then i would suggest that you get a macbook pro 15". plus if you're going to be an arch student, chances are are that you're going to be carrying your laptop around quite frequently so i wouldn't get the 17" since it's heavier and that does get quite annoying.

2gb is fine. i mean, don't get the 4gb at the mac store because it costs double/triple the amount vs buying the actual card outside and installing it.

15' should be fine. the 17' has a better video card, but if you're not working w/ media stuff i.e. video editing, it should be alright.

i work with video and image editing and my 15" is doing just fine =)

if you're just entering uni, i wouldn't really suggest a mac. maybe get an hp or even the new dells for right now before actually buying a mac. even though they're a great investment, i've seen so many of my friends and classmates totally butcher their laptops by their second year in uni so it might be smarter to just buy a cheaper laptop first. on another note, good luck with your major. our school's arch dept is extremely and highly competitive and out of the 40? 70? students they accept every year more than half end up dropping out of the major and going into landscaping arch or something else. on a brighter note, those that do stick it out and take it are guaranteed a job once they graduate so woohoo! =)

also iwork isn't necessary if you're going to run XP/VISTA. office is still better when it comes to compatibility.

the applecare protection plan i would get. although macs are known to be of better quality and to last longer (depending upon how well the user takes care of his or her laptop) you never know what will happen. my friend just got his macbook pro fixed and the cost came out to be about the same. a little bit more. the apple care protection plan i think guaranteed better service or something like that. I have it and even though i don't THINK anything will happen to my laptop, personally i feel a bit safer and assured since i do have the plan.

what would you need aperture 2 for?

hope this helps and if you have any more questions, feel free to PM me =)

Agh... i need help.

im going into college as an architectural engineering student and im eyeing a macbook pro..

but there are SOOOO many different options. that i don't know what to choose.

@_@;; and when it come to computers..im just slightly lost at the amount of space i need and stuff.

hoping you guys can help me with my questions...

1. so...is there that much of a difference between a 15" and a 17" screen???

2. is 2GB 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM - 2x1GB enough for an engineering student? or would i need 4gb?

3. 250GB Serial ATA @ 5400 rpm? 7200 rpm?... would 7200 rpm be neccessary?

4. iWork '08????? would i really need the program?

5. Aperture 2? would i also need that one?

6. ah~ this one.. would i need to purchase a modem?

7. Applecare protection plan?? I'm sort of 50/50 on this since it's a protection plan afterall....

my budget is about $2,000 at the moment but $3,000 is the max my parents are leaning on..

Thanks ahead of time.

Would it be better to purchase online? or at the Apple store? or at the student store at the college?

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I've noticed ever since I update my firefox client on the mac, soompi doesn't load up. I know someone else is having this issue. It's ok though, I'll just browse soompi on my blackberry. Not really a fan of typing with my rhumbs though.

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Guest Shortyyy126

i'm back again with another question... lol.

does anyone know what program is good for audio recording? i used to use goldwave when i had my PC, but now i don't have a clue what to use. garageband is kind of complicated for me, and i have no idea how to save my recordings as an mp3. file. so yea, does anyone know a good recording software that i can use (preferably one that is free lol)? thanks!!

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Guest stoner beans

I've noticed ever since I update my firefox client on the mac, soompi doesn't load up. I know someone else is having this issue. It's ok though, I'll just browse soompi on my blackberry. Not really a fan of typing with my rhumbs though.

yup that happened to me too when i installed FF onto my Mac.

But it should work better after restarting and stuff.

it could also be a soompi problem since there are a of people with the problem



and yea my battery is getting pretty hot too after only an hour or so using it :[

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Guest Xarthan

i'm back again with another question... lol.

does anyone know what program is good for audio recording? i used to use goldwave when i had my PC, but now i don't have a clue what to use. garageband is kind of complicated for me, and i have no idea how to save my recordings as an mp3. file. so yea, does anyone know a good recording software that i can use (preferably one that is free lol)? thanks!!

Audacity is pretty good, and free.

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Guest Shortyyy126

MUGETSU & Xarthan: thanks for the recommendations! i'm going to try both of the programs out and see which one is easier for me to use. lol. thanks again!! =)

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Guest ihigh

i've been using windows alot lately for my macbook <3 bootcamp cuz of the programs i run i need windows..but im going back to macmode

so i was wondering what are some of the mac programs that lets me frap[other than frap? lol] and record videos clearly?=o?

and upgraded my macbook to 4gb ram, kept same 80GB HDD x] yay for slickdeals.

also other than parallels and vmware, are there any other multiclient programs that let me run gaming software at 100%? or close to it? vmware doesnt do well and switchin back and forth from windows to mac isnt a joy=T

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Guest Xarthan

also other than parallels and vmware, are there any other multiclient programs that let me run gaming software at 100%? or close to it? vmware doesnt do well and switchin back and forth from windows to mac isnt a joy=T

yeah it's called bootcamp. lol

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Guest <yiboy>

well other than bootcamp too. cuz thats wat i use haha @__@

I'm pretty sure VMware, Parallels, and Bootcamp are all there is...

If there are other programs, they're not nearly as good as the three mentioned above.

So you're out of luck there. :(

Sorry dude, I wish there was something even better, faster, and stronger as well. lol.

(Can u guess which song i'm listening to? xD)

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Guest Xarthan

well other than bootcamp too. cuz thats wat i use haha @__@

there isn't, not at native speed. Bootcamp is the best you can use. If you want to switch between OS X and windows faster, you need to buy another windows laptop. :)

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Guest haraharo

I dunno, personally I think bootcamp is a waste of time. Why even buy a mac if you are going to put windows on it anyway.

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