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Kang Dong-Won 강동원 [Upcoming movies: “The Plot”, “Dr. Cheon and Lost Talisman”, “ War and Revolt”]


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Guest hantamthieu

Thanks Amy for the link ^_^. You're really amazing :D

oceanluv, I have no problem with the link. I use IE. The vid is really HQ. Now I just have to wait for subbed SB B)

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Guest avinn


Hi dear....can u try any one of the sources..

source: wat.tv

Part 1/8

Part 2/8

Part 3/8

Part 4/8

Part 5/8

Part 6/8

Part 7/8

Part 8/8

source: megavideo

JWC part 1

JWC Part 2

Anyway, thanks for the mag updates. I knew JWC will make it to the top. Go JWC!! Can't wait to buy the DVD when it's out since my little nephews keep bugging me for it... :D


Thanx Unnie...Hopefully they will upload the SB as well in their site. In fact, they even had uploaded TBTL and Temptation of wolves on the list B)

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Guest atsirkparadise

Just finished watching "Temptation of Wolves"...

Gosh, I loved it! You are an awesome actor :)


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Guest cupidxxxloves

Hi, I'm new here, nice to meet you guys ^^

I just have a question, hope that it's not a silly ques >.< : "Does DW have a FB?" or cyword, twitter ect, coz i've found one here:


in addition, this account posted :"Thank you" on KDW fanclub on fb, so i'm curious it's fake or not. Can you tell me?

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Guest hantamthieu

Hi, I'm new here, nice to meet you guys ^^

I just have a question, hope that it's not a silly ques >.< : "Does DW have a FB?" or cyword, twitter ect, coz i've found one here:


in addition, this account posted :"Thank you" on KDW fanclub on fb, so i'm curious it's fake or not. Can you tell me?

I really have no idea. I don't think he would show himself in fb. Not sure about cyword though, even though I have no idea how cyword works either.

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Guest avinn

Hi cupidxxxloves...

I believe it's a fake FB.. As far as I know he doesn't even have a cyworld account and what makes me laugh is his sibling's (in FB) name 'Edward Park'. I thought Wonnie only has a big sister ??

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ok, I can watch it...thanks so much Amy :)

I can't stop smiling, really love this movie!

me too to heck with harry potter as it has nothing on this movie. This movie was kicking from beginning to ending and the characters were Korean meaning no anglo person had to be the hero or villian. i appreciate movies like this that showcase Korean talent and hopefully Koreans will continue to support these type of movies rather than be brainwashed into thinking Harry Potter is the be all and end all.

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Guest cupidxxxloves

Thank you, hantamthieu and avinn. Thanks for answering me ^ ^

Btw, i'll go the cinema to watch JWC tomorrow though i did watch it 3 times at home, it was sooo enjoyable ♥. May we'll enjoy Psychic soon, before DW enlisting this November :( . very excited ab Koo shoo & DW battle on big screen!!!

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Guest subduing mara

I'm back!! Hi Amy, Ellis , tanio12, hantamthieu and welcome cupidxxxloves to Woniie thread ^__^ Sorry for being away coz i am quite stress and busy from the situation in my country from the last few weeks T_T

Btw, i hope it will be better soon .. some of you may heard or read from int'l medias already so i will skip mentioning this seriuos issue in our thread <_< ...

Well, about FB account, i dont think it's real.. and really had no idea about his CY... he may has one but not unveil ^^

Got a cute topic to share :D

Same top but different feel – Kang DongWon and f(x) Sulli

Posted on May 23, 2010 by sookyeong

Same top but different feel! Actor Kang DongWon and f(x) member Sulli spotted with the same doll printed top.

Who wears it better?


cr: kbite

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Guest avinn

Hi Mara...we miss you here. Glad to hear that you are okay despite the commotions in your country. Take good care of yourself yeah...

Speaking of the cute shirt donned by them, I would surely say it looks good on Wonnie. Am not being biased ;) it's just that the shirt that she worn didn't match the jewelleries and suit the occasion...

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Mara, thanks for that news, is this his latest pic? so cute :)

found these pics from Baidu

Psychic pics on 2010.05.10

Ko soo & KDW so hot!!






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'Cha friend nowoojin football players and a former ★?

[star News] Tues May 25th, 2010 11:54 a.m.


Nowoojin, Cho Hansun , Kang (from left) ⓒ Money Today Star News

2010 남아공 월드컵 이 보름여 앞으로 다가오면서 축구에 대한 대중들의 관심도 커지도 있다. 2010 World Cup approaching, the full moon over the future of football is the public's interest keojido. 특히 한국 대표팀이 24일 적지 일본에서 일본 대표팀을 2 대 0으로 꺾으면서, 축구 및 월드컵에 대한 집중도는 더욱 높아지고 있다. Considerable, especially in Japan, South Korea national team 24 days to 2 0 to break the Japanese team said, a focus on football and the World Cup, more is increasing.

