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Prayer Requests

Guest mistahbang

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I have a prayer request,

1. My cousin's mother is currently in the hospital and in critical condition, the doctors said it's a 50/50 chance for her right now, and recently my cousin's said that she's gotten worse. I hope you all can pray for her health to recover soon because she still has little kids and it's going to be hard for her family without their mother.

2. My other one will be for a friend of mine whose in the military, he'll soon leave to overseas, and I just want people to pray for his safety while he's gone.

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Guest yawningtigress

I don't understand why a religious thread such as this is here. I don't see how it has to do with love & relationships much [yeah yeah, someone's going to say something about people's relationship with God]. Doesn't this belong somewhere else? I think it's sad how I noticed maybe only two people [Aurelius and EtherealEnigma] commented on this.

Shout out to EtherealEnigma. I like what you said very much.

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Guest and i sayd

Im sorry I just find this post misleading and insulting at least to me. You can't just rely on some magic deity to help solve all of your problems, if you want the suffering, heartache etc to stop do it yourself it's as simple as that. If I don't follow a life with "God" then does that mean I live a normal boring life and I can't be humble and faithful?

i have several examples to this phrase

One example is from the smartest man who ever lived, Albert Einstein.

As many of you know, Albert Einstein was Jewish, and he believed in God. History's smartest man believed in God.

Unheard of these days if you consider yourself a rational intellect. Anyways, during class one day, his teacher was denouncing God, ranting on about how God cannot exist because we cannot see him. Albert Einstein immediately jumped upon that statement arguing like this: (not exact quote sorry -_-) "According to your theory, that means your brain must not exist for you cannot see it at all. If we base our lives upon what we can see, there are so many things we cannot believe."

People say this is a stupid example because they say "well it's impossible to live without a brain," or "we can now see our brain through x-rays."

Guess what? I think it's impossible for me to live without God. And x-rays were not invented during Einstein's childhood time.

There are so many things we cannot see yet we believe it. Why? Because we have faith it is there. We have faith our parents are at home or at work, even though we cannot see them. We have faith that we will live to see tomorrow even though we cannot see the future. We have faith that the chocolate at the bottom of a Drumstick is there, even though we cannot see it. Well guess what, we have faith God is watching over us every single second of our lives. The reason we believe God is because we have experienced His love and it is real to us more than anything.

Why are athiests so focused on demeaning various faiths? Because they have faith they have found ways to disprove religion. But you want to know something? Athiests still follow the law of ethics, a standard of good and evil set up by God. Did you know the law of ethics contradicts science? Ethics are irrational, because no one can be the judge of your actions except God. So in a sense, athiests believe in what they cannot see. They believe they must still justify their actions, and still feel guilt after they have commited a sin of a great extent.

I hope that clears some things up. Have a good day. And I'll pray that God opens up your heart. :)

Im sorry you are very wrong indeed. Albert Einstein did not believe in a personal god, he could not get past the moral problems that were presented in the universe so that led to his false assumption of the universe. You have FAITH because you have NO EVIDENCE if you had evidence then you wouldn't need faith. Experience his "love" is very subjective and this relys on faith only. There is no such thing as law of ethics, morality derives from the enivornment around you and it's subjective. You cannot say god made anything because you cannot prove anything, for all we know a magical unicorn did it. Your assumptions and conclusions are all flawed take a basic religion class. Good day

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Guest dorky_Soojee

I'm a Christian.

I dont have a specific prayer request

but I struggle doing qts daily.

So i want to do taht so my relationship with God can strengthen and grow.


God is like the wind. You can't see it. but you can feel it.

You dont see the wind but you know it's there.

You can see the effects of the wind.

You can't see God but you can feel Him living in you through the Holy Spirit.

And when we all love each other just as God loved us you can see Him working in us.


what do you believe created the universe?

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Guest naoto

I don't understand why a religious thread such as this is here. I don't see how it has to do with love & relationships much [yeah yeah, someone's going to say something about people's relationship with God]. Doesn't this belong somewhere else? I think it's sad how I noticed maybe only two people [Aurelius and EtherealEnigma] commented on this.

Shout out to EtherealEnigma. I like what you said very much.

Well I don't know where else it should be, I don't really mind though soompi can put it wherever they want to. As long as it still exists. I think it's hard to reply to everyone because the entire page is full of requests. But I assure you we are all reading them with our hearts. So here's my reply, I'll pray for all the requests (and I read them very carefully) tonight.

Here's my request.

School is really stressful. I have 55 pages of essays I need to write in 3 weeks, plus exams, plus summer school. I pray that God will be with me so I can pull through this. I don't ask for perfect grades or anything, I have to do that on my own. But it's nice to have him by my side. I spoke to my former best friend for the first time in years, but she hasn't replied. All I can do is sit and wait. I don't know why I've been hurt so much by her, I don't know why I'm going down this path, but if that's where I'm supposed to go then I will do so.

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Guest bubble

hey guys..

can you please all pray for my mum who's got a tumor in her brain and needs surgery...

please pray that god can gives us a miracle and make that thing disappear....

