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(Interview) If Kang Dong Won Were X-Man

2015 11 10


Holy cow, X-Man! I gave knee jerk reaction by clapping my hands as soon as Kang Dong Won chose X-Man for the character he wants. His 186cm lean body figure and unrealistic appearance prove that ‘God is unfair.’ And X-Man (a mutation different from human) seemed like the perfect fit for him. Moreover, many people have been bewitched by his undefined strange atmosphere. I shortly deluded myself thinking that this might be his superpower. I met X-Man Kang Dong Won who changed into priest Choi who fights against evil in ‘The Priests.’


Q. Why have you lost so much weight?
Kang Dong Won: Because of the movie, ‘Covered Time’ which I am working on now. I chose to do it. (Laughter)

Q. Don’t you feel sensitive to 1kg?
Kang Dong Won: Yes. (Laughter) I weighed 71-72kg when I took film of ‘The Priests’ and now I weigh 65-66kg. I lost some weight when I took film of ‘A Violent Prosecutor’ (will be released early 2016) and lost 3kg more. I’m going to maintain the weight now.

Q. I always feel that you lose your weight precisely with settled number. (Laughter)
Kang Dong Won: Haha. I divided the weight into 4 levels myself. 75kg, 72kg, 67kg, and the lowest level is 64-65kg. 1kg changes the face angle in the monitor, even though many of you would not feel the difference.

Q. Apart from the films, which level do you like the most?
Kang Dong Won: 74-75kg make me powerful. When I weigh about 64-65kg, I feel tired and cannot drink much. That is where I am now. I feel a little powerless. (Laughter)

Q. Yes, you look a bit tired. You looked very tired during the press preview.
Kang Dong Won: I couldn’t sleep well. It’s time to release the film and I had lots of things to do until now. I had some worries, but most of them are resolved. But I think I became somewhat fatigued. I didn’t feel well during the last production presentation on October 12th because I just came to Korea the day before from Europe. I stayed in Europe for a month after I finished ‘A Violent Prosecutor.’ I had jet lag. It’s like I had production presentation at 2am if I were in Europe.

Q. Did you have your own time in Europe?
Kang Dong Won: No, I had to take some films. I also had some other things to do.

Q. When do you get rest? You probably need your own time for rest.
Kang Dong Won: I don’t have that these days. (Laughter) If I say that I go abroad, they somehow find out about it and give me a lot of scenarios. They say, “Oh, I heard you go travel. I’m not finished with editing, but take these with you.”


Q. By the way, your choice of scenario is becoming more and more interesting. The genre, character, feeling from ‘KUNDO,’ ‘My Throbbing Life,’ to ‘The Priests’ are all different. Also for ‘Covered Time’ you are taking film of now. You seem to be not biased in choosing the scenarios.
Kang Dong Won: I don’t have bias. I don’t have repulsion if the scenario is interesting. I don’t calculate this and that… um, actually I do. Because I hate being awkward with the producer by how the movie is doing. So, I calculate that kind of aspect.

Q. During the interview for ‘My Throbbing Life,’ you told much about the worries regarding the vocal cords register. You said you have been trained to make various voices. So when I watched ‘The Priests,’ I concentrated listening to your voice on purpose. It was really different.
Kang Dong Won: I almost resolved the problem. It has been about a year and half since I worked on vocalization training. My acquaintances also felt the difference in ‘The Priests.’ They said I have phonetic change. My voice has more echoes. It became much easier to speak the lines. My vocal trainer is actually my friend. He is Joo Hyung Jin, a singer.

Q. Uh? Is it his music video that you made appearance? (Gang Dong Won made appearance on the music video of his high school friend Joo Hyung Jin’s ‘Let’s Break Up’ with no guarantee.
Kang Dong Won: Yes. (Laughter) He is a skilled musician, so I had went to meet him. I said, “I have this kind of worry. You make me change.” And we started the training, and I think I followed up quite well than expected. My friend also got to have desire to really change me and said, “Let’s keep going, keep going.” Our lesson became longer. I had two to three lessons in a week. They are stopped because I am busy these days.

Q. What can I say; you seem to remove your weak points one by one.
Kang Dong Won: If I fix and learn one by one, I believe it would be a huge asset.

Q. What are some of your weak points that you have removed until now?
Kang Dong Won: What I first started with was dialect. What was the next? There are so many of them. Oh, I tried ‘not to be nervous,’ too. That’s why I don’t get nervous on taking films.

