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Prayer Requests

Guest mistahbang

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Guest touche`

I have a very good quote that will help us remember who God is.

"Prayer is not a way to draw God's attention to your needs. Its a way to draw your attention to how much you need God."

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Guest predator

I pray that 2008 will be a better year for the people around me and myself.

I pray that she and I will straighten things out and we'll stay close friends.

I pray that he and I will be able to open up more to each other.

I pray that my parents learn how to trust me more.

I pray that my grade in Foundations of Natural Science I will raise.

I pray that my grandpa's cancer goes away hopefully.

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Guest AppleLove

I <3 this topic!

I have a book where i write my prayers (and letters to God) occasionally.

I generally pray for the world XD.

But i'd like to be prayed for ..

to have the courage to face issues encountered in the near future, and to do extremely well in school.


I shall pray for you

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As of right now, I'm praying really hard that my boyfriend and I can see eye to eye. I love him alot --- and I want us to work out. Hopefully the new year brings in more better moments. Less arguments and he becomes more affection towards me. <33

Also pray that I get into UW-LACROSSE. I need to seriously get out of this small city.

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Guest HotGaru

I pray for God

- to give me courage to face wahts ahead

- to give me strength to trust what he has in store for me

- to remember that we are here for a reason and if one leaves..... he fulfilled his purpose

- to know that no matter what I am always loved

- to know the horrible past and in 2008 will bring me happiness with a new start

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gosh i really need prayer right now...

i feel really weary and i'm really tired of having to be so "strong" in my family all the time

i feel frustrated and fed up and it's tough having noone to blame and not wanting to resent God but...

now that winter break is over and im going back to college it feels like i'm abandoning my mom here to deal with so much by herself... and it feels like i'm running away.

my faith feels so weak and i'm just really exhausted from all of the worries...

please pray for me.

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Guest philip ng

My Prayer Requests:

- To strengthen my relationship with my parents so they'd trust me more.

- To do devote more attention and do better in school.

- To fix things up with my girlfriend so we can be happily and deeply in love again, without arguing.

- To find an easier and less stressful way to make money afterschool (nothing illegal of course) or maybe just a better job.

- To hold on to old friends and make new ones. I've been having trouble keeping my friends. I barely have time for my social life now... and I devote the little free time I have to my girlfriend and church.

Thank you God. Amen.

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i pray to not disappoint my mom

i pray to be closer to my dad

i pray for my parent's health

i pray to do better in school

i pray to be closer to my friends

i pray to be better toward all my love ones

im so happy for the new year but im also afraid what the future might hold. hopefully god will look out for me through the next year and what ever obstacle that might come my way. thank you and i love you god. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

i love this thread !

if everyone who we all are praying for saw this thread right now

im sure they'll all be very touched :]

i pray for all you soompiers

and everything else that we missed

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no more killing

no more death

i dont wanna have to watch people hurt eachother. killing eachother.

one day to be rich and take care of my mom so she doesnt have to work so hard for poverty wages, so she has free time to be an artist again

for my dad to make it big so he doesnt have to work so hard. so he can come home to the family more then once every few months. so he can stay for more then a couple weeks at a time.

i dont wanna see bad parents mis treating their kids anymore. threatening them and yelling at them. i dont wanna see them crying. and i see older versions of them out on the other block with a gun robbing someone else.

but i kno the hood will never change. so i pray for me and my family to one day get the john tesh out of here. move to a rich neighborhood. never think about getting shot just cuz im outside. have my kid's biggest fears be failing a class or messing up on the SATs.

i just want my kids never to have to feel the pain i had to feel.

and for my girl from years ago who i was to stupid to save. i dont know how but maybe the hand of God can reach thro the pits of hell and let her rest in peace

so when im dead. i wont have so much blood on my hands.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest classic x

i pray that

i will be able to treasure every moment with my family

i will no longer spend my dads hard earned money on junk

my grandfathers cancer will be gone

that i will be sucessful so that my paretns dont live such a hard life for nothing

that i will become a better christian.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest rachelyaejin

i think that this is like my FAVORITE topic ever

haha its a reallyy good idea so props for that :)

okay so i have a few prayer requests for myself :D

-family problems

-that i would be successful

-school problems

-and i'd like to be a reallyyyy good christian

-last but not least, i really like this guy he likes/liked me too idk which one but i'd realllyyyyy like him to like me

so yeah ahah

ill read everyones prayer requests and pray for them too :)

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alot of people say this is there favorite topic. certainly not mine.

why pray when there is no god?


if god really do exist, why am i so poor and my life is so bad?! and i try my best too.

the only time i believed in GOD was the boyfriend part. every year (before my bf) i always pray to find a sweet ok looking bf. it came true.

maybe i should keep praying for a good life. i hope HE, or whoever, hears me. my life is pretty sad, like, seriously.

