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Guest oh so delicious

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i just finished watching this about 47 minutes ago. lol, i never really watched the 2 seasons before this so i was a bit LOST. ironically. anyways so my friend was telling me what happened last season and stuff. anyways...she thinks kate? or whoever was raped but i dunno. and i'm glad yunjin has a bigger role this season! that's kind of the only reason why i'm watching it. but then again i wanted to see what the hype was all about. i will be looking forward to more!

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Guest elmmmo_

I thought Kate was raped too when they brought her to the cage.. looked like she cried.. but omg Kate and Sawyer!!

I thought Kate looked really pretty in the dress ^^

Jack's story with his ex-wife was sad.. even after what she did to him.. he still wanted to know if she was happy O_O

"the others" freak me out on how much they know about them

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Guest diagon ALLY

omgomgomg wtf the others and their crazy little village/town thing !!!!!!! O_O

i miss the rest of the cast i want to see people besides kate/jack/sawyer, but yay we will next week ;p

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Guest Myss Blewm

it looked like the leadman for the others... henry/ben

My brother said the same thing.

Wow, this show is so freaking me out since I'm so lost (hahaha). I loved Sawyer's little bit where he was trying to get his food.

"It only took the bears two hours". :lol::lol::lol:

I wonder what the Others are going to do to Kate, Jack, and Sawyer after the two weeks that Henry/Ben was telling Kate about.

And why are they isolating Jack like that?

And the whole beginning thing....confuzzling.

I'm really excited to find out more about Desmond, however. And did you see the Stephen King book at the beginning of the show? He's a fan of the show!!! Inner geek coming through. LOL

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Guest jjowah

what about desmond's lover who was looking for him? she was on a plane and had scientinist tracking magnetic currents or what not.. i think her dad had something to do with the island.. he's rich and wanted to get rid of him!

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Guest graceyoon

Spoiler shots, sorta:


Atleast you know it isn't Henry haha.

lol did u put that text to make a point..

My brother said the same thing.

i'm not the only one.. i swear in the dark it looked like him lol

i think they're all part of a human experiment.. maybe illegal that's why they're so hidden.. maybe they're testing them for something like v for vendetta

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Wow, this show is so freaking me out since I'm so lost (hahaha). I loved Sawyer's little bit where he was trying to get his food.

"It only took the bears two hours". :lol::lol::lol:

I wonder if Sawyer came to the realization that the bears that Mr. Friendly was referring to were perhaps polar bears. Much like the one he shot dead out in the open jungle in Season One. Because if that were the case, that must mean the polar bears were also able to figure out how to escape. That should be encouraging. Unless Sawyer finds out after he figures another way of escape that it took the polar bears an even shorter time! :lol:

Anyway, as to what happened in last season's finale when the sky lit up and the island shook, I kind of thought to myself that whatever Locke and Desmond did in the hatch - they must have disabled some kind of force field or cloaking mechanism of some kind that either kept the island hidden, kept intruders out, kept the occupants (experiments?!) in, or probably all three.

So when the premiere opener seemed to duplicate the whole jungle shaking in the same manner when the plane crashed, it further fed into my notion of the existence of some sort of force field. This would explain how the plane could be split in half the way it did because it inadvertantly flew right into this force field, thus explaining the reasons for the crash.

Well, that's just my speculation. I'm not too caught up with all the more plausible theories that more ardent fans postulate.

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Guest kiss*kiss

I can't believe I'm sucked in again.

I hate this little game of reveal some answers and introduce a 1000 more. I don't know how much longer I can take. (Who am I kidding, I'll be watching every Wednesday)

HERMIT When the guy said "bears," I was thinking about the polar bears too.

Did anyone think it funny how each of the prisoners were treated a little bit differently? Especially with Sawyer in a cage like an animal.

If these OTHERS are scientists experimenting... I have to say... it's very inhumane. No decent human being could be able to treat another human being that way. It's horrible. I especially felt bad for Jack when Juliette told him to sit against the wall so she could give him the food... and then she just walked out. Mean.

But, I think you can sort of tell that either Juliette has reservations about what they are doing, or she disagrees with Henry. There's some weird tension there.

And does anyone else remember Henry as William Hinks from The Practice? You know, the crazy cat killing guy that kills someone (vague, I know)... He still gives me the creeps... and he looks like he could be the father of Clay Aiken.

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Guest res0nate

lol did u put that text to make a point..

Damn right hahah. I should get in the habit of throwing in random text in caps again. Oddly enough, I forgot that I had subs from a movie running w/Lost and it synced up; pretty random and funny haha

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Guest iced*chai.latte

It's horrible. I especially felt bad for Jack when Juliette told him to sit against the wall so she could give him the food... and then she just walked out. Mean.

LOL! That's what I thought too...until I realized there wasn't a direct door into the room. I thought she did it just to prove a point.

HERMIT, your theory makes a lot of sense, actually.

When Jack asks Juliet whether the Others were part of Dharma and she said "Well, that was a long time ago.", it made me think that the Others WERE part of the Dharma.

But then again, when Jack asks her if his jail cell was one of the Dharma stations she said "They called it the Hydra."

So the Hydra is underwater...but under an aquarium? I thought it was under the ocean...but we'll see.

God, so many questions! Who was that kid (what was his name again?) in the other jail cell!? What were those shots they gave them!?

Some of the dialogue between Jack and Juliet was too predictable though... * shrug *

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And does anyone else remember Henry as William Hinks from The Practice? You know, the crazy cat killing guy that kills someone (vague, I know)... He still gives me the creeps... and he looks like he could be the father of Clay Aiken.

I never watched The Practice. But I did recognize the actor Michael Emerson as playing the character 'Zep' in the first "Saw" movie - the hospital worker that held the wife and daughter hostage, kept the two guys chained up in the room under camera surveillance, and later shot and killed Danny Glover's character in the end.

The father of Clay Aiken :lol: yep, I can see that.

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Guest KooZyAnn

I never watched The Practice. But I did recognize the actor Michael Emerson as playing the character 'Zep' in the first "Saw" movie - the hospital worker that held the wife and daughter hostage, kept the two guys chained up in the room under camera surveillance, and later shot and killed Danny Glover's character in the end.

The father of Clay Aiken :lol: yep, I can see that.

oooo I recognized him from Law and Order :CI and Law and Order:SVU...he was equally creepy.

Anyway..I'm still wondering about that Carl guy..did they execute him?

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The season finale was so keeping me on the edge of the couch. It literally almost made me blind because of the light.

And it's almost making sense now, with the magnetic and everything.

I had all these theories, but now it's all gone because of the finale. -___-

I can't wait until the 3rd season. <3

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Guest Myss Blewm

Did anyone think it funny how each of the prisoners were treated a little bit differently? Especially with Sawyer in a cage like an animal.

I thought it was very strange as well. I thought that it was very interesting that the Others put Sawyer in the cage like an animal first on purpose. He's a bit barbaric and wild. LOL

They isolated Jack, I think, because he is the kind who has a will. His job is to save lives. If he is in an environment where he is most likely able to escape, he will escape.

Kate, I think, the Others did that for another still unknown reason for their experiments with the three.

Knowing the show, however, I'm probably completely and utterly wrong.

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Guest res0nate

Hm, not bad. 2 eps in and they haven't had many 'wtf' moments compared to previous seasons.

Must be convenient, having Tivo haha.

Next week looks mighty tempting.

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Guest graceyoon

ben is so creepy!!!!!! lol i would pass out if i met him lol

i can't wait for next week either!! i was dying to see what happened at camp.. cmon locke kick some butt! lol

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