Q. Is it possible not to get nervous by practicing?
Kang Dong Won: Yes, it is. It is. There are many techniques. The first stage is to think ‘I am just crazy.’ (Laughter) The next is to get friendly with the staffs. After I get friendly with them, they laugh at me when I do something strange. When I’m not friendly with them, they cannot naturally laugh at me. Now, they just naturally laugh at me whatever I do. Therefore, I have more blunt confidence and vitality when I take films.


Q. Is it actor’s greed to aim for perfection?
Kang Dong Won: I want to be an actor for a long time. If I just stay where I am now, I will get behind. How would I get through those new actors if I just stay here? (Laughter) I need to work hard, continuously. And it is the period that actors in my age work a lot. I want to do new and various things that are different from what the senior generation had made. I think that is my duty, and it’s also greed as an actor.

Q. Director Jang Jaehyun of ‘The Priests’ and director Um Taehwa of ‘Covered Time’ are both producers who showed great potential in short movies.
Kang Dong Won: Yes, they are. I watched ‘12th Assist Deacon’(2014), the original short movie of ‘The Priests’ at Mise-en-scene’s Film Festival. I liked it very much. Director Um Taehwa’s ‘Forest’(2012) was exceptionally good compared to common short films. I think this was the prize winning film in 3 years of Mise-en-scene’s Short Film Festival.

Q. You work with talented rookies a lot. I think you are clever to work like that, in a good way.
Kang Dong Won: Such directors give me offers, so there is no reason for me to decline them. Director Jang Jaehyun of ‘The Priests,’ Lee Ilhyung of ‘A Violent Prosecutor,’ and Um Taehwa of ‘Covered Time’ are all at the same age with me. It’s also their first time to make films. Interestingly, the films are all new genres and new stories. That is what I find really interesting. I want to make them better, too. It would be not easy, but it’s fun when I have a goal. It causes me a desire to achieve.

Q. You talked about goal. I know that you have specific goals when you take films. What is your desired goal in ‘The Priests’?
Kang Dong Won: First of all, it was ‘vocalization’ that I mentioned earlier. And it continued to ‘A Violent Prosecutor.’ I think I accomplished intended goal to some extent. I also had a goal to ‘express strong’ with new emotions. I tried to express my maximized fear. And what is most important was the details. That’s still what I am working on. I consider how deep I will go through them.


Q. ‘The Priests’ is not a film that only cared about the visuals. What the evil aims for is eventually Priest Choi’s trauma (This answer may include spoiler.)
Kang Dong Won: That part was originally in the first scenario. I gave some ideas to the director. I studied the character before taking film by visiting a priest. At that time, the priest said, “How would an evil show up to you? Do you think the evil would come to attract you with sexy clothes and red lipstick on?” He said no. “It will come in the most desperate and poor way.” I sympathized with his words. I would be repulsed by too sexy woman. (Laughter) So, I gave some ideas and the director liked them. I tried to express trauma about a younger sister in a most desperate way.

Q. Priest Choi becomes weak in front of the evil’s attraction, but he also becomes strong by it at the same time. How is Gang Dong Won in real life?
Kang Dong Won: That’s one of what my mother believes in me. I get nervous in small things, but I become rather rational when I have big things. I become strangely rational. For instance, I was like that during the soccer match in high school. I was good at school match, but not at class match.

Q. What is the psychology behind that? (Laughter)
Kang Dong Won: Well, maybe because I get more concentrated.

Q. That would help when you act.
Kang Dong Won: Yes, it does. I cannot concentrate for a long time, but I can in an instant. When I read comic books, I would not recognize someone calling me. (Laughter)

Q. Do you have any preferred filming place, a place that you think suitable for you?
Kang Dong Won: Um, I haven’t actually thought about that.


Q. While I watched ‘The Priests,’ I thought you are an actor who looks very suitable in the streets. Streets appear in ‘M’ and you showed strange dance on the dark streets in ‘Duelist.’ Oh, the posters of ‘M’ and ‘The Priests’ look somewhat similar.
Kang Dong Won: Oh! Come to think of it, there were streets in ‘M’ and the poster, too. (Jokingly) Hey, how did you print out the poster draft? (Everybody laughs) I’m not sure, but I think it’s my strong point to some extent. I fit into dark streets and modern places, too. I don’t know how it’d sound, but I think I tend to fit into many places. Somebody told me this. “There are different groups in film, and you are strangely in between them.” At that time, he told me this as a compliment.

Q. I will second that. In many places, you define yourself saying “I’m a commercial movie actor.” But I think what you say of commercial movie is somewhat different from what we say commercial movie in general.
Kang Dong Won: What I mean by a commercial movie is a movie that is well received by the audiences. A well made movie is a commercial movie. Making a big success is not that important. However, I think that a commercial movie that I make appearance in should not be doomed. It’s kind of responsibility. There would be no problem if I take the film with my money, but it’s not. It does not matter if it is an experimental movie. I think that kind of movie does not have a standard to be doomed. Actually, ‘M’ was somewhat experimental movie. Some people who criticize the movie say that it is a doomed movie. Well, I actually think ‘What is the standard?’


