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Prayer Requests

Guest mistahbang

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Guest xkrn4lyfx

my prayers:

strength to my cousin's family, they need it right now more than ever

finances, my family is struggling a lot

me, i wanna be more social and have perfect grades

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Hi Kathymon!

Dear God I pray for kathymon that her exams will go well, that You will give her the wisdom and the understanding.

Proverbs 4:11 - I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.

Give her peace at night when she sleeps, don't let her stress out over the exams that are coming up.

In Your Name Father God,


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-pray for the next couple days to go well

-pray for those that lost everything in California

-pray that i will be okay, without a s/o

i will most deff pray for others

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Please pray for everyone who lost their home, irreplaceable keepsakes, or lives in the California wildfires.

Please pray for the firefighters who risk their lives.

Please pray for my classmate who recently found out he has a brain tumor.

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Guest eneri04

i'm new to this forum and i'm surprised to see a prayer request thread. this is great!

i'll pray for you, guys too.

don't worry, prayer works.

"Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need."

-Hebrews 4:16

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Guest Aurelius

I'm not so sure about this thread.

Couldn't we just wish people well without the religious connotations?

You can take the religion out and make it a "wish" thread, because let's be honest, it's basically the same thing.

Maybe it helps someone psychologically, but in the end of the day, who are you talking to?

Oh well, I'm not looking to start a religious debate.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest -TiFFaNy-

I have three exams on this week. I pray that I do very well in them because it's my last year on high school and I need the good score.

My parents are currently a bit ill and I pray that they get better soon and that they're healthy and happy.

I pray that God will also help renew my strength to deal with my relationship issues.

Finacial issues. I hope they look up soon.

My birthday is also next week, and I hope I have a good birthday, even though I don't have any plans.

I pray that my grandma has a good birthday too because her birthday is a day before mine.

Thank you.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest sweetharmony


first time seeing this~

im glad that this kind of topic exists

we all need some prayer right?


first of all

i pray that:

1) korea's decision for presidency will go well.

(we don't need a bad president again T.T)

2) the "war" in Iraq/other middle-eastern nations will

decline. more peace and more love!

3) all the students here would do well (for God's glory^^)

and no matter what they struggle with...that they would see

the blessings and experiences that come with the pain/sadness

^ those are really my personal prayer requests

i have personal problems too...but it'll just make other people

sad/depressed so i won't write it

this topic is kind of dead...but i pray that prayer may never die~

God bless <3

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Guest pinkpuffipillows

-to make it through this school year with flying colors

- to do great on my final exams

- everyone to have a great holiday

- for all the hurt souls to feel some relief

- for erix to get the love he wants, and realize that sometimes he needs to to forget what he feels and think about what he deserves

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Guest she-smiles

i never knew this topic existed in soompi.

it's nice to know that in a forum like this, we can still find encouragement from peers in the webworld.


to start off, i'd like to say:

i'm a freshman in college, struggling.... financially, mentally, & spiritually.

i live on campus, therefore, i've experienced the college life. if you know what i mean.

i attend a university in the biggest city in my state.

so there are a lot of temptations and struggles i have to face every day.

a lot of times, i've let it get to me.

i've stopped attending church, which causes me to forget about fellowship.

i've stopped praying, which causes me to forget about God.

of course, this thread is a simple and great reminder to me. & i'm very thankful. :)

so, with that said....

please pray that i will set my feet back to where God wants me to be.

please pray that i will set a good example for my college friends, whom are mostly non-christians.

other prayer requests:

-please pray for my family. i've been away from home for a while, and it sucks that i can't be there with them.

so i'm constantly worried about them.

thanks & God bless....


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Guest esthers2

Dearest sister,

I just coincidentially came across your page - but how much i believe now it was not by just chance, but meant for me to read and reflect.

Thank you so much for being a faithful reminder of God's never ceasing presence here on Earth and with all of us.

My heart feels for your prayer points, and i agree with your concerns and worries.

how honestly true it is. as a christian, i can firmly believe that i think i am no better than anyone else. For as Christ gave up his life and died for all - who can say things to judge or discriminate against one another? we can only be justified under the One who made us, who loved us and who still and always will, love us - God is gracious and his proof was clearly plainly shown by Christ's love on the cross.

My Sister, i pray for your precious faith to be protected and hence led by His spirit alone.

