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For Those Of You That Are Not Korean, How Do Your Parents React When They Find Out You Listen To Kor

Guest psquare6806

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Guest briankim

My friend Reiko got grounded for 3 months because she was watching Korean Dramas and listened to Korean music. She said she loved Korean music more than Japanese. And her parents was very upset and grounded her -__-;;;

She can't go out with her friends, cause her parents are worried thinking their daughter will listen to Korean music/drama some place else too -__-; So after school, she has to come right home and study =/

Bringing up really old post but, I just have to say that those parents have to stop living in the past -___- . Japan vs Korea is a thing of the past, it's silly to hold grudges against a group of people who aren't even in conflict with you anymore :rolleyes:

Anyways, I'm Korean-American but my family isn't really into contemporary Korean culture. Especially not my older brothers. My family will say that they look like girls (which I also partially agree to too), make fun of their dances (my dad is so ridiculous, he does the Again & Again and dance but he looks some sort of retarded zombie), and so forth. My mom and dad are okay with it though. They don't really mind, especially since it's better than the crap that's played everyday on American radio :rolleyes:

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Guest -minchee-

My parents don't really care.

They don't really want to get into it because they don't understand it.

I don't understand it that much, yet I love it ^^

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Guest Skycat

My parents don't care. I watch Korean and Japnese drama's. I also listen to both Japanese and Korean music. My Mom and sister just saw boys over flowers and now they are hooked, but my dad get mad sometimes because we are learning Korean together and he don't know what we are saying.

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Guest spica.21

i reckon my dad would not be too surprised should i harbour an interest in a female group especially, since he and i DO agree that korean girls are quite cute, after all :).....

(i swear that's not the reason i joined this forum...!)

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Guest Impurity

Well..my whole family thought I had an "emo" phase when I switched music genres from pop and r&b to rock and heavy metal. And I do agree that I had a somewhat phase at that time XD (I went batmini cooper crazy with trying to look like certain artists =_='') That was your typical "english music".

Japanese music hit me first.

Dir en Grey, Girugamesh, the Gazette, y'know, all of those type of bands XD

That happened around 3-4 years ago, I think.

My brother shook his head most of the time around me XD

Dad called it a phase, that I would get over it as soon as I would get bored.

Mom..yeah, she didn't really care I guess, as long as she didn't have to listen to it 8DD.

But she did call me crazy at numerous occasions...

Seeing also how my parents are divorced and I see my dad every second week, I think he tries to be interested when he really doesn't give a richard simmons.. xD

When Korean music came along last year, my brother kept shaking his head around me.

My dad is amazed that I'm still in this "phase".

And my dear mother..I haven't heard any comments from her as of late O_o

..LOL, just by reading what I just wrote, it seems like my family is more on the ignorant side and try to stay as oblivious as possible when it comes to me and my music interests >8DD

I'm considered the craziest member of the family, so I suppose they're not that surprised with what I do or listen to XD

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Guest Samii_18

LOL @ post above ^ 

I admire you courage!!


I've always loved Japanese anime&manga/music/drama's and my parents were cool with it since they love Japan =P We've vacationed there over four times!

However, my parents were slightly indifferent when I started listening to K-pop at first, now I have a Korean boyfriend so they just assume that he got me into it even though I've been listening to it wayyyy before we started dating xD. Either way, they don't have much of a say in it. 

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Guest dodici

My dad used to care a LOT. He hated it and I think he still does but can't really do anything about it since I'm way over the age of him telling me what to listen to. He didn't like how I went on forums all the time, always listening to korean music. Bahhh. Just thinking about it, irks me.

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Guest PeaceOfCake

My entire family watches k-drama, and we're not korean LOL. It's just that korean dramas are more fun to watch than... other dramas? XD

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Guest Anehi.

My dad doesn't really care, i mean he thinks it's odd but doesn't say anything about it. Then again he loves martial arts movies. His collection is HUUGE, so i'd say we're pretty much even.=D

Whereas my mum jokes about me marrying a Korean guy in the future lol.

But on the plus side I managed to get her to watch a korean movie they were showing on TV called "The Good, The Bad, The Weird" and she liked it alot, although she hated the ending.

And the rest of my family think I'm weird anyway, so my interest in K-Pop is one of my many weird quirks to them.

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Guest silverkey_

They're reaction at first was: Eh? O.o, then they always ask if understand them...i'll just say they have is a subtitle or translation.

eventually they got used to it...and sometimes when i laugh while in my room..they're like "she's going crazy again"...

afterwards i started to play korean songs in whole household, and my dad didn't like it...and said that i can only play them when he's not around, but i'm really stubborn, so i still play them and eventually he got used to it...my mom doesn't have say, but i got my brother to like them too. he even sometimes watch variety shows with me. Now my dad actually suggest that since i listen to korean songs so much i might as well learn their language, but i'm still trying to think about it...i mean with school and all it might just be in a way.

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Guest UhOhYoonie

My mom doesnt mind, because

she loves the whole korean drama

thing! like almost eveyone i know.

my dad, at first did not like it

but he got use to it. he catches

me all the time(: -- singing or

dancing to it.

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Guest diaoestgurl

Well, my parents HATE k-dramas and dont care about kpop for sure. But they dont have a problem with me fangirling over my idol groups. They just act like they dont know bout it. Well thats cool to me

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest vern_scorita

simply "its okay as long as you are not obsessed"


but its harder nowadays to not to get obsessed.. korean are just awesome..


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My mom is fine with it, she likes all the Asian stuff I listen to/watch (probably because she's asian too....), but my dad thinks I'm weird. Since my brother and sister also are into it, my parents don't really question it anymore. Also the fact that I listen to music and watch shows from all over the place (swedish, french, english, korean, japanese, chinese, thai, filipino, burmese, german, nigerian, latino, american, brazilian, and probably more...) makes it less "weird" to my dad. He's just kinda excepted that I love all music and videos, no matter what country it's from. Haha XD

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I mostly gtt weird looks from people around me. especially when I started getting all emotional aka bawling my eyes out while watching my fave dramas on TV.

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Guest Jaeseoppar.

eh..my parents dont make a big deal out of it. My mom watches Korean drama's too so..they can't say anything. lol~

when it comes to Korean music, they're like. "Do you understand what they're saying?"

and I say i do when i really don't. lol~ ^^;;

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