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Guest poopiness

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Guest Superjuniorislovex3

First :D [first time, i should get an award]

finally you updated and whoa 5 months? that much? D: talk about eloping with not taeyeon probably poo -_-; but coming back lmfao.

Superjuniorislovex3: it's true, I totally tried to get into taeyeon's jeans. But the dang thing was too tight, a size too small for me. I couldn't fit it.

LOOOL dry. and suuure :P i bet she just beat you up for trying to get in her jeans.

and me in the list poo poo platter? i swear i'm always in the list with the worst name lmfao. but i get why this time it's poo poo platter. because that's what im going to do to you!!!!!

oh and one question.. is the guy in the comics you? it is, isn't it? lmfao. i can so imagine you having to go through all of those sad rejections and etc :P jokes

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Guest Dragonlove

AHA! So you've updated after five months. I hope your fingers fell off from replying to all those people. cause that's what you deserve for being a lazy butt!! First off I told you that I left three comments on one page didn't I? TOOOLLLD YOUUU!!!

Comic: AHAHAHAHA my favorite part is how innocent and self satisfied the girl always looks :lol: *sighs* it's like the story of my life.. pooping on people... WAIT does that mean she wasn't wearing panties?!?!

the boy is looking and sounding more and more like you. ha.

Drawing: it's amazing too bad it SHOULD have been a drawing of SEUNGRI :wub: but he's mine so I think you should back off.

Picture: wow you look so old now. what happened??!?! :crazy: just kidddinggg!!! the finger in the mouth...very... dirty. i like! :w00t:

I kid again.

Are you chinese? you can't possibly be vietnamese..

Parodies: Woot Woot! I already saw them I feel so ahead of the game. why did god make me so far-eakin amazing?!?

Poem: why are you so sad? STOP IT!

Trivia: wow.. um no wonder I thought you were a girl. actually I bet you really are and youre just posting pictures of your brother or something...

okay I'm done i think. see you in five months i guess... :(

ps. you've made me so addicted to epik high. you don't even understand. REALLY YOU DON"T EVEN UNDERSTAND.

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well FINALLY. haha

first of all, OMG, I love GD. That's actually <i>really</i> good. Looks very accurate. :)

lol wtf at the comic. haha so random. "eh.. I'm bored.. so I guess I'll go and poop on this guy's shoe." haha

Oh, and I like your glasses!

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finally, after so long! it was so long even after i commented on your haruharu parody to comeback...

yeah, anywaysss!

ack ;; i hated it when GD had that hair! you should have..edited him to have better hair!! ;D

the comic is so cutee, the girl's expression is jst like, 'happy-go-lucky'. she doesn't seem like

the type to poop on others shoes =_=;

annnnnnd. nice pics~ yer glasses are cute(;

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HAHAHAH! oh my gawd she pooped on him. thats disgusting XD

psh hot and sexay? ure too conceited! lol fine i agree ure soooo hot and sexay haha

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Guest ` ilytoo;

finally! omg! where have you been?!

gross she pooped on him, thats something you would do to somebody LOL. or a girl.

wow you drew my husband so beautifully. xD. happy thanksgiving poopy.

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at first, i was like "wait! what happened?"

i mean, i got that she pooped on his shoe, BUT PRETENDING TO TIE HER FEET!


thats really funny!


you're really good at drawing!

i cant draw for my life...

you should've drawn top though



p.s. you're hot!(LIKE TOP) are you korean?

edit: sorry, the smiley's messed up... it was supposed to have jsut been : and D twice, but it formed that other smiley... so i had to put a space inbetween, and now it looks kinda funky... just try to imagine how cute it would've looked in your head(:

edit edit: man, im so stupid. you can ignore what i said on the first edit. theres obviously a box i can uncheck to disable emoticons! =____=

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Guest lovemelody.

ah~ finally you updated!