Q. I think this is why you have broad range of film selection.
Kang Dong Won: Some people ask me whether I long for a big success. But actually my films turned out to be quite a success. There’s actually no film that did not turn out to be a success, so I don’t really long for it. (Everybody laughs) It’s only ‘M’ that did not turn into a quite success. But that movie was kind of experimental work as I mentioned earlier. If you still want to ask me whether I want a huge success in movie, well, I think that is what the heaven determines. I am satisfied with what I have.

Q. I clearly see what you think about a commercial movie.
Kang Dong Won: What I think of commercial movies is never a big hit movie.

Q. Everyone always talks about your appearance. I think you are little deprived of an opportunity to be correctly assessed rather than your acting is undermined by your appearance.
Kang Dong Won: My close directors often say something like that. What can I do about it? That’s my reality. I hear ‘rediscovery of acting’ for every film. How low anticipation they have towards me? (Everybody laughs)

Q. Don’t you feel disappointed by that?
Kang Dong Won: You could say like that, but I don’t care much about it. I just need to do better.


Q. When you are like this, you seem very laid-back. (Laugher) Director Lee Myeongsae’s ‘Duelist,’ and Yoon Jongbin’s ‘KUNDO’ dissolved your maximized image in the films. It seems like that not a few directors who work with you want to realize ‘A kind of fantasy’ that they have thought of. (Laughter)
Kang Dong Won: Hahaha. The directors often feel it’s unfair to be treated like that. They say, “Did I make the camera more light for you than him? No, I did not. I prepared same light and took the same way. Why are you doing this to me?” (Laugher) During taking film of ‘KUNDO,’ somebody said, “Why do you sprinkle the petals only to Gang Dong Won not Ha Jungwoo?” (Everybody laughs) But the petals were sprinkled all the time. And I remember that the director answered, “Am I crazy? Why would I sprinkle the petals only to Gang Dong Won?”

Q. Maybe that’s because you are an actor with an atmosphere. I think that’s a great charm. It’s not what anyone can get.
Kang Dong Won: I also think positive with that. It’s better to be an issue than to be nothing. But if someone takes wrong with that, I have no choice but to work harder. Actually, the answer is simple. Instead of saying ‘No, no,’ I just need to do better. The answer is already given, so I don’t need to worry about it anymore.

Q. I can see your big greed at acting. Is there any movie that you wanted to make appearance except your movies? It can be Korean or foreign movie.
Kang Dong Won: Actually there is one movie like that. Only one. I did not have something like that but I happened to have it since some time I don’t know. I wonder how it would be like making appearance in Bryan Singer’s ‘X-Men.’ (Everybody laughs)

Q. Oh, what kind of X-Men do you dream of?
Kang Dong Won: Quicksilver (Evan Peters)? The one runs fast. He is really attractive. While I watched the movie, I thought ‘Wow, it’s fun. I really want to play that role. I think I also can do well.’ (Laughter) I said to my acquaintances, “I want to do X-Man” and they said “It would be nice.”

source http://tenasia.hankyung.com/archives/749543

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Kang Dong-won wanted to take a break, but why?




Kang Dong-won wanted to 'take a break' but he came out with a new movie.

Despite being busy with the new movie "The Priests", Kang Dong-won currently is filming another movie called, "Hidden Time". If things go according to plan, Kang Dong-won will be engaged with the movie until early late this year or early next year. Like this, Kang Dong-won has been coming out with 5 movies straight starting from "KUNDO : Age of the Rampant" last year, "My Brilliant Life", "A Violent Prosecutor", and the recent "The Priests". He has been the most active since his debut. He wanted a break due to the exhaustion but there was a reason why he chose to go on with "Hidden Time".

"Hidden Time" is producer Eom Tae-hwa's debuting movie. His skills have been acknowledged with "Ingtoogi" before and for this current one, he thought of Kang Dong-won first. However, Kang Dong-won was so busy that he asked for the deadline to be pushed back. However, the answer was negative.

Being a rookie means not having enough verification as a producer and the casts were all rookies. In these 'weak conditions' the production needed Kang Dong-won's help desperately. According to his decision, the direction of the movie could be deterred. Kang Dong-won said, "I felt pressure in the fact that the movie might not do well if I didn't agree to do it".