연예계도 축구에 이목이 집중되기는 마찬가지다. The focus of attention in the entertainment industry doegineun Football is the same. 축구 마니아들이 유독 많기 때문이다. Toxic, because the football enthusiasts. 연예계 축구 마니아들 중에는 학창 시절 전문 축구 선수로 활동한 스타들도 있어 더욱 눈길을 끈다. Among the entertainment industry school football enthusiasts to professional football players are even more eye-catching active stars.

대표적 스타는 KBS 2TV '개그콘서트'의 '달인 코너에 나오는 개그맨 노우진 이다. Typical star KBS 2TV 'Gag Concert' in 'coming out on the corner of the master comedian nowoojin is. 노우전은 현재 한국 축구 국가대표팀 수비수로 활약하고 있는 차두리 와 함께 배재고에서 축구를 했다. I now know- Korea football national team defender and Cha and played football in high with a Chai. 노우진은 이후 전주대에 진학해서도 축구 선수로 활동했지만, 여러 가지 이유로 축구를 포기하고 개그맨의 길로 들어섰다. Norman Jean Jeonju after football activities on entering, but gave up football for various reasons came into the path of a comedian.

배우 조한선도 홍익대에 입학할 당시까지만 해도 촉망받는 축구 선수였다. Starring Cho Hansun also promising, Hongik until the time of admission was a football player. 그의 포지션은 골키퍼였다. His position was goalkeeper. 하지만 결국 부상 등 여러 이유가 겹치며 축구 선수를 그만뒀다. But in the end for many reasons, including injuries to football players quit the gyeopchimyeo. 조한선은 동갑내기 축구스타인 이천수 등과도 친분이 두텁다. Cho Hansun the same age soccer star Lee Chun-soo duteopda such a close friend.

꽃미남 배우 강동원 역시 학창 시절 축구 선수로 활동했다. Kang handsome actor also worked as a school football players. 그러나 그 역시 결국 부상 때문에 축구 선수의 꿈을 접고, 모델 겸 배우의 길로 접어들었다. But eventually he, too, I knew the dream of a football player because of injury, has entered the path of the model and actress.

초절정 엽기발랄 만화 '구로막차오뎅한개피' 무료로 보기 Bizarre chojeoljeong lively comic 'Oden a phrase cigarettes last bus' view for free

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Wonnie talks to his fans... :)





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Guest cupidxxxloves

wow, thanks for the news. He looks great but pale

I wonder why DW has worn hats recently, esp broad-brimmed hat T_____T. It's just because of the sunlight or it's his new style or st happened to his hair >"<?

random pics

Kang w his sister (and his parents, perhaps?)




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cupidxxxloves, he is surely Wonnie at somewhere airport in the year 2004-2005...



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The first half of the screen, 'rediscovered' as actors?

[OSEN] 2010 년 05 월 26 일 (수) 9:13 a.m.


[OSEN = choenayoung News] 2010 in the first half of the screen 'rediscovery' of the actors had a fun week. 이전과는 다른 모습과 한층 깊어진 연기력으로 다시금 관객들의 마음을 빼앗은 이들은 누구일까? Even deeper than before acting on a different look and again stole the hearts of the audience, who could they?

대표 배우는 강동원 이다. Learning representatives Kang 's. 강동원은 지난 2월 550만여명의 관객몰이를 하며 흥행에 성공한 '의형제'로 충무로 배우로 입지를 다졌다. Kang Dong Won 550 million last February to an audience of mall and box office success of 'brothers' position as an actor minced Chung.

원래 연기 못하는 배우가 아니었지만, 그래도 꽃미남 톱스타의 이미지가 강했던 강동원은 '의형제'에서 남파된 북한공작원으로 분하며 이전과는 다른 연기 영역에 도전했다. The original actor was not acting, but still pretty strong, winning actor Kang Dong-won image of the 'brothers' in North Korean agents in the nampadoen bunhamyeo was previously a challenge unlike smoking area.

분단이란 진지한 소재가 녹아있는 이 휴먼드라마에서 강동원은 현실에 땅을 붙이고 괴롭게 자신의 목표를 위해 나아가는 인물로 진지하고 고독한 모습, 그러면서도 한없이 인간적인 매력을 과시했다. Is a serious division of the molten material in the human drama Kang putting the land in the harsh reality of his goals as a serious and solitary figures look forward for, yet endlessly touted the human attraction. 생애 처음으로 부성애 가득한 아빠 연기를 선보이기도 했다. Buseongae life, full of smoke he had a showcase.

