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I - J U S T - W A N T - T O - M A K E - Y O U - S M I L E

Guest poopiness

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Guest Sherrane

Sherrane: ahaha yea it is pretty catchy!!

say it more often! We gotta spread it like fire!


Sweet, I'm in the B pm group. Which basically means I'm the best. B for BEST. UGH!

ahah, totally spreading it out to the WORLD D:<

I totally get the naruto comics, since i'm a big geek-o.

Well, not as much since i'm not doing marching band anymore!

..but i still do AP classes. *faints* I'm a genius. -shrugs-

Well how were your finals?! I hope you did horrible.

JUST KIDDING.. right? Why are you making ninjas seem like jerks?!

They're not suppose to be based on you!

haha! goodbye forever,


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Hmm, ninjas are alright. But I prefer pirates. they're so hot. :o

or at least just johnny depp and orlando bloom are. haha

but i guess ninjas would be hotter right? considering they all hair their hands, feet, eyes, and they're cleaner. lolll.

but the ninja pirate one is cuteee. (:

i didnt see the comments under the naruto ones so i was just staring at it not getting it. haha(:

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Guest onetwothuy

Why, thank you for the smiles :]


This made my day! Even though it's almost 9 now...

I think ninjas are better!

I'm a ninja myself. /smirkkkkk/ :excl: :unsure::wacko: :blush: :ph34r::w00t:


I'm not psycho, I promise!

Giggidy Giggidy Goo...

I'm just going to leave now.

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Guest violacrazy

lol total cutenes.... :D

aww... date? dang i missed it lol looks like i wont have the time go out out afteralll =( sorry if you felt set up for it =/

and definitely infinitely sorry for not replying... hw took all of my time T.T

pirates are awesome though (at least they look sorta emo xD) minus the part when i saw an epi on switching mothers =/ an organized freak got swap with a pirate love mother lol. it was ehhh crazy O.O

and yes your comics still make me smile :D

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hello . . . new fan here

i love your short comics

they bring a smile to my face

ninjas are cooler than pirates . . . heheh

can i be added to the pm list?

btw, added you as a friend :)

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Oh MY MOTHER BLEEP! Dude, NINJASSS!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: Oh man, high five! Ninjas are like ten million gazillion times better than pirates (: Dude, the Rock Lee one had me laughing like crazy. That one is friggin` hilarious. I agree, Rock Lee is ugly xD Omgsh -wipes tear- That Rock Lee comic strip was so friggin` random<333

Karate chop, flying dragon kick...they're all the same <.< Ninjas just rock :shrugs shoulders:

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Guest FDTxtianshix


well not everyday, just every other day T__T

huh? what thing on facebook?

Eh..This like application where you choose a side? I think? Like Pirates or Ninjas and you have to try to recruit your friends to your side to get points? Something like that.my friends have it. I dont =P

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Guest hiswendy

Lol, that was 4 seconds, you forgot number 2. tsk tsk, you don't know your numbers, do you?! Haha omgad, I totally DISagree. PIRATES ARE COOLER THAN NINJAS! YARR *Go Will! Go Jack! RUMMM. Hahaha... IN your face, I'm in group A. You know why? Because I'm effing special like that. =) RIGHT? RIGHT. DAMN RIGHT. I had a good laugh with the Rock Lee one. which is a very good thing considering what I just found out... Thanks for the update, and thanks for the pm.


*rip yoona<3

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Guest katamari

katamari: AHAHAHA omg I just realized what a female mailbox is! YOU ARE SO GROSS!! UGH!! NASTY!!

but I like ;D

herself? what? I'm a man!! you jerk! SHOWERHEAD!!

yea I've been busy, finals TT__TT

Actually, I have no idea what a female mailbox is. It's something random I made up on the spot o_o LOLOLOL. WHO'S THE GROSS ONE NOW? MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. Loser.

I'm not really a showerhead. I'm actually a refrigerator. IN YOUR FACE. *spit* (: (You're still female she-male).


And pirates are totally awesome-er than ninjas. And Rock Lee is a sex icon.

Update soon, you dork of a dwarf.<3

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tanyalasagna x3: don't worry, it burns but you'll have a sexy stomach in on time! ;D

Yea sure you can put them on myspace, as long as you credit it's fine :]

ugh!! your myspace is private so uncool T___T


Macho! Macho...WOman!!

I wanna be a MACHO WOMAN!! haha xD

You can join me!! xP

and erm . Umm. AHHHH

Add me on Myspace !! =DD Lol.

Poor Rock!

Such shmexy eyebrows U__________U

Me be on PM list please?? xD

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puahaha..haha..OMG...so true NINJA's are wayy better tha Pirates..but then If Jonhyy was the Pirate..then I'd have to say the pirate wins..haha..my gosh that was so random.....But spider man would be better..haha...GOSH....its been like forever since i've been in here.. Hope that new head is doing you a good deed..ahaha...

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Guest xyoojchick

ahahahahahahahahahaha :lol:

finally! an update! :P


ninjas friikin ROCK! except for Johny Deep hehe he's HAWT! lolx

okies okies since these were soo funny im not gonna badlist you ;)

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