Another reason is that Kang Dong-won thought he could show the boy in him through this movie. The movie is about four children who disappear in the mountains but reappear as grown men. Kang Dong-won is one of them. He chooses a boyish trait as one of his representing images. He plans to bring it all out in "Hidden Time".

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Guest applewon1

Good day everyone, amy alice miss youuuuu ^^ ..


More screen caps from MV.. Full MV will be releawed today!!









cre: DCgall






Look like this is a CF not MV ^^' 'Broke' '헤어지자고' by Joo Hyung Jin .. CF preview 0.58 sec now release!!


OMO ..I am speechless ,cant wait to see full CF!!


source: http://news.nate.com/view/20100115n08856

download here ; CF

credit: baidu, uploaded by kamin

So was this a CF or a MV?

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a mv :)


‘The Priests’ Beats Out Hollywood Films In South Korea Box Office

by Ji Hyun Joo / Nov 12, 2015 01:52 PM EST

South Korean mystery-thriller movie “The Priests” has topped the box office, bringing in more than a million people in just three days since opening last Thursday, according to the news outlet The Korea Times.

The local film was so successful over its debut weekend that it recorded the biggest opening of November, beating out Hollywood films, including “Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials,” “The Martian,” “Bridge of Spies” and “Burnt,” according to The Hollywood Reporter.

“The Priests” dominated 69.1 percent of the market share during the weekend of November 6 to 9, according to the Korean Film Council’s KOBIS database. The film reportedly earned a gross total of about 13 billion won ($11.3 million).

The first week of November is reportedly traditionally one of the worst for movies that hit theaters in South Korea, but “The Priests” was able to move past that trend.

The CJ Entertainment film stars Kim Yun-seok and Kang Dong-won as a priest and deacon, respectively. The characters reportedly team up for an exorcism in order to save a girl who is in danger because of a supernatural force.

The thriller’s release was a special one, as it was reportedly the first mainstream film to be released for ScreenX theaters. ScreenX is a three-screen cinema technology developed by CJ Entertainment that is only available at the company’s CGV theaters around the country.

ScreenX may have worked its magic this time by providing viewers of the mystery drama an opportunity to experience every twist and turn almost as if it were a “virtual reality.”

“In an age where users can easily download films to watch anything on HD screens, theaters are looking for a way to keep audiences coming with spectacle and immersive experiences. ScreenX is designed to give audiences a more lively experience through a panoramic view of what’s happening on screen,” explained a CGV spokesperson upon the debut of the ScreenX format in South Korea



more pics from stage greeting on 8 November














credit pit_a_pat_com


The Priests Fan art

credit Choenamsae


stage greeting schedual on 14-15 November


Edited by oceanluv
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@twtwb  yeah, that is not new...maybe Vogue just congrats to his movie's success by reposting it... :)


The viewers on 13 November (the 9th day) = 245,146

cumulative viewers = 2,656,881

credit KOBIS

hope tomorrow it will surpass 3 m....:phew:
credit LUVDG


Edited by oceanluv
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'The Priests' editor reveals the after effect of staring at Kang Dong Won's face all day

November 13, 2015 @ 4:47 pm

Get ready for the lawls because a recent message sent to an acquaintance by the producer in charge of editing Kang Dong Won's upcoming movie, 'The Priests,' is grabbing a lot of attention!


Recently, the acquaintance posted on Twitter, "The KakaoTalk the producer editing 'The Priests' sent just now..." and added the screenshot.  It was revealed that the producer was editing a video of the movie meant for the TV.  He wrote after a lot of kekes, "After just looking at Kang Dong Won's face continuously while editing, trying to look at other people is like... ha..." suggesting that after his eyes left the screen with the ever handsome Kang Dong Won on it, it was jarring to look at the people around him.

Netizens could empathize as they wrote, "There are only squids outside of the monitor."


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WOW! The Priests surpassed 3 m within 10 days on 14 Nov at 6.30 pm (KST), Congrats!

source 1  source 2


Box Office on 14 November 2015 (the 10th day)

The Priests got viewers = 460,160, The cumulative attendance = 3,120,035


credit KOBIS


Stage Greeting on 14 Nov




















credit on pics via dcdongwon




more pics in spoiler



























credit on pics via dcdongwon


Edited by oceanluv
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‘The Priests’ tops 3m moviegoers

Updated : November 15 2015

The exorcism thriller “The Priests” topped 3 million ticket sales as of Saturday, box-office data showed Sunday.

Since its release on Nov. 5, the film was watched by 3.12 million viewers as of Saturday, including a daily viewer count of 460,160 registered on that day, according to the state-run Korean Film Council.


