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Guest rigashi

AW. he's such a cutie<3

okay, I guess I need to do more research on dogs because I did NOT know females got periods!

anyway, I didn't know humping was such a big factor! haha, that's kind of funny and cute.. but I know it can get a bit :crazy: if the dog is humping EVERYTHING.

Yea, and spaying females a couple hundred dollars more expensive then neutering males (at least in my area). This is why I also opt for males, and I neuter them as soon as the vet says it's okay.

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Guest chymali

I have a question about pet insurance. I'm really unlucky with dogs and there's always some complications with every dog I've gotten except my Golden. I just spent almost $3000 on my dogs leg surgeries and he has to go back and get his right one checked out because he's limping again so I don't know if they will have to redo the surgery. So could someone explain how pet insurance works, same as people insurance? And what are reputable dog insurance companies?

Pet Insurance is slightly similar.

There are many different plans, but most have the same idea. Usually, if your dog already has an existing problem, very few companies will insure you. However, the process works something like this:

You pay a certain amount of money every month (depending on how much you want to insure, and the amount you want it to go up to). It's pretty much like human insurance, but it's in a tighter quota. For instance, a human with an existing problem could get insured, but a pet would most definately not be able to.

The most reputable dog insurance company I know of is PetPlan. My puppy had a $1200 bill, and true to their word, they insured it. I had to pay first, of course, but once I submitted the claim, they sent me the cheque.

Hope this helps. (:

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I have a question about pet insurance. I'm really unlucky with dogs and there's always some complications with every dog I've gotten except my Golden. I just spent almost $3000 on my dogs leg surgeries and he has to go back and get his right one checked out because he's limping again so I don't know if they will have to redo the surgery. So could someone explain how pet insurance works, same as people insurance? And what are reputable dog insurance companies?

You set up your and your pet's account with them, then pay the insurance company every month (say, $30).

Then you go to the vet, get whatever you want done when you need it done, get your reciept and copy it to the insurance company.

Depending on the coverage you chose, the insurance company will reimburse you with however much money it is. :)

EDIT >> Oh, the person above me explained it a lot better. XD

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Guest tissuestars

why do dogs eat their own poop?

I dont know what it is about other dog's poop either. But when we take our little yorkie out for walks at the park, he always go for the poops.

actually, no. did you know that the sugar in the fruits (esp. if you feed it to them often) WILL cause an abundant growth of YEAST in their ears ? ^^ i got this straight from the vet ! dogs CAN eat human food, but it's not recommended. their stomach can't handle random foods especially if they've been eating dog food all their life ! upsets stomachhhh : (

Actally, fruits are good for them.

My dog is spoiled rotten. When we first got him, he would eat dog food, but then when i would leave for work and he stays with my mom, she would feed him tablescraps. a year later, he doenst even touch his dog food.

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about dogs eating their own poo >< There's a lot of theories, but I don't think anyone knows the absolute reason. Some reasons are similar to why some humans eat strange things (dirt is one--they think something may be missing in their diet, so it makes them eat it in certain areas because it has minerals they may need) A lot of vets and animal researchers also think some dogs do it because it's part of their genetic history--animal mothers clean up after their babies in the wild, so they won't leave anything for predators to track--there's a few other ideas about it too, like dogs may be bored, or not get enough excersise. My family only had this problem once. with my Lab--but she was much older. It's common. To stop it, which sometimes isn't easy, some vets say to put some Adolph's meat tenderizer in their food (so the stuff comes out less appetizing to them), or tabasco sauce to discourage them from tasting it (don't know if I would even try this)---but if you have a vet, you can ask him or her what you can do. The only other thing they say is not to yell at or hit your dog for doing it (you probably don't--but I'm sure you won't be suprised that some morons do. -__- )

actually, no. did you know that the sugar in the fruits (esp. if you feed it to them often) WILL cause an abundant growth of YEAST in their ears ? ^^ i got this straight from the vet ! dogs CAN eat human food, but it's not recommended. their stomach can't handle random foods especially if they've been eating dog food all their life ! upsets stomachhhh : (

I think it depends-- we've never fed them too much of anything, including fruit. And no-one ever got bad bits from the table (if we don't eat it, neither should our animals =x Including things like chicken and pork bones. ) >< Two of our dogs have come from the same person, and they were raised on a good dry dog food and some cooked and raw human food--and they were never given anything I was unsure of without checking with their human auntie (the breeder) first. By now I know a lot more, but will still ask just to be safe.