LOL, the girl looked so innocent

but.. -__-

can't believe she did that, lmao

poor guy!

the drawing was <3!

it really does resemble gd

but i didn't really like that hair on him -__-


your selca picture~

XD cutecute but you changed a lot~

a good thing!

yepyep thats all XD

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you know i completely forgot about this!? and i still have this uncontrollable urge to call you ruth, because i remember someone called you ruth...and i thought you were a girl for a while. ...but you most def get extra points for being a FANBOY <3

hopefully you already noticed [and by seeing the PM list, you most certainly have ^^] this is orangebubbles. i would tell you my name, but you haven't told me yours XDD

ANYWAYS THE COMIC. i wasn't expecting the poop XDD i want to meet that boy in real life and give him a huge hug. he's gone through alot to get that little girl XD

anyways~~~ idk if you celebrate it, but happy thanksgiving~!

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Guest _crazinessism

omg haha it took me a while to understand that comic....i was liek what? i dont get it!!!!!!!!!!

and you look really familiar...unless you're one of those with a familiar face..?

and you changed you pm group names again! haha how do you come up with things like this??

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Guest xvampireknight

wow your PM list has gotten very long.

Hahaha, omg, poop(iness)!

I haven't read the poem but I'll

make sure to get to it.

=) lovin your new picture too

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ew, she pooped on him! ><" hahahaha

the girl is disgusting hardcore!!! xD

the boy should smear it on her face, return the gift.

if anyone is gonna peak at his wee wee, it's probably you.
oh? you're sayin' im a pervie?? you're so wrong!


this is nice, real nice! i like how you did his hair and how you blended. i suck at drawing. =(

im glad you're back, keep rockin'... ;]

sorry i haven't made you a new gif as i promised, been lazy. :ph34r:


in your photos, you don't have any blackhead on your nose. :P

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Guest last love.

AHAHAHAHA. You're back! Yay. I was wondering this week when you'd get back! I miss your comics. :(

But omo. You're pretty cute. ._. -cough- NICE GLASSES. <3

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Guest musical.memory

You totally threw out the FAQs, man. <_< What a shame. Those are usually the ones that express my feelings about you the best. Haha, just kidding... but really. Bring back the FAQs. Anyway, I apologize for not replying to the last update! Forgive me, I'm not a wondergirl and senior year just sucks. So... to reply to your reply to my last reply...

x_JaeHee: you're there because you are perverted.

Serious, since you're late you best make up for it. Now do something awesome.

Yea I was afraid some people didn't know the saying, so I had to explain it.

Guys are so slutty, always trying to get into my pants, it's disgusting.

You are failing in art? that's ridiculous, that's the worst subject to fail. I say you sleep with the teacher.

I really want to try writing the song, the only problem is I'm musically challenged.

Everyone likes the long hair, I guess that's understandable considering it's a forum about Korean celebrities.

"Hm... I don't know" is the worst name ever.

I am totally not the perverted one between the two of us. You're the one talking about popping stiffies in a forum with underage kids! :P

Haha, "do something awesome". What do you expect me to do? Break out with the Tell Me dance? :blink: Pft, please describe your definition of awesome so I can make up for my absences in the next update. (;

LMAO, slutty guys trying to get into your pants? What kind of neighborhood are you wandering around in?! I believe it's because you've hidden candybars in your pants. Like Snickers, or Kit Kats. And better yet, you probably have Twix.

Nah, I'll pass on that advice. I slept with my English teacher and it only helped me get an 100 on a test... JK. I am innocent, unlike someone who draws poop in their comics. B) I bet you've slept with your art teacher, huh?

Musically challenged? :o You're talking to a person with 'musicalmemory' as her user. xD Haha, well, if you could write such awesome poems I bet your songs would turn out okay. It probably wouldn't be so bad as vomit-worthy. ;)

That's true. Everyone here is crazy about the Korean celebs with me included. I'd go for a guy with Jaejoong's long hair anytime <3

Well if you don't like that name... then I'll just call you Nemo. Take it or leave it, cause I'm watching Finding Nemo right now and that's the only thing that comes to mind. c[:

Okay... now that we've gotten over that, lets look at the new update. (:

Comic: ...And of course poopiness would add poop in this comic strip. T_T Lmfao, you always make us girls look bad! Hahah, I love the 'not cool' at the end. Like he would know what cool is. Psh.