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Guest indriani1012

praying for good health for both of my parents, good grades so i can transfer to better campus, more mature, quickly meet my Mr Right aka future husband

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Guest BABYY_

My prayers:

- Economy crisis be fixed soon.

- Swine flu will not be as worse as the Spanish influenza.

- No more dramas at school

- Stay focus in school and get good grades next year

- Do really good in high school

- Everyone I love to be healthy

- Maintaining friendships next year

- Happiness

- Find the right guy

- Be good and not make any more mistakes

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Guest mekka

God Bless to all and may his healing hands finds all ailment and renders it healed. May his bright and shining light reaches your mind, spirit and soul. God Bless!!!!

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  • 3 months later...
Guest amyoii

I don't understand why a religious thread such as this is here. I don't see how it has to do with love & relationships much [yeah yeah, someone's going to say something about people's relationship with God]. Doesn't this belong somewhere else? I think it's sad how I noticed maybe only two people [Aurelius and EtherealEnigma] commented on this.

Shout out to EtherealEnigma. I like what you said very much.

i think this thread is just right where it should be, because we are christians, and christian is not a religion but a relationship =]

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i think this thread is just right where it should be, because we are christians, and christian is not a religion but a relationship =]

aw, that's really true.

I think what everyone needs to pray about is for the economy right now. we all know that it's taking a lot from us, but as God says that whatever that has been take from us will be given back to us tenfold.

I have a request myself, actually: my parents are going through money-problems right now, and my mom wants to sell the house, and I've been praying that we don't end up moving and stay here, and that my dad's business will be alright. Please pray for that, I'll be really grateful (:

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Please pray for me that I can have the strength to go on in this very tiring and troubling time in my life.

Send prayers to help me trust others again and wish no harm to others and myself. I am suffering from a weak and broken heart and only wish the best in the future for myself.

Send prayers to those family members that have passed and let them rest in peace,

as for the rest of the world and those who are in search of God's light to bring them closer to God and to feel ensured of his love for them that they are not forgotten.

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Guest Twinny

I'm not really religious but I do believe in God...

Here are my prayers:

- School is starting soon I hope that everything will go well and I hope that I will get along with my classmates.

- I pray for my grades

- I hope my brother will stop being selfish and think more about his wife and daughter instead of his friends.

- The depression that my sister in law suffers will gone soon

- I pray that my friend who have a internship in shanghai is doing well

- I pray for happiness and health for my family and friends

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Guest xXmiss.jesskim Xx

my prayer requests:

1) strengthen my relationship with Christ (after going to college everything kinda altered my perspective on life)

2) my mom to heal quickly. she just had a MASSIVE surgery to get rid of tumors on her body

3) the economy get better

4) reconnect my exteneded family. there are a lot of grudges and miscommunication... my uncle's family displaced himself from our family :( (he thinks nobody likes/appreciates his family)

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Guest ax1989

Thank God for this thread! :)

Can I just request... for that special someone? I really want to us to be closer... and become not only amazing friends but also build a healthy and strong relationship with God as our lead.

Thank you and bless you!

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Guest SiMPLY PiNk*

i have several examples to this phrase

One example is from the smartest man who ever lived, Albert Einstein.

As many of you know, Albert Einstein was Jewish, and he believed in God. History's smartest man believed in God.

Unheard of these days if you consider yourself a rational intellect. Anyways, during class one day, his teacher was denouncing God, ranting on about how God cannot exist because we cannot see him. Albert Einstein immediately jumped upon that statement arguing like this: (not exact quote sorry -_-) "According to your theory, that means your brain must not exist for you cannot see it at all. If we base our lives upon what we can see, there are so many things we cannot believe."

People say this is a stupid example because they say "well it's impossible to live without a brain," or "we can now see our brain through x-rays."

Guess what? I think it's impossible for me to live without God. And x-rays were not invented during Einstein's childhood time.

There are so many things we cannot see yet we believe it. Why? Because we have faith it is there. We have faith our parents are at home or at work, even though we cannot see them. We have faith that we will live to see tomorrow even though we cannot see the future. We have faith that the chocolate at the bottom of a Drumstick is there, even though we cannot see it. Well guess what, we have faith God is watching over us every single second of our lives. The reason we believe God is because we have experienced His love and it is real to us more than anything.

Why are athiests so focused on demeaning various faiths? Because they have faith they have found ways to disprove religion. But you want to know something? Athiests still follow the law of ethics, a standard of good and evil set up by God. Did you know the law of ethics contradicts science? Ethics are irrational, because no one can be the judge of your actions except God. So in a sense, athiests believe in what they cannot see. They believe they must still justify their actions, and still feel guilt after they have commited a sin of a great extent.

I hope that clears some things up. Have a good day. And I'll pray that God opens up your heart. :)

This was posted back in 2007 so hopefully you've learned since then. Albert Einstein DID NOT believe in a personal god. He used the word god in a poetic sense to describe the unknown. He was AGAINST religion.

"...the word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses,

the Bible a collection of honorable but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish."

- Albert Einstein

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