Encourage you to Continue to Trust in Him (i know you will), and He will make all your ways right :)

Anything is possible with God, and all things ARE possible through prayer - we just have to believe in God's providence in our lives.

He is so good.

Thanks for sharing your love and passion for Him!

God Bless and take care :)

Your sister In Christ

It came to my attention that a lot of people are having problems here in this section..such as things I have never experienced or might not even experience in my entire life. I thought this through and realized there really isn't much I can say to help, having little or no experience in the situation at all. Being a Christian, I feel I can still pray for you and I truly believe that prayer does work, for God works in His mysterious ways. If you have anything your struggling with, anything you want to do better, for your friends, or even simple things, I would really like it if you can share so I can pray for you and I'm sure others will as well if they read it. And those who feel this does not apply to you because you are not Christian, I would like for you to share anyways because you have nothing to lose when you share a problem to people who will care and pray for you.

Some of my prayer requests:

-problems with my family

-financial problems

-coping with relationships (friends and girls)

-my dad's cancer

-a stronger faith with me and God

I would really appreciate it if you can pray for these things and would really really like it if you can share your prayer requests as well. I have a limited knowledge of the Bible, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask. And if you feel like your prayer request is too private, just ask the people here to pray for you to help overcome your troubled times.

"To me, you are altogether beautiful: there is no flaw in you" (Song of Solomon 4:7)

God thinks your beautiful lol maybe I don't but He does.. LOL jk jk you are beautiful...no matter what they sayyyyyy words can't put you downnnnn

I hope you have a good day.. thanks for your prayers!

-Added 3/29/07-

In my art class, I had a conversation with someone that does not believe in God. She said she could not possible agree with a religion that is full of hypocrites. I only had one answer for her: We are all hypocrites no matter what. We are all sinners no matter what. We believe in a God who knows we are hypocrites but loves us anyways. We believe His one and only Son, Jesus Christ has died for our sins because He loved us so much. Please pray for her :) I know God has great things planned for her.

-Added 3/31/07-

I have something very very eyeopening (well at least for me) to share. My mom and I were driving home from my art class today and I was telling her how I loved to share God's word and spread His gospel to people who didn't know God. My mom's facial expression turned to a slight frown and told me ," You shouldn't say talk about your religion to other people at school." I was shocked and frustrated because what I was doing was supposedly disappointing my mom. Before I could argue, my mom explained herself. She told me it was not my responsibility to spread the word of God, nor my duty, because I did not know enough and might be pushing them farther away. She said my duty was to spread God's love through my actions, to be the light and salt of the world. To humble myself to the lowest point so that I can be the Christian God wants me to be. She told me all I could for the unsaved was to pray and to serve them as well. Please pray for me that I become humble and loving! Thank you! :)

Hey Sisters and Brothers!

Just reflecting and encouraging - Its so wonderous that we are all brought here- i believe not by coincidence, to share in our worries, our burdens and things which need to be rid of not by just any old 'remedy' or cure, but by faith in Christ's salvation :)

For one thing, i just wanted to encourage us to all pray about things other than ourselves. Of course we all have problems and issues which are heavy upon the heart and consistently get in the way of our thoughts and daily lives, but one thing Christ opened my eyes to, was that praying for others and focusing the attention away from ourselves, really does build up our selflessness, humility and Christ - like characteristics naturally. Exactly what Christ wants us to practice daily :)

And through building up this love-filled heart like Christ, may we forget about ourselves and focusing on the self-centered blunders, and ask God to truly open up our hearts and our eyes and our minds, to the bigger issues in this day ^^

I hope we may we never become solely critics of a broken world, but failing to show the solution.

nothing is too great for God. He yearns to hear his people cry out for help.

God Bless you all,

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Wow... I haven't been on Soompi for a while and I just happened to click in the L&R section. This is quite possibly the best thread ever in Soompi ^^ (yes, even better than all those hot eye candy DBSG picture threads T.T).

I will try to go in this thread whenever possible to pray.

Right now, I only have one big prayer request: My uncle recently found out that he has cancer. He is in his third stage, so it's too late for him to have surgery or anything. Nothing but the Grace of God can save him. Doctors say he has only three months to live. He has liver cancer. Please pray for his family and mine (my uncle is my mom's older sister's husband).

Thanks :)

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