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Guest miss_xchunsah

hi, i need help >_<;

i just came back from florida visiting my cousin, and she has 5 dogs and 2 of those dogs had babies. she said i can take one of the dogs home but i thought nahh cus my parents will say no but i came back home showing my mom the pics of the pups and shes like WHY DIDNT U BRING ONE HOMEE


and my cousin said i can still have one but i have to find a way to get the dog... o_O;;;;;;;;; is therea way for me to get the pup? the pup is in florida and im in ny >_<;

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Guest Hitorijime

hi, i need help >_<;

i just came back from florida visiting my cousin, and she has 5 dogs and 2 of those dogs had babies. she said i can take one of the dogs home but i thought nahh cus my parents will say no but i came back home showing my mom the pics of the pups and shes like WHY DIDNT U BRING ONE HOMEE


and my cousin said i can still have one but i have to find a way to get the dog... o_O;;;;;;;;; is therea way for me to get the pup? the pup is in florida and im in ny >_<;

You could get it shipped to you. But it depends on if the dog has had crate training and whatnot.

And about the poop thing. My current dog eats poop and I think that she does it because of my father. Whenever she would take a dump in the house, my dad would get angry and so I think that she eats her own poop to get rid of it because she is scared.

Does anyone own or know someone with a Samoyed? How is it around people and other animals?

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I met this lady at the pet store today and she told me she was giving her rabbits away for adoption because she has to move out of her parents' house and they don't want to take of them.

She said she's going to give the rabbit, the cage, toys, etc., everything for free. She said she just wants them to have a good home because if she can't find anyone who'll take her rabbits, she's going to have to go take them to a some center or something.

My rabbit is a male and he's 4 months right now and her rabbit is a year old.. and.. she's pretty big. lols & I want my rabbit to have a girlfriend XD lols

I was wondering if I should take her in or not.

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^ If you can afford to take care of both rabbits (time, money, etc), I don't see why not. Make sure the lady gives you a full account of her rabbit's health details, habits, etc. Keep the lady's contact particulars too, just in case something happens and you need to get in touch with her. Get the rabbit checked by a vet or something, just to make sure she's healthy.

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Guest Jesszic@

i'd a Dalmation,

and now my sis just got a mix breed of Chihuahua and Miniature Pinscher.

He's just one month old tho.

and is effin' cute. xD

..so yeah, is there any way to teach this lil doggie the right place to pee.

like in a specific place..??

my friend taught me the other day.

she said when he pee, take a piece of paper and depth a bit of his urine in it and put it in a place.

but it doesn't work.

any idea? or he is just too young to know all this stuff? ><

Anyway, meet Jig Jig; <3

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Guest atalamarche10

does anyone have a chow chow here?

they're really cute and I am looking to get a puppy,

but I read that they can be vicious..


with any animal, how they are depends on how you raise them, right?

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Guest hodduk

does anyone have a chow chow here?

they're really cute and I am looking to get a puppy,

but I read that they can be vicious..


with any animal, how they are depends on how you raise them, right?

I've never had a chow but my friend has and it has bitten her a few times and shes raised it with care. Different types of dogs will have different personalities. Like golden retrievers are known to be the family dog blahblah..but I'm sure if you raise it abusively it will turn out mean. So probably 50/50 on the type of dog and how you raise it.

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Guest atalamarche10

.......that's my biggest fear...my own dog attacking me -_-

i'm scared of dogs too...i'm slowly getting used to them..

maybe i should just start out with a smaller dog...

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