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Guest rachelyaejin

alot of people say this is there favorite topic. certainly not mine.


if god really do exist, why am i so poor and my life is so bad?! and i try my best too.

the only time i believed in GOD was the boyfriend part. every year (before my bf) i always pray to find a sweet ok looking bf. it came true.

maybe i should keep praying for a good life. i hope HE, or whoever, hears me. my life is pretty sad, like, seriously.

there is a good in praying

God answers all your prayers even if its not the answer you want

and he has a plan for you

your life might be sad right now

but its all apart of his plan for you

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Guest caramele-peech

alot of people say this is there favorite topic. certainly not mine.


if god really do exist, why am i so poor and my life is so bad?! and i try my best too.

the only time i believed in GOD was the boyfriend part. every year (before my bf) i always pray to find a sweet ok looking bf. it came true.

maybe i should keep praying for a good life. i hope HE, or whoever, hears me. my life is pretty sad, like, seriously.

please don't bash Christianity and/or God in this thread. go play somewhere else.

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Guest mistahbang

alot of people say this is there favorite topic. certainly not mine.


if god really do exist, why am i so poor and my life is so bad?! and i try my best too.

the only time i believed in GOD was the boyfriend part. every year (before my bf) i always pray to find a sweet ok looking bf. it came true.

maybe i should keep praying for a good life. i hope HE, or whoever, hears me. my life is pretty sad, like, seriously.

you know.. God has something to teach you from your suffering and transgressions. People in Africa has a tremendous amount of faith and praise when they have so little. Was it not God who said those who are poor, will be rich in faith? God loves you, and has many things planned for you. You have to stop pointing fingers and listen to Him. And also, your suffering is from free will. God does not go out of His way to just pick on you. He didn't wake up one morning and say, "Hm, who should i pick on today?" He loves you and He is pleased with you. :) Believe it sister.

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Guest boballay

Aw <3

I pray for God

I pray for my Family to always stay healthy

I pray for everyone's problems to go away

I pray for world peace

I pray for me to do well in school

I pray for everyone else to be safe and protected

& I pray that my friends are able to sleep over tomorrow :]

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Guest 정유미

i will keep all of you in my prayers.

please pray for me, too. i'm in college and my dad wants me to move to another major. i don't want to leave the one i'm taking now, mainly because i've grown to like it and have forged so many beautiful friendships along the way. i've been crying for two days now, but it never seems to stop hurting. i have people telling me not to leave and that they will miss me, and it feels so good to know that i am important to them but it breaks my heart thinking i have to leave them behind. i'm sure my dad will have the final say in this, no matter how much i try to convince him, but i do believe in miracles so i need everyone's prayers. please ask God to help me with this. And if it is His will to have me follow what my dad wants, i hope He gives me the strength to say goodbye. It's really hard right now, I haven't felt this much pain all my life. :tears:

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Guest ohJOY

alot of people say this is there favorite topic. certainly not mine.


if god really do exist, why am i so poor and my life is so bad?! and i try my best too.

the only time i believed in GOD was the boyfriend part. every year (before my bf) i always pray to find a sweet ok looking bf. it came true.

maybe i should keep praying for a good life. i hope HE, or whoever, hears me. my life is pretty sad, like, seriously.

Sister, we live in a FALLEN world and bad things remind us that THIS WORLD is NOT our home.

In addition, YOU might try your best, but I really think that God is trying to show you what He showed me... that I can try my hardest to keep everything together, but I am LIMITED because of the fact that I am flesh and blood - mere dust. There was a point in sophomore year of high school when my world came crashing down around me. I would desperately run around trying to fix school, and when all my work was good and caught up with, I'd run over and try to fix issues with my family, then with my friends, then my debate team, and on and on. What I realized was that I COULDN'T do it on my own. I needed to have FAITH and give it ALL to God, the way He truly wants us to live our lives. Through those trying and difficult times I was able to grow my faith. I heard this from Pastor Charles Stanley from In Touch Ministries (intouch.org): "Untested faith is UNRELIABLE faith."

Being a Christian DOES NOT MEAN YOU LIFE CIRCUMSTANCES CHANGE! Life does not become a bed of roses. Life does not suddenly become all sunshine. All of that peace and love 24/7 will only exist after Jesus returns and the believers all go to Heaven for all eternity.

Being a Christian means that YOUR RESPONSE to life circumstances changes because you rest assured on the promises of God, as told to us through His word - the Bible, that you can persevere:

Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

When I pray tonight, I will include you in my prayers. I pray that God will open up your heart to the truth of His love for you. If God could use such an AWFUL circumstance as the CRUCIFIXION of His only Son, Jesus Christ, to SAVE ALL of mankind by paying our sin debt in full; then how much more can God turn the sorrow and heartbreak in your life into something beautiful?

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