Kang Dong-won in "The Priests" (CJ Entertainment)

The record is on the same pace as box-office hits “Masquerade” (2012) and “Ode to My Father” (2014), which both crossed the coveted 10 million mark, its distributor CJ Entertainment said.

Directed by Jang Jae-hyun, “The Priests” stars Kim Yun-seok and Kang Dong-won as a priest and deacon, respectively, who decide to perform an exorcism to save a girl from danger. Rookie actress Park So-dam plays the girl possessed by a demon.

In this flick, Kim and Kang joined up for the first time in six years since their box-office hit “Woochi” in 2009.

By Ahn Sung-mi (sahn@heraldcorp.com)


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more sg pics on 15 November




151115 검은사제들 무대인사 강동원 FOCUS (롯데시네마 수원 14:00)


2015.11.15 14:45 검은사제들 무대인사 - 수원.롯데시네마

wow bow


Box Office on 15 Nov. 2015

daily viewers = 380,344  (the 11th day)

accumulative viewers = 3,500,375

credit KOBIS

Edited by oceanluv
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10 Celebrities With Offbeat Hobbies and Interests
November 18, 2015

These celebrities get their energy from their pet obsessions, no matter if it seems a little offbeat to other people. As hardcore fans, the Japanese word for these celebrities would be “otakus.”

3. Kang Dong Won – “One Piece”

Posted Image

The actor loves the anime/manga so much that he attended a “One Piece” exhibition held at the War Memorial of Korea in 2014 and was quoted as saying that if One Piece were ever made into a movie, he would want to play the character Luffy. For his 2009 film, “Jeon Woo Chi,” he said that he channeled his inner Luffy for the filming. It must have helped, because the film went on to be the third best selling film of the year.



Which starlet chose Kang Dong-won as her ideal type?
November 18 2015


Kang Dong-won (OSEN)

Actor Kang Dong-won, who is starring in mystery flick “The Priests,” is one of the most sought-after actors in the industry for his acting prowess, peppered with his natural charm.

The 34-year-old heartthrob, who is known for his age-defying looks, is also beloved among young female stars.

Suzy (OSEN)
Suzy, who is now dating actor Lee Min-ho, once said her ideal man type is Kang Dong-won on TV talk show “Healing Camp, Aren’t You Happy” in 2013. “I like him very much,” Suzy said, though saying she likes him for no particular reason.

Shim Eun-kyung (OSEN)
Actress Shim Eun-kyung, 21, also chose Kang as her ideal type, saying she likes him very much.

Nam Ji-hyun (OSEN)
Twenty-year-old actress Nam Ji-hyun said she wants to act opposite Kang Dong-won in the future, adding that Kang has a certain vibe that makes him attractive.

Hyolyn (OSEN) Taeyeon (OSEN) Han Seung-yeon (OSEN) Sandara Park (OSEN)
An array of K-pop starlets, including Hyolyn of Sistar, Taeyeon of Girls’ Generation, Han Seung-yeon of Kara and Sandara Park of 2NE1, have also pointed to Kang as their ideal man type.

Earlier, Kang said he doesn’t really care about looks when he sees a woman. “Look is not that important,” he said. “I like a person who has a very clear view on things and who has her own world. These kinds of women exude a certain kind of special feeling or vibe that I find them attractive.”

When asked to describe his preference on appearance, he just said he doesn’t want the woman’s belly to stick out.

By Ahn Sung-mi (sahn@heraldcorp.com)

source : kpopherald

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Guest notjoowon

Movie The Priests sells over 4 million tickets and releases a special poster





As of Friday November 20th, The Priests has reached of 4 million moviegoers, and released a special poster for all the viewers. The Priests is directed by Jang Jae-hyun, produced by Zip Cinema and distributed by CJ Entertainment.


The movie The Priests, is about the search for a young girl who is facing danger, which leads to two priests who investigate a mysterious incident.

In the first three days of its release, The Priests sold 1 million tickets. It sold a total of 2 million tickets seven days after its release and 3 million 10 days after. Now (November 20th) 16 days after its release, it has accumulated 3,961,076 ticket sales (as of this morning). It surpassed the 4 million mark at 1:20pm, prompting the studio to release the special poster.

In the 4million ticket, special poster, you can see the two catholic priests and the girl they have been searching for.

Father Kim played by Kim Yoon-seok has a determined and firm expression while holding his prayer book and preparing for the exorcism ceremony, giving off a serious vibe. His seminary student deacon Choi played by Kang Dong-won watches with concern as the tension rises. In front of the two sits the girl they had been searching for. The exhausted girl sitting in the photo Young-shin played by Park So-dam give the scene a complete feel.

The movie The Priests was released November 5th, and is blowing away the box office.

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