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Kang Dong-Won 강동원 [Upcoming movies: “The Plot”, “Dr. Cheon and Lost Talisman”, “ War and Revolt”]


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i think you all right...kdw's niece is really look a like with him....

truly cute...thanks oceanluv.....

dadani thanks 4 the translation...again...kdw has a good evaluation about his acting....

confident actor....stealing the spotlight by silence....

even "M" didn't success in the market...but still has a good attention...and got third spot...

and kdw in 12th....that's showed how great and famous he is in korea.....

hi..gitakawai where were you???

good for you if you had that coat...hehe..that coat seems to be kdw's best fav coat...so get it girl...

to all AWA new fans...hi..hi..hi...kdw definetly super handsome in AWA.... got many girls heart melting while seeing Taesung's tears....

yes it's MAGIC aatu kdw got the (damm hansome) evil caracter...but when seeing this drama....at the same time you can also gave a deep sympaty for him...

what i like about magic was the sountrack....it's so good..... (i never (able) to watch the drama anyway...)

lucky you..if you can watch it.....

so tell us your opinion after watched it........


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for all M fans here is English Sub

Download >> M CD1

Download >> M CD2


I just finish watched last night and still a bit confusing right now :sweatingbullets:

anybody watch it?

here is my capture (LQ 'coz I use cell phone to took a photo)



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Guest subduing mara

I just finish watched last night and still a bit confusing right now :sweatingbullets:

anybody watch it?

You watched already, Kamin? I probably get confused as you were last night --! I hope to

watch it this coming weekend as planned :D .

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i watched it too, i love its ending~ we all know synopis already so it isn't too difficult to understand its story :D

I also love the ending dada^^

spoiler : I love the word that Mimi said when she leave Minwoo.

what I confused is the first half of movie, it too much light/dark, real/dream also Minwoo's house. It's surrounded by mirror.

that make me feel uncomfortable with the house scenes :sweatingbullets:

ps.after finish watched M, it's remind me to some book I read before ummm >.< can't remember the name

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M - Kang Dong Won

cab downloade from Mandy's cb


i finished watching. it's very .. how to say .. artistic .. and lots of confuse in it.

but in the last scene when the credits come out .. finally i can make my minds what the story is all about.

is a bout some one who logging for his dead first love.

each time i saw it .. i was like .. "oh . now is the reality" then tehy changed again ..

"nope this is the reality .." ,, wait .. "do this is the real reality??'

finally they make me confuse with the whole story. but it keeps u wait .. wait and wait for the end conclusion ..

very good one if u are looking mystery movie to watch.

*thumb rise for KDW*


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Guest subduing mara

I watched M already... :lol: First thing to say, my hat off for you Wonnie, you are completely crossed your territory of being 'a pretty boy' and became 'a telented actor' now .. I am no longer in doubt of your acting abilities! M has proved your are the best!

M is much better than my expectation.. Thx fr the synopsis and movie reviews that guided me throght a whole story. Even story is confusing me of which are real and hallucinations towards the end, I can say it's the matarepiece of director Lee... I love the way visual techniques did to its themes , both light and sound effects are such perfect combinations .. It reminds me of Duelists somehow :)

Still, there are questions in my mind to find out the answers, so I will repeat watching it soon.

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come to see more pics at this thread...


he is so stylish...^^

each time i saw it .. i was like .. "oh . now is the reality" then tehy changed again ..

"nope this is the reality .." ,, wait .. "do this is the real reality??'

yep!! i feel like that....

i watched M yesterday...like you guys said is a bit confused...

it's hard to explain, some scenes look little weird as lms's style but i must say this is a great one with beautiful ending, i luv it...

lyh, she has such a natural cham, khj did a great job as always... and dongwon, he made me believe he is really minwoo, so amazing! you are a true actor!!

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Guest dada_princess

Today Dong Won oppa attended 2008 birthday party hold by Korean fans in Seoul ^_^ It's said that the party was so exciting and he made his fans moved to death :D i wish i was there

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Guest subduing mara

Today Dong Won oppa attended 2008 birthday party hold by Korean fans in Seoul ^_^ It's said that the party was so exciting and he made his fans moved to death :D i wish i was there

:w00t: I wish to be there too, dadani Does anyone tell how it was so exciting or got pics or clips?-- I badly need to see them!

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Dongwon 2008 Birthday Meeting

2008년 01월 14일

2008 강동원 생파후기 by 텔아이




this message from fan who attend the meeting yesterday ;


정말 대박이었어요ㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲ

앞에서 두번째 줄(게다가 바로 앞 줄엔 사람도 없었음)중앙에서 두시간 내내 실컷 강동원의

얼굴만 바라보고 있다가 왔다는 거!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


그게 원래는 전에도 포스팅했듯이 300번대였는데, S님과 M님의 은총에 힘입어

70번대 자리로 옮겼다가(여기도 앞에서 4번째 줄 중앙),다시 두번째 앞자리로 옮기게

되었습니다...으흑흑T_T저 맨날 삽신강림해도 인복은 있는가봐요T_T_T_T_T엉엉

너무 캄샤...ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

생파도 벌써 세번째 가다보니 긴장감도 사라졌었는데, 막상 바로 앞에서 볼 수 있다

생각하니 갑자기 급긴장ㄷㄷㄷㄷ

그 이전을 생각하여 지각or비니 둘 중에 하나는 분명 할 거라고 생각했는데,

사노모 생파때문인지 지각도 않고, 비니도 안썼어요...!