영화에서는 '패셔니스타' 다운 그 만의 화려한 패션을 선보이지 않았지만, 다소 낡은 티셔츠와 평범한 바지만으로도 그의 매력이 빛났다는 반응을 얻기도 했다. 선배 송강호 와의 호흡 속에서 충무로가 탐내는 연기파 배우로서 한 걸음 나아갔다는 평이다. In the movie 'fashionistas' down to showcase its own spectacular fashion, but rather plain old T-shirt and pants, with just his charm shone led to a reaction. Hey ho Chung in breathing with the coveted as a Method actor went one step The pyeongyida.

이정재 역시 '하녀'로 다시금 재발견의 재미를 준 톱스타다. Lee Jeong Jae , too 'Maid' to rediscover the fun of again topseutada given. 그간 많은 캐릭터를 선보였음에도 강한 남성적 이미지가 컸던 이정재는 '하녀'에서 사실 여주인공들 틈에서 분량 자체가 크지 않았음에도 대단한 임팩트를 보여줬다. Meantime, a strong masculine image yeoteumedo introduced many characters that Lee Jeong Jae big a 'maid' of the heroine in the fact that among the quantity itself is not that big, even showed a great impact.

최고 상류층으로 분해 이중적 면모를 숨긴 듯, 한없이 부드러워보이지만 악인의 면모가 흠뻑 드러나는 '하녀' 속 이정재는 상반기 대표 '옴므 파탈'이라고도 할 수 있다. 이정재는 영화에서 관객들에게 웃음과 긴장을 동시에 제공했다. Degradation leading to the upper class seems to hide the dual aspects, infinitely soft and seems drenched in her revealing the wicked 'maid' in the first half of Lee Jeong Jae representatives 'Homme fatale' could also be considered. Lee Jeong Jae from the movies at the same time the audience offered nervous laughter and . 이 영화로 제 63회 칸 영화제 에서 스타로서의 역할을 톡톡히 해낸 이정재의 다음 매력이 궁금해진다. Article 63 in this film at Cannes in the star role as the appeal of Lee Jeong Jae did toktokhi curious.

또 한 명 재발견된 스타는 조여정 이다. Another one star jaebalgyeondoen joyeojeong is. 내달 3일 개봉을 앞둔 '방자전'에서 조여정은 사랑과 일 모두를 성취하려는, 자신의 욕망에 충실한 현대적 춘향으로 분해 이색 매력을 과시한다. Released next month on the eve of three days 'bangjajeon' love and affection from a tightening to achieve all, faithful to his desire to show off the modern-hyang is broken down into unique charms.

25일 언론시사회를 통해 공개된 '방자전'의 평가는 긍정적이다. Public through the press premiere of 25 days 'bangjajeon' assessment is positive. 극중 아름다운 한복 자태 속에 순수와 도발을 오가는 이중적 면모를 과시하는 조여정은 매혹적인 여배우로 손색이 없다. In a beautiful costume drama, a look of innocence and provocation to show off aspects of going to tighten a double affection can stand as a fascinating actress. '방자전'은 대표작 없는 이미지 배우로 흐를 수도 있던 조여정을 재발견하는 작품이고, 조여정은 이 작품으로 자신의 필모그래피에서 드디어 터닝포인트를 찍었다. 'Bangjajeon' is not a masterpiece may flow image as an actor to reinvent the positive work by tightening and tightening his Chung Filmography this work, finally took a turning point. 관심을 모은 조여정의 노출은 과감한 편이고, 베드신은 노골적이나 아름답다. Collection of interest is pretty drastic tightening the definitions of exposure, the explicit love scenes and beautiful.

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Guest yourasthma

KDW is the only celebrity i find attractive. i should watch JWC soon. I do wish he returns to dramas though...

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Guest hantamthieu

Welcome back Mara. We really missed you here ! Yes we heard on the news. So much going on over there, unimaginable things.

Thanks oceanluv again for all the updates !

Amy You gave me a shock (can't say here though - will be a spam LOL - but I really want to LOL)

Will tell you in a pm after I'm done with JWC :)

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Guest subduing mara

oh you are really fast oceanluv, I am about to post this too ^^'

He look so comfortable on the site.. very nice to see him happy :D

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Guest avinn

Thanks oceanluv for the updates... :D

Still looks fashionable even on the film set or perhaps it was meant for the film.. B) He looks happy there although the eyes tells that I am tired/sleepy :rolleyes:

Ohh Unnie...what made you shocked!! hurry tell me... :o:D

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