Drawing: It actually looks like G-Dragon. O_O Wow, you're awesome.

Pictures: Wow, I would've never thought you wore glasses. You're such a nerd.

Poem: Very beautiful, and great use of an extended metaphor. I love the way the poem had such a sweet, but bitter feeling to it of the person who was lied to, yet wanted to keep on believing that they were actually hearing the truth. It matches well with the season. (: Great job, Nemo.

Trivia: Haha, I like G-Dragon the best out of the Big Bang members too. And of course, Hankyung is my favorite along with Jaejoong, Jonghyun, Brian, and Minwoo for DBSK, SHINee, SUJU, FTTS, and Shinhwa <3 You are such a fanboy. Lol well I can't blame you. You like the same people I do. xD I like Sunye and Yoona for WGs and SNSD though. I haven't heard about Davichi though. :blink: Maybe I'll go google them?

AND YES! I'M FINALLY IN A DECENT CATEGORY IN THE PM SECTION FOR ONCE! :D But hahaha! Poopoo splatter and poopoo platter. And the on sale thing reminds me of Black Friday! I'm heading to Mall of America at 4 in the morning. Lmao, call me crazy but there are some very cute boots at Wet Seal that I'm going to be fighting for. c[; I could get you a pair if you update sooner [ trying to bribe poopy ]

If you're having trouble with the FAQs, just tell me and I'll help you out with some of the questions. B)

<3 vivi

P.S. Everytime I see siggie #28, I wonder if you actually drew his jellybeans and censored it. :phew: And I just noticed this is a freakishly long post. Is this what you meant be doing something amazing?

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Guest hiswendy

I was going to be a jerk & not reply but like... I felt sorry.

So, anyway... Good job, cute comics *SPITSATYOU&RUNSAWAY*


---ew lame sorry =_=;;

Dude, it's been months! I thought you just couldn't figure

out that I was `iJAYEE & just didn't pm me. (But now you

pm'd me twice..) but you come back & you don't even have

a good excuse for your absence. BOO. but anyway, whatever,

that new comic made me laugh so you're forgiven.

kinda nasty though. LOL, you really have a sick mind.

BUT you drew my sexy husband GD so s'all good! *drools*

it doesn't embody all of his godliness but it actually looks like him

so *highfive* YAAAAYYYY <3 & he's your favorite too from BB!

SO LIKE, AWESOME. haha for WG though.. Sohee? eehhh

BUT YES SUNYE <3 that woman is loooooooove.

& SUPER JUNIOR, hahah too many to love so you can't choose ;D

I love how you're favorites are HanChul, how perfect xD

as for the picture... psshhh you're so *refrainsselffromcallingyouhot*

..you have a nice, high-quality camera so hurrah for you!

The poem was beautiful ): Why do you have to be so friggin'


but, thank you for the update =D

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princessjimyung: thumbs up for sica. My second favorite after Taeyeon in SNSD.

I love Taengoo too! :) TaengSic Generation! :D lol. But I have to say I love YulSic more. xD

Thanks for the PM & Update

Your drawing was goood! I wish I was that talented. T____T

The poem is prettty awesome as well. :D

My favorite part has to be the comics. lmao.

The poopy comic was freaking hilarios! xD

I like So Hee too, but Yoo Bin is jjang in Wondergirls. Haha.

Favorite Kara member...definately Gu Hara. Used to be Sung Hee. lol.

Big Bang, G-Dragon&Seung Ri rocks! :P

SuJu...that is definately a hard one. I love them all as well. Kekeke.

I love your comics though. Thanks for sharing! :)

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