근데 머리가...머리가...!!!너무 귀여웡ㅇㄴㄱ132$ㄲ#@%$ㅉㄸ뀨ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

게다가 옷도 머리랑 너무 잘 어울려서 너무 예뻤구요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ하악하악하악

머리는 신인시절(or증명사진;)이후로 처음보는 듯한 흔치않은 5:5가르마에 파마머리였는데,

예상외의 스타일에 처음 봤을땐 깜놀.그러나 저거 우리 동원이 아니면 누가 어울리겠어!!!모드로


진행자 없이 진행되어서, 강옵화가 많이 웅얼거려줘서 참 좋아쎄여T_T...

말투나 행동은 정말 봐도 봐도 연예인같지가 않다니까요...솔직히 저래서 돈 벌겠냐

싶었는데, 지난해에 수입이 정말 없었단 말에서 저도 모르게 납득...T_T;;;

바로 앞자리다보니 뒤에 앉을때와 달리 표정하나하나가 다 보여서...

다음번엔 정말 은행달려가서 문앞에 매달리더라도 꼭 앞자리에 앉아야겠구나!라는 생각이

마구 들었어요.눈 굴리는 것도 너무 귀엽고,그 작은 입을 꼬물꼬물 움직이는 것도 너무 귀엽구...하악하악[폭사]O<-<

얼굴만 빤히 쳐다보다보고 있자니 혼이 곧장 별세계로 직행할 수 있을 것 같은 기분이

마구 들어서 정신줄 붙들고 있느라 힘들었습니다;

진행자가 없어서인지 매우 프리한 분위기여서 다들 앉아서 그냥 소리쳐 질문하고 그러다보니,

언뜻 앞 방향을 쳐다보는 게 눈 마주친 줄 알고 급 움찔ㄲㄲ

머리가 커지는데 어떡하죠?이 질문도 재밌었구요.이 질문인지 다른 질문인지 볼살은 어떻냐는

객석의 외침에, 나이들면 빠져서 걱정일거라고, 나이드신분들은 아실거예요...할때....

왜 이쪽을 보며 강조하는 거죠?!T_T_T_T_T_T_Tㄲㄲㄲ

기억에 남았던 것은 역시나 남자 팬 분...의자뺏기 게임때 뽑혀 올라오셨는데,정말

필사적으로 이기더라구요.우왕ㅋ굳ㅋ

승리자에게 내리는 포상으로 강옵화와의 폴라로이드 사진을 찍을 때, 덥썩 허리 껴앉고

매달리기까지...!!!ㄲㄲㄲ[포옹이라고 보기엔 높이가(...)]

이어지는 강옵화의 멘트, 남자가 안긴 건 처음이랬나요...후후♨

그리고 질문시간에 나온 참치란 별명 어떻냐는 거에선, 국민학교()때부터 들어서 괜찮다고.

동참이라고도 불리기도 했다는데,이름 별명이라 별로 재미가 없긴하다면서 좋아했던

별명으로는 뒤빡...(뒤짱구라;)

무릎팍 도사 재현할 때 춤추는 것도 너무 귀여웠어요T_T...

그러나 가장 기억에 남는 것은 역시 강옵화 본인.

두시간 내내 얼굴을 조밀조밀 뜯어보다보니 정말 넋이 나갈 뻔했습니다.

그 자체로 제가 바라는 남성 캐릭터의 이데아적 형상이심T_T...어헝헝

그리고 생파때마다 슬쩍 슬쩍 나오는 고집세면서도 속정깊은 모습(이거 볼때마다

우리집 켈모씨랑 성향이 비슷한데 싶기도-_-)도 이번에는 좀 더 프리한 분위기라

그랬는지 자주 보였어요. 술잔 갔다놓고 한잔 따라주고 싶은 분위기;;;

지금의 강옵화에겐 힘내라던가 그런 말이 아니라 그저 가만히 그 행보를 지켜보는 쪽이

가장 좋을 거 같았어요.알아서 잘하고 있으니까(전 제 앞가림이나,흙흙-_-;;;;)

그려 반한 사람이 지는거지...T_Tㄲㄲㄲ

그리고 원칙적으로는 금지인 사진촬영을 막판에 다들 하시길래(-_-;), 앞자리에

앉은 기념삼아...ㄲㄲㄲ(님하)

근데 소심해서 두 장밖에 못찍었어요...

[실은 동영상도 찍었지만(야;), 잘 안보이고 목소리도 잘 안들려서.흑흑]

문제 될 시엔 삭제합니다.

그렇게 앞자리에서 기력을 쪽쪽 빨린 건지, 너무 졸려서 집에 오자마자 수면ㄱㄱ;;;

I will wait for your translation dadani^^

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the stage before the meeting start :


brochure & agenda :


on meeting :


credit : DC gall KDW & gangdongwon.cn


this photo took from Airport last year (I don't know where he go :sweatingbullets: ),

his cloth remind me to the role in "Voice of Murderer"



I guest he sing again, like every year ^^


DL song that Dongwon sing on fan meeting here : http://ibulmart.cafe24.com/html/img/mk/gm/2008hansil/m.mp3

